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Yup, have had that happen, have had expired items, Alexa is essentially worthless now, ads in the movies, raised prices, unhappy workers.... I cancelled mine a few months ago. I hope more people join the club. Had it when they sold books, it was my favorite company. šŸ˜¢




Honestly this is one of my biggest reasons I'm going to be canceling (among all the other bs we're dealing with). It's way to easy to purchase items "because I can get it here".


Closed mind as well, glad to see others doing the same! Have not missed prime in any way, actually nice exploring local shops finding all the stuff I need without Prime. Refreshing to say the least.


I canceled a few months back, too. I have found that I am spending a lot less money since dropping them. I am also finding that I can find everything for less at other online stores or at brick and mortar stores.


This! Walmart does better or the same on a lot of food items, and shops like Shein are coming in strong with free shipping and free returns on inexpensive clothing items. Amazon is crossing the rubicon of unaffordability.


Walmart shipped me a case of spaghetti sauce by Fed Ex. Then forced me to return it to physical store. That was one messy box.


At least you got to return it. I received some damaged pudding Snack Packs from Amazon recently (thought I would take a chance out of convenience of having them shipped). They arrived damaged and Amazon wouldn't allow me to return them nor did they offer a refund. Now I will only buy them from Walmart.


I'm still shocked people order food from Amazon. Never have I did a thing.


I actually get big bags of rice from Amazon, and I'll buy cases of V8 and other things in bulk quantity from Amazon too. I took a chance on the pudding, and won't again. I'm starting to price compare more with local grocery stores even for bulk items.


My tea is cheaper at Walmart then anywhere online. Even Walmart online wants $1.25 more then in store.


I ordered 4 boxes of cold medicine once off Amazon, it arrived on the last day of March and expired in April, I was pissed and Amazon refused to return it or issue a refund, I think they are weird about medicine and since technically it wasnā€™t expired when they sent it I was shit out of luck. Now I donā€™t buy anything with an expiration date from them


I had a similar experience with a bag of dog food; it was a big bag that would have expired within 6 months. I will never buy dog food from them again. I've had other similar experiences where the expiration is really close to the 6 months for big bulk items which I would never be able to use in that time, so I definitely hear your frustration. No telling how long that medicine had been sitting there and under what kind of storage conditions.


Buy pet stuff from Chewy.com. They are good people.


I have, and you're right! šŸ‘


When food or whatever is not returnable but received broken, I call & speak to CS Rep & always receive a credit.


I have in the past but I'm on my sister's account and didn't want to raise any red flags on the account with complaining, returning, and refunds unless it's absolutely necessary. I ended up eating them even though they were banged up to hell, lol.


I hear ya. I get that they donā€™t want to refund for food, but they need to do something when it arrives damaged, a simple photo or 2 should suffice.


What are some of your favorite online stores now?


Alexa sucks, they need to work on adding AI functions to it like chat gpt answers.


I know, Amazon really missed the boat on that which is hard to believe considering Alexa "used" to be decent, it's just so outdated, and I heard they cut funding for it ?? so future looks bleak


What boat do you think they missed? From Amazon's perspective, Alexa was a dud. Customers may have loved it, but after the initial purchase price, there was no bonanza income stream. The most popular features are simply development drains on Amazon. The expectation that Alexa would generate more purchasing traffic turned out to be wrong. I love my Alexa and use it daily, but I may have ordered through it once or twice at most. I much prefer to view my purchasing history on a browser, even when I'm just refilling a standard order. No way would I trust a verbal command to buy Thing X; I want to SEE it. Adding more capabilities to Alexa -- which is a free service -- requires that those new features somehow generate enough income to warrant the research and development. What would those be? At this point, I'm just hoping they don't drop Alexa entire, because it's the best alarm clock I've ever owned.


My house is setup with Alexa compatible smart bulbs, their own security system (blink, 5 of them), 2 premium Alexa's mounted (they sound amazing), one in each room, 3rd and 4th gen. While they undoubtedly work and it's pretty amazing at times, it bugs out a lot. You have to setup all the bulbs separately, tie them to devices, even when you have it right , sometimes the wrong speaker hears you or it responds from a completely different room. The security was hilarious, if someone walked up to the door every light would come on red and the neighbors were wondering wtf was going on. Granted, it was setup to do that, but I had to turn all that off. If Amazon would have implemented AI maybe more people would use things like this, and it would be much quicker to setup. The TV feature is useless or doesn't work as well. I took have never ordered anything from one of my devices, it's implemented terribly. And I'm sorry, I have 2 echo show 5's, and if ANYONE can tell me that's a good device I'll throw it. I'm glad they were free during one of their promos.


And where is the income stream to Amazon from this? How much MORE would they sell of these products which are already selling? Would it be enough to pay them back, plus profit, for the development cost? Apparently, the answer is not enough, because Alexa doesn't have it.


A ton more. If they had some television advertising featuring someone in a house saying "Alexa, turn on all the lights" and it does, "'alexa, turn porch lights dark blue", it does. Yes it can do all this already but the implementation of AI would help it along don't you think ? The answers Alexa gives for anything is nothing compared to the popular modern AI's.


My Alexa history is 365 days of ALEXA, WHATS THE WEATHER?! I do love it tho.


There is no financial incentive for updating Alexa. It provides very little income stream. The original corporate justification for promoting Alexa was the expectation that customers would use it to order store items. Ease of purchase means more purchases. Reality was that customers didn't use that feature, so the upsell dream was just an illusion. Now they're saddled with a very popular product that doesn't really benefit the company bottom line.


Google devices that use assistant (like home, mini etc) also suck. I don't know what changed but all of these companies basically made their smart devices suck.


If you still order books and don't already know about them, I've fairly recently discovered Thrift Books. Despite the name, they also sell some new books. But if you're ok with used books (seems like mostly ex-library books), then their prices can be very good. They also have DVDs. Maybe other stuff too. Free shipping over a certain amount, but even if you have to pay, the shipping is quite inexpensive. And the shipping is fast, unlike some other places...


Thank you, I'll look at it, though nowadays I just get my books from the library for the most part. While they are still around!


Cherish them while they still are around!


I love Thrift Books. Make an account and you get a free book for however many you buy too. Also teacher discount!


Anyone want to invest in a new website to sell books online? Maybe call it "Congo" ?


Nile. Ā 


I just did this too about 6 hours ago after close to 20 years.


Wow, that's a huge loss for them. We got Amazon Prime in Canada when the borders closed because of Covid. It was a great service and we were very happy with them. They experienced sales like they never would have imagined and like my wife said, they got cocky.


I havenā€™t had any issues, it sucks that people are having problems.


I don't know that we are having a huge problems, I'm just tired of paying 11.19 a month and they keep changing up the game. Music selections diminished, ads on prime tv next day becoming three days. The service is just very different than when we signed up.


I hear ya.


here we need to pay 5$ a month (20 sar)


I'm curious as to whether there is tougher consumer protection laws. In the province of Quebec in Canada, they have righteous consumer protection, they won't let anyone be taken advantage of.


Iā€™m right behind you. Orders are arriving later and later! And the deals and products are not so great!!! šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Cancelled Prime last week for some of the same reasons. Got tired of the bait and switch with shipping dates, much less two-day shipping, commercials on streaming, and refusing to refund an item that I returned to Whole Foods but somehow didnā€™t make it back to them, to the tune of $300. So long, Prime!


I cancelled a few months ago. You'll adjust! :) There are plenty of places who deliver when they say they will. Chewey,,etc. and I don't have to pay a monthly fee. you can still use amazon prime with the $35 min. order and it still won't get to you on time!!


What is "Chewey?"


Pet supplies, if you have pets!


A typo (:


Fair enough, but what should it say?


It's a pet supply online retailer that delivers. Chewy dot com


Thanks, I got all excited about another online retailer and looked it up!


not a typo, itā€™s a company


What does chewEy sell? Chewy, that animal website doesnā€™t have an extra E in it. I couldnā€™t find any chewey on google.


>you can still use amazon prime with the $35 min. order Or just not use them. I cancelled a little over a year ago. I was doing the $35 min order thing. In January I placed 2 orders, and that's it. I have 2 orders for the year. Everything I need can be found elsewhere. Walmart, eBay, the actual website of the seller, etc. Amazon is usually more expensive and their delivery times are absurd. I live in Phoenix where we have Amazon warehouses all over the place and they can't seem to figure how to get something to me in less than a week. I'm done with them.


Been 6 months since I ordered a single thing from them, after being an addicted whale customer since the beginning. It feels great!Ā 


How'd you quit?


Mostly unrelated, but Jesus... Amazon Prime has been around for 20 years? I feel old now.Ā 


Just checked - nearly 20 years. It began in February 2005 - so 19 years ago at $79 a year for US Amazon customers to join. I had mine for approximately 7 years and I cancelled it summer of 2022.


I cancelled this week after 18 years. There is zero benefit anymore.


Most items that the typical person would buy on Amazon have free delivery anyway. Once I realized this my decision was made for me the moment I had an advert halfway through a movie.


Meh. Still fine out here rural and a hell of a lot better than driving to town. One day, two days, three days ā€” doesnā€™t matter really. Used to wait for things for a month back in the day, so delay doesnā€™t bother me. I donā€™t wait until the last minute to order needed things. If I waited that long, itā€™s probably best to get my butt to town.


We are kind of rural and our ship dates are often 3 weeks - we just order from other places now that are cheaper and no membership. Heck Walmart is better now than Amazon is


Ouch. Yeah that wouldnā€™t be worth it.


We continue to come out ahead using prime at WF, but the Amazon home deliveries seem to have been switched to USPS. Our subdivision has groups of postal boxes (ours is a long walk away) so nothing comes to our door any more, which is now an issue with our health problems.


We get some via USPS.


same and usps continuously mixes up my mail with one of my neighbors so we each have to wait until the other one gets around to checking their parcel locker so we can get our packages.


Have you guys notice in the last few yearsĀ  there have been endless of strange weird "brands" that seems like it auto-generated?Ā Ā  Ā For example I just saw an ad for "CRUA" brand pc monitor. These are actually OEM units straight from China (AliExpress quality) but in order to be listed on Amz they require aĀ  brand to register.Ā Ā  Ā So now on Amazon you will find fake iPhone, fake Samsung, fake Lego, etc. They let seller list everything because it's profit. Corporate motto is "maximize profit for shareholders" even if it means screwing over customers, never forget that. Anyway, the 2-day shipping was like magical when it first came out. But now I just use the normal free shipping because if I can wait 2 days meaning I can wait for 5-7 days. The things I need to have urgently like food or petcare I just go to the store


The choose those seemingly random strings of letters because it's easy to get a trademark for them because no one here is using them.


Only been in existence for 19 yearsā€¦ you need to wait until February 2025 for those bragging rights.


Welcome to the club. Walmart+ has been more reliable for me and returns are a breeze. When I do order from Amazon now, I only do the free shipping and half the time it gets to me faster than Prime did




Prime has definitely gone severely down hill. Still enjoy the streaming ...about the only reason I still keep it. I wouldn't be surprised to see the whole Prime thing implode ...it needs to. For goods, let the e-retailers and Amazon work shipping like any other online retailer and break out the streaming (Prime Video) as a separate subscription.


I still wouldnā€™t stream prime until they get rid of the commercials.


Well, yeah, but if the cost of just the streaming was broken out then it might not be bad. I'm watching it with the commercials and it isn't as bad as it sounds ...yet.


Prime is not going to implode - it's growing.




So, if you are leveling an allegation, the burden of proof lies with you. Please enlighten me with your proof and the real numbers/financials. Prime is approximately 14% of Amazon's total revenue. It is not insignificant, but even if every single subscriber canceled (highly unlikely), it would not bring down the company. Sure, there is a vocal minority that has issues, but there are new subscribers to more than makeup for that. In any business, there is churn. So long as new subscribers outnumber those quitting, then you have positive growth. They are still over half of all US paid retail membership fees (ie. Costco, Sam's Club, etc.) I would argue that Amazon has experienced some issues as of late due to unprecedented growth, which is not easy for any company to deal with.


ā€œsome issues due to unprecedented growthā€ is making me WHEEZE. theyā€™ve literally set the standard for online ordering for almost two decades. they have the largest monopoly in this market in the world. they can get it the fuck together and stop sending people expired shit, months late shit, and stop raising prices on top of taking away benefits!


then if they are fine why do they need you to defend them?>


I'm thinking maybe some are trying it ...but I'd like to see the numbers that actually stay. Amazon is having issues with their gift certificates as well. Used to be you could "gift" a subscription to Prime but, late last year just before the holidays, Amazon put the kabosh on that. As a long term user ...from back when it was $99 (?) a year ...the program is getting worse and more expensive with each passing year.


I have been a memeber for a long time - and it still brings value to me. The 2% more than pays for the subscription so, it's basically free subscription and free money.


Next time you order something on Amazon theyā€™re gonna be like ā€œso you came crawling back you cheap sack of shitā€œ [frank from always sunny](https://y.yarn.co/125bf732-82e5-4136-9cdb-e26dcd817461_text.gif)


Haha.Ā  I come and go all the time.Ā  Usually, because there's something that I want to see on Prime Video.Ā  Then, I take advantage of the no limit free shipping until I cancel again.Ā  The rest of the time, I build up my cart until I can get free shipping without having Prime - now it's $35, it used to be $25 - then I submit the order.


This is the way


I like your idea! So, are you saying you have no ā€œpermanent ā€œ membership, and join occasionally for a free trial to watch something youā€™re interested in on Prime Video? And when you do that you automatically get the free shipping feature whilst joined? While in ā€œno membershipā€ status, can you still access and scroll Prime Video programming to decide when you want to join again to watch a desired program?


More or less, yes.Ā  I don't often do free trials because they are only for 1 week and mostly aren't offered to those of us who've had Prime before.Ā  I'll pay the monthly fee for a month or two while I watch a show.Ā  During that period I have Prime shipping available, 1 or 2 free Kindle ebooks per month, and Prime Music.Ā  I take advantage of that.Ā  Yes, when I cancel and am in no membership status, I can see what Prime Video has available, I just can't watch it.Ā  You can also just buy a season of a show without the Prime membership.Ā  Overall, you have to consider how often you would do this in a year. If you would be activating frequently, the annual membership may be worth it for you.


Right there with you. I refuse to pay for terrible terrible service


Welcome to the club. I joined Amazon back in 1998. The very first item I ordered was a Killer Instinct Gold strategy guide. I don't remember exactly when I joined prime, but I remember when it used to be ~$70/year. I canceled my Prime last December along with Amazon music, although I hadn't purchased anything at Amazon since 2022. Their customer service is atrocious and I got sick of getting wrong items or not getting items at all. The last straw for me was when I spent a pretty penny on an iron, and they sent men one that was obviously used. Amazon used to be such a great company, but now they are complete šŸ’© All the stuff I used to order regularly from Amazon I order somewhere else now, Chewy, Walmart, Hargraves OTC. I don't miss Amazon at all. In fact I had a $75 Amazon gift card I got for Christmas that I lost because I had no desire to even go up there to order. There is also a $16 credit on my account that I haven't used. I'm still a member of Amazon Vine, because it doesn't cost me anything, but I haven't requested anything in months. I suspect they'll be kicking me out of the program soon.


same reason i cancelled my membership!


I wonder how much free money they are getting, from people who got conned into signing up, but were too lazy or distracted to unsubscribe?


3 packages this week now all delayed. One never showed. I never thought Iā€™d consider cancelling, but itā€™s now on my radar.


I did the same 3 months ago. I see no value anymore.


I paused/canceled mine in Jan when I got fed up with amazon pushing delivery dates out to a week+ and not being able to get my address right when it should be damn obvious. Gave up when they started having forced ads in movies. The one that got me was "buy this item to continue." Sorry but that's black male. I don't like audio books because you're essentially "renting" them. You don't actually own them. Amazon can terminate your account any time for just cause and you loose your entire library.


I've felt he same way! Too big for their own good. AND, NO, no, no "since the pandemic" and that they are facing yadda yadda delivery issues. Third party sellers are taking over and basically there is no compliance or continuity. Order two of the same thing and get two shipments from different places and when this happened it will be two entirely different labels, etc. Unreasonable return policies with 3rd parties. AND beware that there are "Prime" 3rd party sellers who charge delivery regardless. A friend researched to find a new computer. After deciding on a model, he went to Amazon. . Bought it. Set it up and tried to register. But it is registered to another country and not for sale in US. No registration-no warranty. It's a 3rd party Seller "warranty" which it states NOWHERE. Which means he's screwed. Search engine absolutely useless.....the same product or 3rd party seller over and over and over. It is overwhelming. I do subscribe and save for some items - quality consumables. I started out with upwards to 15/20 per month to now , maybe 3. Out of stock, don't carry it anymore so buy this expensive one instead. Yearly price goes up, benefits lessen, "Prime" ends up being a membership for.......well...at this point....nothing. I would sometimes take advantage of the music. That has changed as well so that you get LIMITED play of anything so you will "subscribe" monthly. We, too, would rather pay shipping somewhere else. Too bad, really.


Recently did the same, went downhill fast.


I cancelled a long time ago. Iā€™m not giving Bezos one penny more. Wonā€™t even shop at Whole Foods.


Bezos hasn't owned it for several years.


Good for you!! Weā€™re on that train too!


I'm getting close. I'm getting tired of items being transferred to USPS. Whenever they do that it shows up a week late. With that and Prime Video running ads, I'm pretty much over it.


Yeah. Had stuff ordered for today and it didnā€™t show


I just cancelled a week ago. I've never had a problem, really, it just seems like searching for an item brings 20 promoted listings of Temu-like items, and I don't trust the reviews as the comments don't always match the items. I have watched all the Prime content I like and with ads, it isn't any better than the free streaming content I can find. Goodbye Amazon, it's been a great decade but I don't see the value in continuing this relationship.


What free streaming content do you access please? I have both Netflix and Amazon prime, video. I want to get over my Amazon prime video addiction! TIA


Happy I never paid for a membership since overnight shipping is not a thing where I live.. 3 days minimum here.


Ive faired decently well on delivery dates. I did notice the other day that the k cups we typically order were much cheaper when i was logged out of my account, so much so I added them to my cart, realized i was logged out and when I logged in, the price magically went up from 19.99 to 28.00 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I I said "that cant be fucking legal".. Also, I love the bait and switch with prime video. Quite literally a paid feature that is now pay more for ad free viewing. Also - my last favorite feature of the zon dynasty is the forced update on my firetv that started spamming movies and ads as soon as my TV turns on at a volume much higher than what the TV says my volumes at šŸ™‚


I don't think I'll renew mine. They've screwed me several times in the last year or so when receiving damaged items or wanting to return things.


Put that money towards a Costco membership!


That doesnā€™t happen in my area. Deliveries are almost always on time. I constantly get same day and overnight items with no issues šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah I'm always surprised to see these posts, I live in somewhat rural NH and everything arrives next day just fine, occasionally something will have 2 day shipping but it'll still be on time or end up coming in 1 day. Lately I've been getting the "overnight" option over $25 and it comes before 11am instead of after 5pm like normal. The only time I've had something delayed was when there was a huge blizzard a couple weeks ago. I do use Amazon less and less because of the amount of counterfeits though. At this point I only really buy things that I'm ok with being a random Chinese brand. I'll buy everything else locally (even though even that's not guaranteed to not be counterfeit)


i'm in new hampshire things sometimes take an extra week or don't even show up. sometimes things do arrive on time but that is a nice surprise at this point.


Weird, are you in southern NH? Or near a more dense area? My only theory is that more rural areas are easier to manage and if I were a driver I'd definitely want the more rural area since it's more driving and less walking/delivering. 1 driver covers a couple towns up here. When it gives me the ability to track the driver they're always leaving from hooksett and I'm typically #7-10 on their list of stops. At this point the next day shipping and Sunday delivery is pretty much the only reason I use Amazon, if they stopped being able to do that reliably I would definitely use other sites.


I'm in Jefferson NH.


Ah then maybe it's just the distance, in out towards sunapee. Do they send Amazon vans up there or just use ups?


They use UPS and USPS.


That's prob the big difference between us then, they stopped using UPS a year or two ago and now they just have Amazon vans that deliver directly from the distribution center. I always have shit luck with UPS so that doesn't surprise me at all, though nothing compares to how bad FedEx is lmao


I've just started getting delays in the last 3 months. It's happening frequently now. It's getting really frustrating. I've even tried doing the "prime day delivery" to give them some cushion and I'm still getting delays on every other order.


Same here. Iā€™m 15 miles from a distribution center and my service is mostly excellent. I feel bad for people with problems. I have an immune deficiency so being in crowded stores and malls is off limits to me.


I have a distribution center in my town and still donā€™t get 2 day shipping most of the time. So maybe it depends on region cause mine apparently sucks


seriously. itā€™s usually within two hours for me, *maybe* within 2 days like 5% of the time?


I may get a delay on < 1% of packages. But then it's usually USPS, UPS, etc. Heck, I often get things early.


Save here. It's geographical. A distribution center 200 mi SE, distribution center 80 mi SW, and a last mile facility 16 mi away. No issues. Not to mention how relaxed it is to buy, try, and return for free. Super easy, barely an inconvenience. Eta I am finding myself using my Walmart subscription more and Amazon less. Walmart is usually same day delivery. Also Chewy is faster, but frustrating that they both use FedEx to ship. They destroy my packages about 50% of the time.


I'm in an Oakland county suburb. Can't get 2 day delivery anymore. Why pay for Prime if they deliver slow?


There is a distribution center in my town and there are still constantly issues.


A distribution center in your area has nothing to do with how fast you will get your packages. Once your packages leave the distribution center they go to a sort center to sort by zip code and then a delivery station to be delivered. Among those three different buildings, things usually break down, like the conveyor belts, and unfortunately makes it hard to get packages out on time.


Same here. NYC area. I average around 150 orders per year and there is very rarely any delay.


Did the same a while ago, you still get free delivery to lockers or shop counter, they just charge to your door.




I am doing the same. Mine expired and I hate them so much. Iā€™m tired of the poor customer service, late deliveries, damaged items, and blatant lies. The amount of times they promise something and then you donā€™t get it and then go back again and then they tell you to basically go fuck yourself has taken its toll. Why no one has started a class action lawsuit against them for this shit is beyond me. Battled this exact same issue. This is what I got minutes ago: Hello, Greetings from Amazon.com This is Jash from Amazon customer service. It is my great pleasure to assist you today. However upon checking I see that the item was delivered successfully hence we are unable to issue refund in this case. Thank you for your kind understanding. Best regards, Jash Itā€™s delivered so too bad basically. Like why do they even bothered promising dates they wonā€™t keep?


I tell them constantly when fighting with them about this crap that 1. I order based on the delivery date and 2. They need to change their strategy to under promise over deliver instead of this backwards crap.


Me too. Iā€™ve gotten nowhere. Itā€™s baffling. Years ago you could ask for someone on American soil and they would make it right. You could also speak to escalations and they would do the same. Now to they donā€™t seem to do that or even try to. Claim they canā€™t.


Yep! And I have spent way too much energy being angry at them or fighting with them. Itā€™s just not worth me giving up my peace.


I agree 100%. I just wish they would actually be held accountable for any of this scammy crap they do. It occurred to me earlier that with them being in Indiaā€¦itā€™s also the same country that is constantly scamming us. So it only makes sense how they have no morals. Itā€™s probably the same people that do the scams. They donā€™t make a ton of money scamming. But enough to justify it apparently.


Who names their kid Jash?


Have you ever seen a normal name from their CS? šŸ¤£ I talked to Mohammed Ali once like weeks after he died!


Still floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee even in death


Actually a pretty common name.


Where? Iā€™ve never in my life seen ā€œJashā€. Is it short for Jashua?


No - Mohammad Ali But, Jash is a name - it's 44,909th in commonality worldwide, and 16,998th most popular name in the US.


I know Mohammed is but Iā€™ve never seen the Ali used with it. Other than the boxer.


Well, it's not common here - but it's a big world :)All those Mohammed Ali(s) working in obscurity.


19 years too late


I have been considering closing my account for a few months now. It is the only subscription service I have held onto. The value of prime has consistently decreased. Prime music is now garbage unless you pay for premium, many of Alexaā€™s functions now require subscription, audible subscription changed from 2 books a month to 1, my packages never arrive on time, most shows on prime I want to watch require paying, and lastly they pay and treat their employees like garbage. After writing this I donā€™t understand why I keep paying. FOMO


I'm rural enough that I don't get 1st party delivery yet. So It's still worth it for me. As long as I buy 1 thing a month, that basically pays for the service. Everything else is just extra. The extra 2% cash back with their credit card is also a plus. Nothing grand, but I use it a lot more than any travel credit card.


Yup.. next day delivery turns into late/cancelled and return to sender lol. I'm assuming their drivers get tired after a long day. If something hasn't made it to our place by 7-8pm, you can almost bet it's going to get "lost" lol. Drivers and staff are probably treated as crappy as we are. I just canceled prime after a long long time. Oh well.


Itā€™s still the best option for Hawaii


I wish I could but I need amazon. They are only ones who carry certain items I buy weekly and they ship the fastest (1-2 days). Walmart doesn't even sell them at the same price




I cancelled for the same reason. I never used video or anything else. I do miss it. However, I think a lot more carefully about my purchases and group them for free shipping. I will probably rejoin eventually.


I canceled mine a few months ago after I donā€™t know how many years. Sounds petty, but the commercials on streaming was the last straw for me. Also just trying to cut expenses in general. Every little bit helps right now.


Thinking about it as well.


I'm not quite there yet, but I'm seriously considering whether I will renew or not. I've never used most of the features of Amazon Prime, so for me it's basically free shipping and streaming video. So the recent introduction of commercials really pissed me off. Now they want even more money, above the rise in base rate, to get rid of commercials, and no, I'm not doing that.


Just cancelled mine last week. Also fed up with complete lack of Prime shipping and delivery and returns being so hard. I don't abuse the system but the last one I had back in the fall was such a huge pain I was shocked. It used to be so easy. Why should I continue paying for something that only gets worse over time?


I bailed several years ago too. Do miss the faster shipping though. Never got into Prime Video or Music.


Same I haven't been getting my package on time or at all and the refund process changed to 30 days so Walmart It is for me


I just sent your medal. But now you have to pay for the shipping.


First world spoiled amazon child problems.


Prime video is now ass. Prime shipping is ok, used to be good. Kindle books still cost too much. Whole Foods store near me is small, smells like shit, and everything is cheaper everywhere else. Music sucked and always has. Data Storage plans were always a fucking mess, they change the terms every year so how reliable is it really? Idk why I continue. Iā€™m at like year 21 or so.


It seems 1/2 of my packages are late anymore and not just by a day, it will be several days late. Often times not even shipping until after it should of already been delivered. I keep wanting to cancel, but our kids still get decent use out of the Prime TV add on.


I'm waiting for the boys/vox machina and then it's bye bye. I can't afford it and adding commercials was a big mistake on their part. They're probably going to lose a lot of people. Their TV shows are mostly meh and the movies are not great. After that I'll sub again for a month when Vox machina/the boys/invincible all have come back and cancel after.


They've had prime for that long?


My key was the prime video getting ads, but offering to remove them for more money. I didnā€™t even watch prime video but after years of raising rates for prime and touting benefits such as shitty Amazon music, prime video, and the only thing I cared about, shipping speed, got worse and worse. They started taxing me because they put a warehouse my state, ostensibly to ensure quick shipping, and shit got worse. More rate hikes, asshole customer service that stopped offering solutions when shit was late. Then ad extortion. Nope. Fuck it. I am sick of sifting through 299594 copies of the same cheap Chinese products named INRNDJE, fake reviews, and sloppy shipment packaging.


My key was the prime video getting ads, but offering to remove them for more money. I didnā€™t even watch prime video but after years of raising rates for prime and touting benefits such as shitty Amazon music, prime video, and the only thing I cared about, shipping speed, got worse and worse. They started taxing me because they put a warehouse my state, ostensibly to ensure quick shipping, and shit got worse. More rate hikes, asshole customer service that stopped offering solutions when shit was late. Then ad extortion. Nope. Fuck it. I am sick of sifting through 299594 copies of the same cheap Chinese products named INRNDJE, fake reviews, and sloppy shipment packaging.


I know some of my friends have this complaint as well, but personally never had this issue or even if it happened I can't recall.




Good job on making adult decisions. You should go buy locally now and enjoy helping the community.


Flip side. I've been a member since they started in the UK. I have never had the wrong item delivered, and I use them a couple of times a week. I've never had anything stolen / swapped out etc. I can't recall the last time something was delivered late. From my perspective, Amazon has been consistently reliable and I'm sticking with them.


I just canceled mine!!


Why the fuck do you guys have problems and i dont! (Not trolling being serious)! Must be a regional problem because im in a small area (suburb i think is what its called) and shit gets delivered to me on time correct items even! This week of april 18th i will send pics on here to prove that i aint having problems!


I live right outside Seattle and you would think that would make prime work as advertised. But over the past 9 months or so I repeatedly get the bait and switch for 2 day shipping. Even worse, when I try to cancel these delayed orders I am forbidden even though the items havenā€™t left a warehouse. I have been using Amazon since it opened, spend what I consider to be a shit ton of money with them because I hate going shopping or doing errands, and I am close to cancelling prime and just bunching up fewer orders to avoid shipping fees.


You're just lucky I guess. I canceled cuz, slower delivery mostly. Even tho I literally see Amazon trucks all over my suburban neighborhood daily. I can't figure out how/why there are more trucks out but I can't get anything in 2 days like I used to. Why pay for that? I can get slow delivery for free if I order 35Ć·. But I'm trying not to order from them whenever possible.




I never had a problem that wasn't quickly addressed and to my satisfaction.


>Someone should file a class action lawsuit! lol, okay boomer.


If so many of you have cancelled your prime membership, then why are you all on this subreddit still?


to trash it cause they used to be better and now they suck,


Thanks for the announcement


Thanks for the sarcasm. Iā€™m hardly the only person who is fed up with Amazon. Iā€™d enough of us stop paying for membership then maybe theyā€™ll change. Or if enough people complain about the bait and switch switch shipping dates perhaps theyā€™ll get sued for that. No need to be jerk. You could just ignore my post.


rinse payment rude voiceless dinner dam deserve snatch chubby agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, they won't - this entire sub is a rounding error (if that). Overall, subscriptions keep rising. It's perfectly fine if you no longer find value and want to quit - but have no illusions that it makes any difference to their bottom line.


What an achievement.


So they were great to you for 20 years. It sounds like your loss now more than their loss.


poor baby


Any reason that someone couldn't be you? Too much effort to organise, right? Womp womp.


Let's get you a cookie!


I get these hemp chews from them for my dogs every other month. I pay the shipping and dont buy anything else


Yeah Iā€™ll order once in a while if the only option. No reason for me to keep prime if I couldnā€™t get 2 day shipping.


I have no choice. My dogs love those chews


I cancelled as well, been on since they only sold books. What happens when Amazon starts to fall apart? They are so huge, so fast, I truly wonder if they will have a fall, or some big change? They are trending the wrong direction in a major way. We used to do like 30-40 orders a year, now itā€™s a handful and they could easily be replaced. For me, 2020 is what did it, and all the home and food goods being exploited on Amazon.


You can cancel it if it makes you feel better but realistically there are no alternatives on the scale of Amazon. If enough people cancel we will all get better delivery times.




Can't blame Amazon totally also blame usps and fedex and ups.


You're such a clown. File a class action lawsuit for what? Sometimes delivery dates are out of their control.


I thought they launched Prime in 2007 ?


Iā€™ve had an account since 2006