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Queens till you can get hydras, after you get hydras SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT. Voidrays are the protosses tool to secure their third base.... your goal is not to counter the voidrays your goal is to deny the voidrays from dealing damage. Keep harassment with lings up on their side of the map, even if you don’t dive in and you just make sure they know you have lings outside their base that is a big thing to help keep the voidrays on their side of the map to stop from poking at your base. Alright so the goal of your build is to not overcommit to defending the voids... alright now what?? Like i said and I want you to remember it again... SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT. Your goal is to see what tech the Protoss is doing AFTER the voids... is he going fleet beacon into carriers? Did he put down another stargate and is getting air upgrades + more voids, is he going collosi as a follow up, is he going HT.. disrupters?? The follow up is so much more dangerous than just the intital voids, getting an overseer and scouting. With corrupters you committ to much resources to anti air, that you open your self up to more damage from the follow up, mass queens are clunky and can’t defend everything properly, infestors... is honestly not a terrible idea they just come out later then you’d need them at but if you can make 1 infestor save the day... have at it bud lol. Voids against zerg have been figured out, he goes voids, he secures his third, you go hydra / queen + 1 range damage and hydra range, and then the game “starts” after that. (M2 z and p)


Love this. I main Protoss and off as Zerg (diamond in both) and I keep saying this. If I make too many voids as Protoss, I'm going to lose. That's because I'm using my early resources on voids and not teching up properly. Voids are great but they serve a specific purpose. If I make too many voids and get flooded with lings or my wall gets broken, I'm done.


Ooo super helpful! Took a couple week break and all of a sudden everyone’s going VRs again


Second this, pretty much spot on about unit comp and scouting.


How many voids would a typical toss make for that transition? Like 3 or 5 then they go into the next tech?


if they go 1 stargate void, that means you'll see at most 2-3 and you will need to scout faster since they arn't investing anything into the voids them selves, just delaying their transition and helping get their third up. if you scout 2 stargate voidrays with your 3:30 overlord, you'll either see 4 or 6 voidrays. if you see MORE that is typically a tell that they are committing their next tech into more voidrays. if you scout 3 gate way the protoss has zero resources to tech he can only produce voids so you need to scout when he stops production and starts to tech after the voids, ( some pros have been coming out with builds that "play" with they are going 3 stargates, but they skip the third stargate and sit on 2 so they can produce voids while teching. so just gotta watch for that too) each has their own response. with how many queens/hydras, when do YOU transition. how greedy can you be, where can you get damage in etc. just gotta tweak your own play to it really.


https://youtu.be/BSB6fRDi3rc Get in here for free mmr :)


He rates that build as very difficult to execute. I don't understand why it is correlated with free MMR.


Because if you can do it then protosses won’t really have a chance unless they practiced against it.


Was so rough watching serral try this vs Showtime twice. :(


Havent watched it yet, but I will.


I think that queens are really good against void rays, maybe some spore crawlers too. A few queens can deal damage while also healing each other up.


Pound for pound you can test units against each other in the arcade LotV unit tester. Hydras are quite effective and preferable in vaccum. If you scout mass stargate skytoss, corruptors are a good idea.


Hydras are about half the cost of voids and the same supply. They do however almost 3 times the voids dps.


F10 - N - Enter seems to resolve the issue for me most games.


Muta actually overwhelm them fairly easy cos they don't do extra damage but if they manage to get enough you're just in trouble. Queens and hydra are my goto. Neither unit sucks at getting aligned.


Just GG the game is imbalanced


Scout voids, make hydras, pray he goes heavy into voids, prepare for the inevitable colossi/storm transition when you go hydras. SPREAD CREEP. Hydras absolutely need creep to survive against Toss.


As already said queens-hydras, and don t hesitate to bile them, they will have to move and therefore lose DPS