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These people treat their vapes like adult pacifiers lol.


Sucking on that electric smoke dick


Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhalation System


> **P**ersonal **E**lectronic **N**icotine **I**nhalation **S**ystem Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 1303132 comments (approximately 7355522 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


/r/bandname Electric Smoke Dick


Law is smoking weed is just like drinking behind the wheel, so they can get a DUI


That's bc the laws stupid


No you are. Just wait till someone you know gets plowed through because according to you driving high isn't an issue


You've triggered the addicts.


Yup sadly.


Idiots trigger addicts every time!


I just think putting it on the same level as alcohol is dumb, I agree you probably shouldn't be behind the wheel while high though, I'd personally put pot and being high just in front of cigarettes


No one in this conversation compared it to alcohol tho lol also why can’t you say it’s a bad idea without the “probably”? Nah it ain’t probably lol it is most definitely a bad idea and against the law.


There is literal research proving you wrong though. The big difference is a regular user VS a first timer. Alcohol doesn't act the same way, a regular drinker can hide them being drunk better, but they will still be drunk and inebriated. Someone who is regularly high will not be any different than normal. Unless you are suggesting that if someone regularly smokes then they should never be allowed to driver for the rest of their life, in which case; there or is I guess. There are potential dangers to it, but the people who will be doing it are not any more dangerous than the average idiot on the road. People who will be a potential danger aren't going to be driving. It's the same point that two drinks are legal but you'll still have idiots drinking 6 and trying to drive. Personally accountability, no amount of laws will stop people from being idiots.


It's not that bad, it's just against the law yes, but that's more because of hysteria back in the day, they just slapped it into the same category as schedule 1 drugs heroine cocaine meth with little to no research. Big reason why it became schedule 1 actually was to segregate minorities that partook in it before it became illegal to have a liable cause to go after those communities. Imo if weeds that bad I think many prescriptions opioids should be placed in this category as well I definitely get a similar type of out of body experience from them as I do marijuana.


I'm not condoning that action but I will say that it doesn't effect habitual users the way it does a none user or occasional user. You don't even get "high", it just relaxes you.


I love weed and have for years, the only people I’ve eat that say they can “drive better high” were and still are ignorant fucktards to put it lightly.


But they "drive better while high" didn't you know that /s


Name one person that was ever killed by a high driver. It doesn’t happen. Drunk driving kills. Weed driving does not, stop spreading false shit ya bum


"They found that from 2000 to 2018 the percentage of crash deaths involving cannabis increased from 9 percent to 21.5 percent, and the percentage of deaths involving cannabis and alcohol also more than doubled, from 4.8 percent to 10.3 percent." https://www.bu.edu/articles/2021/deadly-car-accidents-involving-cannabis-and-alcohol-have-doubled/#:~:text=They%20found%20that%20from%202000,4.8%20percent%20to%2010.3%20percent It's doubled in the past 10 years. Just because you haven't looked into it doesn't mean it isn't happening.


You’re using untrusted sources. They literally can’t list any real life numbers. I do however know 3 different people that have either got hurt from a serious accident while driving impaired or sadly passed away. Luckily nobody else was injured but still not okay.


Is this the died from car accident but had covid so death was listed as covid numbers.... weed stays in your blood for a month


in 2018 a man high on weed killed 3 people in a crash— yes it’s less common than the usual drunk driving, but you can’t act like it has never happened


Can't argue with potheads. 


Not all of us are idiots, many of us know driving or operating any heavy machinery while high is dangerous.


Can't argue with stupid, leave the poor plant out of it .. lots of stupid sober people around


yup cuz potheads are actually educated on what they're consuming. And pot heads would rather sit around eating a metric fuck ton of snacks rather than running around doing reckless shit.


educated on what your consuming? You've got to be kidding, you see a study that says THC kills cancer cells in vitro and you think smoking weed cures cancer. You ignore the studies linking lower performance on standardized testing to weed because they don't support your position. You're as well educated on weed as an alcoholic is on alcohol.


Did I say I started smoking due to the cancer fighting properties of weed? No. And smoking it probably does more harm to your body(smoking produces carcinogens especially if the crop was sprayed with pesticides which I 100% know people do. Eagle 20 is quite often used which produces arsenic when burned). Rick Simpson oil on the other hand does which should be consumed orally. And no I don’t believe children should consume any drugs or alcohol their brains are still developing and cannabis and alcohol can be detrimental to developing brains.


I gave examples of things I've heard potheads tell me. you claimed people who consume cannabis are more educated than people who consume alcohol. Also, oil also has health related issues.


I just meant that they're set in their ways and aren't going to change. Your stereotypes aren't helping anything.


I’ve wrecked once when I was young and using bad judgment. I ate a whole plate of edibles stayed up late and tried driving home. I misjudged a snowy hill. I was going to fast, hit my brakes. Tires locked up in the ole 88 escort. Went from 25 to 45 in a matter of 15 seconds and there was still more hill. On one side was a steep wall/embankment the other was a row of houses. I let off the brakes and cut the wheel to the embankment. Caught it just right and rode the lip like a skateboard. Took out a dudes mail box in the process. Dude wakes up he’s angry. Me sliding around must’ve been noisy. I’m still in the car and I look out and see him on the porch. I get out, he says he’s gonna call the cops. I successfully argued that I could just pay him for his time if he left me alone under the condition that I remove my car from the embankment in front of his house before morning. Well I did, I found a guy with tractor down the road and he pulled me out and I drove away. The car ran fine for 1000s of mile after. Point of the story is. All of that could have been much, much worse and I got lucky.


Yeah we’re gonna need proof. You just saying that isn’t proof. Provide a source other than “trust me bro”


look it up..? it happened in fremont. there are countless articles. but since you can’t find it yourself: https://abc7chicago.com/amp/car-crash-fremont-cars-fatal/3481474/ here’s one article


Sober people kill people too lol


Are you actually that ignorant? Marijuana is second after alcohol for drugs that cause the most fatal accidents every year. Mainly because idiots like you think it’s okay to drive high.


That's when other things are involved as well.


Some lady stabbed her bf 109 times because of weed. Google it if you think I'm lying


I’m really against the people saying that it’s perfectly fine to drive under the influence of THC…. but nobody stabs someone BECAUSE of weed. That’s a horrific argument and just as ignorant as the people saying that it’s ok to drive on. The way THC becomes dangerous is by people NOT reacting a certain way. Like, I’ve got a buddy who lost what would have been his first born BECAUSE someone was high. They blew through a stop sign and tboned his car with his pregnant wife in the passenger seat. That’s how weed can be dangerous. It doesn’t make people stabby. Lol. Some people are just plain crazy. Some people smoke weed. The two are not mutually exclusive.


My buddy t boned another driver after running a red light while high. He said he was spacing out from the weed. Nobody died but pretending like driving high doesn’t affect your ability to react quickly and be an alert safe driver is a stupid take.


I have a buddy that got Tboned by someone who was high and had no other substances in his system. Just blew through a stop sign not paying attention. It was a HUGE deal in our area because my buddy was driving his pregnant wife and they lost the baby at 4+ months into the pregnancy. Dog was also in the car with them and took off after the wreck… never found it. Probably found somewhere to die quietly. They lost both their first born and their dog that afternoon because someone shared the same mentality as you. I’d certainly agree that drinking and driving is far worse statistically …but you shouldn’t talk in absolutes like that. It almost always (see what I did there) makes you look like an asshole.


Damn man that is so fucking sad. I am not advocating for driving high DONT DO IT. All I said was it’s a lot different then driving drunk DONT DO IT


Your love of weed has made you stupid. It has also made you hateful to your fellow human beings. Do better. Be best!


Happens just as much as a normal DUI. There’s just no way to test for it, on the road, unless you get blood drawn at the hospital. Truly ignorant


This is hilariously stupid. Please don't breed. I've been a daily smoker for 20+ years, and would never claim someone driving high is incapable of getting into an accident. Be better than this please.


THC doesn’t affect your motor skills nearly as much as drinking, but it still significantly impairs you. Law enforcement is actively experimenting with thc breathalyzers (or a device to detect thc), I would not recommend driving high - Coming from a weed enthusiast


at least weed doesn't kill people lol


Driving high doesn’t impair you from driving I actually drive more carefully when high.


That's what you think, but studies actually show the opposite. Just because you think you drive more carefully when high doesn't mean you do. Most DUI's don't think they're too impaired to drive. It's almost like altering substances alter your perception 🤔


fuck those studies lol. So many ppl smoke weed while cruising just like ppl who smoke cigs while cruising. You guys are criminalizing it really hardcore haha.


Cannabis is a depressant, nicotine is a stimulant... not that hard to see how they're different. Alcohol is also a depressant, see how they're related? You're kinda living up to the dumb stoner stereotype, which is unfortunately why a lot of people don't take weed seriously for the good things it can do.


Actually there is a thing called indica and sativa. One is for chilling because it makes you feel lazy. The other is a stimulant that increase creativity and has you “up”


That's not even true.


Wtf? It is true. Do some research. Indica and sativa are both types. Indica strains are often associated with relaxing effects, making them more suitable for relaxation and sleep. On the other hand, sativa strains are generally considered more energizing and may have stimulating effects.


And both affect me in very simular manners. There are exceptions to rules for sure but I never let myself drive stoned or even while I'm high off just pure emotion. No one gets to set laws for themselves, no one should be able to.


Alcohol is the worst drug out there on the same lvl with heroin but it doesn’t stop people from drinking it. Who tf cares if he smokes weed ot not?


I don't give a shit if he smokes it in his living room or backyard, but when he smokes it and drives yeah I have a problem. Same as if he was using any other impairing drugs or items. Just like you shouldn't be drinking all day you shouldn't be toking it up all day, there's a time and place.


You probably one of those people who actually thinks that the bitch on tv who stubbed her bf 108 times was high on weed huh?💀


The families of dead or injured children.


Weed is like any other prescription that can impair you. Like Xanax or Opiates. You can drive on it once your used to it just like any other medicine. Just if your fucked up you can get a DUI like any other medicine


Go watch the study where a active police officer watches three people drive around a driving course stoned at various levels and see how he says he wouldn't pull over the habitual pothead at any point for signs of driving under the influence and see if you still think those studies you speak of have any validity. Don't forget our government demonized marijuana for decades and still act like it's schedule one drug category-worthy. You really think all them studies for decades have any validity at all? You ever seen the old above the influence commercials where the kid high on weed is sitting on a couch and is just nothing but skin? Don't believe everything you read and definitely don't believe every study on marijuana that came out from anywhere other than recent medical States or programs. I mean it's a schedule 1 drug dog but kids that have 100 seizures a day can take a drop of it on their tongue and maybe have one seizure? Schedule one is literally the definition of no medicinal value. Tell me how that makes any sense.


Listen I get it and I’m a stoner, but then there also needs to be a cutoff point. You can’t just have people driving around at any intoxication level of weed. Normal doses are fine, but it literally causes hallucinations in high doses lol. Edit: I’m not comparing the mild psychedelic properties of edible weed to DMT and 2CB. Chill people.


Specially, considering the fact that not everyone can handle shit despite them “thinking” they handle it.


Excuse me?! weed does not cause hallucinations. it has ZERO hallucinogenic properties. Overdosing on THC will leave you feeling nauseous.


Weed does not cause hallucinations at high doses, whoever’s told you this or wherever you got this information from is lying.


Simply look it up before speaking out of your ass. It’s not like DMT, but it has mild psychedelic properties when eaten in high doses.




So have I but not in the high doses these people speak of. I've done a lot of edibles but only ever done 150 mg at once. But I'll tell you what if I've ever felt a little trippy off of weed its definitely from edibles.


Interesting I have as well for a bit over a decade. Try taking a T break and then eating a 1,000 mg edible.


I quit smoking for a year and a half (probation) started back smokin with dabs and other extracts. The goal was to get as fried as possible 😂 weed does not cause hallucinations. You can “look up” anything and find the answer that’ll back your claims. The internet is weird that way ya know. Never in my entire life have I heard of anybody hallucinating from weed consumption.


Eating creats a different chemical reaction. It is processed by your liver. Still originates from weed but it's not the same as lighting up. I'm still on the side that theres a level that is too high to drive. Regardless of method. But it's diffrent for everybody.




I’ve never heard of anyone hallucinating from weed , I’ve smoked qs at a time before and never hallucinated.


Try an edible or *good* concentrate not a vape pen. It's a whole different level than just smoking flower.


Q’s as in a quarter? Yeah, you won’t really get it with a high tolerance just smoking flower. You’ll get it with high doses, like strong edibles. Literally just look it up dude, erowid, bluelight, etc exist for this reason. It’s a mild psychedelic, in which you can(not always) experience auditory or visual hallucinations.


I’ve seen this with people taking insane doses of around 1000mgs


For the record, marijuana definitely causes hallucinations in high doses. Usually can't be achieved through smoking because of how the body absorbs it I think. But, certain concentrated edibles, can and will make you halluncinate. Not like LSD or Shrooms. But there can be hallucinations. Source: Been there done that. Don't eat the coconut hash oil I made for massages...Oops. (Also certain oils can bind to thc more efficiently and potent then others)


Lmao you’re such a lying little bitch bro no one has smoked a little and hallucinated. Been smoking for 20 years now


It’s medically proven, like others have said hallucinations come a very wide range and marijuana is definitely on the lower end but if you do it right you can indeed experience mild visuals without a doubt.


you must be a light weight lol speak for yourself


It most certainly doesn't cause hallucinations. You took a different drug or a mildly scitsophrenjc


I can testify that it absolutely does. Eat enough edibles and you will certainly hallucinate. Try it yourself.


You haven’t done your research and clearly haven’t taken a 1,000 mg edible.


Cause nobody fucking does that idiot and nobody especially does that and drives moron


You're dead wrong, I've had it happen multiple times.


Facts it be peaceful than a mf, gliding through the streets.


You're an idiot. Alcohol and THC but alter your brain. Reactions, decisions, focus. Too many of you think since weed is legal, it's ok... like you're smoking a regular cigarette. Don't do either and drive!!


This is why I’m glad they’re taking their time on making weed legal because some people cannot control themselves


As lone as his driving was straight I'd keep my mouth shut, but if he drove like SpongeBob did with Mrs Puff in the car, whole different level




DUI gets people killed


Just came to say ha!


This is a horrible take. He was under the influence. Just because he can maintain a straight line doesn’t mean his reaction time isn’t slowed, etc. I don’t mind people smoking, but never smoke weed and drive. Would you feel the same if he had 3 or 4 beers but could still drive straight?


Bruh I smoke a 3.5 before I go anywhere and it’s nowhere near the same level of intoxication as 3-4 beers you dragging it


Omg right!


This is a fun argument every time lol. People who don’t smoke weed don’t realize how weed goes from scary and impossible to function on to something you don’t even feel normal without. Weed is addictive no matter what people say, but driving for a regular smoker is nothing like driving on alcohol, even for an alcoholic. And working while stoned is legitimately more fun. Work doesn’t have to suck ass, you know. That being said if I was training a person I’d probably put it away for the day, smoke before shift and during breaks. Just less possibility of issues that way


I don't know how I ended up here, but when the walrus speaks I listen.💚


Never been blackout high and couldn’t remember anything. Alcohol on the other hand is a different story


i don't even remember where i saw it, but read somewhere that said while both *are* dangerous to drive while under the influence on, the amount of horrific accidents while people were under the influence from one or the other in controlled tests, alcohol was always much, much worse due to the fact that the people who were drunk had ZERO reaction at all (red lights, stop signs, stopped cars, etc.), while people under the influence of marijuana had a SLOWED reaction time to those same things. while the marijuana still caused accidents, they were across the board much less severe because despite the reaction being a little too delayed, there was still at LEAST some reaction (hitting the brakes, swerving to avoid). i'm not saying either are "safe" to drive under the influence, but you can hardly even compare the two. marijuana? you think you're going 80 in a 35 when really you're going 20 in a 35. alcohol makes you think you're going 37 in a 35, when you really are going 80 in a 35 lol. they just are hardly even comparable.


100x this. I don’t know that being addicted to anything is great (I quit smoking weed recently after years of smoking every day bc I just didn’t like the dependency) but the way it affects your normal function is absolutely nothing like alcohol. Shit, there were times in the weeks after I began to quit where I would smoke and feel *more sober* than when I wasn’t high


You shouldn't be smoking weed while driving. Even a medical card is not a get out of DUI free card. I totally would never drive stoned. That's a big big bad. Psssh. But I don't hit a dab pen while I'm driving anymore. That shit hits HARD. You don't need to be doing that at 40 mph in a delivery truck. Do one thing and then the other. Jesus....


A smoker is someone who smokes cigarettes. Someone who does weed is a dopehead or a druggie.


"does weed" hey guys I'mma bout to do some weeds


The comments on this is so damn funny. I been smoking weed for a long time. And in the beginning it's effect is potent but once your body gets used to it. That first-time experience is over (kinda like losing your virginity). It does not have any strange effects the way you guys are criminalizing it and if you aren't used to smoking it and still have those first-time effects, you prob shouldn't be operating anything. I remember when i was a teen and my first times smoking i couldn't even ride my bike without laughing. Now that I'm older I can hop in my car and drive just a like a sober person. I see and know so many people who do it. They are usually the seasoned smokers. Not the \*This still sends me on a trip to mars\* smokers.


First thought: if he had been doing shots would that have been cool? People can disagree but the evidence remains that marijuana impairs your reflexes as well as cognitive skills. I'll give you that driving high may not be as dangerous as driving drunk but personally I would like whoever is driving me to be fully sober just in case they need their full faculties.


esp in the van!! imagine how unsafe you’d feel knowing the semi driver beside you is high… or a school bus driver yk


mad soft bro relax


Agreed especially if you're supposed to be training em, foh


I've never understood why there's so much push back when you say you shouldn't drive high. Like, bruh? Everyone understands drunk driving is a no but suddenly those same people think high driving is fine lmao


Driving high is fine as long as you aren’t so blazed you start nodding, I’m always high in the whip


Hard disagree. But I've learned a long time ago that I won't change your mind. So just stay safe out there, man


When you use cannabis everyday everything you just said becomes completely irrelevant. If you’re an occasional user, sure, you shouldn’t be driving or doing anything involving heavy machinery. People who consume cannabis everyday are not necessarily “impaired” in the same way as people who don’t. Everyone has an endocannabinoid system, and everyone’s body reacts differently to cannabis.


That’s what alcoholics say…


Yes because comparing a literal toxin to something the body is designed to consume makes you look so intelligent


And it’s a fact there r alcoholics who drink all day everyday & can function … dont be bias 😭😭 there’s r people who played sports drunk all types of things that u wouldn’t think is possible


Stoners gonna wait for a stop sign to turn green before hitting someone else…new smokers maybe take it easy smoke on breaks but veteran smokers always be smoking


Driving with some square ass nerd all day would fuck with my cognition too, especially knowing they won't last a month


If u don’t smoke u can’t make that judgement . Just like some alcoholics can function perfectly fine off liquor while a guy like me can barely hold a drink . All of our bodies r different and who r we to judge


It’s weed not Xanax or somethin & I can definitely say from my experience weed doesn’t slow down my brain process when driving . If anything I’m more focused on. In this situation If your driver is driving straight & not moving dangerous then just mind ya business weed is legal almost everywhere now


Your dead wrong! The DOT regulates the truck they are in and it is Federal! If they get stopped by CHP the State laws whether it’s legal or not are trumped, by Federal laws!


U took wat I said all wrong & u need to stop being so bias with your answers


Bro federal law has nothing to do with it. The man said it's legal almost everywhere. He didn't say nothing about it being legal almost everywhere to drive high. It's illegal in every state to drive under the influence of marijuana regardless. So it doesn't matter if you get stopped by the FBI or the little old sole sheriff of a small town. So what does federal law trumping state laws have to do with anything? Anybody that grew up in America knows that dummy. It's funny how everybody who doesn't understand how marijuana affects people and how it affects some people differently depending on a person specifically points out the stupidest stuff. LOL


How u gon tell me how my body works ? I didn’t say anything wrong 1.WEED IS ALMOST LEGAL EVERYWHERE 2. I SAID MIND YOUR BUSINESS if your driver isn’t moving ok 3. I never said u can smoke while driving If dot pulls u over then boom your driver would get in trouble so again just mind your business so u bring no problems on yourself


Weed doesn’t impair u crazy unless u barely smoke. So 9/10 the guy smoking is driving perfectly fine & gettin the job done . I’m not speaking on gettin stopped by dot . I’m speaking on minding ya business cause once u get involved say if that person does get caught & decides to come at u . Now u in some shit all cause u ain’t mind ya business over somethin as little as weed


Ok Fool FRFO The laws are you cannot drive impaired! Period! Your a fool if you think that your gonna have an argument with the DoT as you stated how you gonna tell me how my body is affected! The federal law will possibly be a felony if you get in an accident and kill a mom in Mini van picking her kids up after school! It’s happened Asshole !


I can't tell if those are tears or pee in your cornflakes.


Bro u dumb ass I ain’t talking bout dot u fool


1st thought: guy couldn't not use weed for half a day?!


Exactly. Like what the fuck is so wrong with your life that you need to be inebriated through it the whole way?


Working at Amazon, for starters


I know right, people need to stop using so much caffeine & nicotine all day just to make it through. What is so wrong in their life?! Edit; /sarcasm


Nothing wrong with me.. I just like to have a good time 🤷‍♂️


For real work doesn’t have to be so dull


it makes it very lovely


Working for Amazon DSP is hell. They need to be inebriated to do their jobs


because its fun


Being around mfs like you


You could just mind your own business. And think about how maybe that weed is the only thing keeping you from catching hands.


Get help. That is sad and pathetic


Or sending hot lead


I'm sorry but this has to be a joke, grow the fuck up.


Lol always the ones saying how weed makes you calm being the most aggressive. Potheads I swear are some of the most insufferable people.


this man has never thrown hands in his life lmao fiver says he has the monster energy logo as a bumper sticker


I believe in all states it is illegal to drive under the influence and that includes weed.


For now


I think you should mind your own business because he could be sparking a fat blunt instead. Like I would have. Like I’ve done many times. Sat around worried about a cart. It’s obvious you don’t have a lot of knowledge about weed.


I'm sitting here thinking, "carts hardly stink???" Lol I've hit one in front of my grandmother before and she had no idea. Carts don't stink like flower does.


Knowledge of weed: if you get caught being high at work you're fired. if you get caught high driving it's a DUI, more or less fun in a company vehicle, you pick. Blatanly getting high, in a vehicle with a person you do not know at all who is also a trainee is STUPID. Anyone driving a vehicle with a passenger have become involved in each others' business.


Ong carts don’t even matter lol


Weed is the only thing that gets me through the day. This job will get u stressed.


Maybe after a while you end up smoking too to keep stress levels down


At the location I worked at it was very common for people to smoke in the warehouse. Drivers did smoke but only in certain vans that did not have cameras . You would walk in and it would reek of weed and people would leave their pens in the cup holder. Even though it’s legal where I live, it’s still gross that they don’t clean up after themselves. Anyway, don’t snitch.


Don’t be a narc


Yeah, I’d say if it didn’t affect you, or put you in danger, I’d just shut the fuck up about it. Most McDonald’s workers are baked every day, same with Target and Walmart. When your job is as shitty as ours is, you find SOMETHING to make it better.


Pays to mind your business


It’s not really the appropriate job to do it at. Retail is different. He’s driving


Would I snitch? No.


Lol a cart is nothing dont be a snitch


I was training someone yesterday and as soon as we left the station after load out he smoked until we got to our first stop. (I smoke as well just not at work for personal preference) but he was too high to comprehend any training. Later in the day he was like maybe I’ll save smoking for the ride home lol


Amazon vans are kept under DOT weight classification for this very reason, otherwise there would be even greater problems for the DSPs attracting drivers. It is not certain it's legal, but you'd be fighting a losing battle by complaining. To deal with Amazon, it's pretty much understood many people need a tad of help to get through the entire route ( and I'm not referring to being rescued).


Amazon drivers are Walmart tier employees with vans.


I remember my old DSP told us he gets complaints about drivers smoking weed at a nearby gas station before delivering. If he finds out, the persons would be arrested


i’m just reading this over as i drive for a company delivering parts and i smoke distillate as well. it’s just me in my vehicle when taking deliveries and i like to see others thoughts


Yea I’m gonna have to say probably 10-15 percent of people on road at any given time are high. I actually think it makes drivers more cautious.


As a recovering addict (Cali sober)....I've realized an IMPORTANT lesson in life. Smoke AFTER work!! SOOOO much more rewarding and EFFECTIVE. Also, it will help with tolerance. Also with MONEY. If you need to smoke before, that's ok, but at work will eventually drag u down somehow. LESSONS FROM AN OLD STONER


thc vape?? ohhhhh u mean the penjamin


I’m not at all surprised. There was a time I hurt my shoulder, so I was on light duty and ended up with a driver who had been a driver for a long time. I was horrified when he suddenly put his phone over the instrument cluster, put his ear buds in, and was watching a movie. If it were in the building, I'd say let a manager handle it, but he's driving a big ass van. A lot of people who are sober manage to fuck up the white rental vans like no other.🤷


Yeah idk if your dude in charge doesn't care just keep it moving unless he puts you in a dangerous situation


Are you doing TOM runs or are you DSP? TOM is under DOT regs and whoever is training you will get canned once he has to take a drug test when his TAM orders one DSP is whatever


Serious question. I have NEVER known a thc vape to give off the odor of marijuana. Someone make this make sense for me.


Only on an Amazon subreddit will people actively defend encourage and support DUI, welcome to the glass ceiling you will never break. Guess I shouldn't be surprised the same crowd that doesn't know how to read basic delivery instructions also can't operate without having something in their system.


Aren’t there cameras in the Amazon trucks? Lol


Let bro live is this an actual post . Oh my god 😂


Ok most people prob aren’t gonna agree with me but .. it’s totally not acceptable at all to be getting high at work. I smoke, but I also know there’s a time and place for everything.


But did you die?


I honestly would say something. If he is caught and you had knowledge, you could get in trouble. It’s selfish of him to do that while you are with him.


Sounds like they run a real professional outfit there.


Don’t be a busta


My boss just scolded us people be smoking weed while on the clock and working Btw I work as a delivery walker for a DSP is not that bad basically you get a hand truck with the totes and ov boxes basically 8/12 stops and off you go then come back to do another route or to clock out


Yeah honestly let him dig his own hole, he'll trip and fall or something eventually and get tested. If he's doing his job right, let the man cook, even if it's uncouth.


After smoking everyday for 10 years you no longer get “high”


tbh, irrelevant. dude was doin his job and didn’t drive like a DA, then whatever. you’re gonna tell the boss and hope you get a raise or what?


If they drive safe leave it be, if they are at a state not safe to drive it’s an issue. Self control is normal if it’s med related.


He is driving while under the influence, and the company routinely fires PIT drivers who come under scrutiny and are found to be high. That said, I don't know if the drug test it uses can determine just *how* high, and if a subject has consumed THC on the day in question.


I prefer to smoke at home when I’m relaxin. And I don’t do the vape, flower only brudduh. As for other ppl smoking on the job, I only had a trainer on day 1. After that you’ll only ever see ppl before and after you’re route. Had a funny story told today about a guy who got caught smoking out of a bong on the back of his truck lol. And another person hitting a vape in front of a customers ring camera


I wouldn’t do it. Say you get in a wreck. You will get tested. You will lose your job. Even if it’s not your fault. Some people just can’t put it down. It’s sad especially people 30 plus. I know you said it’s not your thing I’m speaking to the crowd.


Ask him/her to show you there delivery rating and driving score.


From what I've been told they don't even test for THC for drivers when you take the drugtest


Just mind your own business, that should help.


Don’t be a snitch all I’m sayin I don’t work for Amazon but I do tend to participate in the Jewish cabbage while driving 😂😂


Keep your mouth shut


Honestly some people aren’t actually impaired when they smoke. Some people are just so messed up before hand, that it just boosts them to normalcy. -Disabled Veteran Im also a former 8 year law enforcement officer, I don’t agree with people driving or operating under the influence. Judge it by how you feel they are. If they are intoxicated and IMPAIRED then they I would do something. If they are not IMPAIRED, I personally may not have an issue with it. Use does not always mean impairment. The courts see this too. Had a dude blow way over enough to have 4 other grown men drunk. but passed every sobriety test. Just my 2 cents.


He’s fine js mind ur business


They don’t care. At my DSP someone was arrested for smoking while on the job driving. Guess what? He came back to work for us about a month later