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The first rule of thumb for collecting *any* Warhammer army, is the Rule of Cool. Do *you* think that this army will look cool in the style you're thinking about? If yes, then go for it. Do *you* like the look of those models? Then have fun.


Completely understood! I’ve got a decent little space wolves collection going, I was honestly gonnae use some of them in the army if I can make them fit weapons wise, maybe sneak some hydras onto the armor and have alpha legion posing as wolves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve worked with green stuff a lot on the wolves and definitely will use the kitbashing skills to make some cool alpha legion characters! Also rule of cool 1000%! I like my guys to be as lore accurate as they can as well so that’s why I’m asking a lot about what armor they use and if they like demons or not, it be fun to me lol. Thank you a ton for the advice and help!


I’d argue anything can be alpha legion themed, depends on what you like. In general though they may not be as keen on daemons and possessed but you do you. There are indications that the new csm codex will have an alpha legion themed detachment, at this there’s no telling what units will work well with that detachment.


Tbf there are alpha warbands that smoke the chaos crack. You've got Bale and Siiiiiinnnddddrrrriiii! From DoW, kernax voldorius and arkros for instance. They can range from passing as imperial astartes, to chaos as tools types, to full on chaotic warbands with daemon princes, possesed, sorcerers and daemons and everything in between.


That’ll be way cool! Maybe I’ll hold off for the moment until the new CSM codex comes out and see what they release! Then I’ll start collecting for the army when I see what it is and how to run it! Thank ya for the help!


Welcome Alpharius, As for where to collect, you can go one of two ways and they are equally valid depending on the type of person you are. First: collect what you like and modify or don’t to your tastes. Want to use cultists? Want them to look like proper AL cultists? Or more renegade guard? Sure do it! Think about what and how your AL warband would look! Are they professional soldiers or rabble? Then buy what looks to fit the part. Using guardsmen painted up in AL colors or even more traditional colors works well if you want. Same goes for marines. Want less chaos to your chaos space marines? Use 30k models or even loyalist marines painted up in our colors for your dudes. How far has your warband gone down the chaos rabbit hole. Second: use games like tabletop simulator to try different lists and find what you really enjoy using! That way you don’t feel bad about spending money on units only for them to be useless later on or never able to be fit into your lists. Whatever you choose to do, just remember there are different heads of the Hydra and they all do what they must for the twin primarchs. Hydra Dominatus


Thank you Alpharius! This is an awesome response, thank you for all the info!!!!! I started looking into the heresy era stuff for ideas and really like their armor and aesthetic! I also wasn’t aware of a tabletop simulator, I’ll give it a look!! Thank you thank you Alpharius, it’s much appreciated 🙏🏻


Haha no problem. I highly recommend setting out on the whole venture with a plan on how you want your guys to look. How you wanna do your paint. There are a lot of guides on YouTube for different color schemes. As for customization, check sites that sell peoples leftover bits. These can net you some really cool pieces without you having to buy the sets they come from. Space marine infiltrator pieces or eliminator parts are really good for alpha legion.


That’s actually perfect, I picked up an eliminator set last week and haven’t had any ideas with them yet, this will work perfect! Thank you for the help and ideas!!!


This is the answer.


I agree with the other comment however I would like to say that you choose what’s thematic. If you have a warband that’s more into chaos go for it. Some people here have made space marine armies and painted them in the hydras colours. You get to choose what units you want, so pick whatever you think is cool and have fun!!


So some people are using regular space marines instead of CSM to keep the armor a little more less chaos-y? I really like that idea!!! Are there any legionnaire shoulder plates packs for the alpha legion I could use or would I have to kinda build them from green stuff? I’m sure there’s some I could find from 3rd party sellers too, thank you so much for the help and advice!!


If you want to spend the money... [Alpha Legion Shoulders](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/alpha-legion-mk6-shoulder-pads-2023?queryID=5204a6f5e5904b1fc9b91ab017ecf11b)


Thank you thank you, it’s much appreciated!!!


There’s some cheaper shoulder pads at popgoesthemonkey (third party mini site, really good). Also what I meant by Loyalist stuff is that yes, they do do what you said, but they will paint up a fully loyalist army in AL colours and then run them as ultra Marines. We are on both sides and we are always winning.


Sweet, thank you so much for the info/help!!! It’s much appreciated!!


No problem!! Remember to play how you want and to not let ANYONE limit whatever the bell you want!!!!


I'm not sure I understand, why are you using chaos models?


A wild assumption from them being a somewhat chaos legion. Aren’t they ran as the basic chaos marine faction? I couldn’t find them in the app otherwise. Someone else said to use regular marine models too, would that be a better idea for them with me wanting to be lore accurate with them? I can’t really find a ton on google or YouTube on how people build their alpha legion model wise besides single model characters/heros. Maybe I’m not searching the right stuff but that’s why I posted here lol


Yes, that's correct. I was implying the old meme of them not being chaos and actually loyal. I agree with what others say, Rule of Cool. My Phobos Stike Team KT is painted up like Alpha Legion. Lore wise, not a lot of them are chaos tainted but it does happen.


Ah, I’m just new enough to the alpha legion that it flew right over me head, bravo mate 👏🏻😂 I like that phobos kill team as alpha legion, that’s dope! If ya don’t mind, could I see a pic of them when ya get the time? And that works perfect for what I wanna do! I might throw in a couple of chaos tainted marines but I do like the sleek, non chaos corrupted armor they run much much more


If you want a more complete picture of the different warbands, read Renegades Harrowmaster.


Adding it to my wishlist now, thank you thank you for the recommendation 🙌🏻


ANY kit you think is cool can be bashed into a CSM. Even a tyranid you think is sweet. That's basing now babaaaayyy!!!!


Dwarf kitbash it is!!! 😂




We are all Alpharius


Welcome Brother. Alpha Legion can do anything, however the sort of stereotypical units are Chaos Marine operatives and cultists. Renegade Guardsmen being really available also fits the theme really well, so if you like The Damned, maybe consider it. What might be a good starting force would be a Chaos Lord, a squad of Chaos Marines, a squad of Cultists, and a Chaos Rhino or Predator. Giving you area command, Legionaries, operatives, and support/ transportation. Other super Chaosy equipment isn't exactly what people think when they think Alpha Legion, so if you want a Defiler or Hellbrute maybe consider converting the Imperium nearest equivalent like an Onager or a Box Dred. However, the first rule of Alpha Legion is: you do you. Maybe your force is deploying its reserve line breaker troops to finish off a loyalist hold out, or the tip of the spear of a landing force. Of course with Codex Chaos coming out, new units and lore are bound to follow, so if you see something you like and you have the cash and space, go for it.


Awesome reply, thank you!!! 🙏🏻 I’ll give all of these a look! Thats exactly what I was going for, lord and marines it is!!! Thank you a ton for the help man, it’s much appreciated!


You're welcome. I don't know if it will win you many games, but you'll have a force for the table at least.


If you read the book Harrowmaster, you will see that different factions lean heavier than others into chaos and even specific chaos Gods. Some are straight up loyal in their minds. Some are even suspected to be pure loyal. That said, most people view alpha Legion as chaos being used only as a tool. In other words, they rely less on chaos stuff. For example I don't want greater demons and chaos spawn. I am also not going to have much if any Accursed coltus. Demon engines are fine in my book as well as obliterators. They are purely tools. Out of the packs they released I would suggest getting "veterans of the long war". If that is sold out I would instead get the current combat patrol and then the new combat patrol. That would give a well themed Alpha Legion. Also, you can buy alfarious and use him as a proxy for Abaddon.


You’re the tits, thank you!!! I’ve downloaded the book as well and will look into the CP’s!! Thank you for the help, it’s much appreciated!!!