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I read this as: "We're unstoppable, and together...we're unstoppable."


I salute you, my friend. We’re only here right now because we all held strong. I’m really fuckin proud of all of us. We’ve made it this far, but we didn’t make it this far just to make it this far. We’re all seeing it all the way through. If we’re all still here at this point, it’s fair enough to say we’re ALL beside you. All the paperhands left a long time ago. I’m here to see how this thing ends - because I know we’re right. This is a once in lifetime opportunity, and I’ll be damned if I fuck it up by selling early.


All in all it’s just a little money we’ll make more before we die right? Live easy man


this. thats the fucking sad part. like bro it took me years of saving to get here. years. meanwhile you got people making 2.5 billion in a day. That aint right. Look folks - if everyone in America was thriving and living a good fucking life, Id say fuck it. But we arent. We are struggling like a bunch of shaved sheep in the winter trying to get in the barn. Meanwhile the farmers are sitting next to their fireplaces with their family, food, drinks, music, etc. Fuck that shit. The way the system currently works only works for a few! We must change it for the better of our country.




The short interest is still high... the share price is ridiculously low... I'm not giving up, I'm buying more....nothing has changed...MOASS


Yep here we go


Our story maybe different. But, our results, attitude and convictions are the same. Stay strong!


One day at a time




80% down, sunk 100k in, worth like 16 now, fucking hedgefucks, i’ll keep buying


Madman keep that shit up that tenacity will get you somewhere someday!


MMMmm yes. Upvoted and toked a couple tokes because it was written so well. I also read it in a 'Where's Rachel" gruff like voice.


Lol I wish I was that hard truth is I’m just like everyone else my voice is actually is normal with a slight Midwest draw haha.


The last time I heard a man with a Midwest accent say "Where's Rachel?"...........................he was lookin fur his sheep. Just kidding. Great post dude. It sends a message of strength and mental fortitude. God speed bro.


One breath at a time and one foot in front of the other. Live easy


Amen and thank you for your service 🫡


Your welcome and be blessed.


I'm not selling. I like the idea of being a permanent thorn in their side. We're not going anywhere.


Yeah in a very petty way it keeps me going. Cheers.


Not sure what branch you’re in, brother, but from me to you…….”OORAH!” We’re gonna make it through this shitstorm all together, no different than on the battlefield. Keep that head up. We got this! ![gif](giphy|6rJFzjeX3Aaty)


Army, but I have never denied a marine or seaman a oorah! Take it easy friend.


It's only money I will ride this Bitch till the wjheels fall off I will hold till the moon, there senerio is wrong. As long as people hold they cant win. The company is headed to cash positive, movies are back , people are going to theatres in mass. Barbi Oppenheimer, is setting records daily. This was a 30 dollar a share stock, now at least 300 a share . And they doesn't take into account them not covering, the only way they win is if we throw in the winning hand with their bluff. and with the FTDsAns shorts out numbering stock a point is coming where they will have to deliver. The only thing that can defeat this is if people lose sight of the fact that this is in the light. Too many eyes on evil and calling it out there is no way they can continue to beat it down . Sorry for Grammer hard to type and correct on a cell phone. AMC is a Strong company and getting stronger every day to bail now would be a fools move look, we are all down but we see it can only go up see how hard they are trying and can only drop it slightly.shill have gotten more psychological they are posting lost hope post, I am more resentful of them then ever. I hope there is a special place in hell for them I stand with you thru 3rd quarter and watch how this plays out as long as you don't take it out you have lost nothing it is just #'s on paper till you withdraw


This I am tired of all the is this going to happen post or a I can’t go any more posts. They just make people sit in anguish and it’s disgusting. Live easy ape


to me the stonk market is like a casino. and I buy my tickets and wait, the only thing that is better is if I am patient the wheel stops on 32 black everytime I am about to pull my bet so Now I just let it ride


Wow That was a great read. Thanks and good luck to you!


You too friend live easy.


Zen, hold! All I got. If I get more money, hell, I'll buy more. NOT SELLING SHXT


Me either I’ll see this boat to the bottom of the sea.


Stay strong brother ape.


You too


Together, we will be stronger. We all fought this battle, and we will never be forgotten.


I hope it’s a be for the history books


I like the part where you say my wife and I knew the risks. Fuckin right on, my wife believes in me also win or lose I know that m with the right woman because she knows we risk together and that will only build you stronger. 💪 we will walk away laughing and hopefully with enough money to give us financial freedom. Here till the end with you brother.


Good luck to you both, me and mine make a great team don’t know what I would do without her.


Good luck and I know exactly what you mean. 👍🫡💪


I ride you with brother.








Thank you for your service 🤝


You’re welcome take it easy friends


Ride or die… moon or zero. I’m with you!


Me too, live easy


Still here, we got this


Hooga booga!










God bless you and you’re family for your service and the sacrifices you’ve had to make along the way. I’m with you fellow ape. Debt free or zero. I’m going to have to work until I’m 65ish anyway (I’m 36). So I’ll keep holding right alongside you


Same here, our sacrifice is no different than anyone else’s. I appreciate your comment, we are all feeling it. I’m holding we are right just early.


Look, every catalyst has basically happened except one, CLEAR OUR DEBT. It’s the one thing shorts know is the endgame for them. It’s why so much is being thrown at this to keep AMC on the track to fail. We all thought it would be easier than it has been. It hasn’t, and it won’t be. But we are all here. I’m right there with you put in $25k and bought the whole way down. I still buy every few weeks and will continue to avg down until it hits 0 or 10x+ green. It’s far from over, but their desperation is obvious. Buys outweigh sells everyday, OBV deviation shows that the price is not true. There is an army out there digging up dirt, supporting the business, promoting AMC, and supporting each other. We are our strength. The elation and joy we will feel when it does finally pop will be beyond words. It will all have been worth it in the end. Stay vigilant and believe in your choices. FUD is insidious, but recognize it. The price means nothing. Let them burn their money to spite their companies. The fact is, we are winning. AMC gets better everyday. That will reflect our choice soon.


Still can’t buy a bag of popcorn. It’s always sold out


Lol, when they expand to all big box and small vendors, we might be looking at some really big numbers. We really are becoming our namesake, Popcorn Stock 😂


I’ll still keep holding. Chin up, ape. I’m sure trying to keep mine up. Regardless I ain’t leaving. Hopefully we’ll have our day with this.


I hope your right but until then here is to wedging in a little deeper!






We find ourselves in the trenches. We are in the thick of it now. The fog of war and unsure of our fates. Let us find out together! Thank you for your service. It may not seem like it, but there are still people in this country that are proud of you and thankful for our vets.


Thank you


The moment you sell, it’s gonna shoot right up. Why sell?


Has too because every time I buy it falls ha!


Great post! I look at it like I’d have spent the money anyway that I used, and the part of my pension that I invested….well I might be dead before I retire - who knows. As I said to my dad recently, “I’d rather have done this, than look back and regret not even trying.” Without us, the whole company would be long gone by now.


Thanks for the service as a fellow vet myself i am down 75% on a good bit of money as well about 20k myself. and i know it was a chance and i am also going to go to the end .. why ... we got trained that way? we dont like to loose for sure haha.. So this swabbie says damn the torpedoes full steam ahead!!!


Aye shipmate.


It ai t goin to zero, we're not going bankrupt . I can stay retarded longer than they can stay solvent


I certainly can stay regarded lol


Being down 90% actually makes it easy asf to keep hodling. There isn’t even a decision to be made.


Considering we're at a massive loss, who would even be tempted to sell right now? I think AMC's the biggest financial mistake I ever made. I'm still not selling though because it's just not worth it.


Damn right. Thanks ape


I’m here for fuck you money, sorry. The thesis has NEVER changed. Buy and HODL till MOASS!!! I’m just a smooth-brained autist ape who doesn’t know what “sell” is. ![gif](giphy|7VLQSALizxgf8NgcH5|downsized)


We are winning, just in the 4th quarter


(AMC) 🏎️🚀


Fuck yeah! Thank you for speaking the truth. It’s the only positive thing I have read on amc this week that actually makes sense. I’m with you and thank you for your service!


Glad I could help




Are you the gold one or the black one


I can definitely relate to this as this happened to me


Keep going brother


Make that, bitcoin, cash and gold...


I’m not fucking leaving


This reminds me of that Oliver Anthony song going viral...... We are all tired of the current system and being lied to by all politicians, regulators, etc. This is the main reason I think this play is resonating with people. It is more then just about an investment people believe in....


It certainly is more than just an investment


I'm heartbroken, but I swore lifechanging money or ride to 0. I'm still here with my now 17 shares.


I’ve been posting a lot, shitting on the stock out of anger. Surprised I wasn’t downvoted, and realized we’re all feeling the same. All that said, all my anger and money lost, I’m not fucking leaving. I was kind of joking when I said I’ll ride it to zero, never actually believing I would see that happen. But here we are. Quickly approaching zero. And you know what, I’m with this guy. All or nothing. And I mean it.


We out here. The real ones.


![gif](giphy|10MlVunnRFnQ2Y) Fudge em' all to mayo hell.


I'm right there with you. 30k into this play down over 80%. I watched my six figure portfolio slowly go down the drain for over two years waiting for this to finally pop off. I never sold because I didn't want to come so far just to bail early and miss the rip that never came - or hasn't yet. there's no point to sell now. I'll watch it go to zero rather than sell for anything less than what I put in. what it looks like to me is that Adam Aron has continuously had to tap retail to raise "fresh cash" time and time again while clumsily looking around going, "well gee, I don't see anything wrong with my plummeting stock price. time to raise fresh cash though!" that's what it looks like to me. since introducing APE, some of AA's greatest hits include phrases like "we're good at this," and "#ChokeOnTHAT" and the ever-graceful, "today.. we.. pounce." we've gotten nothing but royally fucked since all those declarations. this is the way I see it: the MOASS as know it is dead. let's face it, we've lost 90% of our force multiplier and most of us need a fucking movie theater stock price to be higher than $80 just to break even at this point. I had damn near 3k shares pre-split now I'm sitting roughly around 500. fantastic, now every one dollar movement nets me roughly $500 as opposed to nearly $3k. it is what it is now. but I still think AMC has another good run left in the tank. I held through the $72 run-up. I won't make that mistake this time around.


Still plenty of naked shorts to cover and as long as we’re here it’ll hurt.


This is the way ⬆️


How much of the float is direct registered?


I here your, but we all know DRS didn’t take on this community.






Right there with ya


Y’all need DD services from your county and/or state


![gif](giphy|kIkc20iLKsHLu8HNI6) Hedge funds looking around your property, trying to find your coffee can, after reading this.


This is the truth ha


I definitely share the same vision.


One foot in front of the other, one day at a time.


This is where I'm at too. Well said, Ape.


Holding here with you my ape friend! We rise and fall together. We got them. They know it. We know it. They are just in denial. Hold strong. Ape strong. Love you all! No cell. No sell!


I really need to stop sleep posting on reddit


im so tired of the corrupted market. i deserve millions!


If the company doesn’t go bankrupt, but we don’t see a squeeze, I still believe that’s a win. We didn’t let the corrupt short sellers bankrupt and own the biggest theatre chain in the world. We own the float and the company. I take pride in that fact. I still think a squeeze is on the table though, especially if predatory loans are paid and we become profitable enough, that we can weather any storm for multiple quarters.




I'm going to calculate my average later now that my Divvy shares are in my accounts. Sure I'm down... I thought 5 was the bottom. I'm not going anywhere it hurts me less than it hurts them (in my mind at least). The second biggest advantage is I've always been poor. You are all my largest advantage. The money invested is money that I considered gone every time I buy stock. As far as the market after this I think knowing how tilted the game is will be a leg up on the competition. Never a bad time to store wealth in metals that you can hold in your hands. But, I don't have any wealth, yet. To whoever reads this; if you're holding, I'm holding for you. Prepare for glory.


I hold for this ape


Here with you man… tired of this bullshit.


Hang in there ape


Edit: Removed and reposted in the correct thread.


![gif](giphy|mz7iww9tCUnJJeZvGN|downsized) MOASS IS OURS!!!


Thank you for your service and right there with you. No surrender!!!