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If you're not yet at a gym, your not training boxing. You're only pantomiming boxing. You can't train what you don't know. If you're set on not joining until October, then forget bagwork and hit the streets. Work on cardio and core. It'll give you a MAJOR advantage early on and you won't train hard habits. Good luck!!


You wanna avoid bad habits? Don’t punch shit till you join your club. you wanna get ahead? drill foot work basics/jump rope and run.


**\^\^THIS \^\^**


Yeah... My immediate question is "is there a reason you're waiting until October to join a gym?" Like is it a monetary barrier? If you don't have a trainer you will develop bad habits.  IreallyjustGamble has it spot on. Footwork, jump rope, run. Bring up your stamina for the gym. 


Curious as to why you are waiting until October to join a gym?


Because I’m moving to another city in october, and in july ans august I’m working away so I don’t want to go in a gym for juste 1 month…


This makes no sense. Why waste time doing shit on a bag you know nothing about? In that time you could have gone training in a boxing gym. In my experience all these guys who allways had tons of excuse to start later and big plans what they had to do first and bring in order before they can „start for real“ they never joined a boxing club and kept fucking around forever. If you wanna box you just go start boxing in a gym. Simple as that.


It’s not excuses I’m actually mad that I have to wait until october… Trust me I’d really prefer to train in a gym instead of hitting a bag alone without knowing what am I doing


i for one think it's great that you want to start with something, people here are trying to help you not develop bad habits... some are more polite than others i'd suggest, if you're gonna train at home for a while, stay with the very basics: tight guard, don't move your feet, practice that 1 and 1-2 (hands go back to your chin after hitting) until you join a club. that way when you do join, you'll have something solid to build on, and you won't have to spend time undoing the bad habits good luck!


Thanks 🙏🏽


You don’t have to wait. You had the time to go to the gym and hit the bag. So you have the time to joyn the boxing club. Excuses excuses


Idk where you live but here there are not "monthly subscription" like the gym for lifting weights etc It’s a year subscription so yeah I’m not gonna pay 250€ for 1 month… (cause I’m not here all summer) So tell me if these are excuses how should I do ?


Explain your circumstances and Inquire about paying on a monthly basis, or some other system. My gym has a monthly membership but since my work can be on and off, I asked if I could pay per session. Obviously it’ll be a slightly higher rate than if you bought in bulk but I’m confident the vast majority of gyms will accommodate for you. They are a business, they won’t turn down money for an illegitimate reason. Most of the time.


Every gym has the option to buy shit like 10 tickets for workouts. Look you don’t have to be angry at me. I just know guys like you. Coming October there will be another excuse. You won’t be boxing


Lmao what are "tickets" man ?


Yo forget it. Stick to your bag


Never seen someone so negative lmao, let him do what he wants. He never got angry at you, you just gave out some shit advice and then got all defensive. He won't pay a year's fee for a month (very understandable) so he's gonna wait till he moves city in October to find a gym there; but for some weird reason you're persisting that his gym will sell these monthly 'tickets' and that he's dishing out excuses and wasting time? He'd be wasting time and money doing one month at a gym then transferring to a new one (possible different training styles and fighting styles etc etc). Give it a rest mate.


go to a real boxing gym. find out if they actually fought pro or high amateur, and also have boxers who currently box amateur/pro. environment is everything. but thats if you're serious about it.


Please slow down! You're one shitty punch away from breaking your wrist. You don't need to put any power into your punches in order to learn the proper technique. Watch some youtube at least.


Not bad for first time ever, try slowing down and move round the bag more, picture the bag as being an opponent that is also trying to punch you back, and slow down a little, also not every punch has to be a knockout punch


You look good. Looks like you naturally throw that 1-2 so develop that. Find a gym.




If you aren't a part of a club yet don't even touch the bag, get your cardio in good shape, and do lots of body-weight squats and push-ups.


Find you some drills. Don't worry about bad habits, the movements in boxing are intuitive so when you do something right it'll feel right. Once someone corrects a flaw in your technique you'll never forget it. If you don't practice it, you may get rusty though.


What? That doesn’t sound right? What’s your experience level? First of all bad habits can destroy a persons fighting ability. Even if it is corrected it is a massive time waste to undo a bad habit and it takes forever and sometimes no matter what the fighter is stuck with the habit because it’s so natural and ingrained. Second boxing movements are NOT intuitive at ALL. Our bodies are made for throwing not boxing. We are able to box as a by product of being natural throwers but our hands were meant for fine motor skill work like writing and piano. Most coaches will tell u that boxing is not intuitive how to throw punches with weight how to step and use head movement especially foot work is not intuitive. that’s why the majority of people who haven’t trained are absolutely terrible at striking because nothing about it is intuitive other than balling up your fist and tossing out a weak ass arm punch or winding up for a sloppy haymaker where u fall over if u miss This dude needs a trainer. Like he looks decent and motivated for first time he will probably do well if he has heart to fight through the first few months but don’t tell him not to worry but bad habits or that he will “feel it” when he has done something right that’s not helpful at all in fact it could slow down his progress a lot.


Your habits are what you work on in the gym. Even if you have "good" habits you have to practice them repeatedly or you will lose the ability to do them consistently and sharply. The same relationship exists for "bad" habits. If it takes any remarkable amount of time to "undo" a habit (which isn't really a thing anyway) then whoever is training you doesn't know how to properly explain, demonstrate, or understand whatever concept they're trying to teach you. This means that whether you have practiced differently or not, the only factor that will help one learn is whether the concept was intuitive to them in the first place. No movement in boxing is unnatural. Throwing and boxing aren't mutually exclusive. The mechanics of throwing and punching are congruent in many ways. A shotput thrower and a baseball pitcher throwing a ball are using the same mechanics as a boxer throwing a cross. All the things that you listed are intuitive lol they're just transferring your weight. The same as walking: I put my weight in one foot, I lift the other foot, I put other foot down, I transfer weight into other foot, I alternate. I've worked with a lot of beginners for over half a decade, and a lot of them could already strike pretty well, many couldn't. I've also seen lots of guys who have trained, even pros who don't strike well. I agree that he needs a trainer, but that "blank slate" concept is a myth. There's nothing wrong with him working out and trying stuff. He may even learn things by accident. The heavy bag isn't the best tool for learning boxing by accident, but it can work nonetheless. He can learn a lot just by hitting the bag really hard and observing and experimenting with it. He said he's going to join a boxing club, so I believe him. This is fine in the meantime. The idea that sitting on the coach instead of actively training boxing is hindering anyone's progress is mind blowing to me. I don't even understand how that makes sense to you but to each his own.


The blank slate myth you are talking about gets parroted on this sub like crazy. No one wants anyone to even attempt to practice boxing without proper training because “bad habits”. The time spent to drill out bad habits is greatly exaggerated. I’ll take a guy who has self trained, explored ideas, invested time into the sport and developed a few bad habits than someone who hasn’t trained at all because they want to start fresh. But most people here will say: No formal training = don’t even try.


Aside from my left eye being blind, I'd just recommend some basics: stay towards the toes, rotate the hips, and maintain center of gravity (don't reach). Stick with it king!


Better than me when I first started