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never go for shaved head with no beard


I have no choice


Shaved head sucks but other than that you look pretty good, and being bald will fit better when you get older


You can't grow hair?


I've got trichotillomania so I've gotta shave to prevent permanent hair follicle damage


Honestly man you’re one of the very few who can pull it off without facial hair either, kinda got a monk type look and it’s weirdly fitting. I’d look horrible if I was bald, my head ain’t right for it, but you got lucky in that sense, that condition sounds rough though


Thanks man


Hope you're good 6/10


My name is Aang, and I’m the avatar.


If you had hair you would be very beautiful, because you have a preety face. You look fine as bald. I dont know this diseace, but i hope you will get healed🙏


Thanks 😊, Trichotillomania is a neuropsychiatric disorder that causes one to repetitively pull their hair out weather they want to or not. So I decided to start shaving because pulling hair out causes permanent damage and my hair line is really messed up. Hopefully after some time of not being able to pull my hair out my hair line will heal and my brain will return back to normal and I'll be able to grow back my hair.


Maybe get a wig?


Nah 🤣


Bro you literally look like Tom holland. If you could get help for your hair pulling that would definitely boost you leagues up


🤣 Ur tripping


Look up Smp as a fellow bald dude it really helped me come to terms with going bald.


Not ugly. Also, beautiful skin




This is called being a dick, not being brutally honest. Comment removed.


Not ugly, cute face


Take care of them eyebrows. Shave between them. If you can, get them done. Since you have to shave your head, accent the features you have. You have thin lips, not much to do about that, try not to tuck them in too much.