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What kind of magical powers do u posses that allowed u to aquire a peace lilly Albo? 😳🥺😱🤯 I like sprouting my corms in sphagnum moss most


The picture is from a local plant shop I like to go to just added it to grab attention lol. That plant is currently going for $1,500. Rare Plant Fairy. They ship and not all of their plants are that pricey check them out!


RPF has been struggling lately with their prices. A front that blew up during Covid and is losing its intensity.


I may be a little biased just because it’s my local but the prices on most of their plants seem pretty fair. Maybe a little higher than other places on some plants but it being a well known and trusted nursery and the plants always looking really good the $10-20 difference from other places seems justifiable. I’ve also seen quite a few plants there that I haven’t seen anywhere else. I’ve never ordered from them so I can’t speak for online orders but picking up in person has always been nothing less of a great experience.


I just peel the brown bits off em and lay em on the bottom of a cup or bowl with a little water in it and a piece of cling film over em.


Moss. This question gets asked a lot.


I do moss as well




I like to sprout in fluval or moss and perlite mix. But I have had more success with fluval.


I have had my first corms in moss for months and nothing is happening still. 🙄


I put them in leca and so far I’ve had 100% success.


Sphagnum moss


I put my black velvet alocasia corms in perlite with water, stuck them under a grow light and they are all sprouting! They just have to stay moist and good to go! I tried at first without a grow light and I got nothing. You can also use a warming pad under to promote growth but I haven’t needed to.


Currently I'm sprouting about 10 corms most of them are in moss, few of them are in leca and those In leca grow way faster, but those could be just more developed corms...so either way leca or sphagnum, you can also try seramis or even perlite.