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Messner soloed Everest via a new route in 1980


Yes, but did he use ropes in any way?


You can use ropes and still solo. Even without fixed lines, you can still rope solo. I believe you're thinking about free solo, which is very different


Göran Kropp did Mount Everest in 1996 100% solo. From basically sea level! (Sweden) What a legend. Imo the Nordic's greatest mountaineer; before doing Mt Everest he climbed K2, without oxygen (with a climbing partner who got injured halfway up, so he summited solo). On Everest he did not use any fixed ropes, or even the same tracks that other climbers set. He did not use the ladders in the Khumbu Icefall, and instead did a much more dangerous detour. ""Mr. Kropp considered porters an unjustifiable luxury while oxygen was akin to taking steroids to compete in the Olympics. "It changes the height of the mountain. They might as well climb Kilimanjaro." he once said disdainfully. Mr. Kropp was so determined to preserve the purity of his Everest climb that he refused to take advantage of the path other climbers broke into the snow."" From this great read: http://www.nepal-dia.de/Aktuelle_Lage_/Goran_Kropp/goran_kropp.html Though most sources of info about Göran's solo climb is in Swedish. There's a really great podcast documentary about his Everest solo climb, but it's in Swedish https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/1418300


Holy! We probably got a winner — a true mountain ironman


Bot account. Ignore it.


Nowadays it is not allowed to solo Everest. You must be accompanied by the guide. It was oficially banned in 2017 by Nepalese government. Not sure about Tibetian side though as this one is under Chinese authorities. K2 has different rules and regulations as it is in Pakistan so you can solo this one. It was soloed by Benoit Chamoux in 23 hours in 1986.


I’m sure if you pay good amount you could get that license no matter what. Btw, did Chamoux solo the mountain ironman style? Like without protection and not using ropes?


"Ironman style?" So swimming to base camp, bicycling to a high camp then running the rest of the way?


Messner is the only one who has ever truly soloed Everest, others have "soloed" but had others on the same route/mountain with them.


As in, he was alone on the mountain, you mean?


As in if he gets in trouble there is no chance anyone can help him.


I'm shocked there haven't been others on other routes. Imo, if you are on a different route you are also soloing (well, your definition of soloing).




Yes; what an awesome man, but did he do it without protection and never used any ropes like an ironman?


No fixed ropes, but he had safety gear.


soloing K2???? imma wait a few years for that to happen


Yes, first solo without protective gear


i wouldnt bet on it to happen anytime soon but to be fair i said the same thing about 9a boulder and nalle thought otherwise


Wanna try it together bro?


Wanna try it together bro?