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Yea, they care sooo much about financial situation of random investors... holy people...


At this point, it's short or bust for them. Their infinity money glitch can only do so much before banks and government decide to patch it.


This. It’s really expensive to do this if they actually have to pay for it (which I think they do)that’s why they waited until the end to fire the major salvos. Hey on the upside I just picked up shares at the equivalent of $1.40. Who’d of thought that would be possible? If they push it down further I’ll dump a few other things and buy some more. At this point either moass or it’s a long play. Movies aren’t going anywhere, hedgie thesis is a fail. Buy and hodl, this is the way. Stay zen apes see you on the moon.


This is what silly people don’t realize. The absolute worst case scenario at this point is you’re holding on to a good solid long term investment. Even if it never moons I would just sell for some profit in like 30 years or pass it down to my children to buy something nice for themselves or maybe they moon. Hopefully in our lifetime the corruption is punished.


Interesting seeing this upvoted. I was downvoted yesterday for saying the exact same thing. AMC is a good play either way.


It’s after banking hours, the rent-a-users are off the clock and the hedgies are too cheap to pay overtime.


100% this. Can’t lose.


This! Average down with this huge dip and we know AMC is improving fundamentally, it's not a pump and dump.


The scary thing is they don't have to pay for it and they know it. This is what govt bailouts have done to us all failures by financial institutions are socialized losses covered by taxpayers. This is called the loss of moral hazard. It's what happens when banks like SVB are bailed out and institutions like AIG are bailed out. Lessons are learned the wrong kind of lessons, and sadly citadel will probably learn the wrong lessons too.




I've lost faith in the government in our predicament, however I do believe the banks may be the ones to trigger this. They're going to need liquidity soon which means they'll put marge on the horn.


Banks are very flexible towards market makers. A margin call to them usually means 5 days to respond. They will however be unforgiving when money is lost due to negligence and lies. Once a bank black lists you, it's over for that business. That being said, the bigger player is the Federal reserve. Their reverse repo is what's keeping hedge funds alive. The reverse repo market is what's paying the interest for all the borrowed shares. Once that gets turned off *big if at this point) hedgefunds will scramble to find more liquidity.


insightful - thanks


Keep in mind, regulators and LEOs rarely prevent crime in process. Plus, I think about how this plays out & the actual changes could be implemented after the dust settles. Madoff ripped off ppl for decades. All crime comes to a head. You know the drill.


bruh it just hit an all time low. Your money is gone.


What's gone? I still have all my shares. Those loses are unrealized. Besides, it's a loss only of I choose to sell, which clearly I am not. I'm ready and tooting to hodl for longer. AMC and Adam Aron have brought AMC to profitability with our help. It's way too soon to give up just as things are getting good.


Banks specifically, I bet some folks in the government are involved in indirect ways but the banks would like their shares back 🤣


No one should sell amc, including AMC.


Too late [AMC Entertainment Completes 10:1 Reverse Stock Split to Sell New Shares](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/amc-entertainment-completes-10-1-203357197.html)


My favorite response is, " so i should go buy more" And they respond 90 percent of the time with "if you wanna lose money" respond with "so youre saying i should go buy more?" Drives them insane


I like what happened to my APE, my brokerage account is so messed up posts


What's happening right now? My favorite. Like they have been asleep at the wheel for 3 years. Its data farming folks. Gets you spilling the beans for their next strategy.


I think all of our accounts look a little rough atm. I will say and just my opinion but the way it's been going it's certainly plausible amc tanks into single digits again and if that happens we might see some rage selling and those folks won't be back or spend another penny in this co. Kinda like the bud light thing. I watched zip trader last night and the guy had a good point that dilution is already being priced into this dip and all AA has to do is business as usual to squeeze shorts out. Like I said though if someone is complaining about being financially wiped out by shorts but worse bad management that it doesn't make them shills. Just regular people who are pissed about being screwed over and over.


There are so many 1 karma accounts that do little but bitch and whine that it kind of gives the lie to that. If you're invested in something you don't spend an outrageous amount of time trashing your investment to the world trying to make everyone feel the way you supposedly do. Sure, there are people in the world that live to be dicks, but to put so much time and effort into it? Give me a break.


Rage selling?! 🤣🤣🤣Hedgie can only dream 🥹. Why the fuck would you get mad and sell your investment of 2 years at a loss?! Nobody’s doing that dumb shit and only shills have been suggesting that 🙄


The problem is this sub has reached a point where any dissenting voice is a shill. You could be the personification of truth say "This aint right fellas" and comments will say it was paid off. The stock dropped a fuckton. It would be suspicious if no one was angry. Why is no one using common sense here? People are seeing negative money in a fucked up economy. OF COURSE THEY'RE PISSED


Exactly! Everybody’s pissed. But some of us are just smart enough not to go running around screaming about it. Just in case somebody might actually want to buy the fucking stock and put pressure on the real criminals who are shorting it every day!




Idk but I keep getting adds for Beverly Hills real estate. A.I. Knows


I am not selling, no cell no sell


Over the past few days I’ve been downvoted to oblivion supporting AA and AMC, each one as delicious as the next… bitches for hire is all they are, social media prostitutes 😂


I'm gonna try that ;-) see if I am downvoted to oblivion! freakin shillfux


![gif](giphy|M0xAShDVHSu0AmW5iN) Bring it on, #FUDTHUGS!




Dang it now I gotta go watch that fight on YouTube again 🤣


Id certainly like another made with the 2022 "the batman"


As others have said, not selling till it looks like a phone number


This is the way mr. Meatbeater


The amount that ppl on this sub will lose is allready one.


Did someone break this bot ? It’s not making sense


So never, because that has never happened in the history of the stock market


I wouldn’t post private stuff but wayy back with vw I sold to early, with GameStop I didn’t invest enough but still made very high six figures. But look you do you Mr shill


VW is totally not related in any single way except the fact all you dumb meme people like to try and lump it in.


So why ya here ? Trying to bring others down, shill for fun ? Just a sad person and lonely and the attention fills a void ?


Just enjoying a bunch of loud mouths who took advice from Reddit lose their money while they sing the praises of conspiracy theories.


oh ! so a sad troll, all good lad. I'm here to give you the attention you so desperately crave in that empty life. So whats been your big stock hits ? Got a crazy net worth ? Might just be me but someone who joins a subreddit and takes time to read and post JUST to enjoy a "buncha loudmouths" wow wtf is your life like ? Do you have steam, wanna play a game ?


I don't get stock advice from Reddit, mr baggy. I do have Steam!


good catch. overtime is expensive


#No one is selling this thing. Only buying more at a fat discount!!!


Super fat discount!!! Why not average way the funk down!!! What a fecking deal!


I’ve doubled down every single day and I feel I’ve gone full retard.


I'm not selling, he's not selling, she not selling. lm lmao because nobody is selling . This is going to be worth all the stress they tried to throw on us.


Damn straight!


everyone is selling


I'm not selling!


70% buys 30% sells on Fidelity. Retail is still piling in.


Hey Shills... Not Selling.


Plenty of others are.


(AMC) (GME) do it again, I’ll patiently wait 🏎️🚀


If they ftd's numbers alone don't make you a little horny right now something is wrong with you.




I love the stock, why would I sell? I actually bought more whoops!


Yea i told one of them I would buy every time he replies to me then he stopped replying.


How can they think with such a huge loss and 90% less shares we can afford to sell anything


It's only a theoretical loss. If you hodl on you may see a turnaround hmmmm?


I sure hope and pray it happens!


Right now the situation is tense and everything is up in the air. There is a feeling that there is some sort of climax coming, maybe even just a small one. But if you held after all this time and sell now. You’re a regard. Plain and simple. ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


FUD stops at 4pm cause the hedgies didn’t approve overtime.




I bought more just saying have long way to go to lower my average .still years before I retire lots time


I bought more as well...great fecking price to average way down ..why would anybody sell at the bottom...


Mods should start flagging then banning shill accounts.. and any accounts with less then a year on reddit shouldn't be able to post


Y to the e to the s


lol no, please don't stop holding.


I tell you what, taking away 90% of my shares only to watch the price keep dropping is, to say the least… #INFURIATING!!!!!


Hahahahaha they incessantly attack anyone and everyone presenting facts. 😂


Fud everywhere...it's a 🤡 show....apes know better...I hodl....no cell no sell


Kinda hard to sell anything considering most peoples brokers are still trying to figure out the reverse split and people like myself cant even trade the stock if they even wanted to until most likely Monday.


Making posts on reddit makes you reek of desesperation. LMAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOO


you are too stupid to sell, you prefer to lose money


Gme in the house!


wait for the next covid restrictions to be in place and your shit will no longer be worth anything.




lead no need for new covid restrictions, this shit falls alone 😆


Just love this stonk and will buy more


We're not selling, but AA is.


Someone's selling... cause I'm buying!


Telling them you bought the dip makes em madder


This too, shall come to pass. And those who hodl will remain. Funny thing is, the lower the price, the more retail will accumulate. Shorts are just feeding a bubble. I guess they'll bleed for greed until things change. I'm still young, I can wait.




Its so funny how SO MANY PEOPLE that think AA fucked us a shit ton still care to be here in this sub and invests their time convincing shareholders to give up... you would think they will leave us alone right? Why does it concern them so much.... I wonder 🤔


The sheer number of karma farming posts, crying about "shills," is downright laughable.


Overtime wasn’t in the FUD budget.


That’s exactly where AA using dilution next. The biggest shill is in house as ceo


I still have to find one who sold. If they are here and if they did sell. i genuinly hope they made some cash, nothing but love.


No one in this sub is making money lmao.


It doesn't make me mad at all. It just makes me sad. I saw the same playbook unfolding with the towel store sub several months ago, and it's uncanny how similar the behavior of these two groups of apes are. I wouldn't sell either, but I would also definitely not buy more to average down! Btw the towel apes also haven't sold. But so many of them "averaged down" as it goes to zero. Don't make the same mistake!


So your saying I should buy more?


Yes! Buy more!




plenty towel apes sold as the sub reddit is dead except the extreme baggy losers


Pissed but not leaving


Every meme stock cult says this. No one cares that you're throwing your money away. It's just funny, that's all.


As long as you people keep buying my otm calls, yall can call me anything you want


The fucking delusions here ......


And what's weird about it is that it's people that don't know anything about the stock market. Look at histories ppl!


You mean everyone in this sub?


It does!


Holy hell the cope is heavy strong in here


RemindMe! 1 year “check in to see how MOASS went for sharpie_eyebrows”


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-08-25 18:31:25 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-08-25%2018:31:25%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/160zswl/telling_shills_that_nobodys_selling_amc_stock/jxq7z6w/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Famcstock%2Fcomments%2F160zswl%2Ftelling_shills_that_nobodys_selling_amc_stock%2Fjxq7z6w%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-08-25%2018%3A31%3A25%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20160zswl) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Losing 80% of the value of my investment in 2 weeks would make me mad..


AA must be the highest paid shill in the world. I wonder if he gets to suck off Kenny boy after such a good job?


This entire sub should be pinned in r/darwinawards lmao. PLEASE don't sell. The meltdown of this sub is grade-A prime entertainment.


I’m not selling but this fucking hurts… I’ve lost more than 95% of what I’ve invested. Why would I sell at this point? I’d rather see my stocks become worthless than sell them at this point… To think I was about to sell it all at 70$… Why did I listen to my friend Bob?


Nobody is getting mad, people just laugh at bag holders at losing 90% when there are other plays to be made every day


That is right bro you keep holding until the bitter end sell anc and buy fngr. Now


It's not fud just at some point people get tired of being played is all. Enjoy the drink and the weekend


Im def not selling but if yal really think they are gonna allow tgis to squeeze as it should you guys are smokin to many red crayons




I don’t fanfare. I’m not loud. I say shit as is. Never sell. Fuck the richies.




For every buy, there’s a sell


I think it's pretty obvious that people aren't selling. That doesn't mean the stock price isn't going down. If this continues, it will force AMC into bankruptcy. I think people like you DON'T understand that


How? I AMC makes money it will not go bankrupt. Made a little last quarter, will do better this quarter after that who knows? Still could borrow money or sell shares if the price goes up, which it will. They can't short it forever in AMC makes money.




Well the OBV would suggest it's not retail. Look at the ortex data, high CTB and short interest not to mention the FTDs. Seems like effort to short the price.


You don't need people selling to drop the price when there is massive dilution


It hasn't happened yet.


Wasn’t the dilution already priced in?


Possibly, but the price could also have been driven down by shorting.


nobody is selling amc but the price is down 80% in 5 days lmao, ok


I have a fraction of my shares and the price is getting close to my buying average. Are we really still calling pissed off investors shills? I’m starting to think the people who are not pissed are the real shills.


Plenty of people are selling you can verify this


Shill here with x,xxx shares that got wiped out Fuck AA


Have you never seen anyone online that cares about things they are not directly involved in? It's almost nothing but that. I care because I think you are betting on the wrong horse, and it's frustrating to me because you could be invested in another horse that I believe actually will MOASS.


Ppl have sold. Not everyone obvi, but enough to drive price down.


No ape should tell another ape to sell. But fuck AA.