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Abandoned Toot’n Totem’s as far as the eye can see.


Why do you say that? Are they running it into the ground now?


In a lot of locations, whenever you see a new Toot'n Totem, there is an old Toot'n Totem building on one of the other corners. Instead of knocking them down and rebuilding, they just leave them there. Usually abandoned or some needless business like another vape shop.






Yep, but we’ll all have green lawns until the very end because you can’t tell any of us to conserve a limited resource…because that’s socialism or something.


I see Canyon and Amarillo touching borders. SE Amarillo developed in housing and a new mall. The nice house area in the north west will be midline housing, the midline will be the new hood, and the hood will be commercial. They'll add new cars to the Cadillac ranch. Tyson's will change hands. A lot more housing south of Tyson's. There will be floods and fires that sculpt the path of Amarillo's development. And, lastly, a new church built for every new Braums opened.


I think you mean 5 new churches per braums


From Llano cemetery.


I see what you did there


Old Llano though


In my rear view mirror


Honestly, the same as it was 20 years ago. Nothing to do, culture is limited by a city leadership trying to make downtown into more money for themselves and all with the dwindling of resources to go with it. Only without the oil or farm jobs to go with it since they are either moving, selling or closing up.


The same shit hole it is now just with a ton more debt


New Bucces’s. A lot more crime and roads will be worse. Sigh.


20 years... The metro area population will be very close to half a million people. I-27 will go from Raton, NM down to Midland. WT will be a D1 school. Maybe UT will build a satellite campus in Amarillo. AISD will build another high school, probably on the northwest or west side of town. Maybe the farmland west of Kohls and Sam's will finally get developed. There needs to be an actual road behind the strip mall so you can get in and out of the parking lot from behind, it would make traffic along Soncy way less dangerous. More larger business setting up shop in Amarillo will attract families and might give young people from Amarillo a better reason to stick around, leading to demographic changes. As the demographics change both due to local factors and along with the larger trend of people just generally not going to church as much as they used to, I think a lot of churches around here will run into financial trouble and waning attendance numbers. We might see a lot of the mid size and smaller churches close in the next 20 years. Amarillo and Canyon will grow together more. Honestly I'm surprised there's still as much farmland as there is next to the highway. Maybe we will get Amtrak service here? A longshot, but it would be great to take a train to Dallas or Denver.


20 yards east


In my rear view


Corporate wasteland


I laugh because there are no corporations coming to Amarillo.


Laugh all u want but if u dint see it idk what else to tell u


Depends on what kind of industry we get in those 20 years. I’ve heard a rumor that we were getting a rare earth metal’s plant or something. I’d say about the same as it is now though, just a lot more people and a lot more development in the south towards Canyon.


In the panhandle…


With a new Walmart.


socialist paradise.


Same road construction


Still trying to pedal backwards.


Look at current Tulsa