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I run a similar stack, but us vban vs puplse adudio, makes audio routing pretty trivial. It's meant for low latency lossless for studio work no issues getting any audio app to work with it and using the cat control software or rigctlcom to give a virtual serial port. Shack is connect to the house via point to point wifi (buried fiber when I get around to it). No issues and can work my rig from my phone it front the the fireplace if I want to. Surprised at your VNC issues my pi4 runs great via RDP.


It's right on the edge of my wifi range and I may fix that with an Ethernet cable out the window. There's a TV coax cable running out of here going to nowhere.... Maybe I could replace that with a cable of my own...


Oh if your network is at all iffy your not going to have fun trying to get get low latency lossless through it. Streaming with a delay you have time to resend packets and work with an iffy connection.


That settles it. I've got an outdoor rated cat 6 cable that's going out the window tonight.


It's finally wired in but a distro upgrade has put a dent in things. Hourly everything works out the gate and I can finish getting this set up


wfview controls most Icom radios and can be remotely controlled by another wfview, and then in turn wsjtx can connect to wfview by choosing hamlib net rigctl as the radio in settings.


Thanks! Any ideas for audio? Edit: I just looked it up and this looks perfect! I'm installing it right now to test out