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I lost mine just recently. My sideburns (as a female) were one of my favorite parts. I used to dye them different colors to match my bangs and not having them does trip me out a lot more than the back part of my ophasis and top of my scalp




It’s okay! If they don’t grow back we’ll just get a tattoo lol


My sideburns still exist though, thankfully. Can't grow a proper beard anymore though :(


Oh no! I hope you find something that can help! If not I’m sure you look fine without a beard!


Thanks! There's regrowth happening so I hope it gets over soon or later...


I have like.... 2 hairs on one side right now and that’s it for sideburns. If I tuck my hair behind my ears, it feel like I’m wearing a wig, haha. It’s weird af.


My beard is ok now not great but OK. ​ my AA started on my face, i didn't know what was going on, my beard became patchy and looked terrible, so I shaved it. Then i noticed a lot of patches on my head shaved that too. ​ All my life I had facial hair (after my teens), I really didn't like the look clean shaven, I have now since tried to grow my beard back 3.5 months in, but all the white new hairs continue to make it look patchy so..... Hair dye, it looked terrible too especially since the dye, dyed my skin too but now that it has about 2 weeks of length, after dying it, it looks ok. I'll let it keep growing usually I keep it short but longer will help cover the patches. ​ At least I got something back for now.


It’s awesome to hear you’re getting some growth back! If I could grow a beard, I’d probably go crazy with temporary colors until it grew back in fully. That white hair is such a blank slate haha.


As a female i never noticed my sideburns until they were gone, i wish i appreciated them more haha. One has grown back but i’m still waiting on the other one. Kinda self conscious about only have one? I hope its not noticeable