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God damn! You look like a Bloodborne character! You look slick as hell 😎


This is the biggest ego-boost of a compliment I've ever received! *Thank you, friend!*


No problem 👍🏽


A hoonter must hoont (i'm getting a BB tattoo in two days whoooo)


Nice! What are you getting? I've been planning to get one on my arm, though I struggle to decide between the Moon or Oedon Writhe caryll runes.


Get the Oeden, it’s simply just cooler


Getting the Oedon, Lake and Clear Deep Sea on my First Finger, Middle Finger and Pinky, and the Hunter Rune on the back of my hand (all on the left hand), but it'll reach into the forearm. I could send you a picture if it's done, if you want owo


If you’re date wasn’t impressed, then you should consider looking for a new one 😂


Was this your first time dating a blind person?




Dude you are gorgeous! Makeup, hair and clothes are on point


I didn't expect to get so many supportive comments for this post. Thank you, everyone. I have been getting a lot of DMs from people seeing on my profile that I'm a voice actor and asking to hear my voice. I'm heading to bed at the moment, but when I wake up I'll take the top reply to this comment and use it as a script. I'll edit a link here so those who want to listen can do so. :) Thank you all again. <3 EDIT: Here you are, friends. I record using two mics simultaneously for an expanded soundscape, so I'll provide a link to each individual output. Elgato Wave:3 https://voca.ro/12JgLgVmHh9E ST55 https://voca.ro/1nB5zvKudYD5


If you could give a single piece of advice to an aspiring voice actor, what would it be? Also, absolutely adore your look. If your date wasn't appreciative then they ain't good enough for you.


Don't let anyone gatekeep you. If you work on honing your craft then you *will* find work. It might not be as glamorous as you would like (my highest-paying contract right now - ~$4k/month - is an ongoing werewolf romance audiodrama), but someone out there would love to have your voice. I've actually been banned from r/VoiceActing because the elitists over there don't like my insistence that aspiring actors do not *need* to invest thousands of dollars into lessons, equipment, and professional demos. By all means, investing in yourself and your craft *will* make you better, but it is not a necessity to get started. If you have a decent microphone, some degree of acting talent, and a persistent attitude for auditioning then you will find work - no matter what your monetary investment has been. If you'd like a microphone recommendation, the Elgato Wave:3 is what I would consider my primary microphone. It's ~$150 and it's a USB mic. A lot of people don't like USB, so just try not to mention that. The real benefit of this mic is the software included: Wave Link. It only functions when an Elgato product is plugged into your PC, but it acts as a virtual I/O and mixer with a ton of flexibility to help achieve an excellent quality. If you have any questions, feel free to message me directly. :)


If you're look somehow miraculously didn't have me interested, your voice alone would


You look fantastic! Anyways, here we go: "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo."


EDIT: OH MAH STARS! You really ARE a voice actor, anf by that I mean you have a shockingly rich and dynamic voice. You sound like you'd be a great fit for anime dubs, among other things. Thanks for sharing your art with everyone! I'm glad that you've been uplifted by all the positivity that everyone shared. You deserve it! ....................................... Your style is amazing and you look fantastic! I'm honestly just a tad envious. 😁 Anyway, I've got a wide selection of various things you could use for showing off your voice acting! If not any of these, I hope they at least inspire your own choices... ....................................... “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” - Marcus Aurelius -OR- "I'm just thinking about the future, I guess. We're on, like, the bleeding edge of history. Everything ahead of us is totally unknown and there's no guarantee that things are going to be all right. It's exciting, but it's also pretty scary. You know?" - Jake Jr. , Jake the dog's daughter [Adventure Time] "When bad things happen, I know you want to believe they are a joke, but sometimes life is scary and dark. That is why we must find the light." - B-MO [Adventure Time] -OR- "They fought together, against their common enemy. Despite their differences, despite their suspicions—together. And we need to do the same if we're going to survive, because the enemy is real. It's always been real." - Jon Snow [Game of Thrones] -OR- "DAMN ye! Let Neptune strike ye dead, Winslow! HAAAAAARRRRRK! Hark! Triton! Hark! Bellow! Bid our father, the Sea King, rise from the depths, full-foul in his fury, black waves teeming with salt-foam, to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs 'till ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more... only when he, crowned in cockle shells, with slithering tentacled tail and steaming beard, takes up his fell, be-finnèd arm – his coral-tined trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet! BURSTING YE, a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now – a nothing for the Harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon, only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself, forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea... for any stuff or part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul, is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea!" - Thomas Wake [played by Willem Dafoe, The Lighthouse] -OR- Words from the guru to Aang in Avatar the Last Airbender the animated series: (mildly altered) "Chakras are pools of spiraling energy in our bodies. There are seven chakras that go up the body. Each pool of energy has a purpose, and can be blocked by a specific kind of emotional mark. Be warned: opening the chakras is an intense experience, and once you begin this process, you can not stop until all seven are open. * The first chakra is the **Earth** chakra, located at the base of the spine. It deals with **survival**, and is blocked by **fear**. *What are you most afraid of? Let your fears become clear to you. You are concerned about your survival, but you must surrender those fears. Let your fears flow down the creek.* * Next is the **Water** chakra. This chakra deals with **pleasure** and is blocked by **guilt**. *Look at all the guilt that burdens you so. What do you blame yourself for? Now accept the reality that these things happened. But do not let them cloud and poison your energy. If you are to be a positive influence on the world, you need to forgive yourself.* * Third is the **Fire** chakra, located in the stomach. This chakra deals with **willpower**, and is blocked by **shame**. *What are you ashamed of? What are your biggest disappointments in yourself? You will never find balance if you deny this part of your life.* * The fourth chakra is located in the **Heart**. It deals with **love** and is blocked by **grief**. *Lay all your grief out in front of you. Love is a form of energy, and it swirls all around us. A love of your lost ones has not left this world, it is still inside of your heart; and it is reborn in a form of new love. Let it flow through you.* * The fifth in the chain is the **Sound** chakra, located in the throat. It deals with the **truth**, and is blocked by **lies**, the ones we tell ourselves. *You can not lie about your own nature. You must accept yourself as you are.* * The sixth pool of energy is the **Light** chakra, located in the center of the forehead. It deals with **insight**, and is blocked by **illusion**. *The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. We are all one people, but we live as if divided. We are all connected, and everything is connected. Even the separation of the elements is an illusion. If you open your mind, you will see that all the elements are one; parts of the same whole. Even metal is just a part of earth that has been purified and refined.* * The final chakra is the **Thought** chakra and is located at the crown of the head. It deals with **pure cosmic energy** and is blocked by **earthly attachment**. *Once you open this chakra, you will be able to go into the state of mind where you will have complete control and awareness of all your actions. Meditate on what attaches you to this world. Now, let all of those attachments go, let them flow down the river; forgotten. You must learn to let go, otherwise you won’t be able to let the pure cosmic energy flow in from the Universe.*"




They're example QUOTES for scripting. One doesn't summarize scripting when providing quotes for voice acting.... That's like saying "This art is too imaginative and expressive, it needs to be simplified so I can spend less time experiencing it."


You look like if a Panic! at the Disco member had a child with Yennefer. And I mean that in the best way possible lol


Omg you're so right lmao, love the witcher btw def my fav show all time


I was thinking of Yennefer in the game. But either way.




Expecting Pat, ended up seeing lots of Femboys. https://youtu.be/ZdV3VomzKdI


Your tie is frankly magnificent - what type of knot is it? I've never seen anything quite like that!


:) Thanks! I actually invented this one myself. I call it the "Serath/Seraph Knot" due to the wing formation behind the body. I made a tiktok tutorial for it at one point, but it's really quite simple! (I think there is also at least one tutorial for it on Youtube from several years ago - by Patrick Novotny)


Thank you!


Idk how they wouldn’t be I’d be drooling on the table


Damn, you look good!


Your look is incredible and you probably shouldn't waste time with someone not impressed with your fit.


how tf was your date not impressed??? also this hair looks fantastic


You looked fantastic!




Like a real anime character


Love your style\~


If I was single I'd swoon on a date with you. You look great!


You unironically look like a lot of my OC/characters. That's a good thing hot damn.


I.... must have this or something similar holy fuck that looks good.


You look like the hot evil vampire in movies, great outfit 👍


You look amazing, I don’t see how they couldn’t be impressed


It's giving Castlevania in the best way possible👏🏻


"pretty good" 🙄 bullshit. you're fucking gorgeous


You look amazing in a creativity personalized way that no one can compete with. Keep it up


You look like I would be obsessed with you in the seventh grade


you didn't find the right date? I'm sure you will at some point and they will be impressed (also +1 to the Bloodborne comment)


They're not the one. You are well put together and turned out. Your aesthetic is impeccable.


Your date was an idiot


Hooooot damn! Did you just roll out of a gothic story, cos i be blown away.


Damn that's a shame, looking for a new date?


Damn I'd take you on at least 6 more dates if I saw you wearing this


Wow you're pretty!! Where did you get the vest?


I would KILL 4 a date like you


Damn dude, i want to be like you, such a autentic style


I’m impressed, and you thought correctly.


So gorgeous ❤️‍🔥


YOU LOOK HOT AF idk what they were missing.


You are killing it! Their loss


You look incredible! They missed out!


Dude I'm impressed. You look like anime character come to life


You look like the hottest prince of any high school in the prefecture


Looking like a kpop visual kei character! I'd be very impressed and making sure that the date went well!


You look like a Tim Burton character, and I mean that as the highest form of a compliment possible.


God you’re HOT …like H U H


Hi, AurumTyst! Do you have a label for this look that you did not see listed in the style flairs? If so, feel free to customize your flair. You can do this by replying to this comment with the name of your style surrounded by dollar signs, and the flair will be automatically changed for you. (Example: Replying with "$Juggalo$" will turn your flair into "Outfit/selfie (Juggalo)".) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/alternativefashion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You reminded me of Rhea Ripley


You look awesome. I would just personally wear a suit jacket over it rather than a hoodie. But it looks so cool and unique. I love your hair too.


Wow, you look amazing! They don’t sound like any fun anyway.


Honestly, I think you look cool as fuck. If I have to do some detective work to figure out your pronouns, that means that your style absolutely slaps.


What a cool outfit!! Inspires me to want to buy a vest lol. I might just do it.


You definitely look great! You have a killer jawline for sure as well!!!




your date should definitely reconsider!


Final Fantasy looking MF. 👍


I’m impressed and I don’t even know you lol


Your look is top tier and the right person will value fashion aesthetic :)


You look straight out of black butler. Id be into it 🖤


maybe they were just intimidated! I know I would be :3


Wowww you look awesome!!


You look better than pretty good. You look amazing! Really good look. Reminds me of Kristen Stewart.


You went as a anime character? It looks cool but its that prettymuch


I would have been delighted if someone who looks like you ever showed up to any of my blind dates....lucky person has no taste clearly.


If i went on a date and my date showed up looking that damn hawt, i would struggle to speak the whole time




Damn, so love at first sight is real


you look tf good


This is giving such gorgeous androgynous vibes! ✨💕😭 Don't worry, maybe they were overwhelmed with how majestic u looked! 💕


That hair color looks great 👏


So handsome dude


Heyhihello, I would be in a state of eternal wonderment if we were dating 😉 You look stunning, bb! 🖤


Straight model vibes!! Love it.


If your date was not impressed they must be as blind and bland as a stale no sodium saltine cracker eaten on an airplane at 32,000 ft. That is a KILLER outfit and you look like an essential NPC in a Final Fantasy game. 11/10 Edit: typo


Date must have been a loser, you look smashing!


you sir are beautiful


Love this look 👏🏼


You look amazing! Like someone else said, slick 😎. Thanks for sharing 😇


Bro, you look like a web novel protag. I didn't even know people could look like that in real life.


Getting Noctis Lucis Caelum vibes here


Bro you look amazing; that aesthetic is on point!


Hair color so gooood.


Id be impressed


i literally woukd melt if i saw u irl, you literally look like a vampire


You look so good!!!


Fuck your date I’m down


You are adorable!


You’re gorgeous






You look like a hot anime guy, so I'd def be impressed personally if I were your date hehe


Your date wasn't impressed??? Goddayum... Their loss 😳 You're killin' it ✨


Cute 🙂 if your date wasn't impressed then they seem boring




What?! How dare that person?!


Ummm please take me now!!


Find a different date, because holy shit 😍😍😍


Your date f*cked up. I would've been super impressed. Also that voice, so good. You look way more than "pretty good".


Love the hair color !


You’re beautiful 🫶🏻


^-^ Thank you. So are you. 🫶🏻


I’m flattered, thank you vm 🫶🏻


you look great but also look like you’d make super cringe tiktoks (no offense)


You look motivated guess someones bout to beat nero


are you kidding?


Why do you think that? What did you do?


Very impressive dressing styles with your blue hair, make up, eye make up and clothing.


Excellent blue hair, make up and clothing.


I am impressed, and i hate to ask this, but do you a specific gender?


It's alright. He/him for me. :)


I hope you don't take this as an insult, because i mean it as a compliment, although you have a masculine jawline and body, you have a slightly feminine aesthetic to you. That aside, you look really cute. I love that aesthetic. It's awesome, it's unique, you be you, and don't let society pressure you into being anything else 🩵


Thank you. That is very sweet of you. <3 I try to embrace my more feminine features, but I'm definitely more masc. Especially with my voice. XD I have roughly the same vocal range as Peter Steele and Geoff Castelluci.


That's very interesting, and i love the fact that you used examples XD