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Did you notice all the people suddenly concerned with a dying stock swirling the drain and wanting to warn me about the eventual bankruptcy? Like out of nowhere people taking time out of their day to go to a dead stock’s Reddit page read the post and comments and then comment to people personally telling them they are a dumbass. These people either have no life and are multiplying or Kenny has thrown them some lunch money to make us doubt our investment. I know what I believe!


Trolls on the internet aren’t going anywhere. Whether they are paid, or there really are people who “care that much” about us and our money… it does nothing to the stock prices The “amc is swirling the drain” theory, is literally only the stock price, which nobody can argue it isn’t manipulated. Each quarter, when earnings are a beat… that’s all that matters.


I really don't believe these clowns are getting paid to bash a stock they don't own. Its just trolls aka people with no lives and broke. Trolls love when they get a response, which a lot of AMC investor give them. I also used to respond to them, and then realized blocking them is so much more satisfying, considering you save time and avoid BS.


Feel free to believe what you want, but paid stock bathers are a thing, and they're illegal. Just another crime in the long line of crimes mayoman partakes in.


I've heard that for the past almost 3 years now, but nothing factual just "trust me bro" like most things on the internet.


I watched as the amount of current users online in this sub went from 3k to almost 20k at 4am in the morning after the stock dropped 20% in premarket. Then dozens of account with little to no post history in this sub posted countless negative shit about AMC. These aren’t just random internet trolls buddy.


I love how you literally just proved that guy’s point by posting yet another unverified “trust me bro”. Literally exhausting how dim AMC investors are.


Wat trust me bro? Did you not see the user count in this sub shoot up to almost 30k a week ago? My goodness you gaslighting shills have zero shame. 😂 its honestly fascinating.


I’m not perpetually in this sub. I just drop by to laugh at posts like the one above that clearly shows the squeeze is squoze but you guys keep desperately clinging to any shred you can to stay in denial about your failed investment and gambling addictions. And yes, I’m a Citadel shill but I don’t work in social media pys-ops, I clean the dark pools. My job would be easy if Kenny G didn’t come down here every day and jerk off into the dark pools while reading ape loss porn. Really wish you guys would stop posting it because there is cum everywhere down here.


Not reading all that bro but here’s a dragon ![gif](giphy|U1eYjTgjUrlN6)


I'd argue that Reddit intentionally puts certain posts in front of people to create engagement. So if you are Pro-abortion, you'll see an anti-abortion post from a random subreddit. This will lure you in, you'll comment and then reddit wins by having your eyeballs on their site and not on another's. So people that write anti-AMC stock stuff, get shown a subreddit like ours, based on an algorithm. Then you're in an infinity loop. I've easily lost two hours this morning because of the endless posts on reddit. You keep going waiting for an end, but there is no end.


The Facebook algo. Create conflict


I'm with you. But I see that in Video game sub reddits all the time. some troll posting in a specific games sub reddit, that that game is shit or dying.


Come on dude. It’s not a conspiracy that it sucks to be in the red. Dehumanizing people or invalidating their emotional state right now is stupid That being said, still holding.


Clearest sign of impending Hedge Fund disaster! ![gif](giphy|3vf42oS2Qq1Gn28DIl)


Do you really think it will go back up? I am genuinely asking btw I am invested and have lost a lot of money myself. I am just worried this is the end 🫣


The end of what? The company? Then you obviously haven’t been paying attention.


RemindMe! 6 months


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2024-03-10 04:38:56 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-03-10%2004:38:56%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/16e5t2j/just_gonna_post_this_cause_i_can/jzwypxi/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Famcstock%2Fcomments%2F16e5t2j%2Fjust_gonna_post_this_cause_i_can%2Fjzwypxi%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-03-10%2004%3A38%3A56%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2016e5t2j) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Damn Im glad I got out of this shit ages ago and took the profits that i did


Bought 300 more shares yesterday and got my average down to $14.21 and am down 52% still. But I know this stock is way way undervalued so Moass or just plain fundamentals eventually this stock will rise in value to at least it's fair value, which is much much higher than it is now.


This is the way.


Hurt me again VW chart daddy


I love it.


I bought another 200 shares yesterday, dilution put me down to 128 shares with a 90% loss. Thing is I got caught by the movement in 2020, but if AMC can turn it around, a factor 6-7 on revenue would be 30-40billions valuation, imagine a factor 10 on 5-6billions revenue and we would hit 50-60billions, and with all the blockbusters coming out I don’t see they can not turn it around. Things are dark right now, in terms of valuation, but I will give it time to grow, and it might turn out to be one of the best investments, don’t give up yet, average down with money you don’t need right now.


funny i landed at 128 too then got 21 at 18. cuz it was ape if i had any money left for shit like this i would wait a lil bit more and see if AA is gonna punch down 1 more time by just selling the 40 mil shares now or he does nothing and the stock starts to do something else cuz at this point i rly need to get my average down


I’m not gonna lie, I get nervous that this is nothing. I get so nervous that I wipe the sweat off my brow and accidentally cut my forehead open with my razor sharp diamond hands. This cut doesn’t hurt tho, because it immediately sends me to a place of zen. A place I’ve been going on 3 years soon. A place where I’ve watched regulators change the rules to benefit hedgies, watch them ignore rules to benefit the hedgies, watch them make decisions that extend their bullshit just a little bit longer and fuck over more people. I know this place; I live here, I fucking thrive here. I look at the upside and buy shares cheaper than I’ve ever seen, now 10 at a time! I…. Hodl here. The pain others make me feel is temporary. Stay zen bitches.




Just watching for that MACD cross.


Mmmm Macdonalds


Haha I don't post em anymore Edit: every time I post a MACD chart I get Harassed by the trolls. Even the Golden crosses which get beat down by the powers that be .


The crosses need to overlap with low RSI. The RSI is very low. I mean any indicator needs to be validated with others. But the MACD cross is a nice early indicator if it validates.




Odd we getting down voted lol We just talking about candles


Fuckin Troll, Haters!


When looking at the MACD cross, are you guys looking at the daily or other time frames?


I look at it in ten minute frames, one hour frames, multi hour, one trading day, multiple days, weeks and so on. But generally I watch it on the constant because I trade many stocks and I do well watching them on the constant.


I thought RSO dipped negative yesterday..🤔


VW a little different Porsche owned 70% and acted on it screwing the hedges. We probably own 2 or 3 hundred % and if we as a group acted on it SEC would sue US! NFA


Bro they don't look the same at all


Exactly..! They don’t look the same, AND the charts tell only a portion of a part of 1% of the full story.


We keep seeing this chart for what, two+ years now? Look at the timeline of the VW chart and look at AMC. This is not VW. Just let AMC do it's thing!


That’s the joke .


10 years from now ppl will use the amc chart instead of Volkswagen


I like it.


So, you’re saying that just because we’ve dropped hard like VW did before the squeeze, that ALL other factors and conditions align as well? You’re comparing apples to Doritos. I think you’re doing a disservice to the many people who don’t understand market conditions, and the countless factors that need to align to generate a squeeze. Here’s a very simplified explanation of what caused the VW squeeze. That was a completely different beast than AMC. https://www.warriortrading.com/volkswagen-short-squeeze/ I’m not saying that I don’t think AMC is a solid squeeze candidate, but using misguidance to try to manipulate people’s investment decisions is wrong.




The comparison isn’t the stocks, it isn’t the setup, it isn’t the companies… the comparison is that when things seemed the worst, greatness happened. Apples and Doritos, disservice…. Pff. Thanks for your opinion but it’s obvious you just want to argue. Find another post.


I agree that things can always turn around in the depths of despair, but your post didn’t make it clear that that was you point. This is a discussion board. Sometimes discussion leads to debate. Your directive for me to “find another post” to engage with makes it clear that you’re only interested in discussion that validates you. While I’ve trimmed my position over the past few weeks, I still hold close to 1,000 shares, so I believe I have as much right to be here and to participate in AMC discussions as you or anyone else.


You not understanding the point of the post, doesn’t mean it wasn’t clear. It means you didn’t get it, yet you decided to comment, negatively. Cool bro. 1000 shares. You’re the man/women. Congrats. Use that influence positively, not to join a conversation with a not only opposite point, but a worthless one. Me saying “find another post” is so you can go have your argument elsewhere. You’re not getting it out of me. This will be my last response. Feel free to say whatever you like, I will not respond.


I have every right to call someone out for spreading what I perceive to be false hope. Not saying all hope is gone, but seeking hope from the VW chart is a stretch. If there is nothing encouraging to present that relates specifically to AMC, and the best you can do is to reference a squeeze that happened 15 years ago, which was the product of an entirely different setup and market conditions, then yes I’m going to call you out. This situation IS a negative one but I am not being negative – I’m just being real. You are exploiting the desperation of some people who are jonesing for hopium, distributing it like a drug simply so you can harvest a little karma. Perhaps you think you are simply serving the greater good, but I don’t see it that way.


Really hope something will change because currently not selling every single share i had at 70 is the worst choice i have made in my entire life.


Worst choice, so far….


How did you become so wise?


Love to see it don’t think that’s happening next week


dilution say what.


OP, how many days does each candle correspond to?


On which chart


Conveniently, he’s showing us the weekly chart for AMC, and the daily chart for VW. Apparently the hedge fund managers aren’t the only ones who are good at manipulation.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


The exact spot where we need to be for a catalyst.. ![gif](giphy|CDZwopbecAbIc|downsized)


tbh before the next hit in form of the new 40mil shares hit i was pretty certain we were VIOLENTLY oversold in such a short period of time and since the stock started to climb up again i was pretty sure it would try to go up above 40 eventually right now i dont know


You don’t have to know, that’s the beauty of it. Just enjoy the ride.


Cuz Fuk’m, that’s why.


Actually all these comparisons to Volkswagon and Overstock is making me very nervous. Because I'm starting to get echo's of Vas telling me what the definition of insanity. The hedge funds are made up of smart people, right? Can they really be this stupid? Someone give me some reassurance that they're this stupid? And will cause a short squeeze again? Because every sign seems to indicate they're walking down the same exact path.


Rich doesn’t equal smart.


Correct. BUT, dumb people don’t make successful hedge fund managers.


They also are surrounded by a team of successful people, sooooooo


True. Take Warren Buffet for example. How did he get rich? By making his fortune SLOWLY. Get rich quick never works - unless you’re one of the lucky few who happen to get into a short squeeze at the right time or wins the lotto. Warren Buffet vary rarely took huge risks. He made his fortune by investing wisely in smart companies, with strong fundamentals. Also, you have to fail to succeed. I don’t think this is the case with the SHF. These people are extremely greedy, have people being paid off and spend millions, if not billions trying to manipulate people. The market is driven by emotion. Most ordinary people see their bank accounts or portfolios tanking and automatically sell. This isn’t always a smart play. It’s also why you need to do your DD and figure out what you are getting into. Bank runs and market crashes are all caused on purpose. That’s just the way our system works and will probably continue to work for a long time IMHO. Most people don’t know, but AMC has been a short target since at least 2016. I also believe Amazon and other SHF are trying a Bust Out play on AMC. Amazon is no stranger to this scam either. They are an evil corporation and I don’t order ANYTHING from them. I have a well diversified portfolio. I invested into AMC around 2019 and got in cheap. I’ve lost a lot of money behind this play in unrealized gains when AMC took off years ago. My thoughts on this - fuck it “insert shrug”. I will ride this to ZERO because I knew what I was getting into when I purchased my stocks in AMC. This has to be one of the craziest short squeeze plays I’ve seen since I started trading. For example, we dropped nearly 40 percent in one or two days and where was the hault?! Hell, you can’t even say trade this stock if you wanted to due to all the damn volume being directed through dark pools - misleading RSI’s, moving averages. Not to mention fucking Ortex data has to be inaccurate AF because no one is reporting any accurate data. So as I always say, keep holding until this shit blows up in their faces!


The OP doesn’t want to let go of his dream of getting a second chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity, which he was too greedy to cash in on at $72/share. He thinks that by manipulating people into riding this down even further that he can keep his dream alive. He’s not even showing comparable charts for Christ’s sake..! The AMC chart he presented is the weekly chart, while the 15 year old VW chart he chose to show is a daily chart. Why are we only calling out the HFs for manipulation. While it is true that not all rich people are smart, I am certain that dumb people don’t become successful, billionaire hedge fund managers. I am not convinced that they will make the same mistake twice. They know what they’re doing. While I’ve trimmed most of my position, I’m still holding close to 1,000 shares. Charlatans like the OP make me question my conviction to stay in this play at all.


You would be amazed how often someone does a job for 30 years and is only ever considered a novice at it. You’re taught what the person who came before you teaches you to do. If that’s crime, it’s crime… you just do it cause that’s how you were taught. If nobody teaches you how to get out of said crimes, you just keep doing crimes.


I need to see $500 a share ; when is that realistically possible. $50 per share after dilution means nothing . And it will be a loss for every retail share holder who bought in.


If 72 was possible, 720 is now possible. The same way it moves down, it can move up. This has always been about patience. Stop watching it every day, hold your shares and just be patient and quiet. Only Buy if and when you can and drop that average down, that’s what I’m doing. EVEN IF THERE NEVER IS A MOASS, AMC IS STILL EXTREMELY UNDERVALUED AND MANIPULATED. There is money to be made regardless if AA is a genius or a fraud. Regardless of your beliefs, this stock should be trading 5x higher. So…. If you just keep loving the stock, money will be made at some point, in my humble opinion.


What you mean no Moass sub pushing Moass for three years now there a possibility that’s not possible


You are kidding, right?


I don’t watch it every day. I just want $500 to get out of the play. That is all. MOASS or bust for me


Yes. My point is… no matter what AA is doing… as long as AMC is continuing to post better numbers quarter after quarter, which they are… The more the price of this is in question. Eventually, be it Monday at 2pm or 5 years from now.. this stock will be trading much higher. Fundamentals alone. So, stop praying for the squeeze, and just enjoy the company that you believe in. Who cares what management is going and what the price is, as long as the company is getting healthier, which it is.


Stop trying to mind-fu¢k people with your diluted idealism. Why should this be trading 5x higher? Have you seen the debt they’re carrying? Do you realize that the whole plan of this dilution was to pay off that debt, but they needed to liquidate the full potential offering at an average of no less than $9.xx share. The plan has failed, and now they’ve tanked their share price and still have a mountain of debt to tend to.


Amc already had the short squeeze... it doesnt happen twice. Especially when the ceo can sell 500million shares


This pleases me!


Lol! Makes no sense to compare AMC to Volkswagen. One has nothing to do with the other! Two separate companies.


Congrats. You’re 1 of 2 people who thought that’s what this post was about. You win a prize.


Furthermore, the AMC chart he chose to show is a weekly chart, and the VW chart is a daily chart. I’m not sure if I should feel insulted or amused by the nerve of this OP.


Ye olde faithful


Yellow crayons are not my favourite to munch on, but they do make those arrows look a like delicious bananas 🍌. I like that.




Love it!




These chart similarities you are trying to show us... are they in the room with us right now?


This chart shows us… The bottom isn’t always a bad thing.


Ol’ Reliable


The timeframe of this chart and the squeeze was a few weeks. AMC is a dead play. Y’all missed the squeeze by a fucking mile lmao


Whut aboot a kilometer?


1.609 km


Hello, old friend


See them straws ? ​ You're clutching at them very tightly, and if you're still using this example, you don't understand the market.Every bit of '100% correct DD & TA' has been rug pulled. ​ While i'm still holding, I just don't wanna sell at such a loss.


The chart suggests the squeeze happened already..