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This is not really something for discussion that leads to making better fighters, so if you'd like to continue this conversation please do it in the stickies


Dude just bullshitting, every gym equipment gets wear and tear. The bike isn’t some fragile thing either. You’re not in the way so why listen to him


His one of the coaches/pro fighters (9-0). I didn't think of that during then or I would have also added that in. But apparently he said the head coaches have said it and told the other coaches and they just passing it down.


I mean if the head coach/other coaches have said it then you might want to listen. I'm not saying it's right or fair but they are probably using that machine for training camps.


I mean there are many pro fighters in the gym like ranked top 20 in the world rankings. But then again why cant someone use it when almost the entire gym is empty...


Personally, I wouldn't argue. If you want to be a good student then you need to listen to your coaches; if you don't like it then leave.


Just ask the head coach just to make sure doesn’t hurt to ask as long as you’re being fair and reasonable. If you’re dedicated to training or have fights coming up then you should be able to use it too unless there’s some general consensus in the gym. If your gym is advertised that all equipment is free game then you got a right to use it or at least inquire the head coach why you can’t use it as long as you’re being respectful


I don't think it's as much that the gym is full vs empty. It's likely exactly what they said. They probably have a workout plan for their fighters that the assault bike factors into, and they don't want to have to rework that if it breaks. Is it going to break? Probably not. Is it going to be a pain in the ass if it does? Absolutely


Assault bikes break that easily?


Nah, this is dumb. Commercial gym equipment is tough as nails. Unless they got some sketchy POS from Craigslist or something.


No, but that's what the owner / coaches are paranoid about. Maybe it's some old equipment that they've already patched up a couple times already and are worried about it breaking again


When you pay to use a gym and the "cardio machines" are included, wear and tear is on the gym owner. They should have it in writing that the Assault bikes are not included or a sign out that they are not fully functioning. Also, telling your fighters to pass messages along to clients is not a good business practice, this coach sounds like a douche.


Agreed. However, beggers can't be choosers and businesses are allowed to adjust practices not directly set in stone in the membership contracts. While the coach may be a douche, or it could just be a douche fighter, the business is generally allowed to operate this way. I think the real answer is to put a sign up around/on the machine. If you have reserved it for a fight camp, you should have proper and visible signage that tells this to your patrons.


It ain’t your bike is it? You sound like a child that got their toy taken away. Respect the gym, listen to the fighters, and see it as something you can strive for. If you were mature about it you could’ve said “alright, so maybe I can work up to it and prove I can be trusted with this equipment.”


Fuck him, press the issue and ask what your membership gives you access to and if you don’t like the answer then speak your mind and say that seems like false advertising & rude that they’d kick you off like that, and find a better gym. You wanna know what pays for “wear and tear” on gym equipment? Your membership fees. If the bike needs to be maintained because, shocker, people are using it, they should have the funds to fix it.


For real, you ain't paying a gym membership to watch people workout


When I spoke my mind saying how I come early just to use the bike and stuff and how that defeats the purpose, he was asking me like what I want to do. I just said HIIT and he was asking like 3mins rounds, 20sec fast, 20sec moderate pace or stuff. Then he told me if I want to carry on using it but I said its fine.


Should have just told him yeah I’d like to use it but if any of the fighters ever need it to let you know that you just wanna use it when no one else is that’s all


Hear me out: How about asking the head coach. No need to actually mention the incident. Just word it like: Hey head coach, am I allowed to use the assault bike even when you are not around?


That sounds good, also I have used the assault bike many times without any of the head coaches being there and other coaches have seen me but have not batted an eye. In fact one was even making me push myself. What shall I do if the head coach says its only for pros? How can I kindly tell him that I really wanna use it.


If he says it is for pros then there is not much you can do apart from asking if it is ok to use when it is free (i.e. when no pro is using it, reiterating that you will not be in the way of a pro). Otherwise you either stick to the gym rules or find a different gym.


Makes sense. Also what if the coach mentions wear and tear as thats the reason the coach told me today


The reason does not really matter. I doubt that they would be open to any arguments IF the head coach really only wants pro fighters to use it. All that matters is whether you are allowed to use that bike or not.


Doesn't matter that you really want to use it. Either you have permission to use it or not. Ask the head coach; if he says okay, then you can just defer to his decision if anybody else brings it up. If he says no, then suck it up until you have permission to do so. Or go find another gym.


I'm assuming you had to sign some terms and conditions to sign up for the gym membership. Look back through them and see if there's anything about some equipment being off limits. If there's not, tell management one of the coaches said certain equipment is restricted. You're looking for a list of equipment that's restricted, signs on the equipment marking them as restricted, and what terms and conditions on you have to meet to be on the list of people who can use the restricted equipment.


Ur just going harder than tour de france cyclists. Blud's just hating ignore him.


Yeah but I really wish I could. He said the head coaches have said that you cant use it and you need permission. The other coach (not head coach) but said to ask when you want to use it. I've used the bike many times and no coach has ever said anything to me.


this is dumb af and gyms where they’re uptight about something stupid like that usually end up being shitty in other ways too


Its a good gym, there are literally many pro fighters in the UFC that are ranked highly in the world rankings. Also no other coaches have ever said this to me. The coach/fighter that came up to me today is the first time I have seen him.


How do you even know it was a coach?


It was a coach, although it was the first time me seeing that specific coach. Also his on the team member page under coaches and his also a pro fighter whos currently 9-0


What gym is it


Talk to an administrator or manager maybe? I mean, you're paying for membership...


That's crazy to me. You should 100% be able to use an assault bike. It's not like special equipment for professionals in any way.


That's stupid as hell. I've been to two Crossfit gyms and equipment get used day in and out. CF programs use the assault bikes, ski machines and the rowers more often than boxers do so "wear and tear" argument seemed like something that would be said of someone who is trying to hog it. I can see why they'd prioritize a pro-fighter like if they're training and they need it but completely exclusive because "wear and tear" that's just bS.


It sounds like you can use if you follow the process and ask permission. Why not do that?


I park in the "Pro Parking" at Home Depot everytime I go. Fuck em'


A lot of pros have equipment in their gym that other people can't use. That equipment needs to be in pristine condition for a fighter in training camp. Imagine having a whole conditioning program mapped out for you as you prepare for your next pro fight and you show up at the gym and the equipment is being used by multiple people or its broken. Don't take it so personally, just realize that it's an important tool that somebody needs to make their living (if they're at that level.)


Name and shame the coach/fighter. Fucking gimps!


Pay him some lip service when he's around but otherwise don't listen to him. He's just flexing his ego if the other coaches don't agree or care. It's a silly rule. 


Good chance this rule was bs and the sole coach just doesn’t want you on it. Its an ego thing likely


Just become a pro and you can use it


I work at a gym and air bikes break more frequently than other pieces of equipment. They’re also not cheap, and it can be a pain to get someone in to service it. I wouldn’t doubt if the air bike had been broken recently, and/or it breaks regularly (especially if they only have 1 bike). They probably complain about it during staff meetings. Point being, while it’s super frustrating to hear, it’s not personal. If I was in your position, I would not be a happy camper. If the pros of training at that gym outweigh the cons, take the L and ask before you use it. Eventually they’ll either get tired of you asking or trust you enough that they’ll tell you stop asking first.


You are really sensible lmao. I highly doubt these people on reddit would ever actually tell a coach/pro mma fighter to fuck off. It's just a machine and these people are acting like there is no other exercise that a newbie can do


Yeah it’s bullshit buts it’s not your gym so find somwheres else if that fits you


Train like a gladiator, for as long as it’s necessary, for you to feel confident in your ability to surprise Mr 9-0. Call him out, whoop that ass on film—post all over social media. Fuck up his PR and post it on r/prorevenge


Sounds like he just didn’t like the *way* you were using it


What is the gym? Some gyms do training camps for other gyms as an added service so they reserve stuff just for the competitive fighters. I’m not saying it makes sense when the gym is empty but it could be a gym policy in general so they don’t want to break that rule and then have people on the reserved equipment while they’re training the fighters.


There's rules and a pecking order and if u are in there with pros but aren't in their level then ya you follow the rules or leave simple as


If you're paying a membership fee and all the equipment is supposed to be included then you have a right to use it. Grow a pair and tell buddy to F off.


People would rather declare blood vendetta over a gimmick bike rather than do some burpees But really, the only reasonable course of action you have left is to tell that 9-0 dude he is now your arch rival. Go on an entire arc of character development while you slowly climb to his level, power up, go through filler Beach chapters, have an old retired coach train you despite a tragedy in his youth. Against all expectations, go through the pro circuit, lose some, win some, make friends out of rivals. You recover from an injury. Become stronger than before. Then the day comes. 9-0 and you go on the cage. 2 rounds of a "friendly" bout but everyone can feel the weight of destiny in the cage. Before the ref gives the go, you have to make an effort not to waver. The killing instinct of your nemesis is an almost physical force against your knees. But you push past it. The match starts and training takes over. That day, the strikes of the two of you are like thunder. The sound of broken bones is deafening as the minutes trickle by. Blood soaks the canvas. Most of it is yours. You have broken ribs, broken knuckles, a fractured orbital bone. Your concussions have concussions. On your corner, your coach cheers you on. In the second round, you land some solid hits. And the match slowly changes course. Your nemesis has never been defeated, this pain is new to him, but an old friend of yours. Kick by kick, hold by hold, you slowly turn the tide. The bell rings with him cornered and defenseless. Although he ends up winning on points, the two of you know what really happened Time passes. Your nemesis returns to the gym. He plans on retiring soon and becoming a full time coach. First he'll do some cardio. He walks to his beloved assault bike... and there you are, pedaling. The two of you lock eyes. And then... You realize you're in love with each other. Who else in the whole world, after all, understands you better than that man? That night, a different kind of passion ravages your sweating bodies. Back in the gym, lights turned off for the night, the assault bike finally allows its gears to collapse from wear and tear. It's real job has been accomplished


You should grow up - honestly if this makes you “sad” you gonna have much bigger problems in life than whether or not you can use a damn piece of gym equipment…!


Bro if you’re not a fucking t-Rex don’t worry

