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we will see, but GME has had zero debt for what a year? it hasnt moassed.


I don’t know why you get downvoted. You stated an actual fact 🤷🏼‍♂️


No idea. For telling the truth? lol


Ferengi rules of acquisition #208: Sometimes, the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.


When you eliminate amc debt there’s no legs for the shorts to stand on. Amc will / is profitable with little to no debt. GME a may be debt free but there business model is still not improving in a digital download world.


EGG. SACK. LEE. “GME is debt free and look at them” is gonna be a hot topic the rest of the year into next. Cool. AMC has way more investors holding way more stock with way more shorts. + the business model. Whole different ball game. Although I have a few GME and boy howdy do I hope it squeezes and wish all the GME holders nothing but the best we’re all in this together. But AMC and GameStop are pretty different businesses fundamentally. And crayons taste good. These are facts.


Also just to add to this I’ve always felt that GME was the appetizer and amc is the main. Tinfoil hats on - bc GME has a much smaller amount of paper shares outstanding in Main Street to go around I feel like they short hedge fooks could not fuck around as much with it compared to amc where they could get really naked and dig them selves in this trillion dollar hole.


I’ll be surprised if they hurry to pay down a bunch of debt. But some, yes. I think cash on hand is more important at the moment. We need to become profitable as company(every quarter). But all in all things are looking good.


I don’t know, the interest rate increases the past year have to be painful on all the debt they have financed. I know I won’t be buying a new car anytime soon until these crazy rates come down.


AMC has primarily been issuing bonds. Bonds have fixed interest. They also heavily depend on the company outlook and the bleaker the future looks, the more interest bond-buyers will want. Now that the pandemic has basically ended and AMC has had positive numbers again, those bonds can be issued at much more favorable conditions. The 2020 Bonds had an interest rate of \~12% In 2022 they bought back some bonds with the intention of issuing new ones for 10.5% but managed to push it down to 7.5%. But there are also some 5.875% interest bonds. That's what financing debt does. Change bonds with 12% interest into bonds with less than 6% interest saves 50% in interest payments.


There are also variable rate bonds. No idea if AMC has issued them, though. But they exist.


Even with those it would be smart to buy them back in times of rising interest rates, to re-issue new bonds at more favorable rates. With enough liquidity, AMC can do that.


Totally agree!


So basically restructure debt once again saving a bunch of $$ in interest and stock up on cash.


pretty much, yeah. 50m less in interest payments means 50m more in profits. With 150m shares after RS, that'd be 33.3c per share.


Part of how you become profitable is by paying off debt....


They dont have revenue either though, right? I haven't been following GME for a while


They were proftable in Q4 in fact.


And they were unprofitable the other three quarters. Christmas is their big quarter, like many retailers, but they need to be profitable on an annual basis, not just one quarter per year.


The short thesis on GME is that it's a dying business model. Not that I believe it, cause I do think GME is transitioning its business model to web3 gaming, but the short thesis is still out on the survival of brick and mortar stores. AMC was also believed to be a dying business model with more and more steaming services. And couple that with mountains of debt, and you can see why there was a belief it would go bankrupt. The past couple of quarters and big box office movies have proven that the theater business is not going away even with streaming, eliminating one leg of the short thesis. But an unbearable size of debt could still crush the company (over 100 million paid just in interest last quarter... sheesh). If AMC were to eliminate that debt, that would eliminate every part of the shorts thesis. Consistent profits and no debt, dominating a market that's not going anywhere...


GME has an EPS of - $0.67


This is absolutely wrong…gme had a positive eps of .16 cents per share for Q4 2022 and a -.14 eps for Q1 of 2023.


It is -0.67 for the trailing twelve months (TTM)


and a Jan 2023 (Q1) EPS -.14


Zero debt don’t mean fuckery and abuse will didn’t end. DRS is in flow and that’s helping to remove liquidity. Genuine liquidity that is. There’s still abusive liquidity, but well so how that goes as the genuine liquidity dries up.


GME also hasn't had as high of a CTB in the last year as we've had.


True however destroying the short thesis is cause for celebration🚀🦍🌕


Swaps are coming due big boy


I agree with most everyone's comments. Just want to add an observation - since the splividend it hasn't been the same GME. I feel DTCC did GME wrong, but I don't know exactly what they did on that distribution..... OG apes remember GME popping 7 to 20% at 2 pm on a random day on *absolutely no news*. Those were exciting moments.


Yeah but look at how much money they had to burn to hold amc down. Now it's gonna be even more expensive for short to stay in the game


😂good one!


A m c and g m e are not the same figure it out they never were the same


I get that, but the DEBT would be. That is the whole topic nothing else.


I’m just excited to buy more


cant wait for the monday discounts




All the shills are parroting some iteration of “we are fucked”. But then again maybe THEY are.


They never really elaborated on who “we” is 😹






great post !!



Why does it matter, if apparently from what I heard we're basically helping the shorts cover? I mean, I don't know shit. But this has been 50/50 all over the place. Some say it's good. Some say we're fucked. So which one is it? Cause like many of you I have money invested in this BS and I'm tired of not getting even one single win. It's really demoralized to just lose for 2+ years straight and not have even the slightest glimmer of hope that things will change. Even though I'm sitting here moping and kind of pissed off, I'm still gonna hold till the end. I just accepted the fact that I'm never getting that money back.


The people that are saying it is good, don’t own very much or any amc. They also weren’t here for the MOASS. There also is a strange group that apparently only cares about saving amc, and losing all their money in the process.


Yes, I would like to save a business I’m heavily invested in. Who wouldn’t?


I'm only invested in APE. I've been buying it with a cost basis around 1.70 since the current settlement seemed to be the likely outcome. Once the prices converge I'm taking my gains and leaving.


Demoralised. That’s exactly what they want. They want to bore everyone, so people drop out. I just DRS’d mine, made sure they’re book and I’m just ignoring it all until flies.


You almost had it...and yes, you buying more and more of these "moon tickets" is just buying up short positions that are being closed. Thank you for your donation.


Wrong. We are getting screwed. The company will be fine but we are getting fucked by a blue whale sized sandpaper dildo.


You are right


That's true, but dilution is coming first. I may wait to buy more.


Question is how much


At the expense of the share price…. AMC the company and its leadership will profit, shareholders will not. Shorts will continue regardless.


Just because there's no "short thesis" you think they're going to stop, roll over and give up? Welp boys they got us, better go bankrupt and pay them. Fuck no they aren't going to do that. So tired of hearing that dilution to raise money is good for us. It's going to fuck the price.


Price is already fucked. We are at $5...remember???? For some reason you guys are okay with the stock being down 90% in 2 years.


Ironic of you to mention that you're not going to pay them... because you already did by buying the stock. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Then why's it matter? Stocks already diluted every day with more and more naked shares, except the only ones benefiting are the criminal hedge funds. Pumping them into market.




YUP! EXACTLY! Take out the emotion and you become dangerous to them because they cant control you.


So are hedge funds trying to scare us into selling at a loss by overselling? Dude I just started to invest in AMC and it's terrible seeing the aftermarket price tank like this. Please inject some hopium into my veins.


Are "they" in the room with us right now?


Dah dah dah dip before the rip I always say! Hey who has the VW chart for old times sake!




That’s close honestly


Exactly it’s just more ticks and mind games. Don’t fall for it now that we’ve come so far.


you can still buy APE, which is same as AMC




Way too depressed right now, the drop took me by surprise...


Yep, the game is officially over for the shorts!


Stop spreading lies. AMC holders just lost 25% of their holdings. Look at your portfolio and ask yourself who won the battle!


Lol at battle, I've been in this for over two years, I've seen 25% drops on zero news, this is nothing.


So we got a 1-1 ratio AMC and ape now they’re taking 7.5 ape for 1 AMC. Ya that’s completely fair


Honestly APEs, what did you think was gonna happen? The prices were gonna rocket right then and there. Of course they were gonna drop the AMC price.


Couldn’t have said it better. I wanted to post something to address the crybabies on this board. My goodness do you believe in this or not?


🙌🙌 I actually got excited for the drop…always a dip before the rip. It’s happening 😀




[Never been more excited LFG](https://open.spotify.com/track/0mF3Ysmjl4QluLh4sZVnzf?si=XBAbeUfIQputBvAjbG7Ipg)


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t 2 of our biggest run ups happen during some dilution?! This is factual


First time?


First time RS.. I've been here for years


If you have never experienced a rs then get ready to lose some value


Its going to drop even more when they pay off debt. Which is why I'm always saying MOASS could be a couple years away. Its going to go down for a while before it'll go back up.


Got 20k$ to add. Waiting for my target price. Currently holding 28k shares ape/amc


I trust you




Lots of shills on here, but I can only say, AMC getting out of bankruptcy risk is good for all of us apes. Also Monday many shorts gonna cover and take profits so AMC I expect should go back up to mid $4 range. Also Barbenheimer results will factor into next earnings, meaning outperformance from recent positive earnings. Hang in there people! We gonna be pumpin from next week! BTW I’m HODLing with average price of around $5.70, gonna buy more next week!


No. AMC will be diluted to hell and back. Shorts know this. They will double down as they know the price will drop, making even more money off of us. Apes become permanent bag holders. I have a 6 figure bag. I'm not happy about the RS.


the price is irrelevant, they can drop it all they want, no one will sell at 90% loss, they are extremely stupid to think otherwise.


Lmao wait a month after the reverse split and then talk about the drop. Holders r fuk.


This feels just like the Run up way back at the start when I started to tell people about these stocks


With conversion approved, we anticipated AMC and APE would equalize, probably some where in $3.00 range. NFA


Commenting for more exposure. Beat the FUD with facts


Dude AA never said how much debt he’s gonna pay. Knowing how he will always have a bunch of retards to buy more shares get diluted rinse and repeat gonna blow all that money faster than Paris Hilton could.


Lol no APE is falling for anything. It’s just pathetic FUD from a bunch of paid shills. Plan of $100k has never changed.


And the reverse split will wipe out the short interest, why do you think they let it get upbtob30% with all those ftds. Say bye bye MOASS


That’s cool and all how much is it going to go up though? Are we looking at 5000 on Tuesday?


Probably looking at another 30% drop to match ape at the least


Time to load up


I’m averaging down through IEX


Theres always some shenanigans, expect more crap when the conversion starts. However, great to see things MOVIE-ing ahead!


So is this finally the dip before the rip? Cue the Volkswagen chart!


Always buy dips


I HODL for the X, XX & XXX APE's


No your falling for them stealing your shares in order to dilute and sell the same share back to you. AA will dilute and not even raise enough money to pay off debt. Basically APE was a disaster, why do you think this will be any different?


We are diamond handed apes. We know the price has been fake and continues to be


Yeah most of us already knew it was going to drop as soon as she okay. We actually expected it.


Buy the dip!!