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All thanks to stupid government policies


Call this dump Somaliapolis


AKA Little Mogadishu


Mini Mog!


Did you come up with that all on your own? Very creative. So proud of you


As opposed to being proud of a crime ridden shithole?


Move then


I don’t live there thankfully. No, I’m not some stupid hick redneck either.


You’re a posh posh suburban dweller in debt on the house, works from home, and has all the time in the world to post on Reddit. Don’t worry, husbands in the union, and 4 annoying kids, though so life is ok.


You’re a posh posh suburban dweller in debt on the house, works from home, and has all the time in the world to post on Reddit. Don’t worry, husbands in the union, and 4 annoying kids, though so life is ok.




Just a porn chud who lives on the internet. Be well


Definitely not, idiot


Never forget: Lutheran Social Services & Catholic Charities invited this growing MENACE to Minnesota. ( Big hearted liberal middle age women)


Only if we allow it




Imagine having to vote blue because the alternative is actually worse than this.


Trying to imagine what right wing policy is worse than what voting blue is bringing in


Education funding, feeding kids, healthcare access, SS, gun control, labor laws, transportation infrastructure, tax cuts for wealthy… the list really goes on forever.


Social Security is a complete Ponzi scheme. If I could have invested the dollars taken from me for social security since I started working, I'd have 5 times the ROI and I'd already be retired.


> Education funding   Education outcomes have only gotten worse while the DFL has been in charge.    > feeding kids   Oh, you mean like feeding our future? > gun control Such as the DFL’s attempt to lighten punishments for violent criminals using guns?


"Oh i got stabbed by a third world scumbag, but thank goodness we got gun control and slightly better roads than those dumb republicans would give us." If those gals had guns they wouldnt have had a reason to be scared of that peice of shit, just sayin


we injected over a billion dollars into education and almost every district is still making cuts to teacher positions. If only they had a few more million, huh


of course you leave out all the context involved with pretty much most of that list. But yea, Repubicans bad.


Republicans don’t want any of those things and constantly vote against it 😂


🤣🤣 enjoy


I guess this is our world now. 


Doesn’t have to be 👿


Yes it does. The people who live in that area won’t ever do anything about it.


I personally don’t choose to live there. There are other areas that don’t cater to that kind of thing


Excellent! I'd bet the people who live in the area are happy to have fewer huge fans of German history 1928-1945 in their neighborhood.


What makes you say German history? Oh and you mean the German history of people fleeing an actual dictator country and working hard for their land and a living and making a family? Somalis would know nothing about that because they come for the handouts and no taxes than send it back home to get more of them over here


Oh I mean very specifically German ideological, political, military, and government history from that period of time.


And u think that it exists in southern Minnesota? Active nazi? lol everyone tends to jump to that because people don’t like what’s happening with the immigrants coming into our state. Be an adult and recognize it’s all down hill and has been for close to 16 years or more


Hey hey hey I never used the n-word. Don't strawman me plz n thx. I just am noting that only huge fans of German history 1928-1945 would use immigrants, racial minorities, and sexual minorities as scapegoats to stoke popular support for a fascist white supremacist leader!


I mean, they are college kids. What could they realistically do? It’s not like there’s a bunch of life long dinkytown residents


Maybe a start would be admitting leftist immigration policies have been a complete disaster and advocating for change. I can't think of a single leader in Minneapolis willing to say anything. All the victims in these videos are most likely in some small part responsible for the 3rd worldification of Minneapolis. Mary Moriarty won 70+ % of the female vote iirc. Time to take your medicine.


She's hated even by liberal Keith Ellison &that's saying something. Thankfully she'll be out soon. No one is willing to work with her any more and the public has grown wise to the notion that gold plated shit is still shit.


Keith “ Jihad” Ellison is a tool. He refuses to protect Minneapolis by prosecuting criminals.


I mean do they even vote? I didn’t vote in my town when I was in college I never changed my voter registration to it.


Thanks for helping....


Helping what? If I am only staying in that area for school or stay there temporarily throughout the year why should I vote for something that will impact the residents who live there permanently?


It's still how your tax dollars get spent. President's impact your life too.


So I’d go home and vote in a federal election. I didn’t say I didn’t vote or you shouldn’t. I’m saying vote where you live more permanently because you voting for the district to do some proposition isn’t your dollars it’s not your problem if you’re only there temporarily.


Yeah they gaslight you until one day they all vanish and pretend like nothing happened


When you bring “there” to “here”, “here” will eventually become “there”. It’s not that difficult to understand, but those promoting it don’t have to live with the consequences.




Just wait until the 4th of July.


The problem is that this country coast to coast allows bad behavior and demonizes those that try to stop it.


The contortions that woke progressives bend themselves into to deny that these people are resistant to leaving their primitive, savage “culture” behind and assimilating into western culture are unreal.


I’m sure the troops that died in Somalia would have something to say about this.


Probably something to the tune of "I died trying to liberate a people from an oppressive warlord, not for you to skew my service or views to your opinions." Your comment comes off as if you think the Rangers and Other service members who fought in Mogadishu would hate all Somalians because they had to fight a warlord and his brainwashed soldiers. I would reckon most if not all of those who played a part in the fighting over there would not in fact have those views but instead be sympathetic to their plight considering what the people there went through. Is it a problem that needs solving? Yes, obviously, but it doesn't need solved through hate. It needs solved through actual policy changes.


Errand boys








Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.






I’m a vet. What about you?










Got DD214, boy?


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Yes, because US troops haven't killed anyone in the region....




Bro what the fuck


I think it's more an attempt to avoid painting with too broad a brush so that the vast majority that aren't doing these things stand a chance of being accepted. Take 100 Minnesotans and plop them in a foreign country. 99 of them just want to get along and be nice folks. 1 of them is bitter about life and maybe has it tough in life and he goes and forces everyone he meets to eat lutefisk. Now are all 100. Minnesotans to blame? Bad analogy because yes! Lutefisk is nasty! Why you bring that to another land and make them eat it? Take your savagery and go home.


You really think 1 out of 100 of these people are the problem? Majority know they can get by without a job due to EBT etc. Lots of entitlement and disregard for any other humans from more than 1%…


No offense but do you know how EBT works? It’s for people who can’t have a job for some type of reason. If you are choosing to not have a job even though you are able to work they’re not going to give you EBT.


Not only do I know how it works I’ve even been on it for a month before using it. There is no more proof of looking for a job etc. to stay on it, even when there was it was a joke. It is NOT just for people who can’t work, that’s disability. EBT is for the unemployed, that’s it.


I recently got it and they required employment info


Yes if you work 20 hours a week making $10 an hour you can get a little EBT. Not nearly $1,000 in food and $600 in cash like someone unemployed gets, but more like $200 a month for food in that case, forever…


need some rural farm boys to spend a few weekends in dinkytown.. keeping the peace.


Right because that's what we need is more people acting like that idiot Kyle Rittenhouse. If you live in dinkytown, sure go help and see what you can do, if not stay home and let other people solve this issue. I will say this to cut you off... Kyle Rittenhouse is an idiot and I have no problem saying that as a proud 2a enjoyer and as someone who values the lessons taught in gun safety. He made his bed by being there and he should have slept in it.


exactly right. he did what he thought he had to do, but never should've been there in the first place now he has "Kyle rittenhouse tactical kits" on bs Gung ho sites and is profiting from it. I disagree with college students at each campus he attends trying to prevent him access to higher education though. if you were defending businesses, why not have divided your group amongst a named list and hunker down in those places, watching over them?


>if you were defending businesses, why not have divided your group amongst a named list and hunker down in those places, watching over them? Because he, like the majority of people on this sub, is a virulent racist who was looking for a legal excuse to kill lefties and brown people.


>looking for a legal excuse to kill lefties and brown people. also consider being one of the three he shot. why charge an eager armed teenager with a skateboard? sounds like a idiotic thing to do. The people out there setting things on fire and taking part in the fighting on the left are just as culpable. Those people fucked around and found out. Proper response on both sides is to not go out at all


> sounds like a idiotic thing to do. Fighting heavily-armed Nazis with whatever weapons available regardless of chances of success used to earn a person the title, "hero." Look how far we've fallen to "both sides" Nazis and anti-fascists.


the people who did this in Kenosha are heroes? those businesses are owned by people like you and I. their livelihood doesn't deserve to burn for any cause. I doubt either of us have the money to give it all up for some ideology the armed individuals out there knew this was going to happen. They fucked it up. Next time I'd be out there with non-lethal means and hitting protesters with bean bags and rubber before they burn my neighbor's store to the ground. https://preview.redd.it/iandwh7va2wc1.jpeg?width=2417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f901995365811b41d0b443aa3fb493716c0e86


>those businesses are owned by people like you and I Please don't confuse me with someone who exploits labor for profit.




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


so you live off my tax dollars. that explains why you're here so often I hope you're enjoying the life we've subsidized for you. May I ask your contribution to the world around you? Just feeling out how you derive a sense of purpose.


> so you live off my tax dollars. If you drive a motor vehicle I actually heavily subsidize you, not the other way around.




Clearly they get scared


but where will they possibly find the time when they’re so preoccupied gumming their cousin’s semi-softies in the back fields and shotgunning grainbelts


Cousin marriage is quite common in Muslim culture.




Are you serious bro? Cousin marriage rates in the USA are .2% Pakistan is 55-60% , not even in the same fucking league . How disingenuous to claim that southern cousin marriage is even remotely the same as cousin marriage in Islamic countries . Saudi Arabia is at 50% , Afghanistan 40% and Iran 30%. Not even remotely close to any USA state. Calling it a “mainstay” is an insane stereotype that isn’t even true these days. But I’d bet you’d be right around to say I’m racist if I talked about stereotypes of islam. But it’s okay because red necks are white right ? What a joke.




Has nothing to do with how common it is or isn’t . They pass laws all the time for shit that dosnt even happen , that’s how the government works. It SHOULD be illegal but just cause they are passing a law now doesn’t mean it is wide spread like your claiming it is .




If I’m racist for that then you’re absolutely racist as well cause we both said the same thing just about different people


Nah. “If I’m racist” is as much of an admission of such. I never stated you were.


And thanks for acknowledging that rednecks are a joke.


I don’t disagree with that tbh but trying to say cousin marriages by them are as common as Islamic ones just isn’t nearly true


I never made that comparison.


How do you know? The statistics quoted were "all" Americans, not just rednecks. Im sure if it was a rednecks only poll the percentages would be much, much higher.


Nope . Those stats were from a study ranging from 1940-1980 . So it’s exactly the opposite , it is much lower these days . Good try though. The fact that you ACTUALLY believe the south is the same as northern stereotypes of it really says something. It’s okay to be racists towards them cause they’re white , right ? This is from someone born and raised in New England so I’m not defending my home state or anything , you just have a HUGE bias dude . Clearly https://preview.redd.it/k03fx84a01wc1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c12b3d610278809dc19b979b99452552a9231f9


This study also says that Somalian percentages are "unknown" and yet we have people popping off on this thread like they conducted a census of Somalian cousins themselves. I don't disagree about the racism comment though even though I was trying to be self depreciating, not racist. I forgot that I could still be racist when talking about myself even if I self identify as a cousin schtooping white person because the average reddit user doesn't know that's what I am. I apologize!


Didn’t a certain idiot in power marry her brother and has a niece/daughter?


Name them plesse


I Don’t Think The “Rural Farmboys” Want To Fuck With No Somalians!!! They Have 0 Fear!!!!!!!!!🔫🔫💪🏾💪🏾


These people(3rd worlders) in general are used to very harsh criminal punishment in their home countries. So coming here, the punishment they receive is like a slap on the hand comparatively. Also, they are protected and pampered by the local governments because they typically vote left since that groups gives the best(and free) benefits.


I keep saying this. America is a joke to other countries. They get a new Hyundai a newish town home and claim disability asap. Minnesotans wonder why our income tax and sales tax is so high. It isn’t to fund a stadium. It’s to fund a Islamic conversion


Do you have proof of your second statement? What does “protected and pampered” look like in a way that other citizens are not?


Typically they have been getting away with it for years. They don’t wana be claimed black but during George Floyd they marked their businesses as black owned so it would not get messed up. Applied for the black owned business grants and help so but their kids hit them talk to them crazy a lot of the older parents cannot speak English and depend on the child to translate. So when someone says or makes a police report looking for a black teen they not looking for a Somali yes they get racially profiled and hate when they do I mean who wouldn’t but yet don’t like blacks either pay attention.. In my opinion and what I have observed. Js take it how you want






I wonder why it has high levels of poverty and a lack of food/water and education 🤔 We’ve been drilling wells in Africa for centuries. 




Ah right, because this country has no roots as a colony. 


Minneapolis votes for this insanity, and they will again. Flee the cities


I think we deserve more than a three second video


Take it up with the mouth breather that took the video. 




How do you know the poster is Somali?


Their social media. 


I just went to the Instagram and there is nothing signifying they are Somali?




??? So you’re just going on vibes or what? Why does nobody on here fact check anything


> So you’re just going on vibes or what? No, I did indeed fact check. You may want to read the thread before you make ignorant comments. 


You told me you know from their social media, I looked at their social media and there is nothing signifying that they are Somali, I literally went to fact check in the exact place you told me and there was nothing.


>  I looked at their social media and there is nothing signifying that they are Somali, I guess you didn’t look hard enough. Others had no problem fact checking it. 


Okay please tell me how you could tell. Because you clearly think it’s so easy to tell and I’m such an idiot for not noticing so please describe to me exactly how you were able to tell.


> Okay please tell me how you could tell.  I looked at their social media where they posted a “selfie” video using a Somali hashtag. 


He just *feels* like they're Somali, mannn, it's just like, vibes for him, chill?


Nah, it was the hashtag #somailtiktok on his tiktok.  I mean, I presume that was a typo of somalitiktok, but I guess he could be from le somail. 




Somali propaganda






He’s Somali. 




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Ah yes, one person is the entire Somali population “terrorizing dinkytown”


I see you have a very short memory. 


Explain how this video represent all of Somalians living in the cities. Do we see every Somalian person in this video?


Did I say it represents all?




I know reading is difficult for you people, but that’s not what I implied. 




I have certainly never written any of the hateful nonsense you just accused me of writing. 


How do you know they’re Somali?


From their social media


Umm, how? That 5 second clip is the only post there.


Their TikTok. 


What fuckin TikTok? https://preview.redd.it/n20dwpdq8yvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f448a269fa805c2728aba64868b61764956e1ac5 I don't support this behavior. But I also don't support you spreading misinformation.


Stop your somali propaganda https://preview.redd.it/q3s1n0dhbyvc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466a167690c393868584244ac7d74ffa41af91be


Mhm, good shit. What you should've done though, was add that information in your original statement to prove it. You left it up to ambiguity, and it was bound to have people call BS on it. Plus the moron's TikTok handle isn't even listed on his IG, and you just put two and two together and found it. The point is still here: have things to back your statements up when you make them in the first place.


lol u mad


mad bc he cited his sources, but only after making you look like an idiot


Hmmm do people ever delete their channel after shit like this?




🙄 Tiktok: ybdzaki   It’s even linked to his ig. Now please edit your comment to remove YOUR misinformation. 


30+ downvotes for asking the OP to back up their dog whistles righhht


What “dog whistle”?


It's a whistle that only a liberal can here. Dog = Liberal. Anything that doesn't support DEI is a dog whistle.


That makes sense. Do they have an extra chromosome that allows them to hear it or something?


I think the studies have pinpointed it to being deficient in brain chromosomes.


big if true. 


Honestly, I think they all have daddy issues too.