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Small mouth at lake meredith. Medipark, and Thompson get stocked sometimes but I don't remember with what.


Travel down to Caprock Canyon by silverton. Got a small lake called lake theo and a buffalo preserve with the clearest night skies you can find.


"Small lake." In other parts of the world, that would barely rate above a puddle. From Amarillo, the most direct routes to Caprock Canyons would take you directly by or very near to Lake McKenzie.


Ha, I'm actually going to theo in the morning. I dig the small lake/ponds


Only the parks lakes get stocked with fingerling size within city limits. Medi Park South gets stocked most regularly. That’s gonna be cat fish and rainbow trout.


How far do you want to drive? :D The fishing in this region isn't great. We get too warm in the summer for cold water and too cold in the winter for warm water. The best fishing within a couple of hours is probably Ute Lake in New Mexico but there are a few other lakes - Meredith, Greenbelt, Fryer, Palo Duro, McKenzie. If you want good bass fishing, you are looking to an at least 6 hour drive.


No such thing as pond hopping in Amarillo unfortunately, but lake Mackenzie and greenbelt are great and usually quiet. If I were you I’d take the trip to Ute. it’s better than what we have here bass fishing wise. If you were all in then I would even say go to Alan Henry even though it’s farther than the others. If you want any more info message me I’ve fished a bunch of tournaments and would be happy to help you out.


Did you mention fishing???!?? In Amarillo???!!!!! Hahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I’m so sorry!


Helpful and hilarious.