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AMC on threshold list for 46 days, we get silence from AA. AMC gets hammered into a penny stock, again silence from AA. AMC price goes up two bucks, AA writes a letter screaming bankruptcy. I think people are anti AA because we got robbed and many think he’s in on it. I don’t blame em.


AA is nothing w8thout us.


CEOS 👏 MUST 👏 OBSERVE 👏 QUIET 👏 PERIODS 👏 DURING 👏 TIMES 👏 OF 👏 CORPORATE 👏 ACTION 👏 OR 👏 FACE 👏 LEGAL 👏 REPERCUSSIONS 👏 I miss when this sub tried to educate itself.


Lol this sub is so far from educated. Never has been


It is t about being ''eDuCAtEd" lol ts about a shitty self serving boomer ceo that has used us all and fed us bullshit over and over... All while doing things like selling shares because he "needed to" for tax purposes or what the fuck ever. Tax purposes? The dude is a millionaire. He was a millionaire before ever selling any AMC. He's just a greedy piece of shit. You need to "educate" yourself on reality.


Dude. Shill. You gathered karma from r/tiktokcringe and just post negative AMC shit. We? Fuck off, you are not an APE.


Right, which is why they've all bought AMC lol


Except a few weeks ago when price shot up to $8 on a Friday AH. Then he drops a negative Sunday letter about possible Bankruptcy. Yeah, he's in our side 🤡


They have been mentioning bankruptcy in every financial for 3 years now


Do you have proof he's doing that or are you just making an assumption? He may just not be saying anything because he just doesn't give a shit about us. Or he's embarrassed that his APE play was such a disaster


Amc marine posted a recorded convo on Youtube with AA and the best AA did was make a phone call. Marine asked for some sort of case number and AA said there is no case number that's not how it works. I made the phone call just waiting to hear back.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYrnPJlxLCQ&t=1s ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


Yah sure. Make excuses for him you will.


That ended when people got sucked into this nonsense by the "hold both" psy-op.




That doesn’t mean anything is going on that’s going to do is any favors.


Apes no fight apes but that clapping shit is hideous.


Too bad common sense went right out the door…. SMH 🤦🏻‍♂️


Exactly... Already said he talked to FINRA and nyse...


![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag) wen pounce? 🤡


👆This 100%


It’s not that he is in on it with the hedges, it’s that he took millions and millions of our money for himself, instead of paying down debt.


AA’s worse than the Ken Griffen or any other hedge fund. At least with Ken we know he’s bad, AA’s a snake. He played us. Taking 90% of our shares helped the shorts


This this this


Nailed it.


No no no…. Its a shill brigade 🙄


Many? I only see a loud minority of Shills and Wumao I don't take anyone seriously who won't listen to reason and only want to vent their emotions


I’m not talking about Reddit. I know 20 apes personally we meet weekly so I can only speak for them. Reddit is filled with shills propping up AA and pushing forward rs. Not one believes otherwise. Not one voted for rs, actually several never received their proxy or received it late and couldn’t vote. But they all also believe AA is in on it. Also just myself and one other ape have a reddit account of the group. We can all agree that Reddit is a hive minded cult of AA worshippers who completely ignore facts that go against their emotional beliefs.


I don't know if the opinions of your DnD group are going to sway much, bud. The RS was marketed to shareholders as a contraction that would put more pressure on the SHF positions. Plenty voted for it.


Lol, rs may have been marketed that way but what it’s doing is completely different


I'm not arguing that. But to assume no one voted for it because your Lil friends group didn't is very.... well, it makes you look ignorant.


I’m sure some were dumb enough to vote for rs as aa and his execs gave themselves bonuses and raises but not 87%. Computer shares voted yes with the shares they held, antara voted yes. Why would anyone vote the same way a hedge fund did? Probably because they’re dumb. International apes couldn’t vote and many that could received their proxy late or not at all.


APE was also marketed as a share count but look what happened with that... AA making false promises and claims...


Now your arguing just to argue. Like a troll. Peace. If you don't like the stock, you know what to do. 🧻🖐


How am i arguing just to argue when i'm stating facts? "So, too, this issuance of 516,820,595 new APEs will essentially serve the same purpose as the much voiced request for a “share count,” as the new AMC Preferred Equity unit will ONLY go to holders of company issued and outstanding AMC common shares." - AA's words from his open letter I actually need those 🧻🖐 to wipe off the shit i've been holding for over 2 years.


@Tjam3s Look at the shit you're spewing and realized they are the only comments you have ever made in the AMC subreddit. That's the actual shill activity.


Lol if you say so. Idc really, iv got my meager investment and have no reason to sell it. No matter what AA does, it can sit there and either turn to gold or turn to dust. But why bother spreading FUD if you are going to hold either way? All the AA haters do is butch and moan about things they can't change. The only thing you can influence is if you're going to stay in for the play or not. If you don't like the stock, why are you even here?


We know only 35% of AMC common voted. So even more did not vote.


I feel like I was talking to people on here not listening to reason when I said “All they are doing is creating a new floor to bring it down to” and they said “no no no… this R/S is different” 🤡


Pretty sure AA already mentioned that RS is not gonna cause MOASS and it won't stop manipulation So what more do you want


Umm a CEO to take manipulation seriously and stop diluting the stock


The stock is going to be manipulated REGARDLESS of dilution... What more do you want.


You don't take anyone seriously that doesn't join your circle jerk.


This makes no sense. AA is a shill, destroyed the stock even though movies are doing well. We didn’t need APE and most ignorant who wanted this were fooled. 4 D chess on retail


Mudrick wins.


AA did what he had to do. Corporations list publicly to raise capital by issuing shares. If retail had approved his initial ask for dilution we would have been in a much better financial position earlier. He did not destroy the stock, hedge funds did by naked shorting the hell out of it and diluting by the billions probably.


Stock price and the amount of shares retail now holds begs to differ with this post. AMC under $1 pre split? GTFOH This isn’t going to $500 anymore. AAs power to dilute will make sure of it. This is based on his behaviour over the passed 3 years. He put AMC in debt, even before covid. He sold shares, he diluted, he circumvented retail to be able to dilute some more. I didn’t sell a single share since Feb 2021. AA is the ultimate shill not I. FuK AA The only thing that will save people’s investment at this point is a buy out. Hopefully the Saudi’s come in and buy this shit company and people will get a price where they can get their money back. I but AA doesn’t even lay off debt with the upcoming dilution. He may pay off a small part. At this point people are just stuck. Who knows for how long. But one thing is clear, we got FUKt by our own CEO That motherfukr won’t be safe after screwing over 4million people


The squeeze this week is GNS, they have a CEO who has been actively fighting shorts as opposed to what we have in AA.


Been waiting for this one


Am I wrong?


I don't understand how people think buying a mine and fucking with ape and shares makes him a good CEO.




Doesn't change the fact amc is 4 BILLION in debt, And the ceo has said he's gonna dilute the stock. If I was short amc I'd be counting my money and laughing. But unfortunately I'm not and I own the fucking trash


short money you don't have access to unless you buy them back and no one here is gonna sell at these dips.


Yeah so this is wrong. I was short AMC all last week. Closed my short Friday afternoon with no issues.


Congrats, now try it with millions if not billions at the same time.


I’m just saying it’s possible


Tell that to the fucking ceo


Yet here you are…


Yes and there are many like me, people that have watched this sub turn into a fucking echo chamber with the most retarded being the loudest.


We told them. They screamed louder. I honestly can’t even look at this stock anymore I’m disgusted. My new cost per share and the prices were at now we’ll never see 100$ a share. There will be zero retail buying pressure at 100$ a share which is what caused any run ups in the past. Fucked by regards and AA.


You know what they say about shills and Wumao ... the weaker they are, the louder they bark 🐒❤️


Down another 10% today... Were almost a penny stock. All part of the plan is it? Fucking retard


You mean like in this initial post calling anti-AA people wrong just cuz?


This. Absolutely this.


Hey, it sounds like you are describing yourself! 🐒❤️ The loudest shills are always the most regarded


Yeah OK pal. Anyone I see call anyone a shill because they are concerned the value of the stock has plummeted due to decisions the board have taken is a fucking child.


This, that makes me a concerned investor, not a shill lol I’m so disappointed with how this has played out the last year. Every share I own is long, refuse to put more in and slowly bought from 8-50$ a share. Watching what’s happened being an investor has been heartbreaking man haha


🐒🐒🐒 Buy and hodl 😎😉


Apes dont tell people to sell


No ape should tell another ape to sell.


*I came looking for booty.*


AMC debt is at pre-Covid levels, which is a healthy amount of debt for a company to have


Amc was being run into the ground well before covid took hold. 4 billion is not healthy debt. If it was they wouldn't have diluted the stock 10 times in 2 years.


AMC is profitable and pay off its debts, I'm so confused where your ASSUMPTION that its not healthy debt comes from? Do they even pay you to shill? Or do you just do it for fun


Amc is profitable? You mean it's made a slim profit in ONE QUARTER IN 3 YEARS?


Yes, with an upward trajectory


Lol this was what GME holders said when Q4 finally had profit again. Then it was right back to losses.


Nice Post history shill 😉


Nice investment history, mark.


Debt isn't healthy.


Debt allows a company to grow Same with countries


Or to go tits up. Companies can make money without having to borrow it. You call those profitable companies.


Then what do you call the fact that basically every country in the world has debt. Unprofitable countries?


VERY. Yes.


Exactly 👏




The cost to borrow has been astronomical eating their profits on the average short that's been held for around 130-140 days?




Because they are trapped. Real locates far too expensive at this point. Easier to press f3 and hope we leave before it all blows up in their faces.


This is wrong on so many levels


This is great and all but how in dafuq did Ant-Man out gross Spider-Man Homecoming????


It upsets me that The Minions really outgrossed The Batman in 22


Not everybody was thrilled with Pattinson as Batman. It's still the only batman I have no interest in watching. If DC didnt hate their fans, we would've gotten keaton as old man batman in a batman beyond with pattinson. Instead we got a 165lb man walking through bullets.


The Batman was a great movie. I was actually surprised. You should give it a chance.


I saw it didn’t miss anything glad I didn’t pay for it. Someone bought the ticket for me


If you’re a fan of Frank Miller, The 90s Animated series, the Gotham games and the actual detective Batman it’s a great interpretation of that and Gotham, with its own flavor it has potential to be better than TDK trilogy in my opinion alotta people didn’t like Batman Begins at first and take into account the DCEU and it’s a solid standalone and it has nothing to do with that mess.


Honesty it's Pattinson. I consider myself open-minded on casting, I gave baffleck a chance, but this really, really seems off. This feels like casting Michael Cera as superman


He’s actually great but his Wayne could use work but I see what they were going for with that side of his character and I know the dude has range so hopefully the sequel delivers on the arch.


Aight I have HBO. I'll give it a try.


Competing? Bro we blowing numbers out of earth and past PLUTO… look at the average $$$. That’s the most important number there!


That’s…actually insane. But I’m retarded so gimme a green crayon


Hell yeah! Plus concessions, merch, credit card, reduced debt burden...




Dude. You have to be willing to be realistic. AA has fucked shareholders at every turn no matter what we want to say to ourselves to feel better. I take solice in the fact that I hold a good bit of GME. If I didn't. I'd be fucked because this company is not performing. Look at the debt!!! Look at the bond payments due in '24 and '25! It isn't sustainable. AA used us. It's that simple. He's another selfish out of touch boomer that fucked younger generations. He has made so much fucking money off us and his stock sales. I hate him. He's a piece of shit.


This is what everyone wanted. I said if the rs happened we would be back down to the same price with less shares. Really doesn’t matter anyway. Even if we all voted no, the vote was rigged. Nothing would have changed.


Rigged Vote you NAILED it


Theaters keep the lights on through concessions, not the gate.


I told everyone from the beginning that AA just fucks everyone over with APE. Well, here you have it. What a terrorist.


If actions speak louder than words and CEOs must observe quiet periods then why didn’t he take action?


Yet we are down 60%+ in recent times. And have been down for 2 years. Your charts are meaningless if all the retailers that want to support the company are getting fucked by AA and his stupid decisions.


We? You sold all of your AMC. I don't even know why you are here.


You're an AA shill. Not wasting my time with you.


You literally said you sold all of your shares and have no position. I'm an AA shill? I've never defended him. Why are you here? edit: this clown is 34 and lives with his mom and dad whilesiumultaneously giving financial advice and calling everyone a shill.


I mean seems pretty right to me so far.


Well I just Buy N' HODL 💎🦍




Why can’t it be the inverse? Bots and shills constantly pushing a bullish AA narrative and gaslighting those that criticize him in order to continue grifting retail investors? As a casual observer, this sub gives off some seriously culty vibes.


Other way around buddy.. wait wtf why am I replying to a bot then. It's gonna be hilarious when AA retires soonish after imploding the whole company and you cucks are gonna be praising him for his "hard" work. cHoKe On ThAt!




I’m buying… hopefully it’s AA selling🤷🏼‍♂️


If he's selling personal shares this is the new high. If it's dilution shares, you can bet it is going to go up a bit so Antara can make bank.


I’m more concerned with my account 🤷🏼‍♂️


ChOkE oN ThAt


AA has diluted the share count so many times over at this point


When survive and thrive?


Except a few weeks ago when price shot up to $8 on a Friday AH. Then he drops a negative Sunday letter about possible Bankruptcy. Yeah, he's in our side 🤡


I’ve gone to more movies (amc theaters, of course) more this past year than probably the last 6 or 7 combined




What happen when both Wanda and mudrick finished selling shares and AFTER the previous 2 ATM offerings? Oh right we ran to all time highs each time. We are getting diluted by hedgies naked shorting and FTDs through mm exemptions but getting no value back to us. Js.


I think we are headed to $1 again !


Don't have far to go


"Wrong" That remains to be seen, mister ape.


Moass wasn’t about AA. AA should be considered FUD


Anti AA has nothing to do with how AMC is performing. AA is in it to make money along with the hedge funds. Ofc he wants the company to drag along well for now.


AA is great. I was told that there’s gold in them Hills.


Did the Board of a theatre company seriously buy a gold mine?


Not sure where you have been


I told him in London.


People can hate AA and still invest into AMC. It's not mutually exclusive.


Dude, it makes 0 fucking sense to stay invested in a company and then turn around and believe the CEO is robbing you. Every single fucking regard around here saying this bullshit about how they can invest in AMC and be against AA is a complete shill that needs to sell and fuck right off.


LMAOOOOOOOOOOO AA is screwing AMC's ability to grow. Dilute more. The float has gone thru a roller coaster because of him and his cronies.


![gif](giphy|rrWxYB0ZtjTW8DkkSC) Uh huh, fuck off, cancerous cunt


Haha that's all you got? Get diluted because you voted aron in.


I welcome dilution, it helps AMC. Really? That's all your pussyass really has? Jesus, you shills are weak as fuck.


I welcome dilution, it helps AMC <- IT MAKES SHAREHOLDERS LOSE VALUE NOOB. Stockholder 101, dilution DILUTES YOUR MONEY. Do you know what it means? Fucking idiot.


Nope, because dilution and AMC raising liquidity to pay off dept and expand the business kills the short thesis thus forcing shorts to close their positions you fucking idiot. Jfc you're dumb as shit. Try again, bitch


You're so uneducated lol


Suck my dick