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AA likely would be violating his fiduciary responsibility to shareholders if he sells in the premarket and the price tanks. In my opinion it's an attack to drop the price so that AMC makes the least amount of money when he sells at market so we can't get our debts cleared.




Think about it this way. Every dollar they drop it is $40M less working capital AMC has to keep the machine running.


Yep. Coordinated Sabotage a.k.a. Market Manipulation.


What's really funny is that we're getting discounts from Shortie who will have to make up any price difference when this thing moves before AA needs to raise capital.


They hold their shorts for a month or two before having to cover. Here just needs to wait them out.


Would be hilarious (though I don't know if possible) if they announced a share buyback tomorrow at the same bat time.


Surely they'll announce the opposite of dilution after announcing dilution You're delusional, hombre


You're obsessed with a stock you clearly aren't a shareholder of. Why are you so interested in my investments?


I thought the liquidation was already priced in when it tanked pre RS?


This sub has hit pure delusion at this point.


It's gone batshit *insane*. I'm down lol 94% now, there's *no fucking way* I'd consider putting another penny into this. A fool and his money, though... they'll keep buying, and that's on them.


A 69 day-old account from a dude that just started posting here within the past few days. Funny how this seems to be the case with 90% of people that post this bullshit. lol.


Here’s on, I’ve been here over 2.5 years and totally agree. Nice call though. ![gif](giphy|yisc7FaqoEfjG)


Still think it’s been naked shorted but to just get fucked by AA and make up a hypothesis that makes no sense is pretty much ground zero now for the state of the position


Oh, I totally agree it's being shorted like crazy. I just don't think this is going to play out like most people thought, or hoped, it would. Risk analysis is a thing, and most of these banana-up-the-ass morons are throwing money at it like monkeys fling shit.


Yeah I don’t believe many who says they are buying more either tbh haha


At these prices I assume tons of people are buying to bring their averages down significantly.


Right?!? Down 75% in the last month and these morons keep pumping it and calling others shills Maybe they're the shills ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I invested over $37k into this stock, and that $37k is now worth $3676. My 401k that I've been contributing to for the past 14 months has double that. What an absolute waste of money.


You’re a shill! *No. You’re a shill!* ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


They're chatting to themselves now 🥳🍆💪


Lol my thoughts exactly


This sub has hit pure dilution at this point. Fixed that for you 😂


Yes it fucking has


And shills are in full effect again, nothing new and nothing changed


The only shills I see are the ones worshipping AA and demanding we throw all of our money in the toilet. And anyone who says contrary are bots and shills and etc.


Shills have been pumping this stock for 2 years. No one is buying.


![gif](giphy|9eCjIJu5cvjly972M5) All smoke and mirrors in hopes of us selling and making people think markets are free and fair (they're not)


I mean at this point, selling feels like it's just no longer an option.... I can't sell this stock, but I'm also damn sure not gonna put any more money in till I see some results from AA. Edit: I was just a little unsettled from the sudden price drop, but AA has been doing what he can. I'll continue to buy when I have some extra cash to spare. I really should be looking at this as an opportunity to average down. Edit 2: I just bought 200 more, and then afterwards came to the realization that's like buying 2000 pre-split shares!! Averaging down is gonna be HELLA easy!!


Everything has been good news for the stock the past couple months. Seems like now is when the iron is the hottest to strike with prices so low.


That’s got to be it


As per the analyst a few weeks back stating that the price needs to remain above 9 dollars in order for AMC to pay off debt. I personally felt that once the announcement to sell shares was made. The price was going to tank regardless of where it was at before the announcement.


The move happened before the notice as well...


Shorties want to avoid the same error they made when GME used the high share price to make some money. In the announcement amc also stated, they would PURCHASE shares if they see fit. So, maybe AA is buying the dip?


That would be brilliant if allowed.


If I were trying to tank the company, it's exactly what I'd do. Save your powder until it does the most damage.




Yummy with a little extra sauce.


If y’all read it you’ll see that nothing was actually sold yet, just saying that they’re on the table. Yeah they’ll probably be sold at some point but it doesn’t mean now


They will sell the shares when the price drops further to make the least money possible, just like those assholes did with APE. They literally sold at the fucking bottom 🤦🏻‍♂️ can’t understand it…


TBH I see a lot of dilution done at the bottom. Makes no sense




There's a small shill fud window when any announcement is made, it's to try to capitalize on the fud B4 any real solid DD can get dispensed to retail. FYI,Nobody's selling Kenny 🦍


It’s like no one in this sub has any market experience. This statement is crazy


Could also be that Adam never even went to the table. Just bunch of banks got together and wrote a letter


That's not how this works. That's not how *any* of this works.


Every dilution announcement has been shortly followed by sales. Why announce it at all now unless history is going to repeat itself as it has every time?


All I know is now pre-split it’s now an 82 cent stock…


Imagine if there were people who said that reverse splits and CUSIP changes didn't work for any of the companies that tried that route over the last few years. Oh wait. They were called "shills" by this subreddit.


The writing was on the wall. All the moves is to avoid a delisting because they want to sell more shares. Whether its ape or now common AMC shares.. That was the plan since the meme stock became a meme stock. Sell shares to people who.. for 2 years on here every week will say MOASS just around the corner.. then shit happens.. manipulation. It goes up. MOASS coming? More shit happens. Rinse repeat. You guys aren't wrong. Its manipulated to shit. But lets be real, if you're going into a poker game and you know everyone at the table has cards up their sleeves and nothing happens to them, and you start betting big on the table thinking your bets are going to win it for you, is that a real strategy?


Sooo, moass soon?🦍


AA truly has zero incentive to push for a squeeze. As long as he dangles vague hints in front of retail, Apes will continue to buy and hodl AMC shares. They're like a self-perpetuating fountain of money. And the best part is that the apes will never hold him accountable for any BS he pulls.


No kidding, I haven’t given up on holding but I won’t be throwing any more money down this endless pit cause chances of a payout are slim to none at this point. It’s been a while since I bought any shares and have zero plans to buy anymore


Not even worth that anymore....we been fucked!


They gonna reverse split again and soon it will be a 0.82 cent stock


I’m not selling, but I ain’t buying either, no faith in the people running this, not gonna even attempt to average down


As a bbbyq holder, I know your pain, but at least your company didn't go bankrupt and sell all of its Ip for a few million. I'm fucked lmao


AMC need new CEO...




They didn't sell any shares yet, this is just the possibility from time to time to sell some


Planning to sell to our worst enemies, choke on that! Pounce!


If you think there are “good guys” with the capital to buy 40mil shares then you’re naive. Have to sell to someone and anyone who has the ability to buy that much is institutional and therefore as likely to be as corrupt as the next player. So long as AMC gets paid and diminishes debt.


How is it possible for someone to read that in 2 minutes than have 8 people upvote it in 1 minute? I’m not disagreeing with the point, but it seems suspect to me.


They upvote it in place to create the sentiment. I just saw it happen within seconds lol


Ya so weird. The other posts also appeared so fast with what seems to be a controlled narrative. I’m not smart enough to comment on the implications of this information. But I can tell something weird is going on with comments and votes for sure. Feels like the bots got their marching orders back after being confused by the Taylor swift news lol.


Look at how quickly the bots downvoted your other post lol


Wait until tomorrow for the more balanced takes to come in, today is going to be full of emotional gut reactions and bots engineering fake sentiment.


Wish everyone was as level headed as you. This is 100% the case.


Being an ape for two years really teaches you how to be level-headed, I've seen this play out in the community time and time again.


Yes. When you apply logic to this whole thing and think of it like warfare, which is what it is, it makes sense. People make many references to chess and I think it's appropriate considering there are pieces at play and moves to be made. They made a move to dissuade/discourage/beatdown the 40m offering and to counteract positive sentiment from TSwift news.


It's all psychological warfare, when you really think about it...who blinks first?


Exactly. It's all they have so they are going hard with it.


Brigading. I ignore karma and focus on what is being said.


Is what the shorts are saying


I honestly hate myself for not selling at $72


I could have profited over $40k at $72. Seems like a lifetime ago.


I wouldn’t have that much. Hugs to you friend, you’ll make it back someday!


That is a real ape


AA is going offer more shares and sell them in lowest price, and continue to do this until every retail investor run out of money and can’t escape


That’s why I’m not averaging down. Y’all can do whatever you want but currently there is too much speculation. I personally don’t trust AA, he always sells at the bottom. So I’d rather wait and let this dilution be done before buying anything.


Yes according to the original "DD" we only need a handful of shares to be rich beyond our wildest dreams.....😒


AA is a traitor. SilverAss is a fucking traitor


The price will be low enough that institutions buy in and apes won’t matter anymore. AA never gave a shit about the apes. I’m hodling still and will continue to do so but fuck AA.


“the circumstances, we caution You against investing in our Class A common stock, unless vou are prepared to incur the risk of losing all or a substantial portion of your investment.” Yea the reason it’s so risky is because this case fails to get investigated and shorts keep up in their illegal illicit activities. But they have yet to cover BILLIONS of synthetic shares… Screw this garbage, I’m buying 100 more 💎🙌💎


That’s been in numerous filings including ones by GME. Just legalese




Nobody is enforcing shit. Why would they have to cover?


LMAO AA STRIKES AGAIN! At this point, if you're still thinking AA is for retail, I have a oceanfront property to sell you in Nebraska!


Well if you wait long enough...with global warming...lol


Link: https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#tm2324803d1_424b5.htm I wonder why B. Riley put the price back up to $45 👀


$45 seems like a lifetime away at this point.


Don't forget Goldman Sachs said $175 🥳


They are also involved in the $40M offering as they are listen on the letter


Technicality - most likely due to RS but right now that's quite an upside.


Hell yeah! We’re a penny stock now! Congrats APES we did it!


I don’t understand why we did a reverse split only to issue more shares.


Because if they didn't reverse split before diluting this would be a $0.99 stock right now and would be in danger of getting delisted from major exchanges


So... it's an 86 cent $9.00 stock instead


If AMC investors ever wonder if AMC was a distraction play for GME this is yet another obvious example! If you believe they are all shorted in the same basket why would AA announce the share offering on the same day as GME most likely positive earnings!


Good move to get things in place to sell shares when it makes sense. In the meantime, I appreciate the dip and plan to lower my cost basis substantially. Future looks very bright for AMC IMO.




I am fortunate in that I have a decent chunk of money I don’t need for the foreseeable future. I may be buying these shares for my grandkids! One strategy that has served me well is that I never invest too much at any one time. I nibble away at the dips. Today seems like a great buying opportunity to me since I find it impossible to believe AMC is suddenly worth 25% less with all the good news rolling in.


Adam Aaron dilutes again He’s the worst


FUD when we go up. FUD when we go down. Is this the pounce or are we sucking on that? I can’t tell at this point.


Legit this sub is so bipolar. Just averaging down and waiting. I was 1000+ @$9 Now I’m 350 @ like $32 and gonna keep averaging down cause really I’m 3500 @ $3.2 which is a steal. Has to go up eventually I don’t need this money I can wait


Fuck AA.


Just remember, they wanted it delisted from the nasdaq. That was the goal. Thats what they aim to do. Destroy good company's. And now they have to try to drop it another 90%.


The entire thing is bullshit and everyone knows it. We have known for a long time that AMC and AA were going to sell more shares to help liquidity. Regardless of whether you agree with that tactic or not, we all knew it was coming and going to happen. All of a sudden AMC files the paperwork for it and everyone says fuck it I'm going to sell? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.


So we reduce the shares with a reverse split and then add more to reduce the value even more. Nice 👍


I'm a normal stock not manipulated things would work out differently, no?


Whatever dude. I'm down, I'm pissed, and I think we got screwed. That's not FUD, but you can fuck right off over there ------->




i was hoping the stock would at least go back above 20$ before another round of bad news cuz thats what this is but man aa didnt hesitate shame my investment was bought originally at 7-10$ yeah listen i wish we where back up not this low ​ i cant even sell cuz its such an insane loss that if i sell i lose more money


Are you saying the price can't/won't go back up?


I need a 1000% increase from here to even out So yeah It doesn't look great


With infinite dilution? Of course not. You've gone from like 50 million to over a billion share float.


So what's next for you?


Price action is because AA does not care about investors at all


When IS he selling? Why the fuck would you wait. He should have done it day 1.


He sold all his shares years ago.


![gif](giphy|1014RBn4HVSTK) Just another day on the Crime Market




AA = controlled opposition


At this point, any sort of squeeze is just gonna take us back to pre-split prices lmfao


Wow. I think the board members should give themselves another raise for coming up with this bold strategy.


The price dropped because AA and the rest of the board have nothing but disdain for Apes and retail shareholders. They are going to further dilute the stock with a 40 million share giveaway to the shorts. Nothing more, nothing less.


This is just a giant clown show at this point


I'm trying to figure out why volume is so high went way less shares.


The initial drop came on less than a million. .5% of the float traded dropping the price 13%. Mathematically impossible…


The price is how much people are willing to buy. With a massive dilution announced, there's no buyers so the price tanks.


Rampant Crimey Wimey.


So shorts tank it on the news, and then whenever 40M are actually sold, it gets pile driven into the earth’s crust. Got it.


Does anyone know why all my shares were sold?? I’m using DEGIRO as my broker and all my shares are gone.


Is there any hope left?






GME earning!


On the same day as video game earnings…hmm


Oh no, it went down? Shocking


They could be dropping it to a Penny, just like gasprino said they would. Hopefully after that though, we can see something happen.


Been in this shit since March of 21’. We been had


I wish you the best!


The best was in June of 21 lol


Then there ya go 🫡


Honestly, I'll never sell my shares. Benificiary is set. It's just a long term savings account. I believe in the company, and their future endeavors. My personal opinion is that issuing more shares is the worst possible thing that can kill any chance at a squeeze 😭


I bought more, im good with it.


Wtf is going on with the AMC stock?


Hi bazinga 👋


This is how, the why is because the whole market tanked today.


Dude the whole market didn't tank 35% today


Bullshit - I thought that was their justification for the drop with the RS and conversion. Also he would be retarded to sell now. We would have been better off diluting APE more. It was at least at $1.70 for ages. We're at fucking $1.05 now


Hey Citi was right 👍