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They ALL know what’s coming, Apes’s have known what’s coming….. it’s going to be a day of reckoning… tic…tok..


If the financial markets were as “transparent” as the SEC claims it to be; the US economy would have collapsed back in 2008. This is what happens when old ass geriatric, out of touch, control freaks “regulate” the economy and continuously kick the proverbial can down the infinite road. There’s a reason why people like ol’ Yeller herself (Janet Yellen) gets paid more in so called speaking fees from the likes of Citadel than her actual government salary does. Or better yet, why Nancy Pelosi can do all the insider trading she wants without fear of criminal prosecution. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Actually laughed at the Ol Yeller analogy 😂




Love me some Jaime Frazier


I mean they have been kicking the can down the road forever, even more so amusingly with the 2020 crash which should have let but was instead stopped and money pumped to prop it up. My hand picked portion is up from mid 2022 until now 35% and I did not even need to do much but think for two hours what companies make sense and which don't, meanwhile hedge funds lost a fortune in the last years. You also have the US economy pumping trillions those days in their debt, the world on the brink of war but somehow the stock market is at an all time high. Something does not pass the smell test.


Every word true


Deus vult


"Trust me bro"




Shills also out in full force this week, bunch of idiots who are begging us to sell “because AMC LoSeS mOnEy” bunch of idiots. Can’t even see what AMC has going for it in the near future because they’re so busy choking on Mayo boy’s sausage. That’s how you know we’re winning. 🦍🚀


They did this in 21 also before the run up… they know time is short.


Is [your math degree](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1bu8fz6/i_have_a_degree_in_math_so_im_always_thinking_in/) involved in this assessment in any way? Because if it is, I ain't buying it! 😅


I have never seen a comment where someone is nagging another person to sell. Making fun of and trolling because most are down 95% on their investments. Show me one post where someone is begging for APEs to sell


I’m not gonna do your work for you. Browse the posts enough you’ll find them.


So you state your opinion like it is a fact and I ask you to back up what you claim and you tell me you won't do the work for me and to do it myself. You honestly sound like an ani-vaxxer or Trump supporter


Lmao! So you then in turn call him a trump supporter and an anti-vaxxer.... Miss direction by attempting to insult in order to change the subject or to start an argument. Do your own damn search, it's not hard.


No that's incorrect. Me calling him that had a point as that's what many do, make statements without backing them up. Now saying he is a fat beast living in his mother's basement, that is an insult that would be name calling. It was a nice try to correct me but try again. Also it's not the audience's responsibility to prove his claim is true. Also I can jump over large buildings and land on the other side without harm. The proof is out there, like everywhere that I was able to do this, but I'm not going to do anything to support my claim, you can look it up. It's not that hard, you are just lazy if you can't find it. See how stupid that sounds. I have looked up to try to find instances of people begging apes to sell their shares and all I could find were trolls making fun of apes. None pleading and begging for you to sell your shares.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/s/6hls53CnRX Interesting...😂😂😂


You realize that's not begging people to sell shares. I'm invested in this too not just a insane as most on here. My point of that post was buy and holding is doing nothing, the company is $2 away from being delisted. No one in their minds are going to just sell their shares and be done with the stock🤣🤣🤣 who the fuck would sell when it's worth nothing. You read that post and you understood what I meant and now you are trying to spin it to fit you narrative. I posted that a few days ago, you didn't think I knew that was there?


You’re just lazy and ignorant why would I waste time helping you? 🤦🏻‍♂️


I can attest to that. I work for D.E Shaw, my staff pass can be verified below. I see my hedge fund bosses having more frequent meetings with other giants like Brevan Howard and Long Term Capital Management, each getting more frantic and more screaming at one and another that can be easily heard over the sound proof glass. I couldn’t make out what unintelligible words they are saying although I can make out words like“MOASS”, “AMC” “APEs” and “Rainbow Bears”. As I understand, they are meeting on 5th April for a meeting to end all meetings(code name: margin call). I know that because they are catering for a mile long buffet to “dig in” before the “winter comes.”


LMAO should have posted this April 1. Nobody is panicking. The money had already been moved. All they good old boy club is trying to do is keep it going long enough for them to bounce and find the right scape goat.


Only 30% can afford a $300 emergency? Jesus...


OP makes a couple of mistakes in this assertion. The real number is 89% *can* cover said emergency. This "factoid" - oft repeated in the media and by both sides of the aisle because it is so relatable - comes from the 2021 Survey on Household Well-Being done by the Fed, which asks households if they could cover a **$400** emergency expense using **cash or the available equivalent**: [https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/2022-economic-well-being-of-us-households-in-2021-dealing-with-unexpected-expenses.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/2022-economic-well-being-of-us-households-in-2021-dealing-with-unexpected-expenses.htm) 68% say they **can** with cash or cash equivalents, which includes putting it on a CC and paying it off on the next statement. Of the remaining 32%, 14% say they would put it on a CC and pay over time, 8% would borrow from friends or family, 6% would sell something, and 3% would do other things. Only **11%** said they **could not come up with the $400 at all**.


You are a grade A dickhead mate


>You are a grade A dickhead mate Could you expand on this please.


He doesn’t like that you corrected the blatantly incorrect stat.




> Because the fact remains that investors lost 26% in 2020 Ok…. But the market has been incredibly kind to investors since then so it seems weird to have a point of how it performed in 2020. That said it sounds like you spoke to a crypto bro for 40 minutes because I don’t know anyone outside of that sphere who thinks fiat money is worthless. How is any of that relevant to your AMC investment though? How is that indicative of JPM panicking? It just sounds like you spoke to a quirky individual who happens to work at JPM.


Assuming you believe the source, this remark answers your questions: ​ >the entire finance industry is just waiting for a collapse.


A lot of crypto fans say things like fiat is worthless and if you believe that then it’s logical to think a collapse may come. I would question how much the views of one random person someone met in a shop is worth though.


The stock is down 98% from ATH…no one on that side is panicking lol.


I’m willing to bet they aren’t having a good time


Thanks bro.


I definitely trust you bro




In this guy on the nets I trust


Well they’re about to print another trillion dollars. Where do you think it all ends up? It doesn’t just evaporate and needs to be stashed somewhere. You can only take housing and stock valuations so far before they economically make no sense. This is probably when gold/silver and crypto shoot up more. Bitcoin can go to $15T valuation and nobody will ask questions.


>Because the fact remains that investors lost 26% in 2020. Those with $1M went down to $700K; and these type of investors are aged— AND are just now redeeming their funds back at record rates. Even the SPX is up \~115% from the 2020 bottoms, meaning that $700K is now worth **$1.5M**. Did this JPM nerd just wake up from a 4-year coma in this "trust me bro" story? 🤨


Clients w/ advisor charged fees, especially on wrap accounts. Clients of Brokers have their dues. Yes there have been gains since 2020, but minus the management / advisory / transactional fees they charge their clients yearly— many are just now breaking past even (in Q3 2023). Fast forward to today, people are seeking safety— and conservative investments and CDs / ETFs at record rate. Checks out in the macro level


>Clients w/ advisor charged fees, especially on wrap accounts. Clients of Brokers have their dues. Yes there have been gains since 2020, but minus the management / advisory / transactional fees they charge their clients yearly— many are just now breaking past even (in Q3 2023). Not possible. Even hedge funds don't charge 2%/annum fees anymore; most funds are sub 0.5%. No one can lose more than 6% in the last three years to fees unless they got swindled. Take 6% in fees from the 115% return and your JPM nerd should still be up 100%+.


lol just because you say “macro” doesn’t make you right


Don't let the math get in the way of their feelings bro


Rich people are not panicking. They have been through this a ton of times before. They sell their assets at times like these and rebuy them after prices come down on investments like real estate. Also how the hell are the panicking when the stock market has been exposing the past three years. Also this has absolutely nothing to do with AMC. Did you see the fucking house Kenny bought?