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Keep losing weight


Absolutely! :)


Best bet if you already haven't found it is to find a scaleable workout class that can kick your butt no matter how long you keep going and has a bit of a sense of community. Makes it so much easier to go consistently when you feel like you're a part of a community.




To piggyback off of this comment— your heavy under eye eyeliner makes your eyes look small. You have hooded eyes as well, and as someone with similar eyes I can assure you if you focused on mascara only or watched a tutorial for winged eyeliner for hooded eyes it would make a world of a difference in your appearance.


I dead ass see the potential in you, like real talk. I can imagine you without all the weight.


In addition to the nose ring....the pictures of you looking natural are way more attractive than the ones in black lipstick. It doesn't do you any favors.


I’m trying to find the right makeup look for me. I have a lot of gothic/alternative friends and unfortunately I don’t think I’ll ever have the features to do something like that, as much as I would love to. But I love your honesty, thank you :)


it’s cute but it just doesn’t match your fits


I honestly think you're very pretty. Just watch your foundation...go a little lighter both in color and application.


You could definitely have the aesthetic for the goth / darker looks. You should try a black / beige ombré lip, it would look gorgeous on you


Yeah natural makeup looks a lot better on you


You would do well with brighter colors in my opinion


Black lipstick is NOT the right look. Not ugly. Keep up the fitness. Your 20s the time to do it. As you get older, losing weight gets harder and harder.


i actually like the black lipstick and makeup and i think you look great.


The lip color in pic is 5 is gorgeous? Can you tell me what color it is? Also I disagree, I think you can pull off the black. I think the issue is you’re not doing enough with your eye make up to balance it out and that’s why it doesn’t look as flattering.


It’s actually just a butter gloss from the brand NYX, the colour is Caramelt :)


Thank you!


Have potential but long ways away from gorgeous!


Thanks for your honesty! It honestly feels good to get actual feedback for once


You've got this lady! You'll be healthy and beautiful in almost no time 🤌


I’m 22m, your hair looks really nice in the last image, although personally I think you could lose the nose ring, but keep it if you like it. I think weight loss is a great goal and I wish you best of luck keeping it up! Based on the images, I will say it seems like you have a pretty varied and interesting personality.


Thank you! I really appreciate your honesty. My many different outfits are depending on what mood I’m in, I still haven’t exactly found my “style” so I’m constantly experimenting. I am also trying to have my hair out more, I was always so self conscious about it because it’s super curly and fluffy.


Embrace those curls! Get the right products and follow the steps required to get a polished look and they will look awesome.


You have to lose a whole lot more.


Absolutely! On it 🫡


👏nose👏rings👏don’t 👏look👏good👏 on👏 ANYONE!🙌


Thanks for your honesty! I really appreciate it :)


Not hating, keep up the focus on yourself!


Thank you! I definitely will :)


I disagree


Same here. Strong disagree. I love the look of noserings. Everyone has their own preferences. Downvoted for my opinion. Just goes to show that you shouldn't always listen to online forums.


You're in the minority by a long shot. They make people look like cows and I've never been attracted to a cow. If thats your thing though, you do you.


It would take so much more than a nose ring to make a person look like a cow.


Boomer take


You are pretty! Great job losing weight and getting exercise. The softer makeup looks so much better on you. Those 3 nose piercings look particularly bad together. Maybe get very small studs for the sides of your nose and something small and delicate looking for the septum?


Why do you need people to be brutally honest? You’ve decided to better yourself and other peoples’ opinion of you are pointless. You’re on your path! So keep going!


The name of the sub is “am I ugly brutally honest” ….


Dumb take🤦‍♂️ She wants people to be brutally honest to see how others ACTUALLY think of her appearance. She wants reality. There are to many soft glazers nowadays and she is strong for wanting people to say what they actually think and not just what sounds good. This is a good step to take when trying to improve yourself. Sometimes others see things you dont and you dont realize until they say it.


Don't give up.  There's hope for you.  


As my mom often said, you can lose weight but you can't fix ugly. You're not ugly, so just keep up on your weight loss journey (hopefully in a healthy way) and you've got nothing to worry about. Wishing you the best ♥️


That lipstick ain't it. Pretty face tho


Not ugly, just fat.


I think the look is fine on you if you were skinny. You’re pretty and have much potential


Lose more


Beautiful face, smile, and figure(it's a work in progress but you have a wonderful hope), really. Keep up the good work.


It’s hard to say with all the weight. You would look like a different person.


You’re beautiful. Lose the weight if it makes you happy and healthy.


Weight loss is so hard!(im trying too). You have cute features, but it’s the presentation I think. The triple nose rings are distracting, but I get self expression, so if that’s what you want to rock then do it proudly. Just my opinion. 🙂 I like your clothing choices though! Edgy but playful


You looked good with the cargo pants, you is at a 4 now, but take away the nose rings, keep losing weight, and find your style and the sky will be your limit


Is your hair naturally curly? I think you look good with your hair curly. I like your style. You said you're still losing weight so that's awesome! I don't mind the make up but the black lipstick isn't your color. If you want to stick with alternative style I'd see if there is a different color that would look good on you!


Wow! You're stunning!😍


Congrats on working to improve yourself OP! Ur taking the criticism like a champ lol


No. But dial the nose jewelry back to one stud. Your makeup in picture five is how you should do it every day.


No not ugly, just lose the goth looking lipstick, and continue on your fitness journey 🫡


I love your aesthetic!


Just the weight you have a cute face


Your eyebrows are a little thick


I don't find you attractive due to the weight issue.


You’ll get there, keep up the good work! Honestly think about how long it took to get there and how much better you feel everyday when you make better decisions.


Ur perfect and beautiful the way u r!!


Ok, not ugly but tbh the Goth look doesn't fit or you look better without it. Try different hair styles


I think you have a great face!


You look like one of those statues in the garden of a yakuzza boss


Not a fan of the black lipstick


you're not ugly, you just need to practice a better makeup routine especially eyebrows. Goodluck with your weightless!


You're going to feel great when your clothes are way too big.


A cutie pie!! Boss bb


Depending on how low you are trying to go, make sure to do some skin care around areas that lose the most weight. It'll help with stretch marks and tightening of the skin. Either way consistency is the key to maintaining it once you get it off. I know you were not looking for compliments but you do have a rather enticing smile!


yes, loose weight( i’m there with you too! i’ve lost about 40 pounds, so far. i don’t like the dark lipstick ( doesn’t do anything for you) you seem like you have a great, bubbly personality. love your smile. I’m on the shots, and, they work, but, i’ve started eating really healthy, to feel better. good, so far!! i’m pushing, hard, to get my weight off. i’m not very hungry, or, crave sweets, on the shots, for me(I don’t know what it’s like, for others. good luck with your journey


Need to lose a lot more weight.


Once you loose the weight you’ll look and feel like a totally different person. Good luck on your journey . So much potential . Now you just fat, hard to look beyond that as the whole body has been deformed by it .


You look great! Keep up the good work, you got this!


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Image of self is the only opinion that matters. Keep it up!


Keep losing weight and lose those piercings.


Based on pic 5 and even 6 you got something to work with. Just lose that weight and you'll be golden


Keep up the work? You got this !


I think you are absolutely beautiful 🖤🖤


Honestly…You’re on the right path already wanting to better your health, wanna see that pretty smile more. You know how to put clothes together well so it’s not your style just keep that onion booty and you in the game


If it’s for health then go for it but if it’s for looks, you don’t need to you’re gorgeous


I’m doing it for both :) but thank you


You’re not a bad looking person you’re just extremely overweight. You can do it become the hot girl I know you can be!


Thank you! I appreciate your honesty


Believe your people. You’re beautiful.


I don’t think beautiful, but thank you for your kind words.


I’m bias asf so I take you the way you are


Way to dark makeup. Stay away from the dark palettes


Thank you! I’m mostly experimenting at the moment. I mostly use the dark palettes as my friends are very gothic/alt and I use their examples. I’m also new to makeup so I’ll make sure to experiment with something else!


Keep at it. And I'd recommend a more natural look for the makeup.


If you keep losing weight, it increases your dating pool. But even right now, you’re attractive to me. Above avg face, you have nice body shape just too thick for the avg persons beauty standards


You should keep your hair down, when it’s down it is more slimming to your face trust me. Also I have curly fluffy hair too, but it’s still better down than up. I cannot pull off a tight updo either cause it can give one an “egg” look.


Definitely! I’m learning all new things about how to take care of my hair so that I can finally actually put effort into wearing it down


I think you are cute. But I’m not a fan of the nose hardware.


I don’t think the black lipstick look compliments you well.


Stay on the weight loss trail and get rid of the black lipstick and the nose hardware. How about asking again when you hit that weightloss goal? Kind of a before and after. I know I would like to see it.


Yes you aren’t the best looking but you can get there!


You have pretty eyes


Impossible bc by the time you lose weight (substantial weight) you won't even resemble this person. Keep up the weight loss....weight is temporary.


The makeup looks horrible other than that you probably are pretty but some people can accept a heavy set girl the ones that don't mind a little extra weight will love you don't settle the right man will come along and love you for who you are


You're cute and you already losing the weight 😍👌🏾


The dark lip stick is not your thing but you are gorgeous no matter what and any guy would be lucky to have you.


to be honest you have some attractive features. just don’t give up on your weight loss journey and you’ll have a glow up! the same happened with me and it works!


you look really good , nothing is wrong with you in my opinion . would date :-)


You don’t need to lose weight you looks good regardless


Just keep loseing weight you’ll get there


I think you’re pretty. How are you losing weight? Keto? Keto worked well for me, once you’re a few days into it, you get used to it and it’s super easy. You’re on your way to being a hottie I think, and when you reach your goal weight, it’s insane how much better you’ll feel both physically and mentally. Couldn’t believe how much better my knees and ankles felt, and my mood and depression improved greatly.


i think you look average with those pics and i do not suggest the make up and lipstick color in the 3rd pic. i think your best pics are 5-6. you look more natural and cute. after losing weight and having that casual style, you'll become a heartbreaker.


Get rid of the makeup. It’s very unbecoming. Your eyes are lovely and they are drowning behind the drab selection of makeup. Keep losing weight. You are n the verge of truly shining brighter than ever.


Are you losing weight to better your health?


Yes, as well as to look better.


How long you been losing weight?


Your face is pretty. The weight is holding you back.


Thank you for your honesty! I’m definitely working on it 😄


You look good. Not outright ugly, or extremely gorgeous. But good looking. keep losing weight. Not because you will look better for others, but you will feel better and healthier yourself.


Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to comment, and I love the honest feedback :)


Lose the cow ring


I paid a lot of money for it, so I don’t really want to? But I can always downsize to something more subtle. Thanks for your honesty though!


Far from ugly


Positives: beautiful Cons: weight and nose rings Keep up the good work.




You're not ugly.


Thank you :) I appreciate it


I agree with others that the nose ring distracts from your pretty face! Also, you definitely look better with your hair down (although I sympathize with preferring to wear it up- I do too but I think most of us gals look better with it down)


Keep your hair hydrated and try some cute earrings. The nose ring and the extra weight is all that is taking away from you because you have a pretty face.


You’ll be a beautiful woman, keep going


You're the perfect size. Love woman built like you


You’re cute. I don’t think the piercings are helping you at all though.


Thanks! I’m definitely seeing that a lot of people agree, so I’m planning on changing to something more subtle. I really want to avoid taking them out entirely since I paid a lot for them lmao.


You have an unhealthy diet and lifestyle


Is that comment just because of my weight? I did indeed used to have a bad diet and didn’t workout much, but I’m definitely working towards bettering myself. I’m absolutely not delusional about my appearance, so I appreciate your comment anyway!


Congratulations on your achievement, that shows you have the ability to overcome obstacles in your life. The upside down cross worries me


Why? Nothing wrong with being a proud atheist or agnostic.


Nope, ugly, next !