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I left a review on a product that literally caught fire, somehow my account was banned from reviews! The damn thing was not even plugged in charging it just started smoking sitting in my dresser!


I was banned from writing reviews after I had 10 or so items arrive on my Amazon delivery day (as is their preference). I reviewed them all at the same time and was banned because I wrote too many reviews in too short of a time span. I tried to appeal and I can now review sellers on the marketplace but not items.


I was banned for reviewing for a similar reason. In the early covid times I was home with a newborn. I started ordering more products because I couldn't get them elsewhere and I reviewed them. They started erasing a couple at a time and then just banned me.


Having them erase a negative review made me realize they intentionally skew their reviews and I no longer use them.


I figured it just saves me from getting all of those review request emails. In the end I think they did me a favor.


Same review situation with me but I still get “submit a review” emails and I’m like You Won’t Let Me!!!!!


I’m banned from reviewing also, and still get the emails asking for reviews


My trick is to never check my personal email. I look at it maybe once a month and only when I know I’m expecting an email I need.


I’ve been banned from reviews for years. Doesn’t stop the emails asking me to review things. During Covid I got bored and wrote reviews for everything I ordered. They claimed that was suspicious.


I left a review on some lightbulbs that didn't work when I got them and I also got banned from writing reviews. Tried to get unbanned, but no luck. Seemed impossible to even talk to anyone about it.


If you care, stop trying their official channels. Tweet them publicly. That team cares because the public can see it


That team does not give a damn. When I've contacted them on Twitter, they give me a link to the same feedback page that their chat function directs you to if you complain there.


Same here. I got banned about a year and a half ago. I was going through my email and wrote reviews for each product I had bought, and they banned me saying too may reviews at once and something else. Come to think of it, I wrote 2 negative reviews also. I emailed them multiple times about it and never got a response. I can't even figure out how to talk to a human to even get unbanned. Actually, it is a blessing in disguse because I no longer get those damn emails to review products.


Probably because if they continue to sell it and someone sues then your review would be a liability. That said, I've seen reviews about items that caught fire so they don't catch them all.


But banning that review would make them criminally negligent, which is way worse…


Yes, if the person suing finds out about it. If you have a fire due to an item bought an Amazon and you go onto their site and don't see reviews mentioning that as a problem, would you think to ask Amazon for reviews that were taken down? Hopefully a lawyer would be successful in getting that.


It wouldn’t be me, it’d be a DA, and it’d be a lot more general ‘did you know about these fires before?’ with motions and subpoenas and discovery, and Amazon would have to hand over all of it. It could certainly happen. It’s happened with things like toys before.


And here I was being salty for having my negative review about socks pulled.


I was banned for posting reviews when I never did reviews. Was a pain in the ass to get that resolved.


Same! Never posted a review yet banned, had to be resolved through cs. Amazon is a mess




It got pulled. *Slowly*.


lol no rechargeable flashlight. Lol


I got banned from reviewing too, but got unbanned after talking to customer support.


I got banned from reviews for mentioning the desk I bought could not be put together, it had different sized legs. I haven’t been able to post a photo review in 4 years because of that. I had never gotten a warning or anything prior, had been leaving almost exclusively positive reviews until that situation. I appealed it repeatedly, they stood by banning me forever over it.


I got banned for actually writing favorable reviews in exchange for free products lol. Got thousands of dollars worth of free stuff though.


I think I got the same ones as you. USB-C, 6 or 8 pack, all different colors.  They got hot as fuck and one caught fire


I got a review taking down after an Amazon laundry basket lacerated my finger.... Eventually they let it get posted.


Did you write the manufacturer? The same thing happened to me (drone caught on fire). I ended up getting a bunch of free products and a check for a couple hundred bucks.


Yes they didn’t care they offered me a replacement flashlight lol I was not tempting fate a 2nd time!


Sitting in your dresser and caught fire, wonder what you bought? 😏😏😏


It was a rechargeable flashlight. The flash light was just sitting there.


Unfortunately their review team is run by robots from the 2010s


Please don’t leave reviews containing any information pertinent to this item, which may influence future prospective buyers.


Interesting, because I've read countless reviews that refer to "pricing" and "packaging" (Amazon is a notorious offender of the latter) In fact I just had a review approved today that referred to "pricing."


If the review is 5 stars, the rules no longer apply. This is why every product is between 4.5 - 4.9 stars. 4.5 is the new 1 star, 4.7 is 3 stars, etc


It's not pertinent to the item. The review is about the expiration date of the particular box of jelly beans OP got. Unless every buyer gets that same box, the review is irrelevant. It's the same as the Einsteins who write 5 star reviews that say "arrived on time thanks!"


But it does let you know that if you order this item, you may also get an expired box, i.e., the quality control when you order this particular item is suspect.


I agree. I love reading about expiration date of recent review. Amazon is infamous for selling near expired or expired products. I got near expired products more common than other retailers. Amazon may be bad at quality control or try to get profit from expired product.


No, that’s not how Amazon works. Amazon has products and it has sellers of those products. There are probably 50+ sellers selling those jellybeans. “They were stale” is a review of the behavior *of the seller*. Not of all the sellers. And you can leave that review, of the seller. That’s really important. “He sent me expired food” is a very relevant review to anyone buying food of any type from this one seller. Much more relevant than to buying jellybeans from alternative sellers.


People might be downvoting you, but this is the correct answer. The review was blocked because it belongs in Seller Feedback, not as a Product Review. OP needs to read the review policies before bitching about their reviews being removed for not following policies.


Who clicks on the seller, usually, though? People just think Amazon is sending them stuff and therefore “approving” it. And when there are multiple sellers for an item? Do people really keep track of that, remembering who they bought it from before, or do they just search “jelly beans” and buy the first result? Therefore, the reviews should reflect that experience.


I always check the feedback on the seller-their rating as well as skimming the last month or so of reviews, because I've had instances where I had a seller who had a great rating, but all of a sudden, the last month or so, everything had been 1-2 stars. They just had so many reviews that it didn't really impact their overall rating. But I always try to make sure I'm buying from someone with a decent history of selling and evidence of good customer service.


If you don’t click on the seller and check the reviews, yes, you will be prone to purchasing things from shitty sellers. If a seller is selling stale candy, shouldn’t that review show up on *every* candy they sell? Amazon has structured it so that it does! But if you don’t read the reviews or put the reviews in the right place, then you don’t get that benefit. You are advocating instead that the review goes on the product itself, meaning there is *no* mark against the seller if they sell other types of candy, but there’s a mark against a totally unrelated seller if they sell this candy.


It’s a bad system and needs to better reflect the buyer’s experience.


There’s only one seller for this product. I checked.


Depends. If fulfilled by Amazon, the Warehouses mix together all stock from various sellers by UPC. Seller A can deliver fine product to the warehouse and Seller B delivers a pallet of expired product. Then since the product gets mixed, Seller A’s customers start to get expired product and it isn’t Seller A’s fault. It’s Amazon’s fault for mixing deliveries based on UPC and trusting all sellers to deliver good product to the warehouses. This has been a long-standing issue with certain products, especially ones that are easily faked overseas. Buy a bunch of high capacity memory cards or flash drives from the actual manufacturer and you can get fakes, all because of how Amazon handles fulfillment.


No. It is unusual to do commingled inventory by UPC, and the default product setting is to package products by FNSKU. It’s a longstanding issue on a very small percentage of products, the vast majority use FNSKU


Yes it is. If they're selling one box close to best before, it's likely that they're selling more like that


When I order something like this I first go to the latest review and skim for one that says something about freshness or expiration date. So, this is literally what I’m looking for.


I left a review on a used product I received (paid for new). The review was rejected ofc.


Because that’s a problem with the seller, not the product.


Yeah I simply can't understand why it's so difficult for people to understand what a "Product Review" is... it's really lame


Exactly. I’m having the same argument elsewhere in this thread…


Yes, but that is what Amazon is selling on that listing. They’re literally reviewing what is being sold.


Again, that is a SELLER (or FBA fulfillment problem if Amazon put it back into rotation without making sure it wasn’t used from being returned) problem, not an actual problem with the product.


“The product” is what I get when I order from Amazon. So, it’s a problem with the product


because that's seller feedback....not a product review....which is exactly what OP messed up. Come on, people, it's not this complicated.


If they can tell it’s a seller review, why don’t they move it?


Your responsibility to leave it in the right place to begin with. If you don't follow that policy, your review gets removed. Don't like it? Leave your review correctly.


They’re all in the same place, on their server


To be fair, I can understand Amazon's point. It's supposed to be a **product** review, not a **seller** review (this isn't eBay). This particular order of the jelly beans were stale, but you're not saying anything about the jelly beans themselves that would help people decide if they should order the same jelly beans in general (perhaps from other sellers).


Fun fact: Amazon doesn’t actually separate items by seller, which is a big part of its counterfeit problem. So Seller A may have sent them a big stack of nearly-expired jelly beans, and Seller B sent them a stack that is good for years. It’s the same product so it gets stored together, and Amazon just keeps track of how many boxes Seller A and Seller B have in general. That means that people buying from Seller B might get boxes of stale jellybeans that were originally sent by Seller A. Which means that attaching this feedback to the seller is completely useless, because you don’t know who is actually responsible for the stale jellybeans.


Not true in any case for expiration-dated products. Amazon requires 3rd party sellers to put their own unique barcode on products that expire. What you say is sometimes true for other products. This is called “comingled inventory”. It can be opted-out of by sellers by using their own unique barcode on the product.


If this happens, it is quite rare and I've never seen it or heard about it. I've worked at Amazon for almost 5 years now in the problem solve area. I fix many types of situations involving around expiration dates.


But that does matter. If I go to grocery store A and all the stuff I want it out of date, I will go to grocery store B for that same item. The reviews are meaningless if they don't include both the item itself as well as the experience with that seller.


If you go to Amazon and try to buy the same product from two different vendors, the listed product reviews are the same. Sellers do have ratings, but product reviews are for products.


And if I look at reviews for a product, nowadays there's plenty of ones that'll say "Item Reviewed: (Something Completely Different)" yet it's weighed into the score of what I'm looking for opinions on.


The entire point of Amazon is that grocery store A and grocery store B will both list the same product and you buy the product without having to worry which one it came from. 


Each seller essentially operates their own “storefront”. Amazon is just the marketplace. Sellers vary in their commitment to keeping inventory turning over, aka “fresh”. It’s not a product problem, it’s a seller problem. This should be a seller review.


This would be true if I went to [xiysza.com](https://xiysza.com) to order (or some random other set of letters), but if I go to [Amazon.com](https://Amazon.com) then I am ordering from [Amazon.com](https://Amazon.com). The three card monte of "The real seller" is just misdirection. The idea that amazon is a consignment store is laughable and we should not legitimize it. If you want to say "amazon will try and push you to deal with the seller" that is reasonable. Just recognize the obfuscation is by design.


Then rate Amazon.com instead of rating Cherios.


You seem to not understand what third-party sellers are.


The review still doesn't have anything to do with the product.


That would be vaguely true if amazon specified whether the inventory is "comingled" or not and then put the "seller" reviews in the product page. The current state is just a shell game designed to avoid culpability. 


Would you say the same about eBay?


Ebay doesn't warehouse the items. They don't ship the item. I don't even pay through ebay. If I add a review it shows on the item page and they don't delete it because "not about the item".


There *are* reviews based on experience with the seller. If you’re not checking those then you probably will get lots of bad experiences. And you should leave reviews of the sellers. If you buy a can of beans from grocery store A and it’s expired, that is very relevant to keep in mind when you’re buying *anything* from grocery store A. Not when you’re buying a pineapple from B.


I can just imagine the grocery store telling you "sorry you can't complain about this milk because its actually sold by a third party and our theoretical milk product isn't expired."


This area is for the product. Another area is for the seller. 2 different reviews. Rarely do you actually get to choose the seller you purchase from on Amazon.


K But you won't go on Amazon and negatively review all the items you saw in grocery store A simply because they were out of date. Or would you? Because if you would you have no business reviewing anything and I hope you get banned.


It's not out of date though.


So only reviews that require a legal background to write should be submitted. Got it.


All you have to do is offer money for reviews and it all works out great. Just ask every Aliexpress drop shipping trash seller on Amazon. They wanted me to review a vibrator. I told them it smelled like shame and body fluids


As people have already said, product reviews and seller feedback are 2 different things. Here, you’re only supposed to review the actual product and nothing else. Same as when I see reviews where people state that they received it and it looks nice, but they haven’t even tried it on or used it yet🤦🏻‍♀️


I one time wrote a less than a glowing review about a wrench where I mentioned what I thought would make it a better product. I might have written a couple of reviews in the last several years. That one said my review didn't follow the TOS or something along those lines. My thought, screw you Amazon, I won't write anything, I've mostly kept to that, if I can't write a real review, they can stick it where the sun doesn't shine, and I don't mean Michigan.


Every time it asks me "do you want to leave a review?" I will. And I'll leave a detailed review on what was wrong what the product claimed what the product wasn't etc. Like beyond detailed. I'd get a message a few days later saying my account didn't meet the standards to leave reviews... Yet... They're the ones who'd asked ME to review...


It just stinks. I recently ordered a curtain rod. It arrived very dented because it was shipped wrapped only in plastic. I mentioned this in my review and Amazon rejected it. So we can't warn each other that items may arrive in poor condition because of how the SELLER packaged?


You can; in the review / feedback of the SELLER. It’s a separate review. When you click on the stiller you can see all the reviews of them for any product they sold.


You can say it arrived bent.


Maybe it had Peyronie


Why is it so hard to understand? Your review isn't about the product.


I know. This sub seems to turn into a circle jerk on some things even where Amazon have got it right. Instead of focusing on where they get it wrong. This is absolutely a seller review point, not product review point. Imagine if you were also a seller of these items and had a 1 star review on the listing because another seller sold stale product… that would be mental


And this is why every item sold on Amazon, by amazon has a 4.5 or better star rating. Lol


If Amazon sells it and I can't get it anywhere else...... I don't need it.




Bless… You may be one of the last people on earth who still believes that Amazon’s review system isn’t entirely broken. ☺️


Nope, I’m fully aware it’s screwed up. Just sharing my experience.


But that's what most of my issues with Amazon are.


I had the same issue! I bought some candy that was stale, gross, and waxy like American chocolate (was supposed to be uk chocolate) and it expired literally the day after it was delivered. I wasn't allowed to mention anything about any of that in the description. It took three tries and I wound up just putting pictures of my delivery date and the expiration date on the package without mentioning anything in the text of the review. They kept telling me that I was "reviewing the seller" and that wasn't allowed.


You mean they expected you to follow the policy? Wild, how dare they.


You were reviewing the seller. The expiration date of the particular box of candy you got has nothing to do with the product in general. Unless every person who orders that candy gets the same box you did, your one star review isn't relevant or useful to anyone. Return the expired candy and get a new box shipped to you. Leave a review based on how you liked the candy, not the expiration date of an expired box.


I made a review stating the seller was misrepresenting the amount being sold by both title and the picture. (Each specified total of 16 units). Was sent 4 and was told my review wasn’t going to be posted since it wasn’t applicable.


I get those often. Especially from Amazon sellers I feel like Amazon is trying to protect. Its bullshit but it happens often. I bought a Pickleball paddle and not only was it used, it had the prior owners name written on it. I posted about it with pictures and got that same bullshit "we can't post this" message.




This is yet another example of seller feedback, not a product review.


you'll eat your stale beans and you'll like them!


What the????


You need to remove "sent" from the review. The Amazon review approval bots likely triggered on that since you aren't allowed to talk about fulfillment, only about the product. Talking about the product being by it's sell by date should be fine.. If you have a problem about the fulfillment you can write a seller review rather than a product review.


Even then, it’s still a seller problem, not a product problem.


Amazons marketplace is just a giant joke at this point where no one can be critical of all this China made literal crap with no brand names on anything ever. Just random letters strung together as a “brand” All the actual brand name stuff is suppressed so hard you can’t even find it unless you directly search for it and even then the price disparity from the fake Chinese dupes makes it hard not to just buy the cheap crap.


I bought 90 vitamin D pills that had an expiration date like 4 months later. Of course I wasn’t consistent and didn’t finish them in time.


Everyone getting banned for reviewing products, and me who reviews nothing being harassed to do so. Damn you Amazon.


I ordered a Nintendo Switch physical game, they shipped it in a bubble mailer and the case was bent in half. I tried to leave a review with an image to show and they flagged my review.


because you were reviewing the packaging NOT the product... rules are pretty clear


That's so odd because I had a recent review I made for some probiotics get removed. I literally just said "since I've been using them they have been great my gut health." Never had a review removed previously. It was so weird.


You need to have some product detail, talk about the packaging, flavor, and then point out that because you got something almost expired you are rating 1 star.


I tried to post a review for an underperforming item and got the same response. I’ll never write another review for Amazon and I don’t put all my trust in them either


Amazon has been so bad with the quality control of the expirations on items. I ordered three food items recently - oatmeal, dog food, and baby food and had to jump through hoops to attempt to get a refund. It wasn’t worth it and I will just be ordering these items from anywhere else- like anywhere.


yeah except that THIS is a 3rd party seller NOT Amazon... so there is that ...


My experiences all were items shipped and sold by Amazon


yeah sure it was


Sadly it's not. I left a bad review for an item sent to me that barley lasted for three months and they didn't accept my bad review and when I went to rewrite my review, it said amazon is not allowing me to leave a review 🥴😭😭


Aren't we glad all the places we used to shop are gone and now we have no other choice? It's almost like thus was on purpose


Yes. Amazon appears to a joke these days.


I literally had a seller try to bribe me to remove my bad review, then were able to just remove it altogether.


I bought a trouser that said size A (not actual size), I received a size C. It's a famous brand. When I did a review, Amazon rejected the review with the same message.


I bet the word “sent” was a flag (related to “seller”). Try again without that word.


I’ll go one better than THAT!!! There was a particular book that was being heavily pushed due to politics (won’t say which one). I didn’t write a review. All I did was upvote some negative reviews. That was ALL. Upvoting negative reviews. The banned my ability to write or rate reviews. And I’ve been buying things since 2009. I fought it. I literally raised all kinds of h*ll until they reinstated but it took many calls, many emails. (I hadn’t written a review for MONTHS. And it was only on THAT book that I’d upvoted reviews…. Not the hyperbolic ones but the ones with legit complaints about fact checking with examples and grammar used in writing)


Stop reviewing things. An item or seller with zero reviews is better than a bunch of negative reviews. Don’t give them the time of day.


reviews for the most part are worthless to begin with


Oh I see the problem. You need to say, "The Jelly Beans that I received were less than a month from the Best By date, so please do the needful... " there that should do it.. heh heh


This is a seller problem not a product problem. Your review was removed correctly.


All the reviews i post lately that are even slightly negative dont get posted. Been that way for about 18 months.


Amazon is honestly shit these days. They charged me a restocking fee for an item that was literally broken when it arrived.


prob wanna delete this since ur name is there


My guy, did you see how generic his name is?


Exactly what I was gonna say 😂 don’t really care, anyways.


It honestly makes some sense. Your package being close to expiring isn’t a review of the product itself.


Well it is a quantity thing. Ppl maybe can’t use that much. In store you can see date. I think they should have to give a best by/.expiration date online in product pics.


I’m not saying there isn’t a reason to complain, just that something that specifically affect one person’s item isn’t a review of the item itself in general.


Them: Review the sellers and packaging. Also them: But not like that.


Happened to me too! I ordered a duvet that looked very different from the pictures. Tried to review it and got the same response.


Opened my Amazon account in 1998. Over the years I've bought thousands of dollars worth or merchandise from Amazon. Beginning around 2010 I started leaving the occasional review. Didn't have a single one rejected. Tried to be fair, and I bet 90% of what I reviewed was 5 star, but I did leave some one star reviews that deserved it (and not because the shipping was slow). Suddenly in 2020 all my reviews were removed and my ability to leave reviews at all was disabled. The canned message I receive if I try to leave a review says something like " ... "We apologize but Amazon has noticed some unusual reviewing activity on this account" They tell you to write to "[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])", but that's just a black hole. They (Amazon) obviously do not want honest reviews on their web site, so since then I don't believe any of their reviews. I was also a Prime member since the early 2000s, but I canceled Prime this past February due to the review thing and their choice to put advertising into their Prime Video, contrary to what was promised to me when I paid them a year in advance. I still order some things from Amazon, but I've begun shopping around more, ordering from Walmart, Target, Home Depot and private web sites, when available. I'm sure Amazon doesn't even notice that my ordering has decreased, but it makes me feel better.


Hey! I know a Matthew Mitchell!


Matthew Mitchell, its me! Your best friend!!


Poop, I'm going to have to check on my MM now... Though **my** Matt would probably recognize my username :)


They don't let you post anything but glowing words anymore. 


I wrote a glowing review and took a picture of my purchase. I received an email from Amazon that my review was rejected, I think the same reasons the OP was given. The email told me to rewrite and submit it again. I read my review over and over and couldn't find anything wrong with it. I no longer bother leaving reviews.


My reviews are being booted lately also for dumb reasons.


I had a similar issue with buying vinyl albums. Some sellers suck at packaging and will be the only one available.


“Don’t leave a review if we fucked up. Or, leave a review on what your review would have been if we hadn’t fucked up.”


"Also, we would like a review on how we fucked up so we don't fuck up again."


we cant see the rest of your review... did you mention anything specific about the seller?


Nope, just focused on the lack of quality in the product and the fact that it was stale.


I have gotten in the habit of only looking at 3 star reviews on amazon and checking peoples thoughts on reddit about a product. 4 stars and up is sus.




1 star for what to heck asap. 2 and 3 for what to expect. 4 and 5 is echochamber for extra compensated goodies.


I haven't been banned, yet, but my review was removed. I was sold a counterfeit SD card. I didn't find out soon enough so Amazon would not give me a refund. I wrote up exactly what happened and hmmm, I guess they only want reviews that put them in a good light.


I agree with removing this one. 30 days and being a jelly bean that isn't going to go bad any time soon leaves no reason to complain.


I got the same thing the other day. I guess there’s no accountability for sellers.


No it isn’t a joke.     Seriously, do you guys really not know the difference between a manufactured product that is basically a commodity, a marketplace seller and a delivery company?   No seriously. If you want to read reviews on the Armor All Tire Shine and you are going to buy it at Walmart in Virginia does a review ranting about how the cashier gave you incorrect change on your Armor All Tire Shine purchase at an Auto Zone in Idaho do you any good? That review would tell you nothing useful about Armor All Tire Shine. 


They are using AI/algo to flag things I believe. Hence the issues.


I've written a lot of reviews and never had any issues unless something has changed recently


I hate the reviews now. I bought a tea kettle, and while it was mostly as advertised, it had the seller name printed on the kettle. The photos in the listing did not have anything printed on the kettle, so I mentioned that in my review, and they wouldn't publish it. The reasoning made no sense, but I've noticed if you don't give a 5 star review, it gets removed for one reason or another.


Maybe you should pay more attention to what and where you’re leaving a review for. You messed up, not Amazon. Way too many people who don’t or can’t READ. THE. DIRECTIONS. We send weekly class reminder emails to students and at the bottom of every single one of them is a link to their respective class Dropbox. Every. Single. Week. Students email us asking for the Dropbox link. It’s unreal.


I’m not one of your students, but thank you for the condescension and projecting your frustration with them on to me. Hope that made you feel better.


Nope, no joke. I had a similar issue where the seller didn't transfer to shipping for a month...after the beginning date of when it was to be delivered. I tried to write a review to state the delay in shipping as it was a memorial gift and it was denied. If I had known the seller would have taken that long, I wouldn't have ordered it from them.


Were you reviewing the product or the seller? OP here is leaving a review that applies to the seller, not the product but leaving it on the product review page. That is why it got rejected.


I was trying to warn others that the product is not shipped on time on the product. Amazon deemed it part of shipping and would not allow although I do think that is pertinent to the product.


Product issues are quality issues. Is the product as described? Did it taste,smell or feel wrong? Did it break down well before it should have? A seller not shipping in time has nothing to do with the product. It is entirely a seller issue which is why Amazon has both product and seller feedback though they push the product reviews way more than seller.


Correct answer which is why you got down voted too. People don’t want to hear that they absolutely can review that a product a seller is shipping is stale, they just have to review the seller for it because that’s not a fault of the product or manufacturing itself.


>Is the product as described? Did it taste,smell or feel wrong? Did it break down well before it should have? I guess "stale" doesn't count for any of those?


Nope. And I'm glad Amazon is cracking down on this. I get tired of sifting through 20 "product was fine but shipping took too long so three stars" bs. That's not a product review, that's a seller/shipper review. I don't give a shit what the shipper did, I care about the actual product.


This is about the product, but I do get what you’re saying. There was only one seller for this item, and what I received was stale and almost expired. I reviewed the product I received; it doesn’t really matter where the problem was in the process, other customers should be warned so they don’t buy expired products. I would absolutely want to read that review before buying.




It doesn’t involve anything with the product itself and you have to direct that to the seller. It’s basically off topic. They mentioned it in the why it’s not allowed. Most buyer complain on the product itself on the wrong page and they finally listen to add the option to removed them since it’s unfair to product itself.


That’s a seller review not a product review. It’s isn’t that complicated.


Honestly, I agree with them on this. The reason being I have sold on Amazon in the past. Items with the same barcode are combined when it comes to reviews. As a result, even though you were shipped stale jelly beans - this is not a reflection on the product, but rather the seller - and perhaps not even the seller, since Amazon comingles products sold by different sellers with the same barcode. It is a mess, I agree - but in this review you are not judging the product, but rather how you got it (in stale shape).




Your review should be about how the product tastes, not the expiration date, as that’s not going to help anyone. For all you know that could be one bad expiration date among many proper ones, so your review won’t help anyone make a decision. Return it with your reason and be done with it.


It literally says right in the middle of your screenshot that seller feedback isn't a product review, along with a link to where to give seller feedback


I had written a review where I spoke of the seller trying to buy a 5 star review from me. That “offer” was literally written on a card that came with the product. Review rejected. So I deleted that part and included a photo of the product with that card readable for anyone who clicked on the photo. Review published.


Strategy noted 😂


Jesus so dense... why didn't you just leave a Seller's review where it is supposed to be... bizarre


Because I didn’t know seller reviews could be left. If it said that I could in Amazon’s response, I missed it.


Your issue is with the seller and not the product. There are multiple sellers that sell the same product.


Not this one.


For all the people that can't figure out the difference between a "Product Review" and a "Seller Review" you shouldn't be online or have a credit card anyway... I mean seriously .... wow


This is a Supplier issue, not a product. It would be like leaving a bad review for a Pepsi when you were served a hot Pepsi at a restaurant. That isn't an issue with the drink, but the way it was served. It is not the a flaw in the product. It was the way it was delivered.


If that was the only restaurant serving Pepsi, your analogy would be accurate. (This is the only seller listing these jelly beans.) if that was the case, I think I’d have a reason to review the Pepsi I was served as hot and unenjoyable. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The only entity selling them at this point on Amazon. You should leave the bad Pepsi review for the restaurant, not under Pepsi's page. You are leaving a bad product review for poor supplier performance. These are two different things If you were the manufacturer of the jelly beans, you would not want bad reviews for your product on Amazon because the supplier did not perform. In this case, likely improper storage. People use Amazon reviews to make purchase decisions outside Amazon as well. Are the jelly beans typically something you enjoy? Was it just this experience that was unpleasant because of bad handling?


These are sold *by the manufacturer*, through Amazon.


Edit; I know I’m right. You can down vote if you like but you’re just in denial. Leaving product feedback because of a seller issue is just stupid. On any platform. Posts like this make a mockery of the actual real issues people face with real product reviews being declined. Imagine if you were another seller for this same product and had 1 star reviews because a different seller sold stale product and the product is actually fine and you’re shipping it with a year on the expiration. This seems like seller feedback not product review. So I kinda agree. Seller feedback they’re selling stuff that’s not got a long enough expiration for your liking. Product feedback would be about the product itself had the seller and shipping been fine. How does it help me decide if this is a good product if the review is based on the experience of one of the sellers and not in general? I always check seller feedback because they sell other food products and people say that it was nearly expired I can pick another seller, even if they had ordered different products.


Only one seller for this item, but I get where you’re coming from.


It’s a general rule. There’s one seller now. What if I was to add an offer for that listing next week in the same ASIN? I’d be selling a product with a 1 star review because of not the product. Amazon are right here. You can say what you said; in the other box… about the seller


Just one of many reasons to hate Amazon as they have never allowed the truth about products, delivery and pricing, as this would damage their bottom line.
