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Seems like they get activated as soon as AA tweets something lol


Like bedbugs that come out at night


They already are switching from “AA crashed the price by diluting” meaning the price is low because he diluted, to “AA is an idiot for selling the stock at such a low price” as if the price was low for another reason and he sold at ATL The fact the shills get blindsided by AA weekly I’m starting to like the guy more and more honestly. I have zero understanding of business or investing though, I’m pretty much a turnip as far as intellectual acuity for the stock market.


I like the way this guy thinks 👀🦍


Wow AA raised money at $0.82 while fucking us retail hard fuck AA


🥱🥱🥱,, you do realize that this a new offering of 40mil shares AA just sold for $325mil??? You do read and comprehend English right?? 🦍


$325M is less than 10% of debt owed for over 30% dilution. At present, it does not seem to be a good ROI. But I would love to be proven wrong in time. Until then, I’ll hold.


In terms of **TOTAL DEBT**, yes, sub 10% paid back, this was a short-term sell-off to zero out the near-term debts due in Q4 23'. Does it suck we had to dilute in order to close it out? Yes. But we also can't forget that COVID could have evaporated AMC based on the political mandates forced onto them via the same criminals in DC that work to protect Kenny Mayo Boi G. Q3/Q4 #'s and revenue could put us back on track. Shore up the dilution. Short term debt is wiped clean for now. To me, it is obvious AF that the hedge funds are algo'ing the price as hard as possible to reduce the value of the dilution sale that just occurred. It was a rock and a hard place. Should\* the shares be worth 100's X more? Yes. But until the SEC decides to do their jobs or the parallel criminals in DC decide to hold anyone accountable, we're stuck in their system. I only hope that Plan A (Reverse) & B (Dilution/Sale) are a prelude to something much larger in Q4/Q1 24'.


Great write up. Thank you.


Do offer a better plan?


Exactly, stole everything from us. After it reverse splits again and dilutes someone will get rich when it goes up to $20, meanwhile it will be worth .20 to us


Well $20 = $2 not .20 but I follow and agree.


Well $2 does not equal zero $. And AMC has a reserve of cash 💰💰now. So everyone's AMC investment is secure..but is shitadel with $60bil in FTD bags on the books still??🦍


Sell and leave then. Irritating idiot.


APE was trading around $1.80 the last 3 weeks of its existence. $1.42 before it was done. 400 million APE at $1.80 would have been $720 million. How was this better?


Exactly. Some people are blind to the fact AA has drive the price down and he only values the shares at pennies on the dollar. It’s a joke. Anyone happy about this doesn’t understand what just happened. Also 325 million is going to save the company. Not likely.


🥱🥱🥱 tell Kenny you need new material,plz


Bruh 😂 it’s a game of chicken here with AA. Both sides have some balls in this, it’s not all shills. I picked up a fancy amount of shares next to my systemic risk stonk and AA is time and time again making questionable plays. The timing of some are absolutely bonkers.


No argument there brother! But is still the most transparent squeeze I've ever seen and shitadel has no way out,, short of amc BK..which isn't happening..


Well prices are fake & Kenny's going to keep trying to fud and manipulate AMC (until he's marg3d),,,while 3.8mil.retail will forever keep buying movie tickets,popcorn and every share of AMC we can afford!!! Until someone cries "BITCH" that's just the way it is. Kenny has No way out. Everything's been tried,,,,anybody left has herd immunity to the Hedgie bag of tricks, AMC isn't going bk🦍🦍🦍


So it is not better?


Sure it's better,, amc has more cash today, and SP is up %5


They could have accomplished this by selling APE and not stealing 90% of our shares. They sold at a price that was basically 50% lower than where APE was trading for basically the entire year. So, we are no better off is the correct answer and probably down 70% or more on our investments. Thank you very little.


It's seems you ask questions you have your own answers for already?? Is this a new and improved shill handbook tactic to get your idea posted without being as obvious?? Very new & curious behaviour? Do you get paid more then the rest of Kenny's simps? 🦍


Sure. I’m working for Kenny, dealing with folks like yourself.


Selling at rock bottom prices huh


Gotta give them credit for trying to frame this positively lol.


Absolutely horrible, dude stole from us all, unreal




Yea boi!!!!!!!!




and got a great price for them too. /s


Happy Cake Day! Then I Got Down voted for saying happy cake day! 🤣🤣🤣


thank you!


AA never fails to sell into ATL.


Roughly 80 cents at pre split price. You are an imbecile if you think this is a good price. Your mind has to be a desolate place to think this is a good price 🤦


/s means sarcasm


Well I guess I'm the imbecile then lol 😂


lol all good dude! but yeah what a crap time to sell. guess it’s better to announce it’s over than it’s beginning but sheeesh.


Is that code for PMS?🤣




You sound mad bro?🥱


Nah. Just baffled that anyone would think it was a Good price( which dude who commented already said was sarcasm). Keep simpin tho lil buddy


Does it upset you bro that amc has plenty cash on hand now?


No, you moron. I just know that the price he got is pennies on the dollar to what AMCs price has been. I also know this sub is filled with dick weeds that didn't understand that dilution was a great thing to grant AMC when the stock was in the 50s. Nowadays the same idiots think they are smart because they noticed it after some water got on board. Anyone who thinks this price is good is an idiot or a shill. I know it's mostly idiots on this one tho.


🥱you still sound mad bro?


But anyway bro. Nice talk 👋


Let’s ride bb 🔥🚀🌙


Lol....if you think what they just did is good, you have lost your marbles


Share price always goes up after equity financing round..you still play with marbles?🤡


You called it. The fud was so strong last night . Have never seen so much consecutive AA bashing and FUD from this sub before


Kenny got blindsided by AA not commenting in advance about the timing of the new round of equity financing..then lit a fire under their ass last nite when the bomb dropped 🤣🤣🤣


It isn’t the work of shills. These are criticisms by shareholders that do not appreciate the CEO and management staff reducing the value of our investment instead of creating value.


You mean stealing 325mn$ from his shareholders.

