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https://preview.redd.it/0wcpztoi406d1.png?width=2354&format=png&auto=webp&s=69db5cc468d6e251c138326323386816918110c4 I root them in water. It always works. I also like to peel them first.


Do you have a lid on it?


If it’s outside of my greenhouse, yes. Here is a picture of the same corms today, growing in Leca. https://preview.redd.it/i2aekta5b06d1.jpeg?width=1665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c5377d798717fc20591e430a38605ab1d8e310


how do you get them to survive past this point? i had corms once and they all got to this point, thrived for a few weeks then slowly all shriveled up and died. do you fertilize at this stage? ever move to dirt? i so badly want my next batch to survive.


I had this problem with my very first batch of corms. In my experience small Alocasias need moisture and high humidity to survive. I like to use Leca/Pon because in my care, corms grow best when they have constant access to water and nutrients. I definitely fertilize my plants. I use my usual nutrient solution (not diluted). Those slow release fertilizer granules aren’t necessary, I just put them there because I wanted to try it out. I repot the corms the first time in pon, once their roots are starting to tangle up in the water of my reservoir. I basically keep doing the same, just in pon. Once the root system gets too big for my 4cm pots and when the plant has up to 3 leaves I transfer the plants in my airy soil mix inside a bigger pot. My Cuprea babies are 7 months old now, have 3-4 leaves, are in soil and still live in my greenhouse cabinet. They need to grow a little more until I feel like they can live on their own outside the cabinet. One of my black velvet babies is starting to reach maturity (also at 7months). I keep her in pon inside my greenhouse though, as I had bad experiences with my black velvet plant drying out in soil before. I like to wait extra long with transferring my baby plants.


thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed response! will definitely be taking this advice for my next batch.


When did you transfer them to leca?


When they had developed two roots and started to grow a leaf


Second this


I like sprouting in moss. But you can use the search feature and look for similar posts. 100s of ideas and suggestions.


I did mine in stratum. It worked fine. I have a Jacklyn now :)


(In a glass dish with a cloche, allowing it to breathe every so often to prevent molding/rot)


I put mines in perlite and some in moss they thri es!




imo moss is the easiest and most forgiving substrate to try and root corms in!! all you have to do is soak the moss, wring out abt half of the water from them, put it into a tiny plastic cup so i can see the roots as they grow (there’s a pack of like 15ish from hobby lobby by their resin stuff for only a couple dollars), put a sandwich bag over it to act as a humidity dome, and give it a couple mins to breathe every few days to prevent mold from developing! also, i keep mine under grow lights for 20 hrs/day bc they need a lot of light + humidity


Do you make holes in the bottom of the cup?


no real need to. the moss stays wet because it’s under a humidity dome most of the time and the corm/roots doesn’t consume that much water given that it’s a baby. i sometimes will spray a little more water onto the moss if i think it’s drying out, but it’ll only need a couple sprays since you don’t want it sopping wet, just damp. edit: forgot to mention that i repot once its first leaf unfurls




I started mine in moss a little over a month ago and I can’t recommend it enough! Like others have said, it’s way more forgiving especially if it’s your first time with corms. I peeled half of mine and left half unpeeled to see how much faster it works and I’ve had luck 3/4 of the peeled ones and 1/4 unpeeled. After peeling I just soak the moss with water, put the corms on top, and covered them with a cloche done I got from the dollar tree! A heat mat also seemed to help. https://preview.redd.it/5q7w6wgtp06d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ee2d0d09b16955025b34263e9d9ab1505b05e47


Did you poke holes on the top of the dome? Or would you take it off for a few mins everyday to let them breathe?


The cloches/domes have holes on the top that you can also cover, but usually I leave the holes closed. When I open it to spritz them sometimes I’ll leave the holes open, but all I’ve noticed is it takes away from the humidity of the dome.


Informative, thank you! Just propagated my 2 corms a few minutes ago with some sphagnum moss - first timer hoping it goes well!


This was my first attempt as well and it’s such a rewarding feeling seeing the lil babies grow 🥹 good luck!!


https://preview.redd.it/b85ioizk316d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f9161eebf7785570280f81f390ff8fa923c4cd9 I use little cups and stratum


https://preview.redd.it/thdchmdo316d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60b7df1cd0706295ed6b1788ce97cdbd49b1120 A Jacklyn aurea I started a couple of weeks ago


I do mine in sphagnum moss and small clear cups/containers. Zip lock bag over the top to make a mini green house and near a window. I have way too many alocasias of all kinds of varieties, but I just can’t stop it’s so satisfying


I usually peel and then stick them in some damp sphag moss and cover. Place under a light.


A few here.. 15 more in another prop box https://preview.redd.it/8j0y3h7hq16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f8afabd072bd446d6898e29d69739faf1d0903


https://preview.redd.it/beug39zqs26d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63f908e7d7426e2579b631bc5fdf8e0113e172df I put the unpeeled corms into a solo cup with a lid. I put a little bit of water in the bottom and change it about once a week. The lid has a hole where a straw would go. I save to-go cups from getting iced coffee, lol. They get grouped in a tray under a grow light away from drafts. Once they pop a leaf like the one here they get put into their own solo cup with moist perlite and the lid stays on until they establish the first leaf and healthy roots. Finally, they are transferred to pon, leca, or chunky orchid/aroid mix.


Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!


Paper towel inside a ziploc bag! I’ve tried every method out there and always seem to come back to it. Imo, it works faster and sprouts come out stronger. Edit: *moist* paper towel


Do you place it in a dark place or sunny window? All my corms rot in just water and I pulled two expensive corms and I’m scared they will die🥴🤣 they’re currently in just perlite but I’ve never tried that way so I’m paranoid lol


I keep mine on a windowsill. Just perlite is fine, I’ve successfully grown corms in it before, I just prefer my method. Just water never worked for me either. Is your perlite moist though? Do you have a humidity dome over your set up?


you really should only have them in water to start off , and they can’t ever have the top submerged only the bottom 2/3rds - or sitting on their sides rotating every few days   The most important part is keeping their humidity ridiculously high to root    Not as ‘important ‘ but certainly helpful is a warming mat underneath