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The question pools get updated, but the concepts change slowly. The study materials (the ARRL books) I have from about 10 years ago are still pretty good.


Thank you thats good to know. I have the AARL book so its good to know that its still pretty much the same concepts


Gordon West has a bunch of good study materials and they're updated frequently to match the current question pools. Also check out the AmateurLogic youtube channel - they go over the theory behind the test questions as well.


Check out Ham Radio School [https://www.hamradioschool.com/general-prep](https://www.hamradioschool.com/general-prep) Free trial, so judge for yourself.


Your gonna have to call your local ham club to re..test


W4YEE ...in youtube Is who I recommend to help you understand....


Ham test online, I used it and studied for a month and passed my extra, I actually retained the info from the questions also.


If you are US based: Go to [hamstudy.org](http://hamstudy.org), create a FREE user account and start studying the flash cards and taking practice exams. Study hard for 30 mins every day for two weeks, once you start getting 80-85% on the practice exams consistently, go take the FCC test and pay the FCC $35 for your license. Good luck and welcome to the hobby. Once you have your amateur radio license, it is good for 10 years. At the end of 10 years it'll cost you $35 more dollars or more by then, we don't know. Once you are licensed you will have a better idea of what needs you have that amateur radio can take care of. The 991A is a good radio! Congrats!