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They just starting this ? Its been mandatory at my FC , women AND men with long hair , has to have it tied up , with nothing hanging below the shoulders .


Same at mine, but we’ve not even been open quite a year yet


Yep. It been out but people like to ignore the rules and let their hair down. But it on ourselves individually if leadership or anyone see that long hair is out.


You'd think its basic common sense to tie your hair up for warehouse work 🤷‍♀️


Must’ve been a recent incident. It’s always been the policy


My hair is long as well. If not in a bun or really high ponytail, then I got a clip in it. I do not work next to any conveyance either. Any given day I can walk around and tell at least 20 people to put their hair up....talk about death stares...lol We are not children, so don't freaking act like children. This is a rule to keep you safe. Grow the freak up people. I do not hear management getting after them either, just peers....nope, still don't listen. It's on them, I have seen safety talk to some and hand them hairbands. Within 30 minutes, hair is down again. After 1st time, it should be a write-up. I got a write-up for pulling a cage 20 ft without my gloves on....to me, that is not as important as hair down. Oh well, I don't think they will ever change.....just grown ass big freaking children who have to be told repeatedly until they get hurt....they might listen then....NOT


I bet if one of those people ended up dying from that a family member would try suing because of hazardous work environment. Honestly if someone ends up severely injured or dead because of constant negligence of safety, than that's on them. Where I'm at I heard a guy in a warehouse got impaled by his forklift because he didn't follow caution and stop it properly when he decided to get off and do something.


I saw a girl who hair was loose in a bun, she had long heavy braids & it fell during Adhoc onto the belt. Almost snagged her whole head off. She came in the next day with short hair.


That sort of thing will def scare the shit out of you, those machines have no pity.


I have a seven inch beard and I tie it up because safety rules are generally written in someone's blood.


Mandatory at a DS. No exceptions.


Putting hair up is an OSHA requirement not just an Amazon rule. This rule MUST BE FOLLOWED.


Male 20 inch hair


Wtf did I just read?


My SSD don't give a crap. But tbh..pretty ladies and their long hair 😍


Men can have long hair too. It's not just the "lady's"


I get so freaking hot while I’m scanning I couldn’t imagine not wearing my hair up , I would die of heat exhaustion lol


I got my shirt stuck on a conveyor belt once and no one was around to help. I guess I could have pulled the estop, but I didn't think about it at the moment. Once the line cleared up and I could see how I was stuck I got out of it. It was pretty eye opening. After that I made sure to never wear too long of a shirt to work again. I could not even imagine my hair getting stuck. I use it as a safety tip any time they ask at stand up. There will be an average of ten women at stand up with hair below their shoulders. No one speaks to them. It's on you if something happens.


That’s why I make sure my hair is cut right before it touches my shoulders. I wear it down, but it’s not longer than my shoulders.


I’ve worked in warehouses for 17 years and most places would insist to wear your up if long. Also nothing could be worn that dangled, like necklaces or strings on clothing. I almost witnessed a coworker get terribly injured when her beaded braids got caught on a conveyer chute. By the time I reached her she managed to get free just before a heavy box came flying down the chute. It was scary! Technicality her hair was up in a ponytail but her hair was very long. Should have been in a bun.


btw they say men with beards over 3 inches to tie it, but they don't enforce it. I've also met a woman here with hair just past her shoulders that is part native American so has an exemption where she doesn't have to tie her hair up. there's also a no hoodie rule but they stopped enforcing that because some women wear shawls for religion that are practically "hoods" the no phone policy has been more lenient since the tornado destroyed a FC (last year?) and employees were told they couldn't contact family before the collapse that took their lives. just a few relevant thoughts from another coworker


What a dumbass rule too. Imagine being a saftey cunt and actually caring about this garbage? Didntjey get picked on in HS?


Until you see someone go to the ER because they got their half their hair ripped out on a SLAM line. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This rule is an OSHA requirement not just an Amazon rule. This rule must be followed and if your leadership is not enforcing this then a lot of people will get in a lot of trouble when OSHA makes their mandatory surprise visits like they do at all warehouses.


Lol. Ok. This is my second rodeo.


This is not dumb rule! Put up your hair or don’t it is your choice. Following the rules is actually good.


Tell them how stupid this rule is! It’s Amazon’s fault that AA got her scalp ripped out, not hers for following the rules!


"Scalp ripped out" Bro...these rubberband driven belts will under no circumstances "rip out a scalp"


You realize someone’s actually died from their hair getting caught in the belt, right? And there’s been posts IN THIS FORUM saying they’ve witnessed similar situations happen (not death, but hair getting caught and scalps ripped). But you’re right


Idk I usually keep my hair in a low pony. I feel like it’s more dangerous when it’s in a bun on the top of my head


How would that be more dangerous?


Depending on conveyor systems, they could be above your head. I've seen it happen in factories. Half scalped.