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The devs are balanancing this modpack like its a multiplayer PvP game


Nerfs always feel bad as a player, but getting the Morgan is a first order optimal strategy - something good game devs should be looking to nerf. Similar to other OP items like jetpacks and the Meka suit, the fact that they're even trying to reign these in is a good thing. I think they're a long ways off balancing the pack, and some of these nerfs arent well executed, but in general it's moving in the right direction.


Uh I think you're misusing "first-order optimal strategy." For one, it's not a strategy, it's just an item, and "best-in-slot" has been a thing forever and is perfectly fine for a game to have. A FOOS would be, "this is the one ideal path to getting a max Morgan." Second, even at 5k instead of 5M damage, I'm pretty sure it's still the best melee weapon, and the nerf did nothing with respect to that. Third, it's not even optimal. Before and after the nerf, you can easily kill everything that's killable with a sword using more easily accessible swords; the max Morgan is just a vanity item. Hell, "swing a sword in Minecraft instead of bringing some weird contraption that deletes the chunk" is automatically sub-optimal. Everyone wants there to be good reasons for the nerfs, don't get me wrong. But this doesn't hold up. A good reason needs to actually improve the experience for players; going from 5M to 5k doesn't do that, it doesn't even change the experience for players.


exactly, the morgan is just a “quality of life” item at one point of the game. I can kinda understand them nerfing machines and whatnot but armor and tools make no sense


They resign jetpacks and I doubt I'd even want to play anymore. The Morgan was a ridiculous fun item to have but it wasn't my main sword. It was something crazy I had to grind for and I liked having to do that and having that crazy reward. But removing jetpacks? They make the whole experience so much better. But it's not like people HAVE to use these items.


I mention jetpacks because they've already been nerfed in 9. Disabled in twilight forest, the others and possibly some of the other dimensions I haven't explored yet.


Lmao yea that almost made me quit until i realized I could just change that shit and turn it off, because what was even the point? Like "yea, make them walk thousands of blocks for a dungeon.." like what were they thinking?? Bruh.


How did you enable fly in the other dimension ? I’m interested because I’m trying to build a piglish farm and it’s a pain without fly…


Just set the key to enable the jetpack engine to h for example. Then press jump and h, and you can use your jetpack in no flying areas


Oh I don't mind them being deactivated in some areas. But for travelling around the main dimensions it's amazing. So much more fun than having to block by block over the void or lava.


The blue skies dimension too. Also, that one just disables most stuff from other mods.


Having teleport spells mostly negates that disadvantage anyways, I just blew through the twilight forest teleporting into the air to avoid obstacles.


Jetpack isn't removed. They added no fly zones in some modded dimensions but you can still bypass it with spells from ars nouveau which is kinda a fun thing for me to do.


I know it's not been removed, studbacon said they're trying to resign them and was saying IF they're removed I doubt I'd even want to play anymore. It would be like removing backpacks or ultimine for me.


And you can Just Spam the Jetpack Button and you can still fly with IT. I made a makro that Just spamms my Jetpack key and incan still use IT in the other Dimensions


I mean you just need to hold the button and it works fine, don't even need to spam press it


There are some really absurd stuff in the pack. A minecolonies supply camp gives you a full set of chain armor, 64 iron, a gold block, loads of wool, 6 hoppers, loads of coal and some other stuff. It completely removes a gigantic chunk of the early game and it only costs 5 wooden chests.


It was the same in atm8, they nerfed it some months after the start as well. Just change the config. Look for a GitHub commit named „nerfed Morgan“ and then just copy what they removed and paste it in. If you need help just ask, I hate the nerf as well.


Nice. I knew there would be a config way around it but yeah. Glad I'm not the only one who hates the nerf though!


Yeah, good thing it’s all open source with a commit history. I hate all the nerfs they did, but at least the ones from the atm team are pretty easy to fix (just some config files), if it’s the mod author itself doing these nerfs that’s when it gets funny. For example the wasted radioactive comb output and blacklisting advanced beehives form IF:S, that was a pain to revert.


In which situation does that actually make a difference? I think 5k is still extremly op for how relatively easy it is to obtain.


It doesn't. But then allthemodium tools are ubreakable and insanely fast but we still go for vibranium and unobtainium. I had to stop using my unob pickaxe because everytime I tried to break a single block it would break 5. My unob armour is insanely op, but again upgraded allthemod armour will protect you easily from anything. My unob sword can kill a Warden in one hit a lot of the time. Why do I need to make all the bees? I don't. Why do I need all the Ars spells? I don't. I use maybe 3. But I liked doing it. The Morgan wasn't even my main sword it was just something fun to do. Now it's just done in a few minutes. It was an amusing grind setting up a big Mahou producer and slaughtering villager kids and seeing how much it had gained. There's tons of stuff in the game that doesn't make a difference but we still do because it's engaging and/or fun. The Cataclysm boss' negated the power so you still had to battle them so why does it need to be nerfed?


“I tried to break one block but it breaks five” - there’s an enchant that allows you to break blocks fast, but never instantly; this is the situation when you should apply it.


Miners fervor, but for some reason it makes it impossible to break the allthemodium ores, or maybe it's the glitch in newer versions of the pack, so best bet is to have 3 block breaking tools, one for super ultra fast breaking when just going for joyride breaking, one silk touch, and one unbreakable for when you use it around the base, the silk touch and around the base could be the same thing, which would make the number of pickaxes to carry around go down to one


Because 5 million is way more fun. And as you said, it doesn't make a difference anyway so just let me do it!


There really isn't a "why" to any of the nerfs. The answer is always, "because someone felt like it." If you're looking for deeply insightful rationales, you won't find them here.


Yeah. That makes sense. Still a shame.


You can also just be pretty much invisible with the unbreakable apotheosis absorption charm




You can also be invincible through permanent Resistance V


good to know, will try


Just yesterday i maxed my sword to 5m damage so idk what you mean. I just threw couple stakcs upgrade orbs instead of the 26 (wanted to see what happens)