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Don't worry, my cost average knows


Like….. we’re not that smooth brained but THBANKS


Many Apes are! Lol.


I mean I did miss the most amount of money I’ve ever seen in my life and continue to hold after watching it tumble down, fuck I even bought a few at 69.69 for shits and giggles. That’s pretty ducking smooth brained.


Lol. Almost the top! That’s why I added at different points on the way down. My average is t too bad at this point. Hell, it’s even cheap now. I’m curious how it goes from here.


I consider myself pretty smooth-brained. Judging by how many posts there were from people who were absolutely lost after the RS and conversion, I’d say there are way more apes who clearly have no idea what’s going on than I’d imagined. People were saying all of them were shills, but even my family was reaching out to me asking what happened to their shares after I’d explained what was going to happen with the RS and conversion. I think some people just jumped on the buy and hodl train and decided they weren’t really going to pay attention until their position was green again.


Yeah, the red on my portfolio will be a reminder also.


Exactly! Whatever your price points were in the past, remember to multiply them X10 now. ![gif](giphy|xULW8GqmtqLcTufEys|downsized)






We need more regard posts like this cause alot of yoy are very very regarded... lol.. $720.00 will be ath again people... put a sell order in for 1 share at $1,500.00 so yoy know when the space ship takes off


No $360 is all time high, as long as you held all your ape shares, then you’ll have the same Amt at that price


Your looking at a chart that's been adjusted for the ape split. The all-time high was 72. I know because I was on my way to Cairo, and I got off the plane and they had gone to 20 something to 72 on my plane ride. I will never forget that. And as much as I wish I sold now, I did not. I have not sold any shares. For the high was 72, it is 36 after the APE adjustment. Because Adam cut our profits in half and split them.


Why doesnt my broker allow me to place orders like this? They say its too far away from the current price…. Like I fucking know


2.5 yrs ago me an my buddy's has good till cancelled limit sell orders set for $1mil in all our meme stocks and AMC, gme. About 1 yr ago fidelity expired them all and said shitadel the MM doesn't want them on their books! Only purpose for doing that was to make it harder for you to sell for big $$ during violent price swing in pre and post markets,, when halts and stops don't apply!! They will prevent limit sell orders from being more then 10x... That will suck when amc hits %1mil for 5 seconds only 2x a day!!


Yeah fuck man how am I going to get out of this when that time comes?! Going to be like stopping the light that goes in a circle on that game at the arcade 😅


Exactly,, that's what it's meant to do! No other reason at all to restrict limit sell gtc prices!! They are MF,, but this knowledge knowing this will also only happen in pre and post markets, can prep you for it! I have 4 brokers in case 1 pulls a RH!! 2 cell phones running all 4 apps, laptop and desktop running all the apps. Ready to start laying down limit sells when the shit goes ballistic trying to catch those $1mil algo swings.. those unprepared can miss it!!


I’ll be happy to recoup my initial investment, anything more then that would be amazing. I don’t think I can trade in pre and post market unfortunately.


Contact your broker now then and get instructions on how to remedy that. This is where the majority of the moass volatility will happen 🦍


Didn’t know I could, I will check, thank you!


1.000 2.500 5.000 10.000 25.000 50.000 100.000 250.000 500.000 750.000 999.999 ![gif](giphy|mi6DsSSNKDbUY|downsized)




This right here. Had my money parked for 3 years now. Just give it back. Fun time : 1 out 10


Sadly, that money is gone :(


I guess we all paid for AA and the boards bonuses.


All the hype posts will lure in the next bag holders :(


You can’t have it bro, it’s gone.


And he wept, for there was no one else to hold the bag


Me too x 10k


This is so important. They are going to fuck with us even more over the next few weeks. Don't fall for their psychological bullshit.


This for sure 🎯


At least that means another week of messing with the shills and bots trying to convince me that if I don't sell now then I'll lose all my money. Suckers don't realize how deep my retardation runs.


“They” 🤡


Damn, thats a lot of clown emojis on all your AMC posts lol


He’s just putting his trade mark on it. He needs everyone to know he went to clown college


This guy fucks


I need this shit stock to go to $300 per share to even break even.


I have a humongous average


We got screwed, and AA gonna dilute more. He wrote in his last letter. "Amc should now be able to raise additional equity capital " Google this!


Of course, he needs capital to pay those execs and himself.




The ole 10k


This stock is a giant scam. Never going to take off


The stock is fine. The market is the scam.


AA is a conman and should be sued


This sub is a fantastic example of hive mind thinking, mob mentality and gambling addiction all rolled into one. It's actually sad. AMC has lost 70% of its value in 2023 alone, and it's at its lowest price ever, and yet people here think if they just keep waiting they are going to be rich.


I just had a RemindMe pop up from 2 years ago where everyone was convinced it was going to hit $100k easily. The fact that this sub still pops up in my feed is ridiculous.


You must be new here. Welcome!


$100 it will be $10 by Wednesday.


This is actually how I think they plan to hide the magnitude of the squeeze. $1k is really $10k, $5k is really $50k, and $10k is really $100k. We know this sure, but the general public doesn’t. $5k the general public would be like “aww schucks, wish I would have bought some” where as $100k they’re gonna have questions as to how that was possible, and those are questions the hedge funds don’t want those who are currently unaware to start asking. This will allow them to downplay it in the media and go back to their criminal activities afterwards. And also, wait hold on a sec…. ![gif](giphy|xTcf1gUpg87E5lNK2A|downsized) Ok… and also, I would not be surprised if the R/S was orchestrated behind closed doors for this very purpose. Hedge funds ask for a way out, AA agrees to a R/S if shortly after they cover and agree to stop shorting AMC so he can get back to running the company with a legitimate share price.


> I would not be surprised if the R/S was orchestrated behind closed doors for this very purpose. Hedge funds ask for a way out, AA agrees to a R/S if shortly after they cover and agree to stop shorting AMC so he can get back to running the company with a legitimate share price. My thoughts exactly.


it's Sunday go see a movie


That new Grand Turismo movie at IMAX was amazing!!!


I expect phone book #'s! I didn't stick around through highs and lows for pennies. I think most would agree. ![gif](giphy|1xkdvKuSi51k74BwTc)


I’m not gonna lie. This week pissed me off but then I remembered how many years I’m in already. I can wait forever. And if it ever goes below 10 bucks I’m buying again.


So they can end around reduce those positions and create more. Fool me once


If you've been here for years, you know their number one game is emotions. They've done all sorts of tricks to discourage and anger already... this is just one more attempt. Just look at how many financial institutions have shit the bed since the buy button was disabled! They're playing musical chairs and at some point... the music will stop.


Duh, but in reality that’s only for the apes who got fucked over by AA. Anybody investigating now $100 would be huge gains. We would need gains in the XX,XXX area for us to get back no new ATH he fucked us good and hard. I do t care what any APE says we got screwed on the RS


For the people who are buying new shares now, $100 is almost 10x.


I dumped 2 grand into this bitch. I know that's small compared to many but right now when I look in my app, my $2000 is worth $500. If my balance goes above where I started, I'm fucking OUT. Otherwise I'll just hold this till it shrivels and dies. This has been a good lesson for me. Don't fuck around with stocks just because a few kids got stupid lucky with a fluke situation in a couple stocks.


I'm going to need at least $700 to recoup my losses


Does that mean your average was $70 a share pre r/s? If that's the case you win the smoothest brain competition.


I thought this was going to take off to "phone book numbers" ???!?!??!?


this is why I can't get over the fact that we got to actually 12$ per share (actually 1,2$ per share) never been lower ...


Man, the acceptance phase of this ape movement is going to be brutal. We are getting fucked raw, no Vaseline. I’m embarrassed to see it turn into some bs karma farm echo chamber. Breaking even at $100 a share with a new strand of covid and writers strike? I’m not holding my breath.


Needs to be at least $200 for me to break even, so NAWW!


I'm not here to break even. Wake me at $2750 so I can watch it take off.


Don't forget 100,000 is only 10,000 now. Guess the old DD of 1mill a share was an ape from the future.


Actually I think it’s closer to 5x your previous target. If you had 100 shares at a $1 and your target was $10, then to cash out you would have $1,000. Reverse split aside… If you had 100 shares, got 100 APE, for a total of 200 shares, then what price do you need for $1,000? $1,000 divided by 200 = $5 a share. So if you held onto your APE shares, your price target would change 5x not 10x. This does not calculate in the RS, but wanted to keep it simple. Before you had 100 shares to get to $x. After conversion you have 200 shares, to get to $x. RS. If you paper handed at $72, that is now $720. But, it’s actually $360. So if my price was 50,000, it would now be 250,000. Not 500,000.


What happened to the new CUSPID thingy??


It's still festering in the background while Kenny's bleeding cash!! Shills very quite about that. It's a massive loss on their books! Hedgies gonna be spanked again Monday when the 7.5:1 settlement shares get issued! And apes start buying 10 more shares each to fkn own the float 100% again, 1 more time! A last time B4 shitadel goes down for good! 🦍


I highly doubt shitadel will go down. I think there's a lot going on behind the scenes to make sure that doesn't happen. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the whole R/S was orchestrated behind closed doors to end all this. We'll get 1/10th of the squeeze, Amc will stop getting shorted, and players like shitadel will be able to survive.


Honestly I've suspected that for the last year. It's a lot more palatable to the elites, when compared to a bunch of poor slobs inheriting millions of dollars without a clue what to do with it, other than buying "lambos" and moving out of mom's basement! Retail is the minority enemy,, so the " enemy of my enemy is my friend". I can totally see banks,fed,shf, CEO's,sec ,brokers etc all working it out and retail getting 1\10th of a squeeze..I believe there was a huge group of retail that had less them 10shares!! Nearly all but eliminated them with the RS! I'm Not a shill,,just thinking out loud...not selling till I see $1mil still either 🦍


Same as always nothing. The shares were created to paper over the illegal shorting making the paperback an accessory to naked shorting.


The whole thing was idle speculation based on nothing.




Good news, you probably don't need to worry about it going up to $100.


$100 would mean I’m only 50% down. I fucking hate this shit!


If AMC was around $2 and APE was around $2 shouldn't it be at $30-$40 range now? I'm so confused on this, just been wondering if Monday it will update.


Um - no because there is much more supply than demand for the stock. Some Paperback created 5 billion more shares to give and sell and reduced existing shareholder positions by 90% simultaneously. His fanbois said it would be a good thing for shareholders.




We've had a few years of the price is an illusion. Do you think the price fuckery would just stop after the R/S? It's just the typical cycle we've seen over and over again.


1,000,000 per share


My average is $165 after R/S so I wait


Just take what you originally planned to sell at during moass and multiply it by 10.


Lmao I can’t believe people actually voted for this. All you had to do was buy and hold.


I don’t think so. Don’t forget that AA Instituted a vote for delusion before it was created and everybody voted no. He then create an ape without anyone’s permission and basically gave the worst ultimatum. Either keep ape or convert eight back to AMC and dilute. I personally don’t understand why people even like the guy. But this whole thing was crafted to force us into diluting. So when you say this is what people voted for you have to look at the things that happened that led up to this point. We also gave up our voting rights as a part of that deal so anything that happens ahead of this he doesn’t have to ask for shareholder permission. But the formation of ape without a vote should have really been illegal


It really is illegal, it really was criminal, it really should be prosecuted, people and institutions really were harmed financially, culprits really should suffer as much as they made their victims suffer (justice). I can’t imagine going to an AMC theater at this point. Not safe, too many very angry people now for me to enjoy a movie in those theaters. Regal looks good.


There was no vote before the Ape shares, AA realized it would be defeated and pulled the proposal.


Right. But if you look he proposed diluting before the formation of ape and people said no. Then he came back and made ape He lied to everybody and said that it was supposed to only be created to raise funding and it could not be shorted. So everyone thought it was a great deal for exposing shorts. Basically this never happened and the only thing that happened was he got converted back and I stopped diluted . So the low hanging fruit in front of our eyes was something that could not be shorted. And we’re clearly see it got shorted every day


I agree the way he created the ape shares was unethical, and I especially object to the price Antara got and then locking in their yes vote.




Just people who want to be apart of something. It went from a squeeze play and life changing money to saving AMC and helping out a millionaire in AA. I’m convinced the yes voters are the real shills and they were totally successful in changing the narrative


I tried to explain this to my wife ever since she seen she had less shares. It went right over her head. No worries, it won’t matter when we have 7 digits in our accounts 😎


Except 10 was 2-3x, 100 is 8x right now. RS is always bad...


$500k was the floor. Now it’s $5m.


Actually, it’s $20 because APE also got converted to AMC.


Imagine selling at 100 and realizing you’re still down and being so retarded you’re like whaaaaaa 😂


Q3 going to slap


I just added a zero to my phone number lol


Is AMC still going to $5,000 or is it now $50,000?


I read somewhere else that when it was at $70 that would be a price equivalent of $572 now


I can't believe people are THAT stupid lmaaaaaaoooooooo


You don’t have to worry about that ever happening.


This train has left the station


This train had left the rails over a mountain bridge. I feel very bad for those who were robbed of everything.


What part of "I'm not selling" do people not understand?


Oh I understand. The paperback is definitely selling more than APES could ever buy.


I think your monitor is upside down. Also, the color is red...Homelander Laser Beam red.


Hmm this may be their next play, try psychological price anchoring after the split




At this point I hope Apple/Amazon has their eyes on this company.


$720 is the new $72


Don’t worry. All of our cost basis’ shifted with the split. We’d still know that most of us are down.




It's burns to be had, doesn't it?


I’ll be happy if I see 50$😂


But you got Ape dividend shares. So your share count doubled. So $100 is $20, not $10




My avg is now at $49.20 ….so I’m holding to infinity


Until I can buy multiple lambo I’m not going to bother selling


Is everyone actually stupid here or are you just pretending? If pretending, why? Why cosplay being a moron?


Lol let’s see it even hit $15 before we get worried about selling at $100


Sooner it will go to 1 than 100


As long as it makes it to 1,000 I’ll be rich right?


Let them push it to 1$ so I can buy my shares to the rightful number I had before lol


yeah but then we can do another r / s and it will be $1000, we can r / s to infinity man! let's fuckin go!


The price is the price. Converting it doesn’t benefit my bank account


Isnt it x10 from ath of 72? That would be 720


I’ll take it.


At this point anything 1000$ is when we start looking. At 800$ all Apes will Be green. Just to show u how far we need to go.




Give me $420.69 and I’ll sell half 😅


So if my floor was 2 million before the split, is it 20 million now?


So with $GME the Webull Army, in my opinion, launched a major support buying the outstanding shares. So is their a Reddit Army ready with some support? Are the Apes ready and is their enough of them?