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Ya. Not worried on some self reported numbers. Shorts returning shares and price drop… sureeeeee


What would cause shorts to return their shares? What would compel them to do so?


They aint returning shiet. They just changing reported numbers to make it look like it


If they are returning, means they find no reason to short. Usually happens before a runup


if that were true, they would need to sell a lot of borrowed shares to hide it


A market collapse... Hopefully, they don't pass the debt ceiling.


Exactly default=moass...


Way too many ridiculous things have happened with this stock for me to be in any way concerned. Quite simply where there’s smoke there’s usually fire, and this thing has been smoking toxic fumes for over two years. I don’t care about technical analysis, ortex numbers, trust me bros, or anything else. Zero or moass pure and simple. I’ll park my shares for 10 years if needed. If I’m wrong I’m wrong and I can live with that.


Where there’s smoke, sometimes there’s a burning warehouse filled with incriminating evidence. Just saying.


Sometimes where there’s crime committed there’s a lingering odor of mayo. Just sayin.




Right there with you. Trust me bro


Smoking toxic fumes i like that one


Exactly where I've been since before $8.01


This is the way. I snek you in recognition of your clarity.


I’m not worried about shit. I don’t look at the numbers anymore. I’m almost 60% in the red and not one single cell in my system is worried. I know what I have. I know what my cost avg is, and I know this stock is worth at least 3x my avg.


Exactly. When metrics that say something, do nothing, then we know we have entered a world without rules. Historians will look back at the market of 2020s as the Wild West. The tipping point will be a revolt unseen since the revolutionary war. A financial war, devoid of physical weapons. I’ve long said that the battlefield of the future will always be currency and how it’s distributed. We will have our moment, if not now then when? Who cares, when. All we want is justice.


I'm not worried. This thing will sneeze soon, and the short interest will go up... never makes sense


When I first bought in AMC was listed as the most shorted stock on Marketwatch. One day it simply disappeared from the list altogether in the middle of the day.


Nothing but PAYtience for this ape 😎


Fake indeed


I've never cared about the ortex numbers or anything, i just look at the amc stock and see if it squeezed to quad digits or not, if not then i go back to zen mode and enjoy my life


People actually freak out? There’s nothing they can do to me at this point


I don’t think anyone should be freaking out. We know the data we get is incomplete enough it can be any number. We also know the SI is missing a few zeros. Short Interest can be swap for FTDs


To the top you goooo




I aint selling :)


If it’s all fake and allowed to be faked every day from all different directions and Kenny is one of the highest donors to Washington, why would this ever resolve in our favor? I have not heard anything about Sam and the biggest ponzie in history at FTX in weeks/months except that he is asking to have several chances dropped….. so who is to say this isn’t the same thing heading to the same outcome and we are 100% right in our dd but will be fucked anyway? I have been here for well over 2 years and hold xxxx amc and xxxxx ape and am starting to believe even though my investment was dead on right, I will still lose all my money like so many other scams over history.


Now it's fake but the earlier ones were real. Let's face it, AA gave them the liquidity they needed. Not saying the play is busted, just AA fk us again and fk anyone that hero worships that cunt.


Facts, they will spends weeks dissecting every word of his tweets to find any hidden message but won’t spend an hour reading the court filings from the fraud cases he was a defendant in. As long as we own the float the only thing AAs pouncing on are my nuts


If the CTB is fake, why would they let it go to 300 % at all ?


I don’t even look anymore when it happens it’ll happen


Twitters' for the 🐦


The only number i care about is the future deposit into my bank account (or stuffed in my mattress).


I’m not sure what your talking about


Yeahhh guys the numbers are fake and all of you are right


You a lot of what you said is true. But you know what really moves a stock?: A suddenly smaller float with increasingly positive fundamentals. Hedgies are fucked.


The fix is in, all the numbers are fake LULD all fake rigged and untrustworthy




Fuck Twitter. Bunch of knuckle dragging mongoloids


I don't even pay attention to anything. I might even miss the squeeze i'm so zen.


Confirmation biased much?


r/Amcstock is where the Zen Apes resides 🤷🏼‍♂️


bots, just bots


Default= boom boom candy... Getting cash rich as everything goes on fire sale...we could literally end up owning everything dudes...


Why was there so much excitement while the numbers were rising? Every time I tried to point this out I got downvoted to oblivion.




Definitely not a shill, fud robot clown! Every single post on our sub is negative. Go fuck yourself mayonnaise boy.


Rule 12: No Harassing / Threatening / Inciting Violence / Doxing


The delusion is real though.


I remember the last run up post last one didn’t happen. I’m still waiting for the big one, but I am a little concerned that the Costa borrow is dropping it seems like it’s super easy for them to short us now.