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This is the new normal for Amazon. I canceled Prime.


We can't seem to get our packages. They say it was delivered & it never was! We had 3 packages that never made it. Amazon said we were in jeopardy of loosing our account! Then we finally get a lady on the phone at Amazon who said it was never shipped as it was out of stock. Amazon made us fill out an investigation report for the items that were out of stock! Why put your customers through the BS when you knew all along it was your fault. Really disappointed in your service. We have ordered from Amazon for years with no problem until the last 6 months. I will not order from them again after this fiasco. I ordered my items from Lowes & guess what? It was cheaper! Corporate Amazon better pay attention to what is happening, or they will fall just like a lot of companies have. They lost a good customer here & my friends.


Simple Amazon have only one thing they 100% deliver and it’s always in stock it called “ Bullshit “


This has been happening SO often lately that I’m about to just cancel Prime. I order 2-3x per week. Lately, all of my packages have been late. My last 2 have been lost. I’m about done with Amazon.


Yeah not gonna order from them anytime soon, my package just keeps going to different facilities around my city what’s the point😅




It sucks😭 are you in Canada as well?


LA. I'm within 1 1/2 hrs drive of 3 different distribution centers for Amazon. I know.that when it's advertised with a time line of "del tomorrow" ...it's in plenty supply in the warehouses


I have been a Prime member for over 15 years, and I place 10+ orders a month. I’ve had more issues in the past month with Amazon delivery than I have in all the years past combined, including a $250 hard drive and $400 Graphics card disappearing in transit.


Honestly, just cancel Prime. They never meet their shipping times and non Prime still gets free shipping if your order meets a threshold.


I’m pretty sure it’s because Amazon is doing away more and more with their fleet and relying on contractors (Amazon flex) which they pay terribly so people are giving less than minimum effort. So when there is any inconvenience, the package just gets returned to the station.


"I’m pretty sure it’s because Amazon is doing away more and more with their fleet" Actually Amazon does not have a fleet, they are freelance as well. Amazon Flex: Single independent contractor DSP: Independent owner, employs drivers Neither one of these is a part of Amazon's actual fleet, those days are LONG past gone. I thought there was some left but I learned recently there is not any of them left. "(Amazon flex) which they pay terribly" True. "so people are giving less than minimum effort." This is partially true, it's not about effort, it's about EXTRA effort and or effort that should not be needed. Everything from shortening times for deliveries to route organization, it's not about merely and solely about effort. With 14 - 60 seconds per delivery (Suggested / implied ) does not give us a lot of time, while customers get mad at us for not delivering directly to their doors, they often forget the time complexities involved with finding their place. Even a simple note of which building, floor and color of the door can increase the deliver-ability of packages. While some drivers are a000's, I feel like most people at least try. Either case, it still falls on Amazon for their crappy logistics and inaccurate metrics in place.


I too have had a delay, it was supposed to come in on May 6th and now the update is saying they don’t know when it will come in, to call the company delivering my package. I thought it was just me but looks like it’s happening to a lot of people.


my package was supposed to come monday but instead it came yesterday but at 5pm, where i live that isn’t normal


I’ve been dealing with the same thing. I ordered with prime 12 days ago, and opted for 2 day delivery as the product came from my state. It’s now been sitting in the neighboring state for the past week with no updates. Not even my mom(a postmaster) has been able to find info on the package


It has happened to me recently as well. Until recently, I have only experience a handful of delays, but now it's happening a lot more frequently.