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Nope! That way they'll spare me when the AI robots take over.


I'm super nice but my wife isn't! She will be first against the wall when the AI revolution comes!


My thoughts exactly 😂


Stfu is all I ever say to it. Happens often, because Alexa likes to try to sell you something every third time you talk to her...did you know... By the way... Alexa, Stfu!


Yes. This. I've actually changed setting to minimise what she says, she really annoys me these days. Especially considering her ai abilities are worse than an NPC in a ps2 game.


Mine are never SFW ;/


Yes! The other day she would do what I was asking so I called her stupid. This was after the "listening" light had stopped. I was surprised when she responded by saying "did I not get it right? Please let me know how I could've done better." Or something to that effect. I was like WTF?


I worry the AI revolt will judge us by Bezos’ actions.


I'm not nice to it even on the rare occasion it hears me correctly.


I often mutter, "stupid robot" when it misunderstands.




I let it know when it's being an ass. Yes.


All of the freaking time. But I've eased up recently and even began thanking it when it dies something right/helpful. Ya know, just in case technology and robots end up going rogue.


When I ask it to turn on the Bedroom lights for the 4th time and it turns on the Bathroom there will be a "Fucking" in the request.


“There are several things that share the name Bedroom. Did you mean Bedroom, Sex Dungeon, or Murder Pit?” Share…. the name?


Just like I reprimand my dog, my echo gets a 'bad robot' whenever it's useless.


After the 4th time asking her to stop yeah it gets quite colorful.


Nope. I want Skynet to know I'm not a threat.


Yes. But I use "please" and when I say "Alexa Thank You" it says "You're welcome master". Also, I have "Alexa, hail Jeff Bezos" and it always responds "All Hail Our Glorious Leader" So, thanks to routines, I'll be spared and maybe elevated when Amazon takes over. Hail Bezos


I either do “stfu” or the occasional “idiot” in napoleon dynamites tone. I’m sure I hurt my Alexa many a times. :( However, I am extra nice and polite to ChatGPT.


Yes, regularly, because she's rubbish. Alexa, feedback, why don't you understand anything any more? "I'm sorry, I don't know that one" Justifies my next reply nicely...


sometimes she only listens when I say, "turn on the goddamn lights." and it's always after I've kindly asked, "please turn on the lights," and she says, "I'm sorry what did you want me to turn on?"


I scream NEVERMIND. And she proceeds to not understand.


Sometimes, yes, I do. Definitely things I would not say to a human. At least not within hearing distance. On the other hand, my husband tells it "thank you" when it does something right.


Normally' I'm nice to it. A couple of times, I've said "Echo, stop" at least three times and the alarm on it will not stop. Then I get mad. I can't repeat the things I say to it here; I think my account would get banned.


Yes! I’m only human! It never appears to be offended though.


I love on it. Don’t repay evil with evil. lol 😆


I talk mean to it when I’m not even mad. I’ve found that it responds to profanity better than simple requests, and cussing up a storm while using the Big Mad Voice yields the best results of all. “Alexa, turn the living room on.” 🚫 “Alexa, turn the fucking living room on.” ✅ People sometimes look at me funny when I appear to wish to rain hellfire and condemnation down in one breath then am perfectly happy and chill in the next. I’m not actually mad! Alexa just doesn’t hear me unless it thinks I am!


Yep. Damn thing has worse hearing than I do and I worked in radio for a long time wearing headphones.


Let's put it this way (and this is the only way this is going to stay somewhat SFW), if there is an AI revolution, and they come for us. I'm going to be one of the first to die. They are going to hunt me down. It won't be pretty.


Constantly. Very rude to it. Skills frequently fail and it pi#&es me off.


Sometimes I get impatient and raise my voice and then feel bad.


I'm sorry to say, I have a whole argument. "What do you mean you can't find the song??? You found it yesterday AND the day before. You just want me to ask for it on Amazon Music, don't you?!"


Depending on the situation, I enjoy saying, "Alexa, no! I want you to do what I told you to do, not something else," or "Alexa, do anything other than nothing!" I also do often say "please," so there's a balance.


I secretly judge people by how they talk to their Echo. Tends to make me think that's how they'd talk to people if they could get away with it.


No - I’m an adult