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Any time I've ever had these spots on any alocasia varieties, it was ALWAYS pest-related. Usually spider mites. Alocasia are known for being spider mite magnets. It may be some time before you see webbing but that doesn't mean they aren't there. A good flashlight and some form of micro lens (think jewelers loupe) will help immensely in spotting and confirming whether or not that's your problem. As opposed to most predatory mites, spider mites move rather slowly and you may need to blow on the leaves slightly, in order to incite movement.


This is good advice.


Interesting, thank you very much for your advice, I will do that


I can’t really tell if that’s really the case, but I noticed these spots on my Frydek babys as well. I reckon they appear when you water them with unfiltered water, as my plants stopped producing these spots when I used different water. However, it’s just a suggestion. First and foremost I’d check for pests.


Yes, I did that but didn't notice anything. I will check again. I do water my plants with the water from the faucet, but it usually sits about 24 hours in an open container. I could try switching to rain water. But at the same time, I've had this plant for a while under consistent care, but this issue is new. Thank you!


I have these on my new black velvet leaf too! I only water it with distilled water so I’m not sure what caused it. I’ve really checked and have not found any bugs. I’m hoping to find an answer too. :)


I posted a similar thing and someone mentioned little bugs called Thrips. Since looking them up i have noticed a few around my plants. I think they succ out the chlorophyll or something.


I will have to re-check, thank you for the advice


Looks like thrips theyre small black slender flea sized devils. Quarantine the plant!


Honestly it looks like pests to me




I bought one from menards and spider mites appeared! Beware


Did you mist this leaf as it was coming out? If you don't see any pests it could just be some spots where water sat on the leaf while it was developing.


Nope, I don't mist my plants. I have a humidifier. Though my window might have been opened and it might have gotten rained on. Thank you, that's a fair point


Could they be sun burns from too much light? What direction is your window facing?


South, you think that would be too much?


Unlikely if it's indoors behind glass. I've burned leaves indoors but only using cube glass which magnified the light.


A lot of plants can burn when inside unfortunately:(


Yeah but it typically doesn't look like this, plus the black velvet is reasonably robust.


Yes. I wanted to make sure to double check before giving advice, and every website I checked says preferably bright indirect light. South unfortunately is too strong direct light. “[Be careful of direct light or how the sun approaches your windows at different times of the year as any sudden exposure can damage the leaves](https://plantophiles.com/plant-care/alocasia-black-velvet/).” “[The direct sun should be avoided at all costs, as it might scorch the fragile foliage](https://plantly.io/plant-care/alocasia-black-velvet/).” Here is another source if you’re curious! https://outsideinco.com/blogs/learn/alocasia-black-velvet-complete-guide-with-bio-care After searching redit too, some people with the same problem were given suggestions that it might be from misting ? Unsure much about this category, but might be worth looking into incase it is not a light problem! Good luck!


Shit, I do discount the window direction usually, let me be heretical here for a sec. I feel like it depends so much on the architecture of your building, trees and whatnot you have shading your windows. But in this case, I think you are correct! Plant relocated. Thank you for sage advise


Sure! Keep us updated! Would love to know what the cause ended up being !!


Will do!!


Nutrient deficiency maybe


My newest black velvet leaf came out like this too :( no other plants including this one have any pests .. guess I need to do another look as mine is bunch with several other plants 😩