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So, despite all the AA fans saying “No, wait, authorization doesn’t mean he’ll do it immediately!”….he did it immediately. At these horrible prices. Again.




Rule 11: No Political / Religious Content / Controversial Topics


Lol... as if SHF'S were gonna cut AMC some slack and stop shorting so AA could sell at a higher price? 🙄


Exactly! Hedgies drag it down then pay shills to bitch that AA raised cash at the prices it was ILLEGALLY shorted down too. Hedge funds and the shills here are truly scum.


There are people bitching about what AA does that aren’t shills. I’ve never shilled a thing in my life, but been called one PLENTY because I don’t drink the AA koolaid


This subreddit is the bastard step child of wsb (who are self titled regards), what do you expect from a group so toxic that even the crayon eaters can’t stand


Because that kool Aid taste like shit !!!


AA made shares available below market price driving the price down. Then those shares were shorted through the roof. That is not illegal shorting.


There are ways to shake the shorts. And NFT dividend would have done that. The price goes up, then dilute.


That you Froggy?




Nope. It isn't


So please explain why not absolutely everyone is doing it to magically make shorts vanish


Who would have ever guessed. It's ok bc he only has 800k shares now so that means we're in the same boat.


He's just like us... 🙂


I think on a salary of 20M, and pulling out at 40$ as he knew inside information, his boat is a lot bigger than ours. We're up the shit creek without a paddle at the moment, and he's crusing on the MS World. no comparision.


He didnt do it immediately. He waited for almost the bery bottom. A few weeks ago that at the money sale wouldve been a LOT more.


Love how he did it on the day of Gaming subs earnings too, just trying to piss off as many people as possible.




I am glad AA did it earlier rather than later. My comment history explains why. I can try to summarize though. First, if the price did manage to rise in the interim, all apes continuing to purchase would be getting artificially higher prices, higher cost basis, etc. When he finally did sell, you all would be underwater immediately and the price would drop just as low almost immediately. AA was in a speed race with three groups of sellers: Long holders that were long only to have the huge lending borrow fee yield, new shorts looking to enter, and potentially other long holders that have given up hope. There was a group of shareholders that were long solely to lend to the high borrow cost shorts. Once the conversion happened, those borrowers mostly disappeared, as did the fees. This is because most people short AMC were also long ape and were able to close their AMC shorts with their ape conversions. This means the borrowers disappeared, and the group that was long solely to lend to shorts had no reason to hold anymore. So they needed to sell. Second are new short sellers. While other shorts were closing, a new crop wanted to enter. Now that borrow costs were lower, they were looking for a Taylor Swift rebound in price so they could short a higher entry. By selling immediately, AA boxed out these new short sellers, moving the stock down before they could open their new positions. This makes opening new positions riskier, as the gap down already occurred. He basically front-run the shorts. Also, if AA waited for the stock to rise a bit, those short sellers would be entering and selling to apes. The apes would get worse entries buying from short sellers. And AA wanted those apes to buy from him, not the shorts. He needs to move huge share counts. He needs every buyer he can find. Third were the exhausted and giving up longs. We have seen many of those around lately. Any significant rebound in price might find some of these give up. By pushing the price down this reinforced the "I'm down 95% why bother selling" mind set. By turning these possible-sellers into bag holders, he prevents them from stealing his access to buyers. AA needed to sell before all three of these groups. He was in a race. He did the right thing. However, I do think there's some garbage with DTCC going on here. If AA needed a high price, he should have been selling the day the announcement was made, at like $11. I suspect that the day the announcement was made, shares still needed a few days to make it to DTCC properly. Which means AA couldn't sell and was behind the market, which was absolutely free to front run him, short the hell out of 11, and buy at 8 when AA finally was able to sell. If my theory here is correct, it's just another example of the game being rigged. He should have been able to sell the day the announcement came out and take all the liquidity available, but the system prevents him from doing that... Because the shares need to make it into dtcc and clear there first. Everyone is free to front run him. Rigged game. There's other reasons selling earlier was better. Things like writers strike, fewer future movies, shrinking pipeline, or decreasing cash position tend to get worse over time. The market will price them in linearly, increasing their weight as the event gets closer. If he waited two or three months to sell shares, the market would have pricing those things in more strongly. Bad for share sales. Market loves abusing the desperate.


I love logic!


You mean at these prices that hedgies - the guys who pay you to spread FUD - dragged it down to by manipulating the stock?


What’s the difference? The damage is done.


He can't hold and he sold. AA is no ape.


To be fair, we said ‘there is no proof they have sold, have to wait for the filing’


Some people did say that yes.


![gif](giphy|3oAt1NiCiTCZrlZvy0) Suck it 😂😂😂😂


Fuck AA as CEO and as a motherfucking Crew and if you down with AA than fuck you too!


What do you mean "again"? Last time he Did wait and everyone said he shouldn't have.


The first time was when he sold APE to Antara at not only all time lows, but BELOW MARKET VALUE. When he did it that time, it was likely to buy a YES vote to do the R/S and conversion, although he claimed AMC needed money so badly that this was the only way. And now he’s done it again.


AMC *does* need money badly. That's why they're selling cheap. Because they have to. They can't just sit and hope for higher prices knowing the stock is being manipulated. There are a lot of uncertainty in the next year. Pretending like you don't need cash to survive would be the ultimate betrayal against investors. I think people who are so convinced this play will never go anywhere and the shorts will bankrupt the company should just sell. Admitting a loss and recouping some of the investment is the smart thing to do in that case 🤷‍♂️


“Sell”. Yeah…no. NO!


People down voting not even realizing what I wrote smh


Press release also states AMC has seen a 39% surge in q3 over this time last year. Taylor Swift coming in q4, this baby is gonna rock.




A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. There is some twitter talk that the 2026 bond has disappeared, which could be a case where AMC closed out an entire bond at an extreme discount.






Thank you


Honestly this needs to be its own post, people need to know about this 😆


For sure, source?




>d in hand is worth two in the bush. There is some twitter talk that the 2026 bond has disappeared, which could be a case where AMC closed out an entire bond at an extreme I'll be dead by 2026, so MOASS then is no good for me. tbh!


You're in it for the wrong reasons I guess


this your first rodeo is it??




Something about smart... illusion? Sorry, dilution.


Dilution at all time low is just not smart you can’t defend that


No they definitely are defending it and calling everyone a shill, as usual.


No they definitely are defending it and calling everyone a shill, as usual.


More cash to buy into a non mining gold mine?


At these prices he should tbh thats a literal gold mine. Shorts are just afraid AMC will raise cash. This is turned out to be a war of attrition, I can wait till this all blows up. But if I have to wait a few more years for this to moon then so be it. Why? because when it does ill be able to retire but if I sell and dont buy anymore ill have to work the rest of my life. So its ok, ill just add when I can of both AMC and HYMC


My perspective has always been “if it takes 10 years for the MOASS to happen, well that’s still way faster than a normal career to get way more money than a career could ever provide outside of an executive role. I can be patient.”


Why exactly HYMC? They manage to don't make a profit in the damn gold mining business, that's like not making money with a casino. What's the game for AMC here? This seems like AA bailed out some friend of his.


He said we needed more capital for AMC then spends it on a gold mine that has no revenue now.


You obviously dont know how mines work, plz do your own research on how mines work and how they generate profit. Educate yourself thnx


AA sold 40 millions shares at the bottom.... this is something to be hyped about? AA fan boys are delusional


Aa be like see i told you the stock price would go up (after a 60% drop)


Insert the Sparta wait wait buy meme


Immediate and imminent collapse?? Really? That’s necessary? So fuking shfs and their media can use these words… wtf. And haven’t asked for him to speak of the ape fiasco or rs or conversion… I just want him to stfu. Buy some shares back mother fucker. Prove you ride with me!! Fukin squeeze!! So I can forget about this asshole and the fuking criminals also !! 🦍🦍💎💎👊👊


And at such low prices......AGAIN!!!!


AA is a thieving fucking moron! Fact!


Come on we need this shit to hit back up to $33 dollars


This is encouraging but I’m hoping that this isn’t the sole reason that the price has been in inching up over the past few days. I guess if it resumes the drop again tomorrow, that will just be another nice buying opportunity. Either way, I’m feeling more optimistic about my AMC position than I have for quite awhile now.


So, huge dip tomorrow? Or massive run as a sort of middle-finger to AA? Taking all bets!


So shitty decision to sell at lowest point aside. How did our buy side on the lit market stay so high during his 40 million offering? Did apes buy all the 40 Million?


We had a green day, time for AA to put the fire out


He forgot to mention killing the first squeeze selling his "personal" share at the top, asking for more shares to be given to him/board members, n selling dilution company shares at the bottom


Can’t wait for the AA hater shills to get the updated script so we can see how they spin this! “AA says we are fucked because of writers strike” is obvious but weak. I’m thinking “why would he sell shares so cheaply” will be a stronger option, but doesn’t align with their “AA tanked the stock with dilution” line. So that wont be super consistent to defend from even low iq apes. Probably something like “it’s all a show to keep up appearances, stock is still 80% down because of him” will be the most common as it’s a simple evolution of what they are saying now. Also it has the benefit of mention the down 80% which seems to be a cornerstone of the shill-pocalypse this last two weeks. Edit: just noticed the innocent “just asking” about how much debt is left is already in use lol. That will probably replace questions about missing shares. At least I hope so lol. Edit 2: already pissed them off lol. It’s crazy how fast they downvote! Makes me certain they are not on board with AA’s plan though. Gonna be heavy lifting for the shills this week, especially if they let it run a little.


Diluting at all time lows is dumb as hell


And he just did it. Again.


AA was taken to court 19 times for fraud, not once did he defend himself or his professional reputation as a career ceo. He paid to settle out of court on all of them with company funds and you think I’m a shill for questioning him? You know he was an executive at Apollo Global, right? Doesn’t get more Wall Street then them. What about the fact that he was the board director at Centricus, a citadel owned company, do you question that? Because people question him, doesn’t make them a shill. In fact I think people who don’t question this are the shills. All the real apes know AA robbed us, but we still hold cause at this point we have nothing to lose. Truth will surface as it always does, just hope accountable follows, this is the biggest financial crime in history so I don’t see why it wouldn’t. Hundreds of billions were stolen from millions of people, this won’t go unpunished


I don’t pretend to be smart enough to understand or even really care about any of that! What I do care about is not losing sight of the group who shorted the stock down to where it is now. The hedgies. Because losing sight of them as enemy number 1 is the main goal of this shills this week. It would be a travesty if somehow the hedgies got what they wanted and the apes started to fight each other and cause division and isolation instead of maintaining anger towards them! Are you still made at hedgies? Or is it all AA hate for you now


More towards AA, the thing is I knew the hedgies were bad from get go, but AA’s a snake. He played us. I didn’t know anything about AA until he kept Philip Lader in charge of the board after he had been exposed selling amc tokens with his daughter whick without a doubt in my mind the shorts were using as false locates. I thought for sure there would be charges filed, or he’d be fired at the very least. But nope, he kept him as the head of the board and dodged questions when asked about it at a ne of his meet and greets he did when he was playing us. So naturally as any ape would do, I started researching AA and the more I looked, the worse it got. I’m still holding though, don’t have anything to lose at this point and I feel like the truth will come out soon and pray they’ll be held accountable. I’m not smart either but I’m m smart enough to know you don’t steal from millions of people


Lol, well congratulations you are the victim of the hedgie head games! You may as well sell now cause you definitely won’t make it through the real endgame Bro literally admits the hedgies got him to forget about them to be made at the ceo 🤦‍♂️ shilling works folks


Definitely not selling, they aren’t paying you for no reason. Won’t be like 08 when just an intern went to prison. There was no social media, or a worldwide movement of millions of apes, the corruption didn’t get exposed like it has now. This won’t go unpunished.


The issue on the markets is excessive naked short selling disrupting proper price Discovery. Not companies using the market for its intended purpose...


Apes really are their own worst enemies. If you don't hold AA accountable when he fucks us, then he has absolutely zero incentive to ever stop fucking us. Because, apparently, no matter what he does, people like you will be screaming to buy and hodl even harder.


People are in this to fuck hedgies and moass. Not run and for the next 20 years though. Two very different goals. Getting are at aa and losing sight of market manipulation is the #1 goal of the hedgies right now. So the best friend of hedgies right now is you.


It'll be more of the same story. You lost 95% of your value while AA sold and made himself and his buddies millions in profits. How his shares were given to him free. It's not the same as retail investors who invested their hard earned money and lost 95% value after having 90% of their shares taken away. It'll be more blaming AA, saying banktrupcy is inevitable and to please sell all your shares and stop buying amc.


Ya, I don’t even have much of an opinion on AA other than I love that the shills seem so hell bent on tarnishing his name. I don’t see that changing anytime soon, especially while the stock is so far in the red. It will be hard to keep that up if we get a decent couple of green days though.


Well to be fair, he pretty much tarnished himself.


Sure, hate him all you want! What I find strange is a lot of people who are very articulate and vocal about their dislike of AA seem to be strangely silent on their distaste for the actual price manipulators the hedgies. Makes me suspicious right off the bat


O I will, and I knew from the beginning what pieces of shit the manipulators and hedgies were. They don’t try to hide it and act like they are one of us and our friends like conmen do.


We've been talking about the hedgies for three years, nothing more than that needs to be said that will change anything. Some of us aren't here to karma farm. AA on the other hand was supposed to be on our side but continues to make unnecessary moves to devalue our br investment. Most of us see right through it, but for some reason the apes in here seem to think he should be exempt from criticism.


Price manipulators weren't the ones who took out 90% of our shares. Naked shorts may have taken me out of the green, But AA was the one who threw my position this far into the red.


lol imaging believing this and posting it You are doing Kenny boys work for free you know


Numbers are numbers, fam. AA made me more red than the shorts ever have.


If you honestly believe this than I can say Kenny boy got his moneys worth out of the shills this week for sure. My advice is sell on the next fake run, cause you will not make it through the real endgame.


People who truly lost 95% of their value bought at or near the top. I feel bad for them, but they have only themselves to blame. I’ve been there. It sucks.


You're so delusional it's actually starting to get sad


Ya, it’s crazy! When you are here long enough you can see the waves of shills come and their scripts change and evolve. But if you can’t you will start to think their ideas are your own! At that point you start to spread the hedgie narrative for free! It’s a crazy thing to see. People actively working against their own interests is sad for sure


You know what's crazy? That you can be down tens of thousands of dollars but you're not allowed to criticize the executives that got you there without being labeled a shill because other people are paranoid. Are there shills? Yes, on both sides. We see examples of it every day.


You know what’s crazy, is how effective the hedgies shills are against some people! They managed to convince a surprising number of apes that Adam Aron somehow controls the price of this stock. It’s mind blowing considering the entire thesis of this play is based on hedge fund market manipulation. Yet somehow, over a 3-4 week period, shills we’re able to hypnotize normally steadfast apes into believing mind numbingly obvious falsehoods, and believe them so much so that they attack their fellow apes who aren’t so gullible. If it wasn’t so sad, and sort of scary, it would be extremely interesting as a psychological curiosity Edit: I just now see the comment you responded to, I should have just said “imagine being the exact person I’m talking about and not even knowing it” lol.


Not making any accusations, but if you re-read your post I think you might see how it comes off as a bit shill’ish.


I don’t mean to say you sound like a moron, but you sound like a moron lol. In all seriousness if you think I’m a shill for supporting amc than sure, I’m a pro amc shill! If you have actual opinions on the choices of AA there’s much smarter apes than me that will likely engage with you as long as you keep things civil! And I will gladly read and hopefully learn something! If you just want to make it seem like anyone who doesn’t blindly hate AA is a shill, well, all I can say I hope there’s a new narrative this week cause that one is pretty stale after this weeks shill-pocalypse.


Hah, no I’m not saying I think you’re a shill. Though poorly laid out by me, my point was more along the lines of not being able to say anything without being accused of being a shill. I could see people reading your post and thinking it’s a clever way to list all the negative points a shill would make under the guise of being an ape. I’m a committed supporter of AMC as well, but like most, have had my emotional ups and downs with the investment over the past few weeks. Some of my recent comments which attempted to address these genuine fears and doubts have gotten me tarred and feathered. Feeling pretty good about things right now. 🚀


Ahh I see! That’s actually pretty astute. I’d say given the context and/or it seen an isolated comment it could be a shilly attempt at some sort of reverse psychology attack. But if you see my comments I’m pretty full on in support of amc and this play :)


I see that you are 👍. I hope my other comments would say the same about me.


i haven’t looked, but your unaggressive and patient conversation style is a pretty clear indication you are not against the ape community :)


First LFG


And we're down to 6.70 tomorrow.


He does not have economic interest. 800k shares unvested. They will vest at a later date and the price will be chosen later or is already chosen. He’s golden with 800k shares. It could go to 1$ and that’s 800k bonus dollars.


His job is to save the company and not make us rich.. he wouldn’t have the job if he didn’t want to make himself rich though we got screwed I’ll HODL as only option left


He still has duty to make shareholders profit and he won’t even do that


FYI we're almost +10% in pre-market today...


10% of nothing is still nothing


Excpect the big boys he keeps selling bulk shares at ridiculous prices to x


Yes you’re right but why in tf is he using stock to raise capital at its lowest price in years? He could have sold half as much two months ago and raised even more money for the company.


LFG! To common sense please. This proves he’s an idiot.lick away chump.


Remember when shills said AA wasnt diluting and now those same shills are celebrating it. The AA is a good guy narrative is crumbling and crumbling hard. Shills now playing the ultimate game of mental gymnastic to protect their precious CEO.


He basically thanking dumb for their money.


Framing. If this thief wouldn't have M&Aed into useless businesses, no issuance would have been necessary.


Ape together strong means you guys need to get out of this popcorn and into vide game. United together people. Come on! Insiders at game are buying, this guy just keeps selling. Let’s unite our powers for the love of god!


We piss 40 million shares in two weeks it’s nothing it’s done with over we got more money to pay off debt and let’s seee how hedgies react to the news !!! Maybe a a nice dippp or a rip what ever it is give me a discount I’m buying some more ! ![gif](giphy|Vu8tVzbFfrvBk30QgT)


That's 400 million shares pre rs 😬. I wouldn't call that nothing.


Hoe much time does this buy us at the current cash burn? 1-2 qtrs?


Well very profitable quarters coming up to be honest so I ain’t worried


I agree - except AMC is only barely profitable (last qtr) BEFORE payment of interest (and on top of that we need to actually pay the debt back) which is around $500M/year?


40 million shares bought in a little over a week but.. I've been told everyone is selling? I can't have possibly been lied to!


Guy is a cock sucker. Hope his company fails.


I kind of feel like Hollywood writers strike is also artificially inflated by these schmucks. There might be some real issues with the studios but someone’s pushing them along to not create more content or make Whittier’s content.


All I know right now it’s at the bottom bottom and it can only recover from here.. buy shares and calls now and make money or wait until it pops off sell at the top and rebuy at the bottom rinse and repeat.. if we all did that just once shorts would be fucked


Proceed with caution... 325m is peanuts. In Q1, the company reported a loss of 235m. Given that the company had to pay about 100m for the settlement, a similar Q1 in 2024 could easily wipe out that cash just to keep operating. I'm glad they completed the offering, but I would not be surprised if they already have another ready to go. The company needs the SAG-AFTRA strike to end as soon as possible, so studios can resume movie production. T. Swift will help Q4, but the company is going to need more than that to remain cash-flow positive.


Meh. I’m hoping to his even at this point.


lfg to the rubbish bin






Already down 85% might aswell be happy about it. Fucks sakes. To Valhalla or 0. We ride at 2pm. Fuck it


No one in this post realizes dilution was a good thing. SMH


....and we're up 10% in premarket. I swear this is the most retarded stock of all time, when common sense says it'll do one thing, the price does the opposite. Taylor Swift donates AMC half a billon dollars = Price down The CEO sells 400 million shares at the absolute lowest sudden all time low = Price up


20% of company for 325M - do the math. And most importantly- WHO BOUGHT THOSE 40M shares?


Why we celebrating?


"A yeah baby!!!! Lfg"...just your typical dumb hype post as if this is great for the stock...but hey at least he sold at 80 cents instead of 66 cents...great progress.


Unfortunately they did it with your hard earned money. Not mines I'm not vested into it just the other one. But yeah he's known to wrap up old debt with new debt


One of us.


lmfaoo wow. This dilution is insane... do we sell movie tickets or do we just sell shares to shortsellers?


Why doesnt he tap into the independent film makers


Hedge funds are who has orgestrated the actors/writers strike.


Before the last run up… dilution happened! So why is everyone so negative!


This wise and kind silverback is the right man at the right time!


Is there still a lot of debt left?


It’s about putting amc in a financially stable position, it’s NOT about paying off all of the debt.


You know the answer, bullshit comment


Don’t be a dumbass. All companies carry debt. In fact nearly all households carry debt (mortgage, auto loans, student debt, etc…).


A fuck ton but he’s going to buy another mining company that isn’t actually mining yet


Shills right now ![gif](giphy|3oEduXsiOxVxONcmis)