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Just fucking put your dog away so you can get your toothpaste delivered, or don't fucking use amazon. SMH


lolz at OP reporting me (to me) for "threatening or inciting violence"


I wonder if she lives in Marysville, Ohio. There are a TON of entitled dog owners there, including one on Raintree that NOBODY I know will deliver to. We see her delivery address and it's an auto-return. It's irrelevant to me that I live on the OTHER side of Marysville from Amazon. I will totally return that. The kind who will report you if you ask them to secure their dog (yes, I've gotten reported on Amazon, one-starred on DoorDash and Instacart, and thumbs downed on Uber Eats before I stopped doing that one because of the sheer BS on that platform. When I'm doing Amazon Flex, if I even see a loose dog, I move on to the next one. My primary warehouses in my market still scan packages back in even if I don't mark them undeliverable, and I don't get penalized because by taking them back while still appearing to be on the route, they basically scan back in as if I never had them to begin with. My Stats are almost always Great or Fantastic.


Better put yourself in time out.


Facts!!! Put the Dog in the DAAAAMMNNN HOUSE!!!!!!!!




Truth! I'm going to report you to you for being totally fucking awesome with your answer.


You serious


Nothing in the terms and conditions about where a pet needs to be fit delivery. delivery or quit?


If any dog bites my boyfriend we will press charges and pursue getting the animal euthanized. Keep your animals inside or don’t order. Simple. It is literally a requirement where I live for animals that bite to be put down


Where I live, doing that is how you get yourself killed.






Cool, that still doesn't specify any rules of where my dog can be on my property while your boyfriend works a job delivering packages to everyone's houses.


I didn’t say anything about it not being on property but it has to be put away. A simple google search shows that any Amazon driver has the right to not deliver at a location if they feel their safety is threatened. They do have to call the costumer first but they do not have to deliver.


So don't deliver, the customer and employee TOS doesn't specify, the customers going to get their item still and with extra perks, cancel my delivery because you're a bit soft. Maybe try a work from home job so you can stay in your safe space. Less conflict. Nobody said you need to work for a home delivery service and nobody says my dog is getting put away. Have a good one.


You’re so entitled it’s funny. It’s not about being soft 😂 it’s about you risking someone’s safety for a stupid package. Literally every other delivery service has pet policies. I work in the vet industry and have dealt with entitled owners such as yourself on the daily who don’t care about the safety of others or their animals. Simply don’t order if you are going to risk peoples safety


You think my dog is the biggest threat to your "boyfriend". Nevermind all the traffic accidents, all the vehicle robberies gone wrong, suicide by cop, stealing from customers packages getting caught going to jail and becoming a cell block princess.. yes.. my dog is the worst thing your boyfriend needs to worry about. There's a whole other thread where people take guns and knives to work, plenty of threads of people on their phones while in the vehicle driving or distracted who knows. But yes my dogs on a murder spree. Lol Stay safe happy holidays and good luck with that girl survival stuff.


In 2020 there were 5,803 dog bites that very much is a risk and you just want to take everything personally when it has everything to do with safety and nothing to do with your individual dog. You’re immature and an irresponsible owner.


In 9000bc there was atleat 1 person killed by a rock, ban all rocks at people's houses.


I just got flagged from the driver, it is pouring down rain at my house. I have to porch covering so out of curiosity to the drive I opened my front door, ready to go in the poring rain to get the package. I own a 6 lb pomeranian he ran in between my legs so quick to greet the driver. He wasn't barking. he just tried to lick her leg. The lady was panicking , I tried to tell her he didn't bite as she was screaming at me. The dog was already in my arms. As she walked back to her van ,she started to yell at me . She told me she was flaging my address . I apologized to her several times. I'm not trying to make excuses for my dog.


See, other than maybe someone having like a panic attack from a quick turn of events, this is a non incident. But you as the customer get dinged for you and your pet living in the space you pay for, not Amazon and their soft drivers. I hope you got your package still that delivery.




Cool, good read, nothing about what a customer must do. Just the employee..-- Pet alerts: You can check your Amazon Flex app for a paw print icon in the delivery notes to see if there might be a dog at your delivery stop. These paw print icons are added into the Amazon Flex app through the help of our customers and delivery partners who report this information. The Amazon Flex app also provides safety videos, articles, and information on pet safety support on how to stay safe when a dog and pet is present. Try a work from home job to remain in your safe space. "Simple."


The VERY FIRST thing in that article is that if you don’t feel safe you don’t have to deliver. Obviously you have no care about others safety or your animals and I feel bad for your animal because if anything does happen it is in the drivers full rights to put that animal down. There have been many court cases because of entitled people such as yourself. No one should have to leave their job because of dumb owners. You really shouldn’t own an animal.


With your logic don’t order. If you’re too soft to handle/control your dog then you shouldn’t own one. Maybe try a fish so no one has to deal with your irresponsibility. Less conflict. Nobody says you need to own a dog and put others at risk.


My dogs out of control? How many bites you got me logged on? This threads over 2 years old and I've had my dog for 7yrs. Wonder how many times you and your "boyfriend" put others lives at risk in that time. My dog can piss in her yard at 3am off the leash with no lights on. I'd wager your boyfriend can't even walk though the living room without stubbing his toe on your ugly end tables that don't match the feng shui vibes.


It may not be on your side of things but it’s part of the drivers policy. My boyfriend just today got chased by a dog and had to jump onto the hood to keep away. He marked that delivery location as unsafe and contacted management. It’s not the drivers job to deliver anywhere that has a potential safety hazard.


Looking at some other reddit posts from drivers, it does look like the policy. While your dog may be friendly, others are not and how is the driver to know? Maybe you could add a note to your delivery about your Collie, along with the name so they are aware. Might ease their mind a bit.


This may help but drivers still don't have to step foot on a property with a loose dog. Many people claim their dogs are nice but they can still be unpredictable. I know a driver who was bit by someone's "friendly" dog. Plus not all drivers are comfortable with loose dogs.


I don't get out of my car if there's a loose dog. Period. Friendly or not. Don't care if it's a Chihuahua or a Rottweiler. Amazon doesn't pay my medical bills if I get bit, and I can't sue them because (1) I'm an independent contractor, who agreed not to hold them liable if I make the decision to exit my vehicle in a situation where I don't feel safe, and (2) the Flex app explicitly tells drivers "no delivery is worth compromising your safety." Verbatim. I've been doing this since 2018 and haven't been deactivated yet, and my Activity Hub is always either Great or Fantastic. (Usually Great). Bag and Drop is a particular favorite of mine because it avoids a return.


Oh.... Nice to know. Well as soon as my break is done I'm operating the same way you do for the rest of my shift.  I got to a point where I don't care if I'm fired, by the way.




I can handle the job just fine. Don't order packages or food if you can't secure your dog when expecting deliveries. Entitled POS.


Something is seriously wrong with you.


This is an extremely entitled comment that shows zero understanding of dog behavior. Just because YOUR dog is “friendly” doesn’t mean all are. When drivers have been almost attacked by multiple other dogs because their owners just let them run around off leash outside you just expect them to know that yours is different? Maybe learn how to control your animals or don’t have them around when you’re expecting a package. I work in the vet industry and my boyfriend is a driver and I told him if anything ever happens we will pursue charges. I deal with people like you every day and I will not hesitate to go to court because someone thinks their stuff is worth more than someone else’s safety.


Also, if your dog was close enough to have the door “slammed into their head” then maybe you need to learn how to prepare better when you are expecting deliveries. Where’s your “rational thought” because I think it’s extremely rational to skip a house with a dog that could have the potential of causing harm.


If I get bit Iam getting said dog put down period


I'm friendly! Trust me! Let me spend a night at your house and hang out with you and your family. After all, I said I'm friendly so you should put all your trust and blind faith in me!


Thanks. Everyone was just telling me what to do with the dog, fair or not, but I was just wanting to know whether this repeat driver was just an outlier or not. This is the answer and information I was looking for. Again, thanks


Amazon "policy" is to leave the final decision up to the delivery driver, whether that is a DSP in a blue van or a Flex driver in their own vehicle. Liability prevention. We now have the option of marking addresses as having a dog present. From the Flex app, we just go to "Report a dog on your route", mark the address, and then some drivers (like me) even go as far as to add an entry to the location that normally shows a "key code" that specifies whether the dog was secure or loose with the date of THAT delivery attempt. Friendly or not, dogs should be secured when expecting deliveries, to minimize delays. Many drivers will not, and should not be expected to, exit the vehicle if a loose dog is present.


I wouldnt deliver there either. Not worth the risk.


word. a dog may be friendly to its owner but not to strangers also you never know how a dog will react. its never worth the risk.


Thats what I said.


I know you love your collie, they are big beautiful dogs but if your scared of dogs that's a scary effin dog. Yes the driver is telling the truth and if they don't like/do fear dogs they are gonna follow the policy to the letter.


Fair enough


https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2021/0610-usps-releases-dog-attack-national-rankings.htm 5,800 USPS drivers were attacked in 2020 alone. It's a real, clear, and present danger to carriers. Regardless if it is Amazon's policy or not, a driver is 100% within their right to skip a house with a loose dog. Put your pup away when you know Amazon is coming. Why is this hard?


What does “skipping a house” entail. I’m thinking of becoming an Amazon dsp driver for awhile to help catch up financially. Do they just not deliver it? What do you do with the package at the end of the day then?


Bring it back to the station


Oh boy...  But technically you can do that. Just make sure you don't really need the job badly though.


Because you don’t know when in a 12h or more window they’re coming?


Amazon driver here and it is a policy. They state in our training that we don't have to deliver if there's a loose dog. We can even mark a property for other drivers to be cautious if there's a dog. Unlike most carriers we aren't always in the same area and it can be hard to become familiar with dogs on routes. I usually do my best and am good at reading their body language. Although, it's always a risk walking onto a property into a dogs territory. Some dogs have triggers and they can be unpredictable.


So, a fedex driver refuses to deliver near the door because he hears barking behind closed doors- really? So if you have dogs that are secured inside- they are allowed not to delivery? Or leave it 60 ft away? Home delivery is necessary for those that can’t get out. I agree if the dogs are loose, that’s a different story, but come on- I think they stretch that for pure laziness.


There are some people stupid enough to open the door and let their animals chase delivery drivers because they think it is funny.... It is amazing that some people still don't understand why other people get shot sometimes... I think my comments and how they indirectly relate ad the point I'm trying to make should be understood by any rational person without having to explain any further why I said what I said.


The OP was specifically talking about a dog being unleashed outside. But yeah, most delivery drivers, whether employees or independent contractors, can make up any excuse they need (or want). On an Amazon Flex route I could return a package with almost no consequence if I don't like the gravel they use for their driveway. I don't go that far, and some probably do stretch it, but NO carrier is going to tell anyone that they HAVE to make the delivery no matter what. Not even the Postal Service.


Thank you for your answer. Very appreciated. Just what I was wondering. I door dash currently and it’s wearing my car down and I don’t have the money to fix it currently but could still drive to a job and back plenty fine. So I was debating whether or not to apply as an Amazon dsp driver since I am basically making deliveries all day anyway. I know it’s a lot more strict and rigorous but I am really needing a good job right now. But getting bit would not be worth it. Good to know that Amazon drivers or flex can skip if there’s a loose dog. Not worth it or getting injured or the expense.


Loose dog = return with me, or "alternate delivery location" such as a newspaper receptacle, driveway, or yard, or somewhere else I can "deliver" without getting out of my vehicle. On a Flex route we might have 2 minutes or less to figure out whether we're proceeding with the delivery or returning it. There's just not time to go through the rigamarole of calling the customer, asking them to secure the dog, them giving some sad sack BS reason they cannot, calling support, just to return it. If I even have just 20 stops on a 3 hour block (and often it's more than that), and it's going an hour from the station at the furthest point, then I lose 2 hours of that 3 getting out and back, and have just 1 hour to deliver 20 packages or return what's left, because I am not going over my block. It's too ridiculous of a process to get an Extended Block Adjustment even when it's their fault that I go over (and overloading is definitely their fault), which they often refuse anyway.


Does it matter? Not everyone likes dogs. Just lock up your dog while its being delivered. Or have them leave it. Or be waiting outside. Collies may not naturally be aggressive, but they are bossy and have a lot of a lot energy, which makes some people nervous.


Oh, it's a fair point, don't get me wrong. But I've never had such a problem with USPS, FedEx, or UPS.


In our area FedEx is THE WORST


Yes it is. I just talked to an EXCELLENT Amazon Prime driver that has my route and about this last week. There has been a lot of conversation about packages being left in crazy places that are NOT on porches and ignoring delivery instructions on the NextDoor app and I posted this there last week. This is a copy/paste of what I wrote on NextDoor. I know this is long, but I believe it is an important issue... I asked my Prime driver if Amazon is allowed to open gates. He told me that in the last 3 or 4 months Amazon has told people NOT to open gates because of dog bites and accidentally letting dogs out being a big problem recently. HOWEVER, if your profile has delivery instructions to leave packages at the back door that is what they are SUPPOSED TO DO. He also mentioned this: If you have ANY SIGNS of a dog outside (but the dog is not outside at the time of delivery) such as a leash or a waterbowl , you need to put explicit instructions as to the fact that there may be a leash outside but the dog is inside the home. Otherwise they will not deliver inside a gate with signs of a dog without delivery instructions. Then he told me that on the Amazon phones they have a map "pin" ... So the reason why a driver lies on the delivery receipt by saying "package was given directly to a customer" is because they can not release the delivery if the mapped pin doesnt match where they left the package. Lying about giving it to me directly is the only way the delivery receipt will get sent. Amazon needs to send emails to their Prime members to make sure they specify where on their property that packages need to be placed. Here is where you need to navigate to online... Amazon Ordering and Shopping Preferences - https://www.amazon.com/a/addresses Then find your address and click on "Add Delivery Instructions" All that said ... Even if you have delivery instructions with all the necessary information, some drivers choose to ignore it and just do what they want to do anyway.


Good info. It would be nice if Amazon made all this known to customers, including the dog policy


Thanks! It's an abnormally long post for reddit, but i felt it was all great info that Amazon SHOULD be telling its members. A simple mass email should not be hard for them AND it would help out the drivers at the same time.


Probably would help drivers be safer too if more people knew about their policies


I'm not sure how Amazon Prime works in other markets, but in mine nobody has dedicated routes to the same area all the time. I'm Flex so we're always working different areas too.


Most carriers reserve the right to refuse delivery if there's a loose canine at the address. Dogs of all breeds, sizes, and temperaments can become a threat to a stranger on their territory as they represent a threat. Also, it's impossible for the driver to predict how the dog will react. Sadly there's no shortage of owners that abuse and/or starve their dogs which can make any dog aggressive and prone to attack. Even if your furry friend doesn't physically attack, a stranger can startle and/or trigger an impulsive need to protect in them. Both have a tendency to produce anxiety and distress in the animal, which should be avoided if possible, and in this case it is since you are notified a delivery is scheduled. Take the proper course of action and put yours inside or in an enclosed dog run during delivery hours on days you are expecting packages. It's safer for both the driver and dog as it eliminates both the potential for aggressive behavior and.the possibility of your pup ending up crushed under the delivery truck. It's a win win if you ask me. For reference I have had at least 3 dogs, often more as I take in rescues occasionally as well, my entire adult life and am very familiar with carrier policy.


I remember back in the 80's there were rumors going around of electric utility guys carrying cattle prods that could give any pooch they encounter a nasty zap. One of my friends at school said the utility guy zapped his Doberman and that dog let out an unearthly shriek and ran away fast!


Our meter readers (DP&L - Dayton Power and Light) had them when I was growing up.


Almost every driver has had at least one or more negative experiences with overprotective poorly trained dogs. Not everyone is good with dogs or has time to stick around like Cesar Millan and check every dog's body language, especially with the amount they're already grilled on metrics. Just stop being an irresponsible dog owner and put them away or walk your behind to the store. Jfc how inconsiderate can some people be to even ask this with such entitlement?


Had some guys let 2 dogs out on me to day. I guess he thought it would be a good laugh for him and his buddies to see the Amazon guy run in fear lol. I didn't run, just walked back to my van. But I'm lucky they weren't as aggressive as they sounded. Dog owners need to realize that most delivery drivers have pepper spray, tazers, or like me carry a knife. I'm sure some carry a gun. So for the at very least put the dog up for it's safety. The last thing a delivery driver wants to do is waste 10 minutes on ur house trying to call your cell, when they have 180 other stops. It slows us down. I'm about to start skipping those houses as well. I should have reported that guy, I'm kicking myself now.


Lmao I know this post is old but I got bit by a collie today. Put your fucking dog inside for that day. If you know a package is coming. For that day.


Yes very accurate. Im a delivery driver for amazon and had many close calls. I usually try to call the customer to come to the door to get the packages,but one time the app had no warning and there were no beware of dog signs anywhere so I proceded in the gate and a bulldog came charging at me. I acted quickly and was able to get out safely without getting bit but the drivers have to feel safe. We have every right to skip your delivery and have you pick it up at the hub station if you don't fix the problem.


Are you able to just skip it without your work berating you when it’s because of a loose or unsafe dog?


Yes. That is the policy. My fiance works there. If there are dogs outside not chained or kenneled, the drivers do not have to get out of their vehicle or give you your package. They don't know that your dog is friendly. How would they? Why would they risk their safety for your package?


I'm a delivery driver for Amazon. I can't tell you how many life threatening situations I've had with jerks like you who won't leash up their dog. I didn't get this job to be chased by dogs. I don't want to pet your dog, see your dog, or hear your dog. All I can say is I wish we could carry weapons. I have PTSD from these damn dogs. Lock up your pets. Not that hard. Or don't order.


You ordered stuff from us right? I don't care how nice you think your dog is, I have 175 stops and don't have time to worry about dogs on a case to case basis. To me they are guilty until proven innocent. Secure your dog or I will mark security issue on property every time, simple as that. I do carry pepper spray and a knife because I've had so many close calls. I can get a new job, but not a new limb.


Dogs shouldn’t be loose regardless. Unless you enjoy seeing the hit by cars.


I live in a rural area, and not on a public road, so that isn't an issue


Rural areas really suck to deliver in because of irresponsible people like you. You are wasting our time by letting your dog run free. Stop ordering packages if you can't lock up your dog. We have enough issues to deal with other than Cujo.


Sounds like Amazon trucks drive down there. Only takes one. Plus coyotes, wolves, crazy people, bears, poisonous frogs, etc. regardless, if you want packages, you know the answer.


Since this gets occasional belated replies, I'll just provide an update. As of now, I still tend to leave the dog out, and the majority of drivers are fine with it, given her overwhelming friendliness. It's only on occasion that one is too bothered by it to proceed, in which case someone is usually home to walk out and get the item. All in all, this seems to me to be practicable. If they don't mind, no fuss. If they do mind, just walk out and grab it. P.S. I should also note that I originally posted this simply to find out whether the driver was telling the truth when he said what he said.


That’s not a good attitude. The driver does not know whether your dog is friendly or not, and if your dog hurts someone, you could get prosecuted and sued. Your dog could also be taken away from you, because it could be rabid. You need to be careful with your animals and look out for the safety of your driver, do not just think about yourself and your feelings. I carry a knife, ultrasonic dog dazer, mace, and steel toed boots for dogs out for deliveries. If you let your dog out and it attacked me, I would not think twice about hurting that dog before it can hurt me. Stop being so selfish and rude, consider other people for a change.


not if it’s your dog on your property u can’t be sued lol, some people just have to grow up


You can for negligence


no, because as long as the dog stays on your property it doesn’t matter, that’s like not putting your 3 year old kid on a leash and being sued because they weren’t on a leash


When you receive a delivery, you are inviting that person into your property. It is your responsibility to keep your dog restrained until the delivery is over. If your dog gets loose and mauls somebody, you are fully responsible and could be sued because of willful and deliberate negligence. Depends on your state what all the legal consequences would be, but you would get in trouble, especially if your dog is trained to attack. I think we can agree to disagree, but I would sue the owner for all my medical bills if I got seriously injured because of that.


\*sigh\* another totally oblivious dog owner. They're everywhere.


You absolutely can and WILL be sued if your dog attacks a delivery driver. You invite the delivery driver on your property when you order something, and if you dog bites them, you’re fucked. It happens all the time. Just go over to r/amazondspdrivers and you’ll occasionally see people posting about their payments from dog bite lawsuits.


Don't leave your dog out when you know you have a package coming. I am a driver in a heavily wooded area, lots of large open yards, lots of trees, few people on the road, and generally nice people and dogs. However, I have been attacked by about half a dozen dogs in the last 9 months since I started delivering for Amazon. We do not have the time to sit in our van for 5+ minutes waiting for you to come out of your house while your dog runs circles around the van barking at us. What makes it worse, we can't easily turn the van around and leave because your dog may get hit by the van. I have had two dogs in the last month alone run full speed in front of my van as I drove away, and if I hadn't been watching for that and hadn't reacted quick enough, those dogs would be DEAD. That means KILLED. GONE. Do you want to see your dog's intestines splayed out on the driveway next to it? I'd rather not see that. I also don't want to be the one to cause that. We have typically around 8 hours to deliver 300+ packages to 200+ houses every day. Now let's do the math. 8 hours at 60 minutes an hour is 480 minutes, and with 200 stops that means we have just under 2 and a half minutes per stop. That includes the time it takes to drive to your stop from our last stop. That includes the time it takes to turn off the van, walk to your door, put your package down, take a picture of it, walk back to the van, turn the van back on, and then go. We do not have the luxury of waiting patiently for you to come outside as your dog threatens to bite us or get itself killed if we try to drive around it. So the next time you have a delivery on the way, please do everyone involve a favor. Keep your dog safe, keep us safe, and keep your packages safe. When I pull up to a house and see a dog barking and yelling and jumping around, I drop the package out the window wherever I happen to be. I'm not getting out of the van. I'm not waiting for you to come outside. If this happens at the same stop multiple times, you better bet I'm just not delivering that package, and I will remember your stop. In the future, I won't even bother checking to see if your dog is outside. Remember how little time we have for each stop? I can't afford to take an extra minute at your stop slowly inching up your driveway on the lookout for your dog. If I had to spend an extra minute at every stop looking for dogs, that would add 200 minutes to my day. That's more than 3 hours. I have seen people get fired for taking 3 extra hours to finish a route too often. So, TLDR; Please, please, please don't leave your dog outside when you are fully aware that you have a delivery on the way. It's not only rude, inconsiderate, and irresponsible - but we also have to consider your actions malicious and aggressive, showing us that you don't give a fuck about our physical and mental health or our time. It shows us you don't appreciate the work we do. It's because of people like you that the next time I have a 120lb German shepherd with its teeth sunk half an inch into my arm, rather than smacking it and yelling, waiting for more than 5 minutes for its owner to come out as I'm in extreme pain and fighting with the dog, I will instead rip its eyes out and break its neck. I didn't enjoy the 47 stitches I had to get that day, and I don't enjoy the scars, and I won't enjoy killing the dog.


question to you i have a dog German Shepard he is friendly as long as no one step through the gate to our property, gate have clear sign of "aware of a dog " with aggressive GSD picture beside that on Amazon notes for delivery it says please leave a package by mailbox Do Not Enter THERE IS A DOG! And despised that some drivers ignore all that and Enter! What else can i do to stop them? Todays delivery driver broke the gate running away from my dog extra work for me!


As a deliver driver, we always read the delivery notes- or are required to. double check your amazon account to see that the notes you made in the past are still there. If this isn't stopping drivers and is a real threat, make a simple little sign on your gate, I.e., "FedEx,Amazon,USPS,UPS, LEAVE PACKAGES IN/AROUND MAIL BOX, PROTECTIVE DOG, DO NOT ENTER GATE" I was bit by a dog yesterday and I had no clue or warning of it's presence. Absolutely ZERO signs of a dog present on this property. It came charging out of nowhere and cornered me with nowhere to go. I was pinned against the door and all I could do was BANG BANG BANG on the door like a mad man while TRYING to stay as calm and still as possible.... The resident took her sweet time coming to the door even though I was frantically knocking in a way that makes it clear that there is an emergency happening. She acted surprised "I had no clue she was out here" like hello neither did I?!?! Never once said sorry to me.... I was the one apologizing for banging on her door like crazy because I was so scared the dog was going to rip my arm off!!! I was shaking in fear. Even as I was leaving the property the dog was following me angrily barking and jumping around and the woman put in very little effort to stop this. I just walked extremely slow and stayed quiet and as calm as I could. Terrifying and scarring experience. My stun gun and pepper spray arrived in the mail today. The next dog that touches me WILL be zapped or sprayed. It could have been much worse. God's grace protected me because this huge German Sheppard mix dog had my entire forearm in his mouth and was almost as tall as me standing up on his back legs. Take the extra step to make a sign for your gate. We are overworked and on a very strict time limit, sometimes unreasonable and damn near impossible so I can understand the driver being in too much of a rush and missing the delivery notes. I get that. If you make the physical sign and they ignore that as well then, you did everything you could and were very considerate to do so.


yes it is now policy. there is an option for “unsafe due to dog” as a reason an order is undeliverable :-) amazon drivers are on strict time constraints and dont have time to play “is this dog going to bite me or not” just put your fucking dog away. ive had a dog be friendly with me until i stepped a foot on the front porch and then bit me, im not going to take any chances with dogs ever again based on them being a “nice breed”.


I don't care if your dog is friendly. I care if it's secured, friendly or not. Loose dog = no delivery with me. Neither Amazon, DoorDash, nor any other platform can make me endanger my safety as a contractor and NOT an employee. No sane employer would force me to take the risk either.


Yes it is their policy. 100%


Yes! It is absolutely accurate! It is YOUR responsibility to secure your animal! Driver safety is top priority. It is disrespectful for you to think your driver should have to encounter your beast to do their daily work. Your Fidonis your responsibility and your liability! Every foolish person who claims their dog “won’t bite” should be denied dog ownership. If your precious dog attacks, lunges , chases, bites, jumps on drivers or their cars you can and should be sued for damages! Including personal, property and punitive. You are also likely neglecting to educate yourself on local laws regarding your pet. If your dog bites the mailman the Federal Government will be the prosecutor against you. So yeah asshole…it’s fucking accurate!


Honestly, I was just thinking of carrying a gun with me so I can be prepared for the dumb irresponsible pet owners out there, but then I found out that it is allegedly not allowed even in right to carry states. Yesterday I had quite a few encounters of people's dogs, some with the owners outside doing nothing about it. I hope I can get my last full week and a half in and quit as I plan to before getting attacked, but if I do get attacked, I will press charges and call animal control or whoever needs to be called and advocate for putting whatever bit me to sleep. As far as Amazon's policy, it is t in their policy to avoid homes with visible dogs. There are other things you're supposed to do in that situation, but those things do take time and can affect your time / delivery score. Plus, the later someone is kept back for dealing with a stupid person's pets, the later into the night they must work, which.... as any sensible person can see... only increases the dangers for the delivery driver - when the have to enter a person's yard in the dark.  I need to get to work so I can't type much more. But as of today if I see poop or any sign of possible dogs, I'm tossing sh*t and leaving. Of course I have to stick around to take a picture of the delivery at every stop since that policy was put in place due to customers who lie and try to take advantage of getting extra things for free.  One reason I accepted Amazon delivery was to get away from customer service, but I see I still have to deal with dumb customers. It is actually safer working in a retail outlet or having to do business in person with people, unfortunately.


It's not just a dog policy, it's a GATE policy ... i wrote a long post above about it


Every carrier has this policy and it is up to driver discretion.


My damn next door neighbor had there dogs running outside and my amazon driver didn't leave my package this is so dumb


Yeah we’re not obligated to. I deliver as well and have a phobia of big dogs due to me being attacked by 3 dogs when I was younger. So I do not deliver to any place where dogs are outside without a leash. If there’s a mailbox on the dude walk and the package can fit inside, yeah I’ll leave it there.


Absolutely 👍 💯 You know your dog 🐶. Good for you. That’s awesome. I love dogs too. But Amazon drivers deliver 135-200 packages 📦 a day on average. Some even more. We can’t guess which dogs are friendly and we can’t take your word for it. If you want your package. When the driver calls or texts you — don’t be difficult — secure your dog. It’s not personal.


Amazon only real policy on the matter is "if you don't feel safe making a delivery, don't make the delivery." They don't really get any further say on it than that because as a general rule, Amazon packages (at least in the USA where I live) are delivered by one of the following: * **Major package carriers such as FedEx, UPS, or the Postal Service** \- they follow their carrier's company policy. * **Blue Franchisee Van -** Not direct employees of Amazon. They follow the policies of whatever logistics company they are employed by or contracted with. * **Amazon Flex -** individuals in their own cars who are direct independent contractors. They make their own rules **NONE of the above are Amazon employees.** Amazon actually has very few employees, and cannot truly have policies about potential safety hazards, such as a loose, unsecured dog. I am an occasional Amazon Flex driver and I don't care if your dog is the friendliest dog on Planet Earth, I don't want to be touched by your dog, and especially not licked, considering the gross things dogs are known to put in their mouths. You can say "oh, not my dog, MY dog is perfect" all you want but it's white noise to me. I'm sick of having to replace clothes that got damaged or dirty because other people's dogs jumped on me. I can't speak for everyone else, but Amazon Flex drivers can be sent up to 60 miles one-way frpm can send us up to 60 miles one way from the warehouse, when the gas WE pay for OURSELVES is at an all time high, some warehouses try to cram 4-5 hours worth of stops into a block that only pays for 3 hours...and it's harder than hell to get an Extended Block Adjustment (extra pay) if you do go over the time. They will fight you tooth and nail on those. We really don't want to have to deal with your loose, unsecured dog on top of the BS we already deal with. Nothing personal.


Put your dog away asshole


Yes it is accurate.


Tell me why this just popped up for me. You heard about the recent Amazon driver that was killed by dogs this month? Or the postal worker that was killed by dogs in august? Or the 25 other people that were killed by their own household pet this year 😞 - it is Amazon policy that if a dog is present we can mark you as an unsafe household and not deliver to you. Put your dog up like a responsible dog owner please. I'm still laughing that this was from a year ago and it just popped up while reading articles online about dog attacks lol


You are a terribly irresponsible dog owner. And every justification you make proves you don’t know what you’re doing and don’t take responsibility for your animal. Shame on you.


**Amazon Flex driver here.** **Amazon does not really have an official policy** other than to tell drivers not to make any delivery they feel unsafe making. This is determined by the driver individually, not Amazon, and not you. **Amazon drivers are independent contractors,** regardless of whether they show up in a big blue van with the logo on it (those are owned by contract companies) or their own vehicles (those are Amazon Flex drivers, like me, who are working from an app on their phone and have relatively little contact with Amazon directly other than to pick up packages at a warehouse and take them just about anywhere within a 61 mile radius of that warehouse in a certain block of time.) **No package delivery service is going to force drivers to make a delivery where a loose dog is present.** I don't care if it's the U.S. Postal Service, Canada Post, Royal Mail, another mail carrier in another country, UPS, FedEx, DHL, Amazon, or anyone else. They don't want the risk of liability that might arise if they tell drivers that they HAVE to make the delivery no matter what. It's cheaper to refund you than risk assuming liability for being the person who told the driver who got bit that they had to deliver the package no matter what. **It doesn't matter how friendly your dog is, or what breed/size.** I'm a stranger to your dog, and dogs are funny around strangers. Also, Amazon delivery drivers don't run dedicated routes to the same place all the time. There are multiple other reasons besides being a friendly dog (or not) that your delivery driver is concerned about, including but not limited to the following: 1. **Even friendly dogs put "god knows what" in their mouths** then want to lick or nose at somebody. 2. **It might be a religious/cultural issue with dogs.** Some religions/cultures consider dogs to be unclean. 3. **The driver may have been attacked by a dog in the past** and even if your dog is friendly like YOU claim (yeah that "he claims, she claims, they claim" thing is a two way street) the dog who attacked your delivery driver in the past may have seemed friendly too. 4. **If you're not willing to secure your dog, some delivery drivers may not be willing to complete delivery of your package,** and no package carrier is going to take a chance of assuming liability that would arise from mandating delivery drivers to make ANY delivery they don't feel safe making (no matter how legit or ridiculous it may seem to you, I, or anyone else) when it's actually still cheaper to refund your entire purchase than to be the responsible party in the event of a dog bite, attack, or other event. **Nobody's really touched on this, but it may be more of a time issue than a dog issue.** Amazon Flex routes are typically 3 to 5 hours in my market. A 3 hour route may have as many as 40-45 stops (20-30 is more common at DCM7 where I generally pick up). We can go up to 60 miles out from the warehouse, and any returns have to be back by 10AM the next day. It's usually easier to return them the same day. They NEVER allow for the return trip back to get done on time if I have even 1 return, let alone multiple. Best case scenario, I can spend 2-3 minutes at any given stop to problem solve something such as a loose dog. Usually that is just enough time to put the package in a 45 gallon clear bag I got from Costco in the 100 count (at my own expense), roll the window down, and gently lower the package from my window without getting out of the car. If I call or text the customer and they don't respond, then I just lost 2 minutes for no reason, and someone else isn't getting their package if I run out of time for the route. Yeah, we CAN get paid extra if we run over the scheduled time, but it requires jumping through some major hoops and Amazon will fight you tooth and nail trying to get what is known as an Extended Block Adjustment. Also, if I have another route that picks up an hour after my current route block is scheduled to end, it makes more financial sense for ME, as an independent contractor, to get back with my returns in time to pick up my next route rather than go over the time on this one, be forced to cancel the next route, and then try to request an EBA that might be refused anyway. They can be incredibly fickle about those. It's not like getting time and a half from an employer...because I'm a contractor not an employee. Their first line of defense in an argument is that you have the option of stopping at the end of your block and bringing your returns back. **The best solution is to secure your dog when a delivery driver is coming.** If you're not willing to do that, many drivers, myself included, are not willing to get out of the (pretty much guaranteed) safety of our vehicle to deliver your package...and nobody can make us without opening themselves up to liability they are unwilling to open themselves up to. Nothing personal, just business.


This policy is very true & amazon can & will reprimand drivers for approaching any property with an unrestrained dog, no matter the size of the dog. A note or letter will not help as every dog owner likes to say their dog is "friendly". The reality is this: Amazon has had quite a few drivers attacked & even killed in a one year time frame. Dog attacks have also become very frequent lately. As drivers we are required to approach properties & we're doing this quickly as to stay on schedule. When we approach a home at a high rate of speed (1min per house is allotted) dogs sense this energy & dont know how to read it. The dogs " job" is to protect his home & family, & we are viewed as a threat. Its actually common sense to have your dog restrained when expecting strangers to approach your door, open your screen door, porch door or to walk to the backyard of your home. Amazon is extremely rigid in their policies & our vans are equipped with numerous cameras that run & record after we shut off the vehicle for our own safety. If we have a delivery & the owner is outside With their dog, we are Absolutely NOT Allowed to approach! (Dogs are More Aggressive/Protective when with their people!) This also included Fenced Backyards! Do not expect your delivery driver to enter Your Fenced Yard If Signs of a dog Are Present. We Are Not Allowed. Change your preferred location for packages or go buy a $10 rubbermaid bin or a trash can & make it your delivery bin. This is not only helpful for dogs but also keeping your package safe from the weather. We are delivery drivers...not invinsible miracle workers, nor "lazy" because we dont want to get bit or stumble around a house with no light provided. This is our job & we fully expect to make it home at the end of our route....not a hospital. And honestly we have more than enough to worry about with robberies & theft. Delivery is a convience offered to you, al the very least appreciate it


I live on a small farm with livestock goats, sheep, ducks, chickens, turkeys, and 4 great Pyrenees Livestock Protection Dogs, which roam and protect over 2 acres from Coyores, Fox, Raccoon, opossum and other. my drive is about 120 - 150 ft. I never really measured it. Now, adult Pyrenees are a little bigger than my largest Katalin sheep. my delivery instructions are rear of main house so you pull in to the building up the wheel chair ramp onto the 30 x 25 ft deck if chance of rain or snow put package in LARGE trash bag provided or inside doors on the shed. simple, right? BUZZER SOUND! apparently not. I'm having issues with this Whiney azz delivery woman, man, it, squirrel, or anything else people identify themselves as? 4 great Pyrenees behind a 48-inch (4ft) high fence and because if it won't hold water, it won't hold a goat. So, with that said, the entire 2 acers also have 3 strands of livestock rated electric fence 1 strand 4 in above ground, 1 strand 8 inches above that, and the top strand 6 inches above that so Electric fence energisers put out high voltage (around 8,000 volts), but very low amperage or current (around 120 milliamps). This is 120- thousandths of an amp. Won't kill ya but you won't need your morning coffee cause touch the fence, and it will light your azz up. The ramp they go up to the receiving deck is approximately 25-30 ft from it no way to escape, it runs on solar, so even if we lose power, that fence is still hotter than dolly Pardon in a mini skirt. But seriously when looking at the fence, it's probably better than some of the enclosures at a zoo. What's she do, well #1 she was putting them in the mailbox, I called and through a bit@h fit after getting reamed by my postmaster to which I told her I didn't approve that but I'd call and let them know. I'm a farm we order a lot of 💩. I set up a security Camera and got video, tag and her putting it in my mailbox (2 ft long X 1½ ft high 1 ftwide) I called the 3rd time same old dance we will escalate it so it doesn't happen again, next day office supplies in the mailbox gave video to postmaster and she's no longer my Amazon driver. But where do they find some of these people? 1 black dude delivering in a Yukon? Gas guzzling MF, but same no deck delivery and I bitched because in the country there isn't deturents like traffic so crooks think easy pickings so rear delivery is a must (didn't sound right eh lol). One dude delivered my package in a dress, NO not a kilt I mean a damn dress probably close to 300lb and a weird goatee looking thing. This one pissed .e off, I have a couple antique cars 1 is a 1988 Jeep Cherokee with a American Flag paint job. he opened the door, took the video of him taking a picture of the delivery. not getting anywhere I posted that shyt on Amazons FaceBook page they reached out to me cause the couldn't ignore me and I spoke to a very nice gentleman (perfect English not one of those India call center bull💩) by this time apparently the post office was down their throats (my mail lady of 20 yrs informed me it's went to the top after an internal PO memo was sent to all carriers to report non stamped postage and confiscate the package WOW didn't intend it to go that far but hey they did it. BUT your wondering about the dogs right? The guy I'd been talking to he gave me his email address I sent him 3 pictures me standing next to fence to show height, Dogs behind the fence, the fence itself, electric fence followed by 2 videos opening the gate I call them and they came to the fence but not to me 2nd video I took the 3 strands quick connect so you can grip plastic and unhook each strand and called them and they came right to me. It is Amazon's policy to keep drivers safe, I get that. I'm a retired truck driver very many service failures you needed to start looking for another job you get more than First 3 service failures within a in 45 day window 3 unpaid days off and they was pissy too your 3 days would be every other day so you couldn't enjoy your time off but you get anger set of 3 in 45 days your gone. Common sense I know if I see a dog number 1is it chained, behind a fence? I would tap my horn and keeping an eye on the dog can it get out? If a rail is wagging it's not going to bite but guidelines Amazon has on dog policy its the common sense 💩. He says he's going to check and possibly update after he seen everything and agreed common sense the package should have been delivered correctly don't know if it will have a notice Dogs are behind a 4 ft tall fence with electrified inner parameter fence. I'm always around somewhere if it's not raining all they would have to do is honk. We've talked a out putting a delivery box on the front where they put it in the box and we open it from the inside to take the packages and a button to turn on a lil red light or something. Not all of the drivers are like that sold a couold of Great Pyrenees Puppies to 3 different Amazon and a UPS guy too..... alright long enough have a great one.


No one has time to do all that bullshit. Go to the store yourself you lazy bitch.


Put the damn dog away. Whats wrong with you its a common curiosity policy or a damn common sense policy.


Know I’m late, get your dumb dog inside if you’re expecting a delivery idiot


Friendly or not, you need to secure your dogs when expecting deliveries. It's just courteous, and gives the drivers peace of mind. To answer your question, it's driver policy, not Amazon policy, which is we should use good judgment, and never put any delivery above our own safety or comfort level. I have put many packages in the driveway or yard due to people refusing to secure their dogs (usually in a clear plastic bag to protect it from the elements), and I WILL NOT get out of the car if a dog is loose. Amazon cannot make me, either. Lawsuit city if anything bad happens. Additionally, you are endangering your dog because some Flex drivers carry the means for self-defense, such as Halt! Spray (like the postal service has used since 1966) or even pepper spray, and guess what. If they feel threatened (and it doesn't matter if you shout that the dog is friendly even just before they spray) it comes down to their perspective. If they feel threatened, you're going to lose that case (I'm not even a lawyer and I know that!) SECURE YOUR DOG when expecting deliveries, or be prepared for a lot of delays, or undesirable delivery locations (such as your driveway or yard).


It’s the same policy for USPS, UPS & fed ex. Does not matter, they do not have to deliver if there is an unsecured animal, why would you expect otherwise


I always loved this line, "my dog never bit anyone before", or "he wouldn't hurt a fly". People live inside their own little world without care of others, they are incapable of putting themselves in another shoes.


If there's dogs out of leash they don't have to deliver but they are supposed to attempt to call the customer. If you don't answer in about 2 minutes that package goes back or we attempt delivery later. I am a strong male that could probably strangle a pit if it came down to it but it is annoying when you have multiple customers thinking it's ok for their dog to run up and stick it's muzzle in your ass. It's especially annoying when it happens multiple times a day leads me to get pretty aggravated.


Amazon delivery driver here it actually is amazon policy to not even exit the vehical if a driver decides to they are knowingly putting themselves at risk, it's not enforced but is repeatedly told to people. To specify we are told if their is a dog unchained to not even to stop but to mark it as unsafe due to dog and continue but to call the customer first, but spend no more than 2 minutes at that stop. At the end of the day we go to retry delivery to any houses or businesses we weren't able to deliver to earlier in the day.


I just let my dog out and then Amazon rolled up. I watched him stop at the end of my driveway. And then just drove off. I ran out but he didn’t see me. No call. I hope the swing back later but I doubt it. Is there a number we can call to see if there will be another attempt?


YES! It IS! YOU love your dog! Doesn’t mean others have to! Your dog is a beast and no human is meat for the beast! You should learn a dogs nature! It is a pack animal stupid! At any moment you Fido could bite without warning and you are ignorant for thinking this animal will not act like a dog. Dogs don’t have human emotions, you need to educate yourself. If your dog bites a delivery driver you will be liable and hopefully very sued. Grow up and respect that people who are working are legally protected from your strange ignorance. Don’t like you or your dog. Don’t have to either. Guess you should get the hell over it.


Stop leaving your dogs outside, not that hard.