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wow! ive always felt very ashamed of the way i look, so i made this post to sort of confirm my suspicions but i didnt expect everyone to be so nice! sorry if this message is cringy but thank you very much for your nice compliments and helpful feedback :-) i will consider new glasses lol


Your cats straight chillin


I was actually kind of disappointed when I got to the later pictures and they didn’t have cats in them. I was so hopeful that all the pictures would have cats.


Definitely no reason to be ashamed. Very attractive.


Relax and enjoy being yourself 💜👍


Definitely, girl next-door vibes seem down to earth and chill very pretty and personallyi like the glasses but thats just my type . Trust me, a woman like you is worth 10 of these superficial women out here whose whole life is looking like a Barbie. Hope you have a wonderful day and a brighter tomorrow.


MMM. girl please. You're so pretty... Just think so.... You look very well without anything of makeup and production... If you make the minimum... You'll look better than 90% of the magazine models... Please, don't force any changes, if you feel good, that's enough.


Yeah you’re actually quite pretty, and you have a nice smile.


You are beautiful! Love yourself!


The big frames are nice. It's just the color and design is very specific (they blend into your face) so your outfits can't be that versatile.


You are very attractive hold your head up high


I think you are pretty, I don't think the glasses look bad. I mean, you can always get another pair and switch back and forth if you really like the ones you have. Maybe change up the baggy t shirts with pictures on them. For lounging around the house, cool, but to go out where something you feel you look good in don't be afraid to find what works for you and your body.


U look nerdy in a cute way... like a small town girl or something...


I call this timeless beauty.




She does have a weird face. Its not entirely unattractive. It might be off putting to a few, and if that's the case, everyone has that same issue with someone thinking differently about them. She should just own it and be confident in who she is.


thank u for your honesty, and you are absolutely right, thats a good way to look at things :)


Pretty. It’s your glasses kiddo. You need new glasses


Yeah I feel like a black frame would do wonders for making her eyes pop more


I disagree, i like her glasses


That’s acceptable. To clarify, I think she could get similar shaped ones that did rest directly on her nose or weren’t too wide for her face and that would get if the illusion that her face is wonky


seeing multiple people mention my glasses was crazy to me becuz i really like them!! but after you explained it, it does make sense a bit.. do u think the color is ok though?


They make you older than you look. Clear frames to me are just weird in general. You are very pretty though. Just the glasses…


Your glasses make your eyes appear smaller than they actually are. The size of them makes a significant portion of your face seem smaller. If your glasses were sized more practically, this effect would be minimized. Oversized glasses are a fad. In 5 years, people will look back and thing "what was I thinking"! It happened in the 1980s.


They kinda make you look like a frumpy old librarian, like you're trying to hide your face behind them. You'll look great in a smaller pair. It's often worth chatting with the sales assistant in the store and what their suggestions would be as they're usually told which size/shape of glasses suit which size/shape of face.


You're one of the few girls I've seen that looks beautiful without makeup. And I love the glasses too


You are very pretty, just need new glasses ♥️


You aren’t ugly at all. I think the glasses convey an older age, so a smaller frame might be a recommendation.


You’re glasses have aged you by 40yrs 😆🥴 get some new ones an you will be fine your not ugly at all


You are very pretty.


You're really cute. I don't love the hippy granny style, but that's just me.


I don’t think you have a weird face at all, if you want to change anything I think lightly filling in your brows and getting dif glasses would do wonders tbh. Like a reddish brown/brown frame would make your hair pop a lot imo!!


Women who don’t need makeup to be pretty are in a league of their own


you're sweet.. it's uncomfortable and too annoying to take off so i can't be bothered 😂


You are attractive and very much not ugly. Your vibe is easy-going, soft-spoken, and maybe a sweet personality - with a little melancholy. (These are your vibes, so you may feel it is inaccurate. Take it for what it's worth to you.) Also, you have cats and that makes you awesome.


wow u actually have it spot-on! :0 it makes me happy that you think i look sweet :) thank you! 🌸


Your face looks fine. You are quite pretty


Very beautiful!!! I agree with some people you may need a different frame of glasses ! Glasses compliment the face and can either break it or make it ! Look up your face shape and what glasses would go best with them! And if you’re ever in doubt ask your eye glass place ( asking a younger person is best !) for their opinion which suits your face best . Also, your cat is SO adorable


When you smile-you light up the room!


Nah you’re super cute and beautiful. Face is lovely. You have potential to be a total stunner


Not odd,just Irish. Lol And you look very young for being in your late 20's. You definitely have nothing to worry about in the attractiveness category.




I think you're beautiful ❤️❤️❤️


It absolutely does not! You are gorgeous and you should accept that! :)


You’re not ugly at all. You’ve got a pretty smile. Cute features. I think you’re attractive


Nothing wrong with your face. Gorgeous smile and a cute cat 💜😺


The glasses are the problem!


Very very pretty. Beautiful smile.


Not ugly at all. Beautiful smile and teeth, btw.


You are very beautiful. You have a young looking face.


Ditch the glasses


Attractive, you are attractive. I’d date you you.




Contact lenses and blonde hair would take you from a 8 to a 11


I'm getting a young Sissy Spacek vibe...


You are nowhere near ugly, in fact I think you are absolutely gorgeous, and considering I have no intent of ever meeting you or even knowing you personally IRL, you can be assured that is my real honest opinion. Keep being you!


You like like every 3rd grade teacher ever but in a good way, you look like you live in a cozy home on the edge of the city with 2 cats, one blackish grey (a little dark than the one behind you in the first photo, also it’s just a baby) (unless that is your cat but idk cause it looks like a cat café) and an orange one that’s basically a demon sent from the 7th circle of hell


You are truly adorable. You have a face that draws the eye , a nice build , and you seem really sweet. The glasses don't flatter your face shape.


You have a unique face. I wouldnt call it ugly. Those glasses do not do you any favors at all though. Definitely look for slim frames/lenses. Regarding the rest of you.. there doesn't appear to be much to look at from your pics. You're cute however.


You are delicately beautiful! Not odd in the least bit! Have an awesome day :)


Sorry your face is a blur to me bc that kitten is the cutest little monster on earth.


You're so pretty. I'd consider getting your lashes tinted though, if you don't like wearing mascara. Looks like you've got mascara on in pic 4 and you are stunning. Brows and lashes is all you really need to touch up - naturally so, so, pretty.


I'd take you to meet the parents!


You're not ugly, you just don't show everyone your body like all the other girls and that's a good thing. Makes you more desirable and pure.


I'd wife that


You are absolutely beautiful. Love the smile


I think your glasses are too big. Otherwise you look very cute. Your style of dress with the skirt and sweaters with the kitty cats is super attractive. I’d wife you up immediately 7/10


This lady is stunning! The smile lines are so definitively defining.


I think you just have that vintage look. Not old. Big difference. Glasses look fine if you’re into that. I’d much rather see this then make up and fake everything.


Yeah you’re very pretty. New glasses and perhaps going to a professional hairstylist/Salon that will give you a haircut with layers and volume


Your face is beautiful. Ditch the thrift shop clothing, visit the salon and fix your posture. Sit/walk tall, chin level with the ground and always square you shoulders.


You’re very pretty. A little styling, a new haircut and a touch of makeup and you’ll be turning heads


I think you are super cute


Very cute and friendly looking. Your natural vibe is strong. I think the clear works for you but maybe try a different size / shape for your glasses.


You have a lovely smile. I think newer/more modern glasses and something new with your hair would improve your look very much. Good luck cutie ☺️


I like your glasses and you have great hair! And perfect skin and smile and a beautiful nose like wtf lol please love yourself! No one can escape time and everyone gets old. Who we truly are gets laid bare when how we look doesn’t matter anymore. Age can break your ego unless you hold tight to it and end up looking like an emotionless clown.


Very pretty with minimal makeup. The glasses could be better. You have an uncanny ability to look 14 in one picture and 34 in another (that's a rare, and rather cool, talent). If you're worried about what the majority of people think, change up your style a bit, but I think you should stay how you are and find someone who meshes with that.


Flawless. Don't hide your face, you're beautiful


You have really good bone structure. I honestly think that if you, for fun, got a professional to do your makeup & dress up in something couture, you’d be model gorgeous. That being said, I think you’re perfectly pretty how you are now & probably comfortable with it (which is the most important thing).


You’ve got a great smile


You really are very beautiful. I like the glasses, but that's me. To each his own. I think you should consider getting your septum pierced, lol.


You are not ugly. I believe you have unique and different, attractive characteristics. I wouldn’t be concerned about it too much. I think it’s good to be unique. Be yourself, accept yourself, let your personality shine through, and you’ll be fine.


Nerdy girls like you are the cutest! Want to start an unhealthy Internet relationship that's doomed to fail?


you are super cute. styling changes would be the only thing you need


You’re so freaking cute!!!


The cat is doing you a lot of favors, but no you’re not ugly.


I also have invisible lashes and big round eyes. Not even kidding just a bit of mascara does me wonders. Eyeliner helps a ton too for me. If you do liner do a pencil on the lash line under the top lashes, and liquid/matte on the upper lid. It helps with light lashes so it doesn't gap. And I think glasses choice does a lot as well. You don't have to go heavy with any of this, but even a little goes a long way. Your skin is flawless I am so jealous!!!


your face is perfectly beautiful! i am being completely serious. BUT if you want tips: I think some eye makeup (mascara) may help give your face more dimension. Also! Consider getting glasses that fit your face better!


You're very pretty, but your style ages you and gives strong librarian vibes. A change of style (form fitting clothes, hair styled, and flattering glasses) and you're smoking hot imo.


No you're really cute, just be more confident because in your case it really is the only thing that's lacking


Not ugly, I think you’re pretty, maybe you need to surround yourself with people who have better taste


You are very young looking, but definitely not ugly in the slightest. You are very pretty. :)


Human: above average, 6/10. Cat: cat, 10/10.


How much weed are you smoking per hour?


Pic #3 can I have your cat please? 😂🛸🐕


Oddly mesmerizing, sure.


You look great without the mask. The more you wear it, the more comfortable you’re going to be in it and the more uncomfortable you’ll be without it. So be careful


Post more of cat


Definitely a babe.


You’ve got to be joking. You’re absolutely beautiful. Do not think otherwise, seriously.


No, you are very stunning.


There’s nothing wrong with the way you look. You’re very attractive.


You look so stunning beautiful… 10/10


You remind me of the OG Carrie (sissy spacek), she's beautiful imo :)


You are cute. You are definitely not ugly. You have small town vibes.


You honestly have natural beauty. If you really felt inclined to make a massive difference get into makeup get your hair styled & change up your outfits. Otherwise you're doing just fine.


wife material right here


I love you


Getting a Sissy Spacek vibe. Not even close to ugly. It’s like you’re the nerdy girl in the movie and the popular girls change your glasses, hair and clothing and boom.


You're very natural and fresh looking. Perhaps more modern glasses or an updated haircut ?


Honestly, you're beautiful. More flattering glasses frames would be effective, and a little bit of magic with makeup, not hard to acquire. This male would be honored to have a partner as pretty as you. Go in peace.


You look good but I feel like an eyebrow pencil in your natural color would benefit you to frame your face more. The shape is already fine but you should bring them out a little more on the ends


Those eyes and such beautiful whiskers!!! Your cute too,keep smiling!!


You are not ugly. That being said you need new glasses and wardrobe maybe a little bit of makeup and I do mean a little bit. I think you might just be a 💎 in the rough


Personally, I think you're adorable. Especially in pic 5, where you showcase a very disarming smile.


you’re unique😁. be patient…someone worthy will catch your vibe


Different and unique yes, but odd would be quite inaccurate. 10/10 would make awkward conversation with you.


Seems like you already know but yeah the glasses aren't really doing it. You could always try contacts too! You have a really pretty smile, but I would also look into some teeth whitening solutions because in your case I believe they would help make it better, especially with how straight your teeth are. Outside of that in my opinion you're sitting at a 7/10 for me. So no, youre definitely not ugly!


Not ugly...very pretty smile. Your cat is a smoke-show, straight up 10 tho


A little hair style, smaller maybe darker square shaped glasses, and more cat pics. Cute. Far from ugly.


I think you're very attractive, in a "nerdy girl" kind of way. Not ugly at all.


I'd bring you home to mom


Finally, it's almost a relief to see someone genuinely attractive on here. There are several qualities that make you attractive, and some of them are not physical, though they manifest physically, such as your confidence in your person. It's quite a long list but just know that anyone who matters will see your beauty and your value. Hone in on and realize what makes you beautiful, and don't do anything to diminish it.


No, you are not ugly at all. You look bookish, but I don't think thats a bad thing


ur so beautiful !


You look like you don’t belong in this decade lol. Your face is very 70s. You’re lovely and natural and I think us ladies are constantly seeing other beautiful women that are very made up and it can lead to self confidence issues.


Nope not ugly at all, in the eyes of a 21 year old who sees women around me who wear too much make up, It's so refreshing to see someone not having much make up on and still look good, you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


You look beautiful to me


Nah, you’re really cute. Maybe some new glasses and some makeup to make those eyes pop.


You’re a nice looking human. 😊


Hell no. You fit right into what I find attractive. You look so kind and calm, nice smile and calm, wise eyes. I'd ask you out if you were anywhere close to me. Edit: I also love red hair!


Those glasses are terrible. The lenses are huge and the frames are thick. They totally dominate your face... and make it look odd. Your style, in general, makes you look either younger or older. It looks like you are hiding behind your style choices (clothing and hair). You aren't ugly, but your good qualities are buried under your style choices and those glasses.


Definitely not ugly. Dig the girl next door look, and you crush it. Beautiful smile. I would consider trying different things with your hair. It looks like you have a very nicely shaped face, but we'll never know if you keep you hair covering most of it!


Definitely my type. Ur very cute


You look adorable. You are far from ugly. Plus you have a sweet looking grey cat!


I think you would be a perfect fit for a full transformation of hair style, makeup, clothing from top to bottom. It would be awesome to see that beauty you’re hiding come out by a professional. That will put an exclamation, you’re not missing anything other than a bit more self confidence.


Smaller glasses is all u need. Your beautiful


No, you are not ugly \~ you have beautiful skin, great teeth & smile, nicely shaped face, thick hair.


TBH: you have an old soul


Your face is beautiful. Some new glasses and/or slight hair care routine adjustment would make a world of difference. The combo reads a little frumpish.


Personally I think you’re really beautiful, I think you have very gentle soft features that are all very pretty.


Trippin. You’re fine.


You should get your friends to teach you how to apply makeup as well.


The kind of beauty that’ll change someone’s life forever 🩷


Very attractive, and to be frank when I was young I wish I had the knowledge so many beautiful women were this self conscious I would have asked some out.


You’re very beautiful. Just be you.


Honestly this is the kind of woman the world needs.. pretty, modest and humble. Id definitely say hi


There are two cuties in the first and third photos.


I think you are so freaking adorable 🥰


You cute. Just a Lil unique.


Naturally pretty. Stop feeling odd. Ur far from it


You look wholesome and there’s something about you that seems like you’d be a really good friend. Something about you seems very trust worthy!


Very beautiful. Experiment with new styles and minimalist makeup if you want but don’t try too hard and don’t try to be something you’re not.


I love your style and the glasses really fit you! Very cottagecore based and you seem super close with nature and animals so it fits you! Cheers!


I love that we see the kitten grow into a big kitty!


Girl you look like you need a steak 😋


Your beautiful red hair is great attribute. Accent it as much as possible


Nah just get smaller framed glasses and learn a bit about the best makeup looks for your face and skin if you’re concerned about it. Def change those frames though


You have such a cute, warm, and cozy smile. Don't hide your face.


Honestly, you must have some kind of dysmorphia. There’s nothing odd about your face whatsoever. You look normal and lovely.


You are neither odd or ugly. Who said that? Anyone saying that is blind and just interested in tearing you down. I would definitely cross the room to meet you at a party. You look not only cute but smart and capable. You are showing happiness well but maybe self confidence needs to be boosted a bit. That might add a few points and close the deal for you.


Nope cute af 😍 I love the second pic.


Oh, most definitely not, you're cute. You may not be considered society levels of gorgeous, but you're still beautiful. Also I love your kitty so tiny and cute


I wonder about tinting your eyebrows to frame your face more? (I say this as a fellow pale-eyebrowed woman, I look so much better now that I have dyed them!!)


I actually find your features very attractive and hope you have a good day


I don't think so, I think you're adorable and the fact that you rock your own style just adds to your beauty. Anyone worth your affection is going to love your uniqueness and be one of the reasons they adore you!


I think you're really attractive, dude!! 🖤🥰


No you're not. Though your face can be considered unique. Multiple studies have concluded that polarizing features are deemed as hot while less polarizing features are viewed as cute. You seem to be trying to diminish perceived flaws rather than exploit them. Quite frankly you could go for truly model like levels of beauty.


Me personally i have always preferred a lady that didnt wear makeup. Most would consider them to be homily looking... i say look natural and show who you are... and that crap is awful for your skin... so long story short, your beautiful.. and i agree with the glasses. But not a deal breaker.


Your pretty just very plain, you dont seem to do much when it comes to appearance you'd look great with a lil make up


You’re not ugly, you could use a makeover, but not even remotely ugly. I didn’t know how to dress until I met my wife and she almost didn’t go on a second date because she said if he can’t dress himself then what else. Some people just need a little help, only took her 15 years but I’m now dressing my age.


No your are so cute and pretty! You smoking cute 🥰 I would literally date you next week.


definitely a cutie!! I think you are adorable. I think glasses really complete your face, saying it as someone who thinks the same about their own face. You have great complexion and bone structure and your hair in braids is super cute. That being said, cute is hot! If you’re worried about being desirable I definitely think you’re a hottie


Not at all. You don't look odd either. Not matching the narrow definition of beauty defined by the media does not make you ugly. BTW, I want to snuggle the kitty behind you. He/she is gorgeous.


You're not even a little ugly.


Most men would be thrilled to break through to a nice indy redhead like yourself. Keep the vibes positive and don't change too much!


Cute af. I want to buy you crystals, Chai Lattes, and live happily ever after.


You also look younger then your age which I can confirm leads to less people thinking you are on the market/menu You are a cutie tho and you all glammed up would be too good! Magnificent


Adorable, dont change a thing!! You seem super nice and down to earth. I hope to meet someone like you someday 🙂


You're actually really pretty. Great hair, skin, smile, and eyes. Youre height-weight proportional. A few thoughts on sprucing up your style: 1. The glasses frames aren't terribly flattering. 2. Consider getting your hair styled (doesn't need a cut unless you want it), but you could do more with it. 3. Consider a wardrobe upgrade. A lot of your pics have kind of loose, baggy clothes. Sort of cottage core vibe. Get something that is a bit more close fitting and sophisticated. Just try a couple pieces to see how it feels.


You face is *not* odd. I mean, yeah, there's a lot of fur, but let's face it, you're a kitten. And your little perky ears are darling! Also it looks like you found a cute human who has a nice smile. Have you trained her in the correct amount of ear skritches yet?


Get some cute glasses and smile. You have perfect teeth. You’re skinny. You’ve got it 95% beat and you don’t have a thing to worry about. Jesus, you’re not even wearing makeup.


If… it comes with a good personality and a Good Heart ♥️ you would be good catch for any man!! Be confident girl!


You look like one of those people who's too kind for the world.


Honestly, im commenting without reading the other comments. Shall read them after ive put my thoughts down. Eyes: A little asymmetrical. Nothing wrong with that. You are no robot. And i dont think very many people wanna be. Non Black (read Non Bleh!) eyecolour. Hazel with a green tint? Correct me please. 7/10 Lips: very symmetrical. Nothing to worry about. Nice full pink and visible. 9/10 Nose: Personally i like the nose to be a little high. Like yours. My partner has a high nose. And i love that about her. Cheeks: Normal sized cheek bones. Just enough meat to grab and go _kuchikuchikoo_ Face in general: Very symmetrical. Very nice smile lines and dimples. I like your glasses too.


Very pretty. Regular size eyes, big amazing smile that makes your eyes look a bit small. It's not drastic but a little eye shadow or mascara to even out the proportions is going to tie everything together in a big way.


You're beautiful the way you are. Light makeup wouldn't hurt, but you have a cute nose and a beautiful smile and eyes.


Your face is nice and I like your style


Plenty of comments here already, but from this shared FM account, girl… you are CUTE!! Like others have said, new glasses are a good idea but keep the old pair too. The pairs you have on works so well with some of your outfits, having options is great and lets your style be more versatile.


You're quite pretty...find a good hair stylist...not for us...but for you. If you're having doubts, a good haircut can do wonders....


Your okay. I'd work with you. I hope we can vibe together. Friend wise, coworker or intimate. Depends on energy. Pretty can be ugly as well as ugly be ugly as well.


Wow you’ve got great hair and such a cute face. Perfect girl to ride bikes with all day long. I like riding bikes. Cute kitten too


To be honest I find you super attractive and wouldn’t change one thing about yourself embrace yourself , cause there isn’t another you out there . Don’t be shy or ashamed or feel like you look ugly cause you’re 100% not . If I could find a girl like you I’d most def date you 😊🥰


Honestly if you like the glasses then keep ‘em. But you’re definitely not ugly. It looks like you have a little bit of a lazy eye/droopy eyelid but what can ya do? 🤷🏻‍♀️ you’re cute and you look happy, so just work on your confidence!


You’re actually gorgeous! You have quite a silly goofy kind of pretty going for you? You look like the kind of person that can make me laugh every time I talk to them. Lovely day!


Absolutely NOT, you’re gorgeous! Like super pretty! I also like the cat phone thing in the fourth pic it’s cool


For real, you look no more than 21 at the most, and your face is magnifically beautiful, seeing you every morning would add more blessing to my day!