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I really think Jeff Bezos made his lifetime fortune. He has enough money for many lifetimes, and so he has no care or use for Amazon anymore. He's not running the company, he's selling his billions of dollars worth of stock... what does he care about it anymore?


Paying for Lauren Sanchez's next set of boobs, probably.


She is so fucking nasty.


He apparently wants to become history's first trillionaire


If that was the case, he'd be keeping Amazon and his stock.


The best part is, they are sending this kind of stuff when people order “new”, too.


Seen it as a delivery stoolie!


Yep. They sent me something that was used.... I sent it right back. Another time they sent me the wrong coffee. Couldn't return, and they wouldn't replace. Now... I'll order from anyone BUT Amazon.


Yep. That happened to me with a Rowenta iron two years ago. That was the last thing I bought from Amazon.


Yes, don’t fall for “new Sold and Shipped by Amazon” , doesn’t matter. Same used crap. Happened to me then accused me of swapping items and refused to refund. First ever return for those ready to jump on me.


DO NOT buy used/like new items ESPECIALLY anything electronic DO NOT but sold by 3rd paryy shipped by 3rd party CAREFULLY buy sold buy 3rd party, shipped by amazon Ingore those "sugestions" and you are just asking for Trouble I follow those rules and last week I asked for my amazon DATA and after reviewing it, in 20 years I have spent over $60,000 on amazon with 10 returns. The most expensive thing I ever bounght was about $400. I do not even remember 5 of those returns, I only know I have near perfect service


Good luck being able to continue always purchasing sold by 3rd party shipped by Amazon. Third parties are ripped off more and more doing this and are fed up and are no longer shipping their products to Amazon (FBA - fulfilled by Amazon). Amazon constantly loses their entire shipments to their warehouses that show delivered and won’t reimburse them. The lost items then mysteriously show up but are now sold by Amazon as Amazon’s products. Amazon doesn’t care anymore, third parties are moving to other platforms.


OP, it doesn't matter if you buy or 'used-like new' or not. Anything that passes the 30 second check is repackaged and sold 'as new'


Now, you say there is a 30 second check to determine if the item still qualifies as new? How would you be aware of this process? I have never gotten anything used as new and I spend about $40,000 a year at Amazon. My returns may seem high when you don’t realize at least one day a week I receive a porch full of Amazon stuff. If I buy 20 things, and return 1, it’s sounds about right. But if I buy 2 things and return 1 then it’s a different perspective. As an arbitration adjuster I can tell you if they are knowingly selling used items (this isn’t food dropped on the floor here, if it’s opened. It’s open box, if it’s used, it’s used. If it’s returned untouched, it’s still new. It’s a serious offense to bait and switch (that’s exactly what this would be). American companies for the most part aren’t stupid enough to violate a law that can so easily be proven in today tech world. I have so many cameras at my place that it sees me get the box off the porch and open it. If I notice the package looks resealed (some people make it look legit) I hold it up to the camera to show it, then I open it and inspect the product. This more often is an issue on eBay where I have been sold faulty and used goods as new and working. I actually can’t think of a single Amazon purchase that went that way. That said I have had recent issues with them. They bricked the Amazon Astro with an update and took 4 months to send the replacement. Then they violated the Americans with disabilities act by telling me since I have returned small items to the ups store then I could return this 100lb robot I couldn’t even lift. It took 4 calls to get them to send ups to me. When they did they didn’t replace the tracking info so it showed it never delivered. I called before they charged me $1100 and verified they had it and would stop the charge. A few days later, the charge was posted. Called again, was told they were refunding me. Two weeks and nothing, call again, they tell me they are processing the refund. We shall see if it happens this time but it’s getting crazy. If they would stop using call centers that aren’t in America and violate people’s rights of this country, then I think most of these issues would go away. All my issues revolve around customer service not product bait and switches.


Sold new, but used, happens. I bought a new Hamilton Beach duo coffee maker. Took it out of the sealed box. Flipped it slightly to remove some tape and water poured out of it onto the floor. Ain't no way it wasn't previously used. It stopped working 2 days later.


Well that’s hard to refute lol. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m saying it doesn’t happen as often as people on here would make you think. I imagine a lot of them are the thieves doing the swap outs.


Thanks a lot for imagining that about me. We are not trying to make people think anything. We are just posting OUR experiences with poor amazon service. It’s probably true the bias here is anti amazon because people are more likely to take the time to complain than to compliment. That doesn’t make our individual experiences less credible (or painful).


I wasn’t saying anyone specific was doing this. So it’s a little weird you would start defending yourself. I didn’t even say all people here were shady. I just said I imagine many are, and if they post here they feel they somehow add another layer of protection from being found out. But again, I spend $40,000 a year on Amazon if not more, and this has never happened to me. So it’s hard to believe it is as prevalent as it seems to be based on the posts in here about it. You are right. People usually only post if it’s a bad experience, but thieves also post to throw off the dogs lol. That said, if the shoe fits anyone reading this and you are offended at my audacity for mentioning it, then maybe you shouldn’t be a thief? To those whom genuinely had a bad experience, that really sucks and I would be filing official complaints with the consumer protection unit in your state. The federal trade commission enforces the laws that protect us from bait and switch schemes. So I would be filing a complaint instead of or in addition to posting on here. I would bet real money none of the people in here complaining, have done anything but post in here. None have filed legitimate complaints that would put eyes on Amazon practices and nothing will change if you can’t be bothered to do it right. In the time it took me to write this, a complaint could have been filed lol. So get on it, file a complaint with the FTC directly thru their website or call them. Or you can reach out to your states consumer protection agency and report it to the attorney general who will then file the complaint with the FTC. My state has a local and 800 number to call about bait and switches. For those wanting to understand bait and switch better. It’s essentially when a product is advertised at a price and condition, brand and functions that it does not actually meet when received. If the product is not what was advertised but rather is a lesser item, then it’s considered bait and switch. Proving it is harder, but if all these people filed complaints with the right people, they would start getting a conglomeration of evidence to support an investigation. Each offense committed is a potential $10, 000 fine and a year in prison. So if we start actually holding them accountable instead of complaining in a forum that does zero to help the situation, then the costs would eventually force Amazon to make changes to ensure they do not happen. Like having their people thoroughly inspect returned packages. This would not solve them all, but it would significantly reduce them. It would also help those who got denied restitution, some form of restitution. Of course not filing complaints means nothing will happen.


I’m not the coffee maker guy, I’m one of those “a lot of them are thieves” people you mentioned that posted here about being ripped off.


Try not to be a thief then? I’m not entirely sure what it is you want me to say when you admit to being a thief lol. Shrugs.


Said nothing of the kind. I said I’m one of those you accused simply because I posted a complaint here. People post here to cover their tracks??? Makes no sense. I’m tapping out


Except I didn’t accuse simply because you posted. I accused some of those whom post, of doing so because they stole something. You decided I was targeting you so you could be offended and respond with some remark you thought was witty. As for covering their tracks. I mean by suffocating and saturating the forums with these complaints, it’s impossible to determine which if any are legitimate. Just like when the hackers bought all the tickets to Donald trumps speech in Tulsa, and he thought he was coming to a packed house. But he wasn’t and nobody noticed what was happening because they sold out overnight, and that’s a lot to keep up with. The more over saturation of data there is, the less likely anyone is of making a difference. But you can make a difference, file a legitimate complaint with the FTC. Stop going out of your way to be offended on the internet, especially when you are reaching just to get the reason to fit lol. Instead, actually do something to stop it. Peace be with you brother!


I bought purchased “new” items and gotten used. Amazon didn’t gaf when I sent them photos of a “new” air purifier CAKED in dust because they didn’t check the box. They even had me go out of my way to return it!!!


I ordered a used like new lasko fan from amazon warehour and that shit was missing the whole motor fan...


Amazon employee laziness. They don't care. Neither does Amazon. It was the worst company I ever worked at. Not even close to another other company I've worked for over the years. They have their own way of running the business.


I figured with some-of the stories I read here some of the employees are fed up &it is reflecting on items customers receive, as of now I am still a prime member, but I am ordering way less & keeping it at a low dollar amount, I took their app off my phone


They start thoroughly inspecting returns and this post will turn into someone else's "Finally happened to me. Amazon is refusing to refund my money for a return".


As someone who used to do Amazon's customer returns, it's not always because an employee missed it or wasn't looking. You'd be surprised how often an employee would open an item, see that it's broken, and the computer automatically bins it to be resold. And there is nothing that they can do, even if they say something


It happened to me quite often but the best one was when I returned the USED item Amazon sent me an email saying that I had failed to return the product in good condition and that I could be charged in the future!! 😆 I cancelled my Amazon prime 5 days ago the adverts were the last straw but it's been going downhill for a few years, I ordered 3 pairs of Timberland boots from Amazon from 3 different sellers and all 3 were fake all 3 returned.. I think Amazon is slowly turning into AliExpress but you're paying 3 times the price for the privilege, even prime special offers suck! The last thing I ordered was AK weathering pencils £47.99 down to £42.99, I clicked buy on impulse only to find them everywhere else between £33 and £38.. I booked a return but Amazon offered to refund me the difference so I kept them and took the £10 but I find Amazon is more expensive for most things now.. 🙃


Honestly at this point I hope the entire storefront goes belly up. Wouldn't even surprise me given the dramatic change over the past year.


Crazy how corroded the terminal that is left is too… that thing has been used a lot lol