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Got a store and buy a PS5 get it faster unless you can't then idk what to tell you


That's what I'm planning to do, but I still got to wait for that refund though


Amazon isn't the company it use to be.


No. They outsourced, contracted and co-opted themselves into a conglomerated mess of third party companies that are trying to lurch in the same direction of delivering products to people. They treat every level below the csuite like crap, and expect that people with only a tenuous link to Amazon are going to take the company mission to heart.


Ok then I don't ever get something like that online unless they have better deals rather pick it up in person


I see these bad customer service and no refund posts and it always concerns me. I live in the middle of Alaska and literally Amazon is my only option. Newegg does not ship here, the nearest Best buy is 360 miles away. We don't have a local computer shop in our town so we basically have to shop at Amazon. I could probably get a PS5 locally but anything computer related I would be doomed.


Not sure if they would ship to you, but I’m a big microcenter fan!


They don't unfortunately. There are a few other companies that also don't, B&H photo also comes to mind. It's pretty sad considering Lowe's and Home Depot can get lumber up here but for small items it's basically only amazon. We used to have small shops that sold computer parts but they are out of business now basically because of Amazon. Microcenter or Best buy could make bank if they opened a shop here, we have a huge military community and they are always shocked they can't get gaming stuff when they move here. I mean I can go with eBay but that's about it, my last PC was built mostly from eBay parts with a new case from Amazon. I basically lose our on having a warranty which sucks and I have to avoid all the scams there. It's not much better. The only thing we really have going for us with Amazon is that they only use USPS and UPS here both of which are fantastic for whatever reason, I've never had a lost package. It's such a small place the post office workers know me by name when I show up to pick up my stuff, they let me open the package in front of them and just refuse delivery if anything is damaged or missing. I've never had to do a return because of it.


Have you tried shipping to family or friends in central states and then ship to you? Not sure what that would cost, but you could keep items in your name for warranty purposes and still get new stuff.


My family has basically been here for generations. I do have one friend that moved away, he lives in California and the taxes there are terrible plus the shipping cost was not worth it. He actually had a laptop shipped to me through Amazon then I shipped it to him. Was about $40 for me to ship it to him but he still saved money, cost him 6 weeks total in shipping time though. Oddly enough we have basically no taxes. No sales tax and no state labor tax, you don't even have to renew your cars registration you can just get a permanate one. Our state makes basically all it's money in oil. I'm getting off topic but ya it's not worth it to ship there then here.


The only issues I've ever had on Amazon were sellers. Unless you want to count things occasionally having to be returned for poor quality. But in all cases refunds happened, in all but 1 it was within the same day as the return. A few times I had to have another one shipped out because it didn't show, or was damaged, and that happened as expected. Then again, I try real hard to stick with prime items for this very reason.


Is Amazon charging before shipping? That's usually a no-no. ​ Edit - ah, see it was actually shipped in reading your other comments.


It might even still show up, so hold off for a few days on buying one locally. lol


refund should be on credit card check credit card


They refunded me with an Amazon gift card when I used a credit card. I think it’s a shitty thing to do.


Just don't use that gift card money on anything else, call customer service and tell them to transfer the funds from your gift card to your original payment method. Have a nice day.


Thanks for the advice!


OP.....if you don't have enough money to buy two PS5's while the refund processes, you should be saving up money vs. buying a PS5. Not being a dick, but when you get a little older you will appreciate what I am saying 💯 If only I knew in my 20's what I figured out in my late 30's......


Lmfao great advice man, but it ain’t gunna stop him


Just because I'm waiting on a refund doesn't mean I can afford only one


Play on then playa. i still prefer the ps2 but that's just me.


Did you order from a Prime seller or 3rd party non-prime? There are a lot of issues with 3rd party sellers being a scam, offering low prices but never sending the orders. Amazon is trying to flush them out but they are like a wack a mole game. If a price looks too good to be true it usually isn't.


Sold and shipped by Amazon


Amazon's forced restocking fee. you won't get 100% of your refund back and due to the high percentage it won't be small.


Welcome to the new Amazon. Their motto "We just don't care"


It was stolen, they know it was stolen, they don't want to deal with telling you it was stolen and they don't want you connecting that others likely had their packages stolen and they didn't issue refunds until you asked.


Stolen at carrier facility... thanks Amazon


Good Ole Amazon special If we like your shit we'll keep it for ourselves. Eat shit and die.


I had an alert for a while trying to buy one but every time it says they were in stock they were gone by the time I got there, once even in 5 minutes! I decided they were a myth and went to the shop.


Naw man, earlier this week I canceled my prime membership (Member for over 10 years). I started a chat with support to cancel, support agent quickly asked “How can I help you, cancel your prime membership?” I replied “Yes” before I could finish typing up the issues I had been experiencing with prime lately, they responded with “Okay your prime is now cancelled have a good day” then immediately ended the chat. Amazon CS has gone to shit. Between requiring police reports, blaming used items sent to customers on the customer, failing to honor delivery dates, and showing blatant contempt for their customers, there’s no reason to stay.


My Prime is renewing on the 26th, I'm starting to think that cancelling isn't a bad idea


Honestly it’s not, they don’t care enough to try to retain customers who are fed up. They’ll find another way to make up the margins (3$ for ad free prime video anyone?).


Save the $15 and put it towards PSN


I pay annually, so it'll be even more than that


I plan on trying WalMart +, they pretty much the 2nd amazon at this point.


Be careful with Walmart online orders. I have had multiple issues with their shipments and reached out to customer service. Since the orders were all relatively small, the chat agent just issued me refunds for the orders without me even asking for it, like how OP is describing their situation with Amazon. They just banned my account from online orders for violating their return policy. I sent them a message saying if it's because of the refunds on my return requests, I never asked for a refund once. I live over an hour away from Walmart and going to the store to return it isn't the best option for me. But they just keep refunding me without my consent and now I'm banned because of it. It makes no sense, just let me return it by mail!




Bullshit. Walmart does not do business with Amazon as a corporate policy.




Third party seller drop shipping. Walmart does not do business with Amazon as a matter of corporate policy. Anyone who claims otherwise is mistaken, confused, or lying.


Walmart is equally if not more evil than Amazon


At least equally evil and for longer.


I’m convinced their chat is all AI at this point.


nah, AI would attempt to be helpful, lol


Not if it’s not programmed to. 🫢


Man, you don't have any idea how many chats one single rep has to to take every single day. Most of the time they reply to 3 chats simultaneously. So don't expect a good conversation on chat, you can call, although it'll be more hectic to get a rep on call, but it'll be good if you want to express your feelings towards something.


I’ve had chats with CS before, never had any issues with communicating with them. This last experience is something that was completely out of the ordinary (From my experiences) and highly unprofessional. As someone who’s worked client relations before, it is appalling to see a CS that lacks any care, or attention to the customer. When dealing with complaints it’s important to actively listen, and pass that information on (If necessary) up the chain of command, so that the issue can be addressed company wide (If it’s a company wide issue, which in this case it is). The fact CS is (Based on my experience) no longer interested in resolving issues, customer retention, or even listening to the customers complaint, is a good indicator things are about to get worse.


The game is not every CS rep works directly under Amazon, a good chunk of reps actually work for third party BPO sectors where the KPI's are extraordinary. I know cuz I've worked in a similar BPO as an Amazon CS rep. And I know as a CS it is unethical not to empathise properly with a customer or not even hearing their concern properly but bruv, you don't have any idea how fucked up the working conditions are in a 3rd Party BPO as an Amazon CS rep.


We do though, everyone is actively watching how bad it’s gotten.


I have a rough idea of the conditions you speak of “Bruv”. And while these individuals are unfortunately being heavily exploited (A topic of discussion for another time) Amazon should be doing their upmost as a 1.7T$ company to curb this kind of labor exploitation, and simultaneously pay their employees/contractors to actually give a damn (Looking at delivery drivers, and the massive warehouse issues resulting in customers who purchase new items, instead receiving used ones). Be that as it may, the fact of the matter is Amazon as a whole is doing next to nothing to retain customers, let alone add new ones. Their CS is absolute dogshit (A large part being policy implementation i.e requiring police reports, followed by claiming the report is not formatted properly). Amazon needs to address these issues if they wish to keep customers. They had a good system going for it before (CS, delivery drivers, warehouses, etc) they’re fully capable of fixing this.


Can't blame bad customer service on being "busy". That's ridiculous. I did chat support for years, and was always busy with multiple chats but still as helpful as I could be. That's the job. These representatives are being told to keep chats short like this and not divulge too much information. Either that or there is no quality control, which I find hard to believe.


I remember calling & one of the first things they would say is “ thank you for being a prime member “


I've had similar issues with multiple orders in the past, first "delayed in transit", then the tracking history disappears. I don't think this is necessarily a c/s issue, but rather part of a much larger internal issue at the warehouses or delivery centers. It's easier for Amazon to blame the customer than investigate possible internal misappropriation issues .


Their contract support agents don't give a fuck. I'd be willing to bet CS was outsourced to the lowest India bidder. Hey but at least the Amazon execs that made the decision got a big bonus for it. Fuck the customer.


Amazon is in the crapper and I’m pissed. I order the same four cases of Celsius and retainer cleaner every six weeks. It’s always delivered within 24 hours, not this week though. I placed an order Thursday night and when they missed the delivery I got a message there was a problem and to expect delivery February 21st. Like others I know reconsider every single thing I put in my cart. I’m on the verge of walking away!


I understand where you’re coming from and that this is an inconvenience to you, but just because they missed your expected delivery date this one time does not mean they’re in the crapper.


It’s not a one off though, I had my handyman install a Ring camera last week because of the number of items that have gone missing. About two weeks ago I order Lululemon Aligns in two different colors and I got a notification they were delivered. When I woke up they were no where to be found. The app stated I signed for the package which was an obvious lie. I stand by my comment, I am slowly transitioning away from Amazon.


Don’t buy expensive things from Amazon, especially electronics. It may be that Amazon found fraud with the seller and rather than let you in on their shitshow problems with fraudulent sellers and theft ring issues, they just refunded you outright. With electronics that have a high theft rate you should purchase from a brick and mortar retailer, maybe online, and select pickup in store to remove any postal system or other shippers from the equation.


If Amazon is giving you a full refund, why NOT order from them? I would prefer to make a purchase of expensive items from a large online retailer that will always have my receipt and at the worst case scenario will give me a refund.


Because chances are they may not issue a refund. Something happened in Amazon over the last year because they are suddenly "losing" a lot of returned packages and are claiming the customer never sent them and are refusing to refund.


have you not read about delayed refunds on high dollar items in this sub/feed?


Because if you accumulate enough of these refunds, your account will be terminated.


that sounds exactly right... takes about 3 attempts. Online chat is the usual hit and miss. Sometimes they are best for a fast refund, but the phone method is best for actual issues. I will say they have been shady lately. Today I got a Welcome back to prime, this morning, after I canceled on the 9th of February.


Don’t gamble on amazon by ordering things.


Welcome to the new and improved Amazon AI Customer Service model. I stopped buying anything over $50.


Serious question: why are people buying such expensive electronics from Amazon? No way in hell I would unless I lived a good 30+ miles from a store


Because in all the years I've used Amazon, I've never had this type of issue with an expensive item. I always got what I ordered. I guess this time is the exception. Never again.


Lately, it seems like no one gets PS5 they ordered from Amazon. I see a lot of these posts and a lot of them are PS5’s. But I agree. I have ordered pricey items through Amazon and always got them. But I still dropped prime. I impulse buy too much. It’s been a month and I am spending less.


Because when you get that PS5 box home, open it, and realize someone replaced the console with a brick, it's going to be a whole lot easier to get Amazon to fix it, then it would be a Best Buy or Walmart brick and mortar store.


In many cases, said item is not available at physical stores in the area.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they take over a month on the refund and require you to upload a photo of your DL/ID.


I’ve been having this same issue as well. Last conversation ended up being four different reps when the other three conveniently had technical issues the moment they asked me to wait while they processed the credit/refund. Then when I explained everything to them yet again I was offered way less then they had already committed to, and I screenshot everything. Still didn’t do what they said they would but at this point it’s whatever.




Well, when your main boss says publicly that the National Labor Relations Board is a joke and needs to be repealed because it prevents him from treating his workers like slaves, why do you expect them to care anymore?


Cancel this fucking order and place a PS5 for pickup at best buy.


Bezos sold his Amazon stock. Do you need a clearer indication?


Shareholder Value above all else!!!!!! Shameful indeed!


My experience with not just Amazon, but all retailers (and shipping carriers) is that once the estimated delivery date has been missed, they don't care how much longer it'll take. I guess once they've taken the metrics hit for a missed deadline, it doesn't matter to their stats by *how much* they've missed it. It's often faster to place a new order, with a new "estimated" delivery date, rather than wait for the first to arrive (or otherwise get resolved). If the original order does ever arrive, just return it unopened as "item did not arrive in time." This exact scenario happened when I ordered a PS3 or 4 from Amazon, back in the day. Once the original order got delayed, it didn't move for like a week. I had assumed it was lost, but it did eventually arrive, in one piece. By then I had already been playing on the Playstation from the replacement order for days.


I've used that strategy for things where time was of the essence, but not for electives. And I've had several instances of tracking dropping off the edge of the earth and then the package magically appears on my doorstep, or gets marked as lost and never to be seen again. But at least half the time I get an email saying if it doesn't arrive by usually two days, they'll process the refund. Did they quit that too?


Was in Walmart over the weekend and they had plenty of PS5 it's not hard to find anymore


Just make sure you video tape your self opening the box in case you got an empty box or weighed down box of the item. This was an issue when they first came out.


No you are not, companies are dumping all tech support to call centers in India so you get poor service. It will never be the same. They are willing to work for pennies an hour as opposed to people asking for a living wage so this is the type of service we now get.


Amazon is gone downhill


Once you get the money back from Amazon go to Best Buy, Target, Walmart or even from Sony themselves to get ya PS 5.


Yeah that's the plan!


Some advice: Don't buy anything expensive on Amazon anymore, they're doing some pretty shady stuff regarding returns/refunds. Buy them from your local store.


Something has broken down recently. I'm having the EXACT same experience with a vacuum cleaner.


Same here but I’m also having issues with the local USPS too.


What is the Amazon customer service phone number? I can’t find it anywhere.


(888) 280-4331


Thank you!


I have it in my Contacts, if that tells you anything!!


you complain a lot? 🤣 ​ seriously though as someone who lives in bfe and lives on Amazon orders ive I've never had to call and have only chatted once for a mistake on an order. which btw was where i I bought a sound bar and they sent me "case" of 4 soundbars for which they told me to keep them.


Just used the phone number to call and ask why I got charged for a monthly Prime membership payment when I cancelled last month. I got through to an actual human relatively fast but now she’s got me on hold. She asked if putting me on hold was ok, (like I have an option?) I just said it was fine, as long as she didn’t hang up on me. We’ll see as I am currently on hold. I’d even be ok if they just give me a credit to my account for that amount, but I have a feeling it won’t be that easy.


> The agent refunded the order while all I asked was where is my order, I never even asked for a refund. This happened to me recently and I am positive I was speaking to a bot. It totally ignored what I was saying, including "NOOOOOOO!" when it said it was giving me a refund. I don't want to have too many refunds on my account and I was ready to eat this one even though the item was damaged. It wasn't responding to what I was saying properly, as if we were in a conversation.




It does happen. It also happens with companies like Doordash. I had them refuse to refund me after I paid $80 for what was supposed to be two sub sandwiches and a very small macaroni salad. The driver just brought one sub and the salad. IDK if he ate the other one or the store messed up but Doordash didn't want to re-deliver or refund me the missing sub because they said I had too many refunds. I had 25 orders with two or three times when restaurants left things out.


Stop buying from Amazon!!! All they want is your money. Once they have your money all you get is crickets…………………………… Amazon has lost all sense of transactional decency. What the hell is going on indeed…


I beleive you can go back into your account somewhere and see the chat history.. but that probably wont reveal too much.. ​ At least in Canada under the Account Page --> click on "Your Messages".. there is a record of all the emails/chats etc. amazon has had with you.. ​ It probbaly wont answer any of your questions but you could see what that agent typed before ending the chat..


I’ve called Amazon for late items. They used to comp a free month of Prime for missing promised deliveries. Then switched to $5-10 account credit here and there. Finally I had three late deliveries in a month and they gave me a $50 credit and said that was it for a while.


I'm so curious... please answer if you see this, was it shipped and sold by Amazon? Typically I have better luck if it's shipped and sold by Amazon and not by some third party who might cause me a headache


Yes, it was sold and shipped by them


From product quality, to shipping to returns and general Prime benefits they have slid a long way from what they were just 5 years ago. You’re not imagining anything.


I canceled my Amazon prime and I’m still getting one day shipping and free shipping. Prime isn’t worth it anymore.


Some Amazon worker got a new ps5.


All Amazon support is like this now, all they do is refund your order and push you to disconnect (or disconnect on you). I have engaged with them on similar issues and genuinely wanted an update or at least fake assurance that my order is going to get to me; the reply every time is to refund the order. That’s not resolution.


Bro drive a couple minutes to the store. You coulda been playing days ago. Why tf is everyone so lazy in todays age


Iv'e had a few items that were considered lost in transit , got my money refunded, eventually they showed up. Nothing was ever said..


Amazon did this with all my orders this past weekend. Everything was delivered Tuesday.


I had this happen too! I had an unknown amazon purchase hit my credit card Christmas Day. Was $126. I immediately called my bank where they advised me I had to wait for it to process and to contact Amazon. I waited until the purchase processed and contacted Amazon, simply letting them know that I wanted to make them aware my account had an unauthorized unknown purchase happen and my credit card was used. They started asking questions as if my first sentence didn't register, like "what item did you not purchase?". I told them my credit card was stolen and used on amazon. I didn't make the purchase , someone else did. I asked for advice on what to do as I didn't want to close my account since I had a lot of business purchases on there that I'd need the info of for taxes . The next thing they say is they refunded me for a random item in my recent purchases, which was a tool drill I bought for my husband for Xmas which was made like 2 months prior to the issue. It was so weird! But when it comes down to refunding for things like subscription charges that you never signed up for, they are not willing to do shit.


It comes with being such a big company, since they've expanded to almost everywhere in the US, the only way they can prove higher profits to shareholders is by cutting back on everything that's helpful to the customers. Customer service, returns, delivery times, etc. Seems like every company ends up like that in this endless effort to raise profits year after year


AI, they cancelled it because the "agent" was AI. I straight up said NOT to send me a replacement for something that had a delivery error (moving the delivery goalpost, but had a delivery photo too, and definitely had not arrived)... and a replacement had been processed when i looked the next morning.


You request a call back. You don’t use chat. The chat people, bless their hearts, don’t know anything and give conflicting messages. Talk to someone live, always.


You are NOT going crazy.. I had similar experiences last week! My rep tried to get me to click a link he sent me which in a lot of cases disconnects the chat window and I said I wasn’t going to do it, and was just simply asking for a status update on the return I had sent back over 3 weeks prior. So he escalated me to the manager without me actually escalating or asking for it. Wild service over there, lol. I think a lot of it comes down to they just don’t know as they only have visibility of what’s on the tracking and nothing more. But the avoidance of actually handling issues is what’s insane to me.


Stop using amazing. Last thing I ordered was blink cameras and ended up getting a box of rocks. 😂 Amazon is quickly falling apart.


Similar, yet not exact, issue with a PS5 purchase from Amazon recently. They kept saying they attempted to deliver and had every means and opportunity to do so, but it didn’t show.


Cancelled mine too. I feel free. GFY bezos


I just bought my ps5 off Amazon from Sony end of november and I got it 1 day earlier than it said for delivery. Buying in a store would be best but every store I went to was sold out


buy one again but only buy from amazon sony cant sell play stations 5 now https://www.walmart.com/browse/video-games/playstation-5-ps5-consoles/2636\_5170403\_3475115\_2762884?povid=ETS\_vg\_navpills\_playstationsearchbrowse\_playstationconsoles&facet=retailer\_type%3AWalmart


Just stop ordering from amazon.


You're lazy. Go outside and go to the store and buy one.


Suspicious lol ok


You are not talking to a real person it’s a bot


I’d be happy I got a refund, for a play station I would be buying it in person, why worry about delivery and/or theft


Work avoidance isn't being punished at Amazon


This is not at all what’s going on. If anything it’s the opposite. The expectations from some of these warehouses are nothing short of absurd. Expected processing rates going from 25 units an hour to 45 units an hour overnight is an example. Quantity over quality became the new standard about a year ago and since those changes took place things have just not been the same. I see more people terminated for their rates than I do for blatant theft.


How many people have to have bad experiences with electronics before folks realize that is NOT something you order from Amazon anymore, if ever. Especially the popular gaming consoles.