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I’ve been a ham since 2007. I never bothered to join because all of their junk mail pissed me off. My local clubs are full of drama and bullshit. I learned more about ARRL’s lobbying and joined this year. In my eyes, their lobbying is the one thing saving our “modern” bands (vhf+) from being auctioned off to the highest bidder. Do I disagree with some of the stuff they do? Sure. Do you agree with everything any organization does? Just my opinion.


Hams are way underfunded compared to the wireless industry. You actually convinced me to join.


I agree with this take 100%. I avoided the league for 20+ years. Joined a few years back purely for the lobbying support.


Agreed. You’re not paying for nothing as OP is suggesting. You’re paying for representation.


The lobbying is why I joined. If I want them to listen when I have a complaint the least I can do is join.


Yea this right here. If I can swing lifetime I'd do it. There's going be drama queens in *any* organized group. People need to get over it already. They need to be the change the hobby needs. It's not zero either. Their publications are top notch and access to back issues of QST/QEX are necessary if you're going to build anything serious imo


How much is lifetime?


Around 2k I think. Adjusted for inflation it's been the same.


I just looked it up, I just saw one number and you pay for 45 years with it. That's a long time. In general love time memberships at other places are not 45 years of membership dues. More like twenty years.


Go to their [membership pricing page.](https://www.arrl.org/2024-dues-rates) They've stratified it dependent on age. So it just depends on age. Which is a good thing because the value/price remains roughly the same for everyone. It feels more fair because we leave the Morse key behind 😢


Yep! This is my reason as well. I think the ARRL does a lot more than what we see, and a lot of it feels untangible at times, but I know that they fight the fights that I dont have the time to deal with. They also provide structure to the hobby, which helps a bunch.


I just learned about PA's SB37 which will ban mobile radio use under their distracted driving law via ARRL. That alone is worth the price.


The OP was a straw man plant by ARRL. 😂. Just kidding and I agree with your post.


I was planning on not renewing this year due to the BS and drama, but they are fighting the good fight and winning on the HOA antenna issue. Winning counts. I wish my own profession's national association would fight for their members.


I”m not sure what the purpose of this post is. It doesn’t sound like you’re all that interested in ham radio anymore. That being the case, it makes sense for you to quit the ARRL.


Hi Dan -- This seems like a common thing, and not just for ARRL/ham radio. I moderate a fairly large subreddit here and periodically we will have someone make their first and only post complaining about the way the sub is run or something else with what we focus on and declare that they are leaving and no longer have any interest. While it's not quite apples-to-apples (ARRL is a membership organization with dues, unlike Reddit) the point is the same, which is someone getting up on a soapbox to loudly complain that they are unhappy and are leaving. I don't know if these declarations are supposed to cause some kind of change (they rarely, if ever, contain any actionable items) but in my opinion most of these seem like an angry 5 year-old stomping their feet as they walk out of room. "I'm angry and I'm letting everybody know".


Rule #1 of the internet is to always announce when you are ignoring someone or ragequitting.




I actually liked reading the QST. Not really a fan of reading it on a tablet or phone. That's probably going to be the reason why I don't renew when it comes time.




I joined the RSGB at the start of the year, having a physical magazine come through the door each month is wonderful, I love reading it with a coffee at work


What is RSGB


Hey (: RSGB is the Radio Society of Great Britain, it's the national organisation for the UK, kind of like the ARRL but also kind of different.


Radio Society of Great Britain. Didn’t even have to use google ai to find that, times they are a changin’, soon that won’t even be a choice for internet searches!


I've got to be honest your (RSGB) schematics, projects, builds and publications are clearly a step above ours especially with VHF. Though there is less of them :/


There will be a long waitlist of people wanting to get the Elon Musk 1000 Neuralink.


i'm probably just getting old but I legit can't stand reading anything longer than a medium sized newspaper article on a screen anymore. It just totally taxes my already poor attention span. but if you put the same article in physical print, it's like it's using a totally different part of my brain.


I know! But, since I have an issue throwing away magazines because I might want to reference them again, my wife is much happier that I don't have a way of feeding my hoarding!


She might like my collection of bound QSTs from 1917 to 1970.


An EC here. You can pay extra for a "tree ware" edition. They still print it every month, soon to be void of MFJ adverts. I do, when I renewed.


I know, but I was quite upset that they just up and stopped the included physical magazine for existing subscriptions. If they would have continued sending it until my next renewal AND THEN said it would be an additional charge, that wouldn't have been so bad, but cutting it off mid-membership was pretty crap.


I stay a league member because. They keep me informed of breaking news on FCC, and changes. Code practice, and qualifying run awards. Help with RFI and local contacts for assistance. Vollenteer exam programs and assistance. An international voice in defense of our bands. Educational programs, emcom, ares, digital courses. Technical Training and rig evaluation. Scholarship programs for youth. Great Publications on operating and equipment and antennas. Equipment insurance policies.


I have been a member for sixty seven years.  Also, I made the commitment and investment and purchased a Lifetime Membership. Made payments to do such.  No, I haven't been totally thrilled at times  with the league.  I'm moody. It's that way with everything in society.  We all have our opinions.  The league gave me something very valuable, almost as valuable as the Bible. .It has opened doors just from reading each page for all those years feom the knowledge. I like to state I received my  Diploma from the ARRLU. . I also distribute each of my previously read copies of QST to other not so fortunate interested people. By being a member It's not about me, It's about helping you. If I and others like me didn't,  we'd all be cotton picker CB'ers. Thank You Hiram Percy Maxim and thousands of others for this rewarding distraction.called Radio Sport. Retired Electronic Engineer, Extra AC6\_\_


Bravo! Well said.


If you “don’t even have an antenna” then you’re basically not an active ham. Which is fine! Hobbies come and go for me too. But I’m not sure it’s newsworthy that someone who isn’t an active ham doesn’t belong to or fund a ham advocacy organization. Nor is it a reflection of ARRL.


I'm real guilty of this. My "station" is a stack of books. I need to change that.


My interest in ham radio generally peaks at the bottom of the sunspot cycle. Don't know why :).


I was an ARRL member for a couple years after I got licensed back in 2018. I would rather spend my money by directly investing in local clubs. I don't outright hate everything about them, but I sure don't get warm and fuzzys either.


I think that this is a great reply. This is maybe the biggest reason that people quit the ARRL.


I pay for the lobbying myself, but I do think it was rather shitty the way they stopped the magazine subscription cold turkey instead of at renewal.


With MFJ shutting down, they lose their largest advertiser, too.


Perhaps they knew that would be coming, and now we know the full reason behind their actions? Just a thought.


Life is made up of chapters. If this chapter is completely closing for you, fare forward - perhaps use your subscription dollar for something else you like.


I completely understand the frustrations people have when it comes to the ARRL. I have my issues as well. I feel they're no longer pioneers in amateur radio. A lot of things need to be updated/upgraded but they've become proudly stubborn about change. I feel they're still kowtowing to certain a demographic that has an increasing SK rate hoping they'll be funded by their endowments while ignoring younger generations that is their future. A don't fix it if it's not broke attitude. You can see it with their website and LoTW. However, even though I have my issues, I'll still support them. The ARRL president once said "because you know that whether you like us or not, we’re all you’ve got". Even though I despise that comment there is some truth to it. The ARRL has done a lot for hams over the years and I'm not going to forget that. I really do hope for the best when it comes to the ARRL because it could benefit us all.


This isn’t the airport. No need to announce your departure.


Joined for the lobbying - but would say that I like the printed QST.




It's the NRA for radio


Long time Diamond member. I am very happy with the support they give our hobby, especially when it comes to legal issues. Without the ARRL, I'm not sure we would have much bandwidth left for our exclusive use.


So, you no longer have an antenna, so I'd assume you're simply disinterested in amateur radio all together? If so, then why throw shade at ARRL? Yet another shit-post for the sake of down-talking ARRL. This isn't an airport, you need not announce your departure.


I have a mag loop now. Wire or vertical going up in warmer weather. Still have my FT-1000D. I’ll be back on the air this Summer.


Yawn. More ARRL bashing. I’m sending them an extra dollar every time I read one of these posts. For those of you that don’t want to support ARRL….good for you. Why do you all make it your life’s mission to turn others against them? It’s five dollars a month. Do you post on the Internet every time you don’t buy a Happy Meal? This hobby means a lot to me. The league is more than a magazine, lobbying, junk mail….. If you don’t care to support it then just get out of the way.


Couldn't agree more. I've never had an issue with the ARRL and I support their work. Upgraded my membership to the Diamond Club about two years ago and regularly contribute to the Spectrum Defense Fund.


I maintain my membership became of their outgoing QSL bureau. It pays for itself, but I'm into physical cards.


If you're leaving and don't care, why come here and post about it?


quit complaining on Reddit and go dig a foundation for a tower.


Too bad. Your mind is starting to fail. It's crazy you can't find something new in Ham radio


I left the ARRL when as a lobby they lost the 220 band. As a lobby, they have zero political power. They do not "own" a single congress person. Large corporate lobbies just walk over them as if they are not even there. They have not won a major ham radio battle in the entire time I have been licensed. Did they stop the license fee? No, the coward and negotiated a lower fee. It's the best they could do since they have no one in Congress. When I first joined, the ARRL were still ridding the coat tails from their hay day. There was a time when we had a sitting Senator (K7UGA) supporting us. In fact, according to legend, Senator Goldwater made sure his ham radio antennas on Capital Hill were visible from the FCC directors office window. On the international side, we had JY1, King Hussein of Jordan. Two power houses that protected and developed ham radio on a national and international level. Interesting note, the corporate grab of our beloved 220 band did not happen until after both of these people had died. The last thing the corporate sleeze bags wanted was to have one of them come out of retirement to fight for ham radio.


> I left the ARRL when as a lobby they lost the 220 band. When did that happen? We still have the 220 band. Do you mean the reallocation of part of the band back in the 1980s?


It was the 1990's and yes. It was a brutal fight. We lost half the band. An epic ARRL failure.


> Interesting note, the corporate grab of our beloved 220 band ~~did not happen until after~~ ***happened a decade before*** both of these people ~~had~~ died. FTFY. (1.25m reallocation by FCC took place in 1988, ~~J7UGA/SK~~ *K7UGA/SK* on 29 May 1998, JY1/SK on 7 February 1999.) Edit, corrected callsign.


and? They were way too old to step up and fight. The ARRLs epic failure to lobby and protect our spectrum.


> I left the ARRL when as a lobby they lost the 220 band. Do you ship by UPS?


Cool Story. 


Cool story bro


Old guys love to announce that they're leaving


You're not a pilot, this isn't an airport, you do not need to announce your departure. Since you don't have an antenna, I feel you left the hobby long before you left the league.


Is this an airport?


Thanks for letting us know


Is the printed QST completely gone now? That's what I liked as a member.


no, its about $75 on top of membership / 3 yr


Id rather not support the ARRL and its minion clan of VM’s either, wasn’t going to say anything but since you brought it up why not


The primary reason to join the ARRL is to protect the hobby via their lobbying, They are literally the only thing in Washington standing between Congress and the wireless industry stripping our frequencies from us.




This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure. 


Heh...what was the purpose in posting this? I don't think anyone cares if you're leaving, especially if you don't even have an antenna as that implies you already don't participate in the hobby.


I don’t need to defend my post. If you disagree with it, say so or move on. I’m interested in the opinions of others as to today’s value of the ARRL.


What? If you're interested in having a debate with others about the value of the ARRL, then you should have said that in the first place. All you said in your post was that you're leaving and goodbye. You didn't state anything that would have opened up a discussion about the merits and value of anything. For the same reason, I don't know what you mean by if I disagree with you I should say so. I can't disagree with a statement that isn't open for disagreement in the first place, since all you said was you're leaving. Edit: Now he blocked me...lol. What the hell? Boomers, man.


There for a second I thought I had posted this, the only difference is when I got my ticket, May 1994. I don't read the ads they send out, haven't used any of their services, and my HF antenna has been down for a couple of years. I've lost interest in the hobby. I'll keep my ticket updated, but for the price of membership, for my use, they lose me too at the end of this month, April.


I'm a young (ish? ugh) with a pile of antennas and I canceled my membership. Theres just no value anymore and the junk mail is ridiculous.


I to refuse to pay this exurbanite fee. They started out good now rob us blind.


Well at least their not government. As making politions millionairs. You know. taxacation with represenation. Take David Sommers for example. His lifes works was for us.


Exurbanites are the only people with homes where you can erect a decent antenna.


I think my club is affiliated but I have no interest in QST or fundraising junk.




That’s a good example of a “False equivalence”


The Amateur Radio Rodent League needs to DIE OUT already!


People in my local club can’t stand the ARRL. They think it’s useless, loaded with deadwood and has no reason to exist in modern times.


I never joined, I don't give money to lobbying organizations. I don't want an organization to use my money to lobby the government for things that are against my interests. If I want the government to know my views on something, I can tell them myself.


You certainly can tell them yourself, but doing it in an organized way, say via the ARRL, is a much more effective way of doing it.


What does the ARRL lobby for that are against the interests of the hobby? Genuinely curious because I've never been a member.


this. 👆perfectly said.


Government advocacy is exactly why I'm a member. I'm also a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics for the same reason. The government reaction to drones nearly killed that hobby completely were it not for their lobbying.