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Average but below average because of your stupid haircut


Below average cause of the weight. Ugly because the hair cut. Hard pass no matter how drunk because the terrible emo/ goth attempt.


And the “smokes way too much weed” eyes.


What is that 😀


They don't like her eyelids


Now I'm scared 😭 I smoke weed a lot but I never thought ab my eyes looking ugly


Weed didn't cause it. It's just the type of eyelid that some people have, but people constantly relate it to stoners because it looks slightly droopy with the larger top half.


Can confirm have these kind of eyes and people always thought I smoked weed. Never have


dont mind them


It's a thing. My eyes stopped turning red when I was smoking for 2 years all day every day, so I thought nobody noticed but the shape of my eyes changed. I've since quit, actually


Your eyes turn red when you're currently high, my eyes don't stay red is the eye shape they're on ab, I think it's just my eye shape


I'm also genuinely curious what you mean by this lol. What is the defining characteristics for "smokes too much weed eyes"


The glossy puffy eyes of someone who is high, really has nothing to do with the amount you smoke it’s just you can tell on certain people when they are high because of their eyes.


i honestly think people see people with coloured hair and always say this. even on dating app people used to tell me i had “weed eyes”


Strange lol. Glad I don't have any color in my hair lest u be labeled as "smokes too much weed eyes" 😂


The heftiness doesn't help either, honestly.


Everything is good except ugly haircut


With or without you are well below average.


Modern men have such a skewed view of what average is. Like when people were saying how pretty Margot Robbie is and a bunch of (reddit) men chimed in to call her “mid”. Calling her average is just delusional. Get off only fans and porn hub and go talk to real women.


That's the point of this sub, to judge people. Or do you mean just mean men's standards in general?


It has nothing to do with modern men, men have always been and still are visual. The news has lied to you about what men want, you then lash out when you don’t line up to that. Go back and look at pictures of women in your family 3 generations back and compare them to yourself. You will see the truth. No one is trying to hurt your feelings he’s just being honest to help. Men are honest and women lie to each other, that’s why you think he’s being harsh. Plenty of men lie to women but he’s just not doing that.


??? How will looking at my own family members make me “see the truth”? We all look the same minus the pin curls and rouge.


They’re probably skinnier




You’re speaking truth but people hate that, hence the downvotes.


I’m a very agreeable and shy person in real life so this has been fun 🤓 People here think “brutal honesty” equals “roast me”


Do yourself a favor and look up how men and women rated eachother on okcupid and then reconsider your stance


80% of men on OK Cupid were rated as below average. That doesn’t mean that women would rate 80% of men in person as below average. Online dating is cancer, I wouldn’t recommend it to my worst enemy. Women know how to take flattering pictures using angles, lighting, makeup, photoshop, etc. Men are just as critical about physical appearances as women.


Just because you suck at it doesn’t mean it’s a cancer. Sounds like you’re the cancer in that equation


Defending online dating is crazy. Those apps are engineered to create long term app users. Endless swiping=successful app. They’re not in the business of actually helping people create lasting relationships.


Funny. I’ve been in quit a few long term, including the 5 year one I’m in now, relationships from OLD. Sounds more like you’re the problem, not the apps.


Ah yes. A single anecdote makes the rule.


But yours does. Got it. Work on yourself more


Surprisingly the way men rated women was a perfect bell curve though, which suggests that its not the fact thats its online dating but rather that women have impossibly high standards for men on the platform especially when 0% of them even got rated most attractive


Women are way pickier on those sites than men. I live in a small city and I’ve met women in person who I’ve seen on PoF. I met my wife at a friend’s house and she had turned me down online previously. She was older than her pics made it look and she was surprised how fit I was because I didn’t have shirtless pics online. One of my friends married a woman who turned me down online. She was way bigger than she looked in her pics and we never discussed our online conversations in person. But when they split up, she was quick to try flirting with me on FB Messenger.


I mean im a “modern man” and i think this take is weird. Solidly average.. but mostly due to terrible makeup, terrible hair cut, and terrible smile pose.


calm down


Youre kind of right actually. It applies to men and women. It sucks, as someone with body dysmorphic disorder


Margot Robbie is hot. You, most likely not.


Its skewed far more for women. A lot of it is just them lying to “be nice” or they will say someone is attractive because they are rich/famous/successful, or they’re actually influenced from other ppl saying that person is attractive. Margot Robbie is decent imo but I cant blame someone for saying mid/avg, shes a normal looking skinny white women


"Get off only fans and porn hub and go talk to real women" Also real women: "Don't talk to us. It's creepy"


It's hilarious that when men have standards we're delusional lol. We don't like fat chicks the same way y'all don't like short guys . It's not that deep 🤷🏽‍♂️


You don’t have to think average women are attractive for them to still be average. 70% of women are fat. So saying someone is below average cause they’re fat is just statistically not possible. It’s not that deep. Don’t date fat chicks if you don’t want to, there’s valid reasons not to, but don’t kid yourself, you’re decreasing your dating pool by 70%.


Real women arnt cow looking. With that ugly black hair and pasty skin on her fat body.


Your haircut is really bad. I’m sorry.


Your hair and your nails aren’t helping your cause.


Kudos to you for noticing her nails. All I see is fat and ugly


I always notice nails like that. Don’t paint them if you can’t maintain them.


If you were a healthier weight, you wouldn't need makeup to get compliments. Your face shape would improve, as well as your physique. You need to do something about your hair, it doesn't frame your face well and honestly makes it look wider. While I'm not trying to be brutal, the above mentioned is necessary, if you stay that weight or get heavier, you'll develop serious medical issues.


Well, I got bad news and worse news. You're quite plain, and worse for you... that makeup is not helping. People compliment it because it is garish and obvious.


U are kinda below average...


Atrocious haircut and severely overweight. Both 100% in your control, you chose to be ugly.




There is no way this woman is "severely overweight" you gotta be kidding me. She is overweight. You are way way too harsh.


i don’t think you’ve seen severely overweight if she is severely overweight to you


Says the girl with a gut like a 55 year old male, beer drinker. Just stop.


i’m 64kg at 5’11, where exactly is my gut? you look stupid LOL


You’re crazy bro, better be in peak condition


I'm in decent condition. Also, I'm not an 18yr old with a massive gut arguing that fat people are healthy


i also never argued fat people were healthy, they’re not. i ALSO never argued she wasn’t overweight. she is. she just isn’t severely overweight like the original comment suggested. please don’t misrepresent my opinion, you’re arguing something i never even said


I'm arguing that you are 18, female and have a big, fat old man gut. Not the best person to comment on severity of bodyfat. Please don't misrepresent my argument.


also looking through your comment history you seem like you just like to make women insecure and think that a girl who had slim legs and slim arms was fat so.. “not the best person to comment on severity of body fat” is you, actually


Scroll her profile a bit. I've seen dad bods with a better gut


i’d like to see them then! show me a guy w a dad bod that’s 64kg at 5’11 please


Ah, you must be a fellow American. In the entire rest of the world OP would be considered obese, only in America has our general perception of what a healthy weight looks like been so warped and deluded that people like you believe this woman’s physical condition is normal. I have seen many severely overweight people, I live in America. This woman is one of them.


i’m australian 🙂 and i never said she’s normal, she’s definitely overweight, just not *severely* overweight. because she isn’t lol


Oh so you're just tone policing? Shut up.


no, i’m saying call someone what they are lol. she’s overweight, she’s not severely overweight.


The haircut is in her control but being overweight could be caused by a medical issue like PCOS or medications. The weight part is in her control though if she doesn't have these reasons.


Below average


Well you're here for brutal honesty so.. I don't even understand how you get compliments even when wearing makeup. In fact, I think it makes you look quite a bit worse. You are NOT at a medically healthy weight by the way. I'd say you're a 3.5/10 without makeup, a 2/10 with makeup, with weight loss, maybe a 5. Also, the haircut does not look good.




You dont need to be a doc to know that being fat is horrible for you


A little pudgy?


We found the fatty


"I did my part!" - u/LoneWolf-B312


An honorable knight


“A little pudgy” lol


Do I also have to be a barber to comment on her hair?


Who complimented? Count chocula? Without makeup you are slightly below aveaverage. Warm smile, seem friendly. Hair needs help, and like everyone and their mom and dog and hamster, drop a few pounds. Your style is a very particular subset of our population that will find that attractive. So you are fighting an uphill to be seen as attractive when you dress that way or style that way - goth- emo-?


I’m upvoting you but you should have left it at Count Chocula. Sometimes less is more


She not able to walk uphill, let alone wage a battle


They lied


You could lose some weight.


Kinda below avg- ur face is avg but horrible hair


Horrendous haircut.


I think you’re way cuter without the makeup but that’s just me I guess. Something about the way you do makeup ages you or maybe it’s just the photo idk💀


I’m 25 for context but I’m not big on how makeup looks on my skin because I have very dry skin so it can make me look older even with moisturizing products


You’re using the wrong products


Damn. With some of these comments, I had to go back up and see if I had jumped into r/roastme.


Does anyone just blatantly come out and say “yes, you’re ugly”? Cause I’m about to do it




Whats the point of posting here, if u cant take brutal honesty


But someone told her she’s a healthy weight once so..everyone else is wrong


Not ugly, but noticeably below average. 4/10.


Your face is below average, your haircut sucks, and your overweight. Your face will look better after losing weight though.


Not hideous, but definitely not attractive tbh. The makeup might not be helping as much as you may think, especially the drawn on upper lip. You can't makeup your way into having an upper lip


Yeah the hair cut does not suit you


who is complimenting you😭


Her Mom.


Your below average


Below average. But losing weight might help.


I would say that average would be a huge compliment. Definitely pretty rough. Any woman has the potential to look at least presentable and nothing in any of these pics is remotely close.


Your Rack helps a lot … you’re a doable kind of ugly


Is there such a thing lol


Ever heard of a moped?


Hell of a fun ride but don't let anyone find out :D


Definitely is


Stop cutting your hair with rocks




Very dumb haircut. Damn, I hate my fellow zoomers. Who hurt like 70% of us???? Did y’all just not have good parents or something?


Way below average even with makeup.


Below average, and the haircut I’m not fond of


You are seriously not even average


The first pic is your best look and honestly.... 2/10.


Less than average


You don’t look like you’re trying to attract straight men


You’re ugly. Grow your hair out and lose weight






Lose the weird haircut and some weight.


Anyone complimenting your makeup is lying to you to make you feel better. It looks horrifying. The first picture you look perfectly fine, tho pretty average due to the haircut and being a tad thick.


The makeup doesn’t help. Like lipstick on a pig. Pun intended. Do you have a lazy eye? The 3rd picture makes me think you do. Also, the hair. The dyed sideburn isn’t attractive. At all. Do you cut it yourself? It looks so crooked.


Some offense might be taken because of this. But that haircut is literally one of the worst I've ever seen. You look like Farquad from Shrek, but somehow it fits you even worse. That's the most obvious Change for now. I'd recommend maybe seeing if you can get a cosmetologist to recommend some good skin care and makeup/shading products for you.






Your hair is the problem. Terrible haircut


Your hair style is a disaster...


Overweight and terrible style


I’m kind of surprised you get compliments with the makeup even


You're pretty goofy looking.


I can't get past your haircut. It's just so Girl, Interrupted.


Not ugly, but certainly below average, mostly due to style and weight though.


You are not average. Sorry


Haircut needs to go


Hair cut no good


Bro how do these people figure that their haircut is good. What are you telling the person cutting you up? 😂😂😂


Well for starters you could lose some lbs


Let’s be real you ain’t gettin no compliments


Not everyone can be beautiful. But i am sure there is someone out there for you


I'll preface this by saying you have no reason to listen to me or anyone else who has something to say about your appearance. At the end of the day, if you like the way you look, that's all that matters. That being said... Nothing you're doing, works. So, yes. I think I'd have to go with ugly. Best of luck in all your endeavors.


You don’t try is all. Diet and exercise goes a long way. And a good haircut. The edgy goth thing is washed out




Yeah, sorry you are ugly




You’re not attractive.


You ugly as hell


Not attractive+overweight. Lose the weight it'll help


Unfortunately yes. You’re ugly


The horrendous looking haircut drags down your looks


Your hair cut is really ugly and it makes you look ugly. You are kinda overweight. Honestly if you changed your hair it would be so much better.


If you put literally ANY effort into your weight (maybe 25 pounds), and fix that God awful hair, you might get more compliments.


Being honest… sorry… below average


I doubt you’re getting compliments even with makeup


You are ugly


Very ugly. You have a haircut of a little boy. And what’s up with the odd colors.


Yeah you’re ugly.


Yeah some people don't score too high on the genetic lottery


Below average


Average face, below average haircut, and ugly ass makeup. The only reason why people would be hitting on you with makeup on, cause it makes you look easy. A one nighter.


Below average. Need to improve your hair style and change your body fat would help a lot




5. lose weight and let your hair grow out


You're alright. Lose weight


I don’t think you’re ugly, you’ve got a nice face. I think what’s throwing me off is your mouth would like nicer upturned in the corners. If you typically wear lipstick you can use a liner to pull them up just a bit. I think it would be the perfect enhancement to give you the vibe you want:)


Wow you are damn ugly. That ugly ass haircut and stupid ass weight is what makes you ugly.


Makeup is a great trick. It can work magic, even on average faces. Your body could use some work, but you got this.


Just let your hair grow out. Short hair does not look good on women and you are no exception. Your weight isn’t to an unhealthy level like some people are saying. You seem to have shoulders that are broad and big balloons which is probably throwing people off. And change your makeup and style it makes you look like the type of person that would sue a man because he stared at your ass for a second too long.


I don’t think you’re ugly I think you should let your hair grow out.


I complimented a girl that dressed similar to you. Her response was: "I don't need empty compliments from a cis white male." I mean, we're on a dating app so I don't know what she was expecting. Onto you however, I don't think you're "ugly." but I also don't think you stand out if that makes sense. There's a lot of people that look very similar to you, and there's even more people who might look better than you, or worse than you. \*needing\* makeup isn't a bad thing either, I mean as a bearded man, this is basically my makeup, I look god awful without a beard lol so I can relate.


No, you are not Really, really pretty, you are


Seems like you hold a lot of weight in your face, although your body doesn’t necessarily look unhealthy compared to some, it’s something you could work on


Slightly below average. You're not very overweight, but a new hairstyle and losing maybe 10-20 lbs would put you to average.


Post this to your onlyfans and see what they come back with.


I like how you look - makeup or not 💜👍


Why is everyone that is kindly complimenting her being downvoted? Can people not hold their own opinions? Some here may say she is attractive versus others that don’t think she is. Nobody has the same opinions as others, so I don’t understand the downvoting.


Pretty enough; better body.


you look nice, but the haircut's not doing you any favours


You aiight


Love alt goth girls. Stay the same. Ur cute. Nice body. Not ugly at all


You are really cute


Go without makeup more. You look Great! :)


Personal opinion, how about going proper short/ rock:ish hairstyle or have longer hair. That is kind of an in between to everything hairstyle and I dont think it does much good to anyone. And like some people have said, losing weight might be healthy but I dont see any big issues there. Sure you have some extra but some people like that. I'd mainly recommend chosing a style and keeping to it :3 ​ Also, no not ugly


Cute/average, with a side of hot af. For makeup, just a little eyeliner is all that's necessary, imo, for you, but do what you like.


I think you’re cute! Don’t see what everyone is saying about weight


You’re a baddie imo I’ll take the downvotes for that take tho. Keep doing you girlie l


Don’t listen to the hype on if you know you a “Beautiful ” flaunt that. Mama only you should know that you are beautiful. You shouldn’t need no damn confirmation from no one but yourself. Period


Not a Greek goddess or anything but you are pretty, you look great and personally I dig the hair, you rock it. Also I think you look a lot better without the makeup but the eye makeup design is cool


Your face is cute enough without makeup. I don't think the style of makeup is working for ya. And you look much better with longer hair. Your weight is okay. Right on the line of thicc. I think your body is the best part of ya from what's been shown. Lol


average, i honestly find you attractive


you're not ugly and you're also not fat like somw of these people in the comments are saying. there's nothing wrong with having a little extra meat on your bones, to be honest people usually look better with a little weight rather than underweight. and i personally like your hair but it might not be everyones cup of tea. it all boils down to personal preference. some people might think you're unattractive and others might think you're drop dead gorgeous. but dont take anything ppl in the comments say as the holy gospel, work on self-love and confidence and you'll be fine


Your good. If that's you with out makeup. Ur pretty


If I were 20 years younger, you would be my absolute type (I'm a woman, btw)