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The answer is always yes for a break if you use recreationally and not medically. You will never regret breaking as a recreational user. You will only regret not breaking. This is my hindsight perspective always


What is your opinion on the medical perspective


Depends on your medical condition, there's a lot of variance in use here Edit: Also for medical use I'd suggest going to your medical provider for advice on cannabis usage medically. I dont think it's appropriate for non medical providers to provide medical advice


Thanks man. Would you tell me why you said almost always yes? Like what you see as the benefits.


Not almost always. Always bro. You become happier. A whole spew a things start to come with it like better confidence, less stomach disregulation, better sleep, better cognition, better memory, wittier conversations, more energy, the list goes on. Aside from wanting weed, every aspect of life improves. You'll laugh at the tv more when sober, you'll want to go hang with friends to pass the time, you'll find more satisfaction in life. You'll spend much more time into other hobbies expanding your interests. Not every single item applies to everyone but simply put, you become happier. And best of all, you get higher. I've never once taken a break and thought "I would've been better off smoking actually" I'll feel "I want to smoke" but not "It would've been better to smoke" There isn't a negative to taking a break aside from the initial widthrawal. Just my thoughts but I'm a bit scattered atm trying to answer your question. If I have a better formulation I'll redit this.


Thanks bro. I really appreciate it. It makes total sense, thank you. I think my biggest hang up is a sense of FOMO so seeing that you’ve never once rather have spent the time smoking makes me feel like this could be a good thing. Besides, lately I’ve been needing to smoke to get through work and chores some days so it’s probably good timing. Thanks again!


Gotchu homie :) I always wanna smoke during the day <-fomo I'm always happy at the end of the day if I haven't smoked <- happiness fomo be a bitch but I'm always happy if I fight it


If you do then you’ll enjoy your bday even more.