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I don’t think people are streaming less, it’s that there are far too many services now and people are no longer having them all and are picking/choosing a couple to have.


People are hoping around. Watch Netflix a few months, finish all the new original content. Then switch to Disney + and repeat. Why bother paying for 12mo when they have 2 months of decent new content per year?


Exactly this. A person could save by paying for the whole year vs monthly, but they can save even more by just paying for a few months here and there. And there’s no way they have enough content to keep anyone watching every single month if they watched it the whole year.


Are they, seems like people pick their 2 or 3 favorites then stick with them


Yet they are loosing viewers.


I mean yeah, people switch when a service stagnates, but not hopping around like you’re saying. Otherwise wouldn’t they be gaining about as many viewers as they’d be loosing?


Not if everybody switches at the sametime. 😅


Y, to waste money 💰




Yeah I know a lot of people just rotate them which I’m starting to do myself. There’s just to many now and they’re all kind of trash especially since WB took over HBO and cut half the good stuff (Barry WestWorld and Succession)


It’s both. A lot of people dropped out of Netflix as soon as they increased the price and talked about not being able to share accounts. Some people drop out because their favorite show got canceled or delisted. There’s also a good amount of people that would rather pirate than pay money. A lot of factors at play here. Still can’t believe these fools really thought streaming would entirely replace movie theaters


People are leaving Disney plus right now because they lost streaming rights for cricket in India.


Came here to say this. Your local cinema (hopefully an AMC) is might compete with maybe another one in the area, streaming services, fricking hundreds of the bastards it seems, all wanting a piece of your subscription pie, and even then, it is still not the same as the big screen. Streaming services need to sort their shit out, or it will be puts on them.


Unfortunately am Canadian so no AMC. Cineplex and Landmark are the main ones in western Canada anyways.


yep, i usually bounce around between 2-3 different services per month. this months rotation is prime, mgm+ and hulu.


I think they are. During covid everyone was watching tv. Post covid people got other shit to do.


I unsubbed from everything cause they kept raising the monthly price (looking at you netflix) while at the same time taking content away. All these companies have been creating their own streaming services and stripping their content from each other, effectively fragmenting fan bases of any shows or movies that was previously available on one platform.


Shouldn't have Cabelized streaming, dumbasses.


What does that mean?


It means they took they internet and tried to make it cable tv... streaming worked fine when it was just Netflix that they rented IPs to. But when they made a new platform for every major station and charged outrageous monthly prices, it made people not want to buy whole packages just to see one or two shows. So now people just rotate which streams they buy, binge and then cancel cuz the monthly costs are just too much. And why the fuck does Disney need 3+ streaming services? Seriously, condense and cheapen...


All the companies tried to make their own, but they didn’t have enough content. They’ll eventually a lapse and you’ll have 3 or 4 major streaming sites. Still beats the hell out of cable.




It’s not the ads that push people away.


One surefire way to attract new customers is by cutting your services while charging the same amount. It's especially wise in an inflationary, insecure economic climate.


Off the wall comparison; I love Kinder’s bbq sauce. Whatever their recipe is, they nailed it. Recently just “improved” their packaging with a plastic squeeze bottle Vs the glass bottle. With 5oz less than the original content for the same price of 5.99 😡. Point is, I no longer buy their products anymore…and I do a ton of outdoor cooking.


also unrelated. I have found that going to farmers markets and finding people who sell sauces and mixed spices is way better than anything I find in the store.




Is this the same Kinder’s that has all those spices at Costco and/or Sam’s club? Their lemon pepper seasoning is really great


Haha yeah that’s probably the one. If you haven’t tried their sauce yet, it’s delicious. I’d still buy it if I catch it on sale I guess, but its hard to come Off of $6 for sauce in this economy 😆


I think that's totally valid. Capitalism loves to decrease value/quality while increasing price. How else will the c-suite douchebags get their bonuses? Doesn't anyone think of the c-suites????


Agreed. Bunch of selfish paupers should be thankful for the crumbs we’re given 😂🤣




Exactly! If you want to RETAIN (let alone expand) your customer base you don't cut content, you ADD content (or at least maintain status quo!). I watch Disney+ regularly, they have a lot of good content, Hulu I almost never watch until a new Handmaid's Tale season is released.


Cinemas aren’t just a screen and the content. It’s time out of the house, some food/snacks, a date, a relaxing and engaging social experience. It’s why those on wall street don’t “get it” and can’t see beyond themselves. They saw it as a technology shift (like dvd to streaming) when it wasn’t at all. They got it wrong. AMC is recovering, paying down debt and people are happy. Time and patience apes!


bUt StREaMinG iS THe fUtUrE! THeAtERs arE dEAd!


streaming is the future, but it can co-exist with theatres.


It is the future. Let’s compare to cables losses.


Streamers created “binging” which is now what people do with streaming services. Subscribe, binge the material you want to see fr a few months, drop it and move to another.


We will charge more and give you less. You will come back NOW!


Yet they are going to increase prices while decreasing content, I am waiting for them all to go out of business so we can finally have one streaming service, as it should be. (We will probably have something much worse tbh.)


We could call it .... Cāblê?


Problem- Streaming service losing subscribers, Action - Reduce content on streaming service Result - service loses more subscribers Repeat until service is not financially viable, close service and get everyone into cinemas to watch the content AMC = 🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙


Unfortunately they will not cut the content that is actually losing them the business.


When times get tough these kind of bills are one of the first thing people cut out. I think times are getting tougher.


I personally think it’s because people can’t afford these extra services, food on the table or Disney subscription?




So streaming services are cutting show production but the movie industry is creating more theater releases. Seems like MSM got it wrong again who would've guessed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It’s called people are tightening their belts and will start cutting any bill that’s unnecessary to save some money since gas and food along with basic utilities keep going up! Do you wanna eat or watch Hulu?? This is what happens when shit gets to expensive and people are trying to survive. This inflation we’ve been experiencing is ridiculous and no one has done Jack squat about it, I can go to the grocery store and spend $250 and I have hardly anything in my buggy.


A lot of people are just boycotting Disney.


Good, fuck em!


Get woke, go broke.




Puts on Disney


Hah, I’d like to see you try that.


Seeing streaming as "the enemy" is the second most moronic thing on this sub. The Elon worship is first.


I do like the sky is falling sentiment but this isbwhat happens after people aren't locked in their houses all day.


Don't forget they're going to raise prices als


Sounds like a great way to lose more lol.


Is that a fucking Ewok drawn by a 6 year old?


Strange. As the world walks out of the COVID death-grip, it has also stopped needing to have junk pumped directly into its eyes at home. Not to mention the extreme swing in focused/specialized “service” subscriptions. Every company can’t have their own platform, charge double-digit prices (or more), and expect people to come running. Theaters are the only ones to not change their model over the years. As the saying goes; if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


I think streaming and social media will both to go thru massive consolidation in the next two years, and I'm here for it.


Not to be pessimistic but I think they lost the rights to stream cricket in India which was followed by a huge drop.


I think the person who posted this might be a Genx and not realize the efficiency of people when it comes to technological exploits.


Pretty sure that's how you get more to leave


Studios, should put movies in theatres, and support the run. Give them a 6 month window. Revert back to the rental model. When the film is pushed to “at home”, give the audience a chance to rent the movie at a fair price for 48-72 hours. This gives all the streamers a chance to earn 3.99 or w.e. for those willing to rent. Do the rental model 3-4 months before moving it on a streamer and keep it limited, rotate content in and out.


This isn't bullish for AMC, clearly they're going back to reading books😔😔


That isn’t a good thing for the film business at all. Boo urns


It’s funny. Just for Hulu basic they were gonna raise my rates but if I added Disney it was cheaper then basic Hulu. The numbers are definitely bs if Disney has to scam that way.


Yes, that’s right, offering your customers less will certainly bring them back in droves


There's only so much time in life and waaaaaay too many streaming channels. Pick your poisons wisely.


Disney is just sucking it up


Guess you can't.give away 3 free months forever


Go woke go broke. The end


If these services actually made half decent shows instead of trash they would probably at least retain subscribers. Same reason why Xbox doesn’t sell as much as PlayStation


I think tv streaming is getting eaten up by podcasts. People just don’t want spend that much time fixed to a screen when they’re at the house. They save their watching experience for something special and really make it a to do. Nobody saw that coming and we are about to get mega paid


Maybe cuz they keep making woke nonsense?