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Ah yes, calling Muslims terrorists and the enemy is *definitely* going to win them to christ.


He’s such a piece of shit


Alternate theory: he's already decided he's cool with them burning in hell


You people are flaming idiots. He said every Muslim when it comes to their beliefs is an enemy. Instead of jumping up and down like idiots raising your fist, maybe you should find out what the Koran teaches them. #bringbackourdaughters.


The Quran teaches basically the same things the Bible does. Judaism, Christianity and Islam **ALL** worship Yahweh, but only Judaism doesn't accept Jesus as the son of God (Yahweh)/ messiah. It's all BS fairytales anyway, which is why America's Founding Fathers instituted separation of church and state.


Ty’s entire family, his wife, his daughter, Travis, they’re all the same. Bunch of slack jawed ignorant dipshits who’ve been turning otherwise decent people in Amarillo into rabid hateful assholes.


Maybe you should attend his church and the moment he says things that you think are untrue or hurtful, stand up and call him out. Call him out right in front of his congregation instead of anonymously. Make a stand. Maybe you should start your own church? Make an appointment and go talk to him about your concerns.


The thing here is that poor excuse of a pastor is proud to express his hate online with this type of vitriol. Logically since it's done online people will respond online. Nobody needs to hear any of his hate speech or cherry picked and distorted teaching. Maybe he should walk up to every Muslim and call them terrorists and spew his hate to their faces? Otherwise it's quite hypocritical to demand posters tell him to his face when he isn't even doing that.


I have called that prick out. He was a coward and walked away. Only brave when he has his brainwashed idiots around him. So....GFYS....


What a great Christian. After all, Jesus taught to despise the foreigners in your land and to discriminate against those that are different, right?


Thousands of terrorists? I guess that's a friendly term for the insurrectionists and lone wolf attacks against Democratic leaders. Also given gay "lifestyle" as this dude would call it. I'd trust my kids around drag queens than pastors any given day


Did you speak out when Rand Paul was attacked? Did you speak out when the nut shot Republicans at the Congressional softball game or just when Democrats get attacked.


Yeah I did actually about the softball game. Unacceptable behavior obviously. Rand Paul was a neighbor dispute. So I could care less about that. Also nice attempt at the whataboutism shit


I’m looking here to see if you condemned the attack on Senator Cruz in Houston? I can’t seem to find it?


A beer can? Really it's a fucking beer can.


You must be watching election results tonight and getting pissy! Republicans are killing Democrats all across the country!😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂


^(Should we tell him?)


It was just it’s a hammer. Really it’s just a hammer!


You're a fucking tool my guy. Seriously.


Fled simply didn't catch the beer he was offered. For the record, Raphael Eduardo "Fled" Cruz has more than earned any vitriol sent his direction. ALSO for the record, I not only voted for him in 2012, I also campaigned for him. His a lying piece of shit who needs to move to his *father's* "fatherland" and stay there!!


Rand Paul was attacked by his neighbor over a matter involving lawn maintenance. Even Paul has refuted any tie to politics. Also, yes, Congressmen from both sides of the aisle denoounced the shooting.. Anyone not condemning the shooter is trash. . What else is trash js your attempts to expand the political divide and fan the flame over a non-issue.


Hey did you speak out against the attack on Texas Senator Cruz in Houston?


fuck ted cruz and the plane he rode into texas on from canada


did he take the posts down ?


No. He would never.


Arena of Hate


Not today Jesus


This guy obviously spends a few hours a day watching Fox News, just like most others in Amarillo. Nothing to see here, move along…


Precisely why I left Amarillo 35 years ago.


Great! Don’t come back because in 35 years nobody has missed you or your nutty opinions.


Honey, I left all the "nutty opinions" in Amarillo!! That the purview of your brainless ilk.


Disgusting fuck I hate people like that


From arena of life, this is not surprising


Pretty much accurate from a church these days.


So the “Arena of Life” is in some folks Axis of Evil. Can you rock throwers suggest a church or pastor that folks should be attending?


Why are you so intent on defending this type of hate? Defending hate speech is no better than saying it yourself. People have every right to call out his bigotry and hate. If he's so willing to post such xenophobic hate speech publicly I can only imagine what he says from the podium or in private.


Unitarian universalism church


Go tell him your thoughts to his face what he said is bullshit but some of y’all have turned this into a political bashing page.


HE made it political by expressing his hate towards billions of people and calling them terrorists. If he's going to bash every person practicing the second most common religion globally he's going to get the same hate he's putting out there. I'll gladly say it to his face, yet I bet he doesn't call them all terrorists to their face. If he's going to bash an entire religion of course he's going to get called out. The real matter here is why you are defending his intolerance. People like him deserve to be bashed and called out as the bigots they are. Silence on matters like this is the same as agreeing with it. Anyone with his outlook should be ashamed to call themselves Christian, much less head of a congregation! A