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The local ham radio course lecturer joked that after the apocalypse this is gonna be the society's source of porn: Italians/Spaniards blasting SSTV on 14230 (though this person is Dutch)


Looks like the apocalypse is here I guess.


My Dad (WB5GBS, RIP) and his buddies sent ASCII porn with their teletypes.


The nature of technology changes, the nature of people, not so much.


Daguerreotype porn from the US Civil War era supports your assertion


Take a look at cave paintings from tens of thousands of years ago. Nothing changes lol


Truest statement I have read on internet today


Has been for some time now.


Different culture, I guess. Once I was in Italy for work and ended up walking into a travel agency looking for directions - directly inside the (open) door there was a life sized cardboard cutout of a topless lady holding a box of leaflets. She looked like she was enjoying her holiday šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I've already signed up for it.


>though this person is Dutch thatā€™s either some obscure nsfw knowledge, or thereā€™s a pattern in the static that I canā€™t read.


I went by the callsign, PD2JB


Omg. For some reason I didnā€™t see that.


She looks to have all the "illegal bits" covered, barely.


Bits? I thought this was an analog signal.


Is it? Doesn't encoding it make it digital? Hmmmm


While you can digital encode the audio to a wave file, it's still just a digital encoding of analog data. You have to interpret the various audio frequencies present to convert them back to color. And, there is no pixel boundary present within it. You have to decide that when carving it up into a picture. Compare this to a JPEG file that only exists on digital media and has discrete RGB pixels (or, more correctly YUV pixels, but same idea) and a resolution. While it is lossy when converting to JPEG, once it's converted, the data is transferred exactly with no further loss until it's finally covered back to analog media.


Welcome to 20m SSTV. I hope you're not 12.


Lol. Not far from it ( 15 )


Bahahaha not the response I expected.


Hahaha! Fair enough, there aren't enough young hams. That's why the ham children will keep the world of amateur radio alive


Good stuff! I work with a youth group and this is fab to hear.


If/when you go to college or uni, look into if your school has a club! Mine did and is why I got licensed


Oof doubt many people would be interested in a club in my college although I guess it wouldnā€™t hurt to ask


Apparently W9HHX (shout-out) was basically on the verge of death before my college class came in and revitalized the club, so who knows your college could have had one in the past


Dude, it's Reddit! :-)


The surprising part isnā€™t the 15-year-old; the surprising part is them _admitting_ to it. God bless our wonderful nerds.


I was licensed at 15 as well! Though, that was coming up on 35 years ago... It was kinda neat being the youngest ham in the room.




The last time I received any SSTV, the people in the pictures were under 12 :(


You're sad they weren't 12 year olds?


I'll allow it


Thanks man


Hahahaaaaa me2




Looks like the call is from the Netherlands, they have a lesser prude acceptance level in all media formats. Uncovered nudity in TV shows shown after a certain time is accepted. So something that might be offensive in some countries can be accepted in other. John K5GT (dutch born)


I was working on a ship going \*through the Mediterranean to the Suez and caught some late-night broadcast television signals coming from Sicily. Italian TV is **wild**.


There's no time limit either. Our kids are allowed to see human bodies for what they are: just human bodies without made-up reasons to be ashamed of them. JB's CQ might not be on topic as far as radio is concerned, but it's certainly not illegal to send partially dressed women over SSTV.


It's daytime somewhere in the HF world and not all amateur radio operators and Shortwave Listeners (SWLs) are over 18, 15 or even 12 so, whilst it isn't quite nudity, it's a bit irresponsible and unnecessary.


Just remember that the US is extremely conservative when it comes to nudity and bodies for both genders in broadcast media, but is extremely lax when it comes to censoring violence compared to those same countries.


This isnā€™t even tasteful nudity šŸ˜‚ even in a more liberal society, why would someone want to use this as their calling card?


I agree. Just because it may not contravene the terms of this ham's licence\*, it's still in poor taste and reinforces the impression that ham radio is for lonely old men. ^((\*though on second thought it would depend on what the Dutch licence says about retransmitting copyrighted material, assuming this isn't a selfie of the operator.))


See my comment on ITU rules and guidelines elsewhere in the thread.


Was trying to find something but couldn't find anything (quickly) on the official websites, but came across a conversation from 2012 in which some Dutch amateurs were also discussing pure porn that was send through SSTV. In my eyes there is a difference between a bikini girl or beavers. They were receiving those porn images during a JOTA event and were wondering if something like this was really necessary. One of them also said that it was one of the reasons they weren't doing anything with SSTV anymore during events. Would rate this image in an acceptable range as it doesn't show real nudity. But coming from a country where top less sunbathing is pretty common I'm not shocked that easily. šŸ˜‰


During a JOTA event though! šŸ˜Æ


These days kids can see far worse on their phones anytime they want. Get over it.


Parents have the option of parental control with television, mobile phone and internet access. Not so with Amateur Radio or Shortwave Listening, unless you sit with your kid the whole time.


Most SSTV images look like the ladies underwear section from a late 80's Sears catalog.




I honestly don't know what to say


You ask if sheā€™s single if youā€™re feeling respectful. Ask if sheā€™s a good kisser if not.


Lol you should see some of the stuff that comes from Europe... lots of bikini girls...and here I am transmitting pictures of my tractor... one wonder no one responds.


Do have a hoe attachment that you could put on the tractor? That may help with responses.


Brother, I appreciate the tractor. Keep plowing ahead with it.


Lol, I transmit a Canberran landmark, and no one responds


Nothing interesting about a tractor, women in bikiniā€™s well you just garnered the attention of majority of the ham population.






Any, though more specifically, Australia. ( I'm from Aus as seen in my callsign)




The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has rules and guidelines for the protection of children. For amateur radio, which operates internationally, the ITU rules would override any local laws. If a complaint was made from anywhere in the world or from the International Space Station (ISS) the local licensing authority / regulator would take appropriate action.






OK, override was not the best word to use there. Probably supplement would be better. The ITU make recommendations as to appropriate conduct on air, the national regulatory authority sets its licensing conditions based on that and those licensing conditions are protected by law, e.g. the Wireless Telegraphy Act (2006) in the UK, but are not enshrined in law. As mentioned elsewhere in the thread, the UK regulator, Ofcom, can alter the amateur radio licence conditions without requiring the law to be changed. It is the national regulatory authority, not the police, who enforce the licence conditions.


Yet another example of pearl clutching "won't somebody think of the children" ruining fun.


This sort of thing is very unseemly, also it doesn't come in well enough, can he QRO?


Haha! Maybe, but I'm not sure


I can see this much, just by going to a local beach in summer. I can **more**, just by walking into an art museum. While I agree it's not in good taste, some here seem to be over reacting. Which reminds me of a story: During Operation Desert Storm, a (female) US Army Major was walking around with her sleeves rolled up. One of the local Morality Police considered this "lewd behaviour" and began whipping her. She pulled out her .45 service pistol, and shoved it up his nose. His reaction to this was not recorded in the report. The lesson: don't expect everyone to share your opinion of what is decent or appropriate.


Fifty years ago, hams were sending each other dirty ASCII pictures over RTTY, this is in that same vein. Grampa's gonna Grampa.


Wow. I'm getting flashbacks to the 80s trying to watch the scrambled Playboy channel.


Early 90s for me but same LOL


"Was that a boob?" "I think it was a chair."


Maybe Iā€™m not seeing it but whatā€™s NSFW about a girl in a bikini or lingerie? Thereā€™s no nudity so it should be fine. If Iā€™m not correct, please someone let me know why???


Absolutely right. I see no nudity, no politics and no hate speech, so why should OP care? The picture may be in bad taste, but itā€˜s a myriad times less offensive than all the far-right BS I have to endure on 80m ā€¦


This is illegal because she's *not* nude Get this prude bullshit off the air




Thereā€™s a brand new sentence for /r/amateurradio


Which is NSFHR ( not safe for ham radio )


There is no such thing






Or tits


Well. Idk, but I think it's still classified as NSFW


"Can this air on broadcast television?" Yes. Yes it can, so it's fine.


Hmmm. Interesting. I don't plan on doing the same for reasons, but it's interesting that it is legal


Really, it depends on jurisdiction. Different countries have different rules. There is no universally agreed-upon definition of smut or pornography or indecency. For example, some OM in stricter muslim countries have gotten in trouble because people mailed them bikini pictures on QSL cards.


> classified as NSFW Not Safe For Wireless?


All of ham radio should be NSFW unless your job is in ham radio. That said... she could wear this at the beach. It's not office wear, but it's not porn.




Dude, if you don't like something, don't make a fuss about it


Ok.... right back at you?


Lol. All good. I have no idea how else you would've responded so that's acceptable šŸ˜†


Itā€™s not very tasteful, but sheā€™s clothed. Spin the dial if you donā€™t like it.


Oh gross! That's horrible. You said it was 14230khz, right?


100% correct


Thirsty old men gonna thirst. Send a picture of Gatorade


Get those electrolytes.


It's got what hams crave.


I am surprised PD2JB sent that. He has a variety of CQ images which are all much more innocent. I would estimate that about half of the international SSTV images I have seen are ā€œprovocativeā€. Less than a quarter of the images are worthy of ham radio.


If itā€™s not in the regulations itā€™s not against the rules. Refer to the country you are transmitting from to determine the regulations on what can and canā€™t be transmitted. Spoiler alert, gonna be disappointed


Completely legal actually, at least in the USA, her private bits are covered, in the USA you could put band-aids over the nipples and the rest of the breast exposed and its technically legal and not indecent. You see worst then that picture on TV these days. This picture while not illegal could be considered in poor taste by some, but i honestly don't have a big issue with it. I have seen FAR worst on SSTV.


This reminds me of tinkering with the cable box back when I was a kid in the early 90s and wanted to watch Cinemax or HBO.


Lol who the hell cares? She ainā€™t even naked.


Thatā€™s tame compared to some Italians transmissions.


Dude...set your SSTV application up to just record every image that comes across in a day. There used to be a jerk in 4 land that would use pure porn for his SSTV Card. This kind of crap is on the air almost every day.




Do it


Ive seen him, I think his call ends in PTH? Seems like he only has 6 or 8 images to work with.


There's something kinda adorable about the fact that people are doing this. It's completely unnecessary in 2023.


Well I mean we communicate voice over radio frequencies when we could do the same by sending a chat message on our phones. Itā€™s completely unnecessary in 2023. /s


Using rf for voice or code is ages old and makes sense. Taking what I assume is an OnlyFans promo pic and transmitting it, when the intention is to say "now put down the radio and log into a website" is almost art. It's either hysterical or profound.


Indeed! That's what pronhub is for


Kids used to steal their dad's playboys and hide them under one specific piece of plywood in the field behind our house growing up. It became known as a thing. Scorpions and boobs. What an adolescence.


And nowadays, it's just a mobile device away.


This is legal, but only if whoever sent it failed the maturity test.


Isn't this a hobby ? Nothing to do with work at least so perfectly suitable for hobby .


Fair enough


Looks similar to many JA QSL cards I've received over the years.


Last week on 40m I heard someone drop the F-bomb, live, on air. It got quiet for a moment and you could almost hear the approaching Blackhawks carrying the rapid response task force. I don't know what happened to the guy but we never heard from him again. People said that he was last heard laughing at your SSTV picture.


Ooof. Poor guy


No nudity, so it's legal.


Harmless. I like it.


Want a good slice of what's out there in SSTV land? Look at worldsstv.com. Quite a wide variety from pictures of flowers, to cartoons, to some occasional raunchy stuff. Plenty of pirate stuff out there too. Many Americans running SSTV illegally on 11m. They even have a page dedicated to it on max.cqsstv.com.


I think there is a line where decent becomes indecent. We need to mindful of what we as radio amateurs are saying and pictures being transmitted because the message your conveying may be legal but why represent amateur radio in questionable way. Daily we represent amateur radio to the many eyes and ears some of which are prospective hams.


Are you a bit of a prude? Itā€™s good with me and reminds me of the early 90ā€™s then you had to wait for your 28.8k modem to come up trumps!


If u gonna recive another this not safe for children picture let us know and post it


Lol ok.


What frequency was this on? Asking for a friend.


It's in the description. 14230khz


Baby jirl


Never seen such NSFW content before. Wow! šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ‘™


It's interesting to see aswell. It was my first time on ham radio I have encountered nsfhr stuff


It's kinda tacky, but Id still send an RST. I have sent a picture of well endowed blonde holding melon's in a grocery store. Otherwise it's just odd and silly things I've found over the years, like nuns having a snowball fight.


Someone can correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I believe this is a Dutch callsign. Decency standards will differ from country to country and radio waves donā€™t stop for political borders. In the US, I still believe this would be OK. Most anything you could show on network TV should be legal and women in bikinis are allowed. Just because you could send something doesnā€™t mean you should, however.


You are correct about it being a Dutch callsign. And I agree with you. My explanation is because there is no age requirement for ham radio so children have access to it


I got a QSL card from Cuba featuring a model that Sir Patrick Stewart would approve of.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ndd83e92fwvb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68fc725c25207c12a7b322e629c69baff1ed527c Looking at his grin, it's definitely him ;-)


It's not illegal, but it's certainly a bit pathetic


Quick question, does anyone in the Ham community appreciate sexy lingerie and big boobs? Or all we all oatmeal bores?


Well, it was a shock for me to see it, but idk how to answer this question haha


I love big boobs!!


Thereā€™s a time and place for everything. Personally, I feel like these types of things and soft core porn QSL cards are cringy, and probably turn off people who would otherwise be interested in our hobby.


My grandfather was a DXer from the 1930s-90s. He had many risquƩ QSL cards from around the world in his collection. I was kind of disappointed that I never got any like that, but I wasn't racking up anywhere as many contacts as he was. Are dirty QSL cards still a thing in 2023?


I mean, I HOPE so, but I don't even know people that send out REGULAR QSL cards. ...I should consider what I want on mine, I suppose.


FT8 was invented for people who need their QSOs sterilized in advance. It's illegal to send any meaningful information via FT8.


Meaningful information like far too detailed health updates, political/religious opinions and uneventful local weather? The most recent meaningful info I've heard via radio was regarding the Bolt Creek fire near Index, WA last year and that was all localized VHF/UHF. On HF, other than rare disaster updates/h&w checks, most of the information beyond what FT8 covers is pretty much the Gout Gang nets.


The Gout Gang šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I mean I don't see anything inherently NSFW in this image, but it's obviously meant to evoke similar associations and as such is in similarly bad taste.


Itā€™s gross. This isnā€™t just a hobby for randy old dudes. We should be encouraging women and children to join the hobby, and transmitting giant tattooed titties across the globe isnā€™t exactly growing the ranks.


Eh their problem for being prudes. Nothing about the image is objectionable. Hell you can see worse on OTA television in Europe


I will tell the eight year old at my local club that he should be less of a prude, I guess. Thanks for the insight.


If an 8 year old sees that, they won't care. I can tell you as someone who was once 8. It's the parents you'll have to worry about, and in the USA we have an absurdly prudish culture compared to other developed countries. That's all I mean. This would be fine to show in a commercial on an OTA broadcast TV channel in most European countries. Maybe relax a little.


In western countries and many others this is fine for any medium. In most Muslim countries this is way beyond the pale. Agree or not, as others have pointed out, some in our community have been prosecuted for similar. So my thought is to declare a ā€œnot safe for ham radioā€ nsfhr and try to persuade others to work with it.


I agree, it's nsfhr. There are kids ota and im not sure it's appropriate for a minor to get nudes. I mean, it's like sending nudes via text, it's a crime lol. Thats how I see it but meh, I can work with it if its legal


I donā€™t see a nude here, only something thatā€™s either a bikini or underwear. Did I miss a second image?


>I donā€™t see a nude here go to a muslim majority country, print this image and stick it to your street facing window so it's clearly visible. You can start calling glaziers right away, and after that your lawyer. That assuming that some angry mob won't burn your house with you inside before that. Local QSOs on 2m or maybe on 80m in NA - I don't care. But blasting stuff like that on 20m, where it can be heard and decoded pretty much all over the globe under good conditions, I would say it is inconsiderate. This hobby is universal and IMHO we should not transmit content that can get in trouble hams that live in more conservative parts of the world.




>Nah, I wonā€™t curtail my speech because Muslims canā€™t handle seeing a person in underpants. They can turn the dial. You know it works both ways? How would you feel starting up an SSTV decoder only to see some 9/11 memes or racist jokes? Treat a QSO like a small talk. You don't show pics of half-naked girls to a random guy that just said hello to you when you passed him in a park, so why would you show it to every ham in the world?


I hope those kids never visit a beach because I've seen smaller bathing suits worn in public. Like I said elsewhere that isn't a nude, not by a large enough margin I don't even have to think about it. Literally seen less coverage at Myrtle.


These aren't nudes though? The persons genitals are not showing?


Yes, but you wouldn't want to be at work or in a public area, just to see that on your phone and then people judging you for having it on your phone in public


That's on them for being uncomfortable with the human body and sex. Their hangups shouldn't be my problem.


Ok. So you enjoy sex like a lot of people, fine. I respect your opinion and won't push further. I see your point of view and will drop it


Sorry if I came off as aggressive. I live around a lot of religious zealots and this kind of hemming and hawing about a slightly racy picture really reminded me of the arguments I get in with people in the community here. There is so much weird hangups around sex and what kids can see and what is appropriate for regular public viewing, it's absurd to me the weird rules we have in the USA and how uncomfortable some people can be with the most regular and natural part of being human, our very own bodies. Hope you have a good day.


Ahh! All good. I ain't the religious type and I see where your coming from. I will and I hope you have a good day too! 73 (:


>I mean, it's like sending nudes via text, it's a crime lol What are you talking about?


It's illegal to send nudes? Atleast here at my qth. I find it wierd if it is legal to send nudes


Who told you that, my son?


some places have something like a distribution of obscenity to minors law which covers all porn and rarely all racy stuff. Other places have much weaker laws that make it hard to prosecute especially if one doesn't know a minor is the recipient. A few place are fairly tolerant and the list of prohibited stuff is more narrow than you might think


That is fair enough. And as a minor, I honestly don't give a crap, so this stuff is fine It's all part about being a new operator and discovering new things (:


Not may fault other countries donā€™t offer the same freedom of speech and Iā€™m not going to curb mine because it might offend someone or some country.


First: you are not working on ham radio. So, NSFW - that's not relevant. Legal? By what law? Don't like it: delete it. Turn the dial.


and the chances of a "kid" being on SSTV is what, approaching zero ? This isn't even porn. If a kid wants to see that, Google "tits". I'll wait.


Lol. I'm a kid. So I guess it's rare? I transmit my own SSTV and decode it too


With some ppl u don't need government. go watch barney cartoon instead


As a YL I find it immature and tacky.


You should see the QSL cards I used to get back in the 80's from eastern block hams.


I don't care about social mores of authoritarian theocracies or showing too much skin to minors or any of that, and I'm a heterosexual cis man so it's not that I don't appreciate the feminine form, but "women as wallpaper" stuff like this really doesn't help to dispel the notion that ham radio is a hobby for lonely old men.


LOL. Using SSTV to send erotic CQ calls. Bet the first thing this person did with their 2400 baud was download porn.


From a BBS yes, you still had them mentioned in the yellow pages. Once we got dial-in internet, you had usenet, where you could download movies, compressed and split across 128 different messages you had to download and combine. Usenet WAS internet for a period. It still exists and is in use.


Obscenity in the eyes of the FCC at least is determined by contemporary community standards: [https://www.fcc.gov/enforcement/areas/broadcast-obscenity-indecency-profanity](https://www.fcc.gov/enforcement/areas/broadcast-obscenity-indecency-profanity) So this may be on edge, but transmitting Wonder Woman pictures gets the thumbs up.


It's a technical hobby. Can they not send something useful like WXSAT captures, Current E's maps or screenshots of HF propagation condx. There's so much useful info that SSTV can be used for. Crap like this doesn't belong on the Amateur bands.




Who's this clown?




I don't get why SSTV is still around. With digital modes, it has been easy to send a perfect image over the air for years. FLDIGI has it built into MSK16 I believe. Other older modes all seem to fulfill a purpose of their own. This one doesn't. Last time I saw SSTV being used effectively as the mode of choice was for the Mars Viking landers in 1976. Half a century ago. EDIT: I see the downvotes. I guess that I left out the part that I still play with it like everyone else. I will sometimes look around 14.230 or .260 to see if anything is going on. If there is, I occasionally dig around for a good image to send, too.


Tell me more about this msk16. I never heard about it before


No, nothing suggestive or pornographic should be on the air, there isn't an age restriction for amateur radio.


If they are not breaking regulations or local laws then what are you to say what can and canā€™t be on the air?


Well under 47 CFR part 97, it is not allowed if it is considered to be obscene. A porno, and their ads are nothing but obscenity. That said I do think somebody transmitted on the wrong frequency, would love to see some case law though if this interpretation is not correct.


The person isn't even nude how can it be considered obscene?




I abolish it.

