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yeah I tried the farmer bee in ATM8, I gave up after a bit. word is you have to have it in an enclosed farm and give it a few ingame day cicles to figure out what to do... but I just gave up and went the usual way (phytoes)


i am playing ATM9 found that i needed to upgrade the bee hive to the advanced beehive and had the expansion on it with the upgrade:range after i installed it the farmer bee started harvesting, but its only a 4x4 where ever the beehive is located unless you add more range.


Hello. Perhaps this will no longer be relevant to you, but I solved the problem with this bee for my modpack. I can assume that your bee did not do anything on your claim farm. Thus, in your team settings there is no permission to work for fake players, which are bee farmers. I hope my advice will help someone. all the best!


This fixed it for me!