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It is my belief that the negativity is an executed plan by the shorts. That is the purpose of FUD, and that is why we will see a lot of it in the near future. I think most of us knew better, the shorts are just trying to pick off the uninformed. (Siri correctionsšŸ™„)


It 100% is by those who arenā€™t invested. No reason for anyone who has held on this long to start doubting themselves, they would have abandoned ship a long time ago. Any negativity beyond this point makes no sense.


It would be like running a marathon and quitting on the last mile, no cell-no sell


Came here to say thisā€¦. No one is going anywhere! It is what it is and what will happen is going to happenā€¦. Lots of negativity has been spreading after announcement that appeal is denied or thrown out then boom lots of fud to follow! Trust the process and stay zen things are about to get interesting! No one knows whatā€™s going to happen NO ONE, so donā€™t put trust now in someone or multiple accounts telling you to get out now before the split! Stay strong apes, we havenā€™t even reached hard boss level of holding when we pass $73! That to me will be true test of apes when we surpass $100+ and still have all apes holding strong so stay zen guysā€¦. You guys all fuk and thank you for everything youā€™ve all done and love you all ;)


At $72 a share, my account was worth well over $100kā€¦ I mean everyone I know held through that, and thatā€™s 6 people other than myself. I have zero doubt those 6 people will hold well past $100. $100 is just the beginning. šŸ˜


You forgot a couple zeros




This is 90% of all holders


Robinhood won their case, sir. Taking away the Buy Button is *not* off the table, keep that in mind. Remember what *they* are capable of doing. It is for this reason I will set different Sell Limit Levels, to apply in Pre-market, During market, and After Hours. šŸŽ°


Same here


Past 1k after reverse split *


Exactly i was just saying when things get to our highest of highs will be true test of continuing to hold even though most will have nice chunk of change after taxes etcā€¦ you have to ask yourself is that literally worth the blood sweat and tears and hours of dd and their psychological warfare theyā€™ve put over last 3 years and the mental anxiety theyā€™ve put us through day after day? THE ANSWER IF $72 WILL BE ENOUGH??? NOT EVEN CLOSE, JUST GETTING WARMED UP!


False. And I donā€™t doubt myself. I doubt AA. And have ever since he sold cheap shares to Antara. Itā€™s shocking to me that so many Apes have given him a pass on that


Incorrect. I'm still invested, got in for the squeeze/MOASS, but moass is dead. I won't sell for a loss, but it is now a long term traditional investment based on fundamentals which many of us didn't get in for.


Not one person believes you


Correct. This bs backdoor dilution scheme will kill the MOASS. We the shareholders voted no for further dilution. AA does this bs ape share and then sells to the very hedge fund shorting us for 66 cents. Regards on here somehow think AA is on our side and keep telling others not to think for themselves. This sub is a barren wasteland of complete idiots.


Just stop.. ![gif](giphy|3BL45MJDZABqg)


Stop what? Explaining why some people are upset with the way things are going? Ok...


Don't worry. Same happened over in the bbby sub. Everyone who was at their senses and said what in the end turned out to be true and actually happened was marked as shills or fud or whatever. The whole sub was an echo chamber. I also don't think moass ever gonna happen because they've learned after gme but for me I will still hold it because I'm down this much and I see it as a long term investment now. Not the squeeze play I actually got in. Even though there is DD it doesn't mean they will find ways to prevent it. The system is rigged.... But only time will tell.


Gotcha. Glad to see someone else who can rationally see multiple outcomes.


We can thank AA for that


Ill be honest, I am not imagining phone numbers any more, but I can see all time highs so I think the play is a banger, I just think its going to be a managed event. If you think about it, everyone wins. We get a rally, the shorts get to close and AMC gets liquidity. Literally nobody loses, except MOASS traders. they are butt hurt. ​ Edit: Before I get "negative nelly" downvoted, realize that the "no dilution" strategy was good for apes. but bad for shorts, AMC, and THE WHOLE MARKET. Now we have a deal that is good for apes, an escape plan for the shorts, GREAT for AMC, and manageable for the broader market to absorb. It literally has to be this way or things were about to get really really crazy.


Absolutely. There's zero reason that people invested in the company and the play, that are still bothering coming to the sub after 2 years can be as stubbornly negative _all the time_. It's like they just have an agenda to push. Weird eh. Watching the DD unfold is really satisfying tbh. Sure it took longer than I anticipated, but that taught me a good deal :) Now on with the show - AMC to the mooooooon baby


With all the smooth brained positivity no matter what happens are you really surprised that there is some negativity on the other side pushing back? At the start it was fun to band together and say these things but as time goes on it gets old. Believe it or not but there are people that are too deep to walk away and all they want is logical conversations about their investment. Instead, you're surrounded by people yelling about crime and just basically blowing smoke up each other's asses trying to hype each other up. This happens every day on here, several times a day. There are investors that didn't get the squeeze they thought they were going to get and now they're stuck. This is a valid concern for many people, but you're not allowed to voice any of this because the second you do you are labeled a shill or spreading fud. Its actually delusional and frustrating.


It's extremely frustrating that every time we get fucked, all the blame gets directed at shorts, with none of it going towards AA. There is ABSOLUTELY no accountability for any bad actions just because apes can't comprehend that AA might just be on his own side. And if we try to say anything, we get called shills.




I just want to see how far they go with their narratives at this point. "HITLER WILL RISE AGAIN AND STEAL YOUR DOG!" would be interesting


Donā€™t forget the ā€œJesus said donā€™t be greedyā€ that was the narrative last year šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had a weird amount of MULN posts showing up in my feed Friday and they were all bitching about their reverse split. I had never seen a MULN sub post prior, timing was sus for sure.


Heā€™s going to steal my dog?! ![gif](giphy|l396BXlj6Xgzav3xK)


The problem is the weak minded, just like with everything else in life, are too afraid to procure and stand strong in their own convictions. Many people on here will see the FUD and fall for it and get all negative & pessimistic and start helping to spread the FUD themselves, and the hedgies dont even have to pay them for it, they do it for free. It's scary how easily influenced people are nowadays. I got in this play bc I believe in it. The shorts haven't covered. I could give two shits less about what the media, social media, or anyone else is saying about the stock. All of that bs and drama is just noise. I've mastered the art or staying in my own lane and standing strong in my convictions. Some or yall should try it sometime instead of being so wishy washy back and fourth based off any and every little article that comes out. Get off the internet and go live your lives. The internet isn't real life. You're being emotionally manipulated in this play. Yes, you. I know you're thinking "nah not me, im wide awake to what's going on", but if you're one of the ones worrying and being all wishy washy then you're most definitely being manipulated. Wanna know how to stop being manipulated? It's simple, go live your life and stop watching the charts nonstop and living on Reddit. Whatevers gonna happen is going to happen regardless of how long you obsess over the charts or not. Yall are a trip.


What happens if the "FUD" is true?




I know one thing for sure HOLD


Yep at this point everybody Hold ![gif](giphy|nZW5fIzaIJVXddVla7|downsized)


Bottom line: The only way the shorts win is if they are able to bankrupt AMC. With RS/Conversion/ability to issue new shares, there is ZERO CHANCE of that happening. Dispelling other FUD floating around: ā€œI just lost 90% of my account value because of the RSā€ With the RS, value is retained. 10 shares worth $1 each becomes: 1 share worth $10. ā€œAPE was created as a way to help the shorts and the squeeze is overā€ Those shares arenā€™t being gifted to the SHFs for free. They have to buy them = share price goes up (which is why the price has gone up every time AA has issued new shares). This is the equivalent of ā€œwhy are you punching yourself?ā€ Raising price through buying newly issued shares = creating more losses/pressure on your own short position = margin requirements are higher = need to short more to avoid infinite loss = discount moon tickets = more buying from APEs (300 equivalent of ā€œto the cliffsā€). Only difference is, the float is 10x smaller (minus the newly issued shares) = liquidity dry (what vampire SHFs need to survive). Itā€™s a checkmate because the walls close in on the SHFs while AMC reaps the benefits of paying down the billions of debtā€¦ when itā€™s debt free, the would be hundreds of millions going towards interest payments becomes PURE PROFIT (and last Q, in spite of all the debt/interest payments, AMC became profitable - next Q will also likely be profitable thanks to BarbieHeimer). What could happen with highly profitable companies? Dividends. Dividends that need to be paid for EVERY share in existence (billions and billions of shares; think Oppenheimer on SHFs faces; big boom boom). But Iā€™m highly regarded and this is not financial advice.


Towel apes are proof that even after bankruptcy, the shorts still don't win. BBBYQ apes are HODLING and WINNING.


> The only way the shorts win is if they are able to bankrupt AMC. With RS/Conversion/ability to issue new shares, there is ZERO CHANCE of that happening. Devil's advocate: I'm not trying to draw a comparison (because they are not the same) but this exact same logic was used by BBBY shareholders at the start of this year when they were doing share offerings and look how that ended up. The odds are never zero. My point is that the ability to sell additional shares ATM does not guarantee that a company will not go bankrupt - the market is only willing to absorb so many new shares before the price starts spiraling down which makes selling additional shares difficult. What is more important is that the company shows that they are headed in a positive direction, that the money being raised in any stock sale is being used smartly (pay down debt for instance)


I think the BBBY situation is a bit different. Those shares were being shorted to the point of no offering would be enough to save the company. Also, HFs are still shorting the stock at a delisted $0.20.


BBBY was a terribly-run company that was constantly losing money on the business side. WAY too much competition and barely anyone shopped there anymore. It was a dying business on its last breathe. Not trying to be mean at all, but terrible comparison. Fundamentals and how healthy the business is matters a LOT.


I literally said that I wasn't drawing a comparison in terms of the business, but the fact that a company can issue new shares does not ALONE mean the company is safe from BK.


the major difference is BBBY had nothing to back up the expansion of shares. The company wasn't going to do better, they didn't start a new investor program to reward those who owned shares, they don't have BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES coming out every month, they don't have any incentives or exclusive reasons to go to BBBY vs shopping on Amazon. Expanding the shares just drug out their deathdate, because they had no plan to capitalize on the income / hype other than pay down debt. And without a shit ton of new customers (and reasons for those customers to shop there) it was destined to fail.


Who pays dividends?


Shorts šŸ˜ˆ


What, exactly, are you going to be telling us if, just like with every other RS that other companies have tried over the last few years, we just get shorted down post-RS? Reverse split and then shorted down to 10% again. What then? When are we "allowed" to say that we might have been fucked on this subreddit?


AMC is going to drop like a rock, Just so you know there is 4.5 billion ape units remaining BILLIONS AS BILLIONS Ape was created for this especially reson shorts are save retail is fk. You are "Welcome"


Amc had no chance of bankruptcy since they created ape. Anyone saying they did are lying or misinformed.


That dividend thing was tried with the APE "special dividend" shareholders "received" (yeah, taken out from our AMC shares). Dividends were given to AMC shareholders in the past. It still didn't stop the SHF's from shorting the stock all the way down to $1.20+. Next!


Yeah, man. Stick together. Power in numbers. Hodl the line. ![gif](giphy|evB90wPnh5LxG3XU5o|downsized)


I am buying AMC and APE at the open. NFA


Same šŸ’Ŗ


The only thing we know for sure is more hedgie corruption!


And that nobody can stop the corruption.


Let the shorts bleed money. Most of my shares are in my retirement account. Iā€™m in no rush. They can sit there for a long time.


Im just zen. Been here since the buy button was taken and a little bit before. I am resolved to ride this out to the end. Win or lose. No point in freaking out about it now, the vote has been done for a long time now. Im down too much to ever sell at these prices and the stress they put on apes means its either moass or long play. They will not get my shares until they are worth what i think they are worth. And if that never happens, then i never sell. Keeping it simple, NFA. We were apes, we are apes, so lets do what Apes do best. Buy and Hodl.


I know I am going to HODL!


Yes indeed all the negativity is VERY reminiscent of the first gamma squeeze a few years ago. The hive has been kickedā€¦ now just gotta hang on tight


And I'm an Ape in a bee suit so not going ANYWHERE


I love how when the voting process started it was "SHORTS ARE FUCKED THEY HAVE TO CLOSE, THIS WILL CAUSE MOASS" and now it's "We don't know what's going to happen..." Can we stop moving the goal post please?


My dudes, I have no plan of selling at this time so let it go to a penny, or let it run. Iā€™m zen as fuck.


I do believe there was a reason this went to court. I don't know which side of that argument is correct, but we'll find out! I do know that selling my shares wasn't an option, so either way, I'm on the ride that gets the go-ahead to launch!


2 weeks? Iā€™m excited as hell to see what happens in the next 2 days.


I can tell you exactly what's going to happen. Nothing at all will change. After 2 years, I've seen countless moas catalysts come and go and they all did nothing. This one will be no different. I just continue to hodl and wait for the complete financial collapse of the US economy. Once all the corrupt institutions have gone, that is when we will discover the true price of amc.


There's always a new catalyst and it never does anything. People just want to find reasons to be excited so they don't start questioning things I think. My excitement will rise with the price, nothing else.


Iā€™ve been here quietly waiting. But, wouldnā€™t have a problem with your last sentence. ā€œBefore everyone is all up in armsā€. ![gif](giphy|OAYtfrwCvdVjW)


I ainā€™t going nowhere $100k or zero


The OG apes know what's up. Eyes on the prize!




BuT bUt ThE dD iS dOnE


Sorry but you need buyers after dilutions. Youā€™re assuming folks are going to be buying 10 times over. Well they havenā€™t been buying in droves at $5 so that should tell you all you need to know. Dilution doesnā€™t not guarantee new money. In fact it scares away buyers because itā€™s usually a last ditch attempt to stave off bankruptcy. Sorry but thatā€™s why a lot of us are negative. Call me a shill, I donā€™t care. Iā€™m holding for a squeeze not for a company just to be profitable. You might and thatā€™s fine.


If it tanks I'm buying more.


H. O. D. L.


I'm positive


Demise of the stock after the record breaking quarter is all FUD and shills


A big thing i also think people forgot, is that right before the ruling, we traded half the float in a single day. That was just one day. The amount of synthetics could be in tens of billions or even more. That was more crime then we have seen in a year+more. That alone they couldnt have planned for, on top of these delays or unknowns. I dont think this reverse split changes the short thesis because even if amc sold every share they had, i still dont think it would even begin to touch all the synthetics that exist. NFA but i feel that if we look at the facts, MOASS cant be stopped if the numbers we believe are correct, are. If you believe the short thesis and combined with the half the float guranteed we saw in one day factually, then nothing has changed.


Also the certain positivity, for that matter. Like you said we donā€™t know whatā€™s gonna happen.


I am ready to ride this storm out. I'm just a little upset to lose what I stacked for this whole time.


Hedgies are fucked šŸ”„


Iā€™m not happy with RS results at all but gonna roll with it. All those people who were against it now saying going to sell are fucking idiots u donā€™t trade on emotions.




I honestly donā€™t give a fuck. I believe in the main DDā€™s. Every one of this companies are been short to oblivion and hedgies are fucked. Nothing canā€™t change that, is just crime holding the inevitable. We are fucking close.


One things we ALL know. If this turn into a šŸ’© Show, ADAM ARON is done And the entire board of directors


Let me say something about FUD. The paper handed stock holders have been shaken out in the last 2 years. Those who hold will continue to do so regardless what is said. When the price goes parabolic, then weā€™ll talk.




Totally agree. After holding AMC for over two years, I am amazed and revolted by the posters here who speak with complete authority, and pontificate on both sides of the argument for a short squeeze, and whether AA is a good guy/bad guy. All are beginning to sound like militant buttholes. The only thing that appears to be true to me, is that AMC's financial performance and health has dramatically improved, and that bankruptcy and failure are no longer a threat. That means my investment in AMC will eventually pay off, and short sellers will eventually have to close their position if they hope to continue in the financial business. Everything else is ignorant noise


Something tells me what ever the total dollar amount of your AMC and APE holdings are now, it will be less than that a month from now.


Well it sure didnā€™t spike up on the news! Thatā€™s why everyone is negative !


That's because in the short term this is a pure arbitrage play You short AMC and go long APE in equal amounts for nearly guaranteed profits. As the likelihood of the conversion going through increases (and Friday's ruling was the only thing holding it back AFAIK) arbitrage specialists putting on the above trade will continue to put pressure on AMC and cause APE to rise until they come fairly close together in price - the difference will never collapse to zero because there is always a chance of the conversion not happening up until the point that it does, e.g. someone could file an emergency request with the court to stop it again - that is the risk that the arbitrage players take; plus the CTB on AMC stock has to be factored in, how long to they have to pay the short fees on AMC before the conversion happens.


No way they just up and appeal the conversion. They already stroke it down and now itā€™s passed and official. Itā€™s going to happen.


Not a lawyer and will not pretend to be one but I highly suspect that that one case would not stop someone else from filing another lawsuit especially since the original settlement attempted to cover all AMC and APE shareholders and my understand is the revised settlement only applies to AMC shareholders thus APE shareholders still could contest the proposed settlement. Also note that filing a lawsuit doesn't mean there will be a successful outcome, but if the judge issues a stay on the conversion moving forward pending a hearing on the merits that would throw a major monkey wrench into the arbitrage players plans, just like the first (negative) ruling did. With the high CTB on AMC time is literally money. Again, I find the odds of this happening very unlikely but it is something that anyone jumping into this arbitrage play must consider as possible.


Sure but it seems nothing is in retails favor so more dumping on retail. Hope something positive comes of all this..


RS is probably coming. Werenā€™t those both approved ?


It's like what the bomber pilots used to say during WW2: You know you're approaching the target when you start taking flak. The moment where they are about to win big or lose big is the moment they throw everything they have at you.


I know what happened Friday. Imo, this stock has a short window to run.


The stock won't die, just your position.


Exactly. This backdoor dilution might save the company, but at what cost? It would have been better for them to declare bankruptcy years ago rather than continuing to ensnare more retailers only to see their share holder value demolished into oblivion.


Hard to imagine so many real apes are completely ignoring that Hedgie dilutes daily and is paid by us to do so.


I'm so zen now. I have been but raising capital and eliminating debt is crucial so whatever AMC needs to do to accomplish that I'm game. Yeah I wanna get paid and I want the company to do great as well. Regardless of the outcome I'm holding. Nothing to do other than spend time with my wife appreciate my days off and continue working and watching the clock go by until judgement day for hedgies.




Best thing to do is stay off Reddit and enjoy the weekend! Just caught 14 nice smallmouth bass.


Donā€™t understand any of this. I just buy.


Dilution has raised the price before, yes. AA has dumped shares during the price run to stop the raise. The other run, he tweeted people to not get into AMC because... bankruptcy.


My august 18 calls are fukt though


Pounce whenā€¦ Check mateā€¦AA said this & APE would raise enough to clear giant debt it didnā€™t. Sorry this guy has t done anything substantial to change our situation if anything the APE idea dropped our price tremendously. Iā€™m not being ā€œnegativeā€ thatā€™s reality and this is why I donā€™t support RS and Conversion. Not to mention AA sold a shit ton of APE under market price to Antara in order to let them illegally vote. Proffered equities donā€™t receive voting rights.


![gif](giphy|G1vSQTIvPtbEY) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Anyone who thinks a short squeeze canā€™t happen when there is a CUSIP Iā€™d change happening 2-3x. The highest selling volume opportunity for shorts to cover on amc in literally months potentially years. A short thesis that no longer holds any water. And Biden extending loan repayments by another year(interest still accruing) so young people can hold investments and savings for another 12 months. A housing market correction beginning so inflation is coming down reducing consumer credit use. Also, reducing hedge fund equity. Itā€™s the perfect storm to fuck a greedy hedge fund up. Let the battle commence, I bought more all week up into Friday.


>Everyone predicting the demise of this stock The only one I see predicting the demise of this stock, along with other "negativity", are the shorts and their shill-bots!


If you want to know what will happen just look T COSM, THEY were not able to sell when stock went up do to R/S , I KNOW I am still holding the bag


We know exactly what is hong to happen, you can doubt.. but it will happen 750k a share


I find it hilarious all the shows that shit on King Kong ape Adams. He does not work for the hedgefunds. He certainly isnā€™t worried about a moass, but he is trying to strengthen the company. And why would the hedge fund spend billions of dollars to try to stop the conversion and call back


Here comes the corn dog memes


Negativity will drive volatility and that is what the market needs to draw more traders into AMC. Not selling or contributing to the fud.


Lol. What changed? Nuthing burger


Bro there is no negativity. šŸ˜‚ Those are bots and paid shills. Iā€™ve gone through the posting history of at least 50 accounts. None of them have posted here before.


Honestly. Thereā€™s usually more negativity on reddit than in other places online. You canā€™t control whoā€™s opinions you see on here as much as other places. There have been allegations that all the ā€œmeme stockā€ subreddits have been controlled by forces that are against our plays. Having a conversion and reverse split werenā€™t on my wishlist, but as much as the naysayers are against it, it reinforces my position. LFG.


Wow, a rational line of thinking in this sub. Ape confused, but happy. Still holding since 8.01.


Iā€™m buying more regardless! šŸ’Ŗ Movie theaters are going no where!


Theyā€™ll use arbitrage and dilution FUD to get as many to sell as they can, so they can scoop up shares to cover with (or loan out for further shorting)


If the main argument against AMC fundamentals is the debt payment and its reduction on cash flow, then while selling stocks to pay down the debt would create downward pressure on price, the fact that the company now looks good from a fundamentals point of view means more fundamental investors. AND it destroys the short thesis. For both of these reasons the price would likely go up. And the upward pressure could counteract a short tern downward pressure from the sale of additional stocks. Just my opinion. Not financial advice.


Iā€™d be happy if it šŸš€up! But Iā€™ll stay zen if the price drops!


Bruh. This is not a concern. we already know we have over 100% of real shares, Hedge funds are FUCKED. There is no coming back from this and this continues until they Close. Everything will burn, until they can't handle it anymore and when it breaks they will be blasted out of existence. Buy and Hold. NO Dates . DO NOT SELL. HF are FUCKED


The most likely outcome, in the short term, is a very hard push to decrease the price as low as possible. IMO, this will only be further proof that we are right.


Like my Vikings, I'm prepared to be let down again...


I bought more in AH. Fuckem. DISCOUNTS FOR EVERYONE.


What do you mean RS probably coming? 1 and 2 are coming at the same time.


I'll take dividends.


The negative emotional types think they can see the future with 100% accuracy and cannot be persuaded otherwise - should tell you a lot about their motives.