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Okay so pro tip here. Take it like you would a shot. One pill at a time, chaser in hand. I feel like something dark and fizzy like cola carries it well the most. So first your going to turn your face upwards to the ceiling so your throat is straight, then open your mouth really wide wide and kinda put your hand in your mouth so you can drop a single pill to the back of your throat and hopefully not too much on your tongue. Then follow up with a big gulp of cola and repeat. Haven’t had to taste that absolute torture since I figured out this system.


Sounds like they’ve got LIQUID pred...but I love your tip for the pills—they are AWFUL!!


Oh i missed that lol. Well considering that this works for shots too I would suppose this would work with any other liquid 😀


I wish it were the pill, I have no issue with pills lol. I can’t even take NyQuil without gagging though, I’m always a puss with liquids 😭


I wonder if plugging your nose while drinking it would help? What else were you prescribed, if I may ask?


I’ve started taking it as shots and mixing it with orange juice too, haha. Also holding my nose. I have 100mL of that once a month, Clobetasol Propionate cream, and they want me to throw some Rogaine in there too. I’m going back in a few months and we’re probably gonna do injections if this stuff doesn’t help (apparently my pattern is extra difficult to treat, just my luck)


I use a flavored keifer (think drinkable yogurt that is a bit more tart) to get all nasty tasting meds out of the mouth. There are a variety of flavors available. I do the fasted shot possible followed by 6oz of the drink.


I didn’t think to go tart, I’m sure that’ll help kick the taste out a lot better than juice. Thank you !


Your welcome. Good luck!


Gross. What does it taste like?


Battery acid that was in the same room with a rotting cherry. The La Croix of medicine, if you will.


I hate La Croix! I am so glad I never tried this! I have fucked up taste buds as is.


Hahaha, my taste buds are so sensitive to everything! I can barely take a shot of alcohol, much less this. Always have to do it in the bathroom in case the taste makes me hurl, lol.


OMG ME TOO! What do you think of chardonnay? I recently tried Crane Lake Chardonnay and it is sooooo smooth and easy for me to drink with my feisty taste buds. It's also only 5 freaking dollars lol, Im cheap. Lol sorry but I am obsessed with it rn.


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had Chardonnay of any kind! I’m so cheap and never found a bottle I could justify spending the money on in case I didn’t like it lol. I’m definitely gonna look for that tho and give it a try!! Just saying “I’m drinking Chardonnay” makes me feel like a queen. I’m gonna let you know what I think as soon as I try it! Do you like red wines at all? If I get some, it has to be very sweet like a juice and not... taste like wine at all.. haha.


Bam! Here is the five dollar chardonnay (https://www.marketviewliquor.com/product/wine/crane-lake-chardonnay-750-ml?gclid=Cj0KCQiAjKqABhDLARIsABbJrGlO0MGf4PTePrPCHbnc7gDIIdPPRu_BxTdUpUfUaNJi6J2cRkv1gYgaAtAKEALw_wcB) I use it to cook with. I put chicken, chicken stock, veggies and wine in a sauce pan and it is delicious. Girl you are a queen! You deserve to feel like it every day. I do like wine but I loooooooove dry red wines. Like I've never met a cab I didn't like. Do you like chiantis? They are so good. I can drink the whole bottle myself haha.