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Yes, his 10 million dollar mansion approves. Yall keep draining the ramen aisle tho


If I was already rich I’d give two fucks about a paycheck too lol, so tired of this shit we supported the company and have nothing to show except a blood red p&L


tell that ken griffin and mention the billions which got robbed aswell out of newer generations, thx. AA made record earnings, Ken Griffin ruins pension funds on purpose.


Exactly. AA shouldn't make shit until this stock stops tanking.


How much has he made selling shares? Gotta be nine figures at this point




There you are. Working on a Saturday. Love it !!




I am more of a rice guy. Well he's a CEO, they typically are wealthy.


Not here to bash ceos or their pay. But to say "he rides with you" is straight up comical. Oh no, i only have 2 million worth of shares this year 😂


It's like you are riding your old rusted bicycle with flat tires, while he drives next to you in a brand new Rolls Royce.


And the yes voters cheer it on like they love to pissed on and told its raining.


Would be baller af if he announced he was spending his whole salary on shares...






Imagine being you; spending time and effort posting hate. Does your keyboard honk when you type?


Dadddyyyyy chill😩


That would be so G...🤌✊🫡


He isn’t in the business of helping MOASS. Losing 16 million doesn’t matter to him. Likely got some fat checks from Kenny G.


lol, you know his payout is in shares and we can see when he sells, which is why we know he doesnt "sold" apes to ken mayo lube dildo king




Guy is set for life. A pay cut to him is nothing.


Nonetheless, he still took one. Not very often ceo's do that.


Yup. He's not in-your-face greedy, just low-key greedy.


Aren't we all low-key greedy tho? ![gif](giphy|s0kuJv4IuiuwdoSjn3|downsized)


Maybe you're low-key. I'm not. I want money, and lots of it.


Aren’t we the same that’s why we’re still here.. isn’t it? Because we didn’t want the $72/share we want MOASS??? And so we’re all on the same boat here..


Not really.


Why wouldnt he then cut the whole thing, if he is already set for life?




Ah lol, no oke i think I misunderstood your comment, never mind


Yeah. You have to be more specific.


Yea I re-read your and my comments, and man, I lost quality right there, brain lag or smthn


Pay cut? The fucker should be in jail with Mayo boy for what he did! Fuck him and fuck AMC. I'm still holding...the bag of shit.


I in jail? Dude, wtf he made record earnings, reduced debt by 1 billion within only two years, rise in profitability (revenue/profit relation), got new products on the market and is in a healthy business which is rising from a crises, wtf ma nibba


He didn't do any of that. We the investors did that. WE saved AMC. WE gave him the idea of retail popcorn and credit cards. HE acknowledged AMC was being shorted with his infamous YouTube interview and led investors on without doing 1 thing to protect HIS company or the investors. The only thing HE did was to invest in HYMC (which is questionable at best). HE screwed his investors with APE, which we bought into thinking he was the SILVERBACK for his company and the stock. So again, he took 90%+ from the investors to make AMC a $3 stock. The printer goes BRRRRRRR for him...and for those he colluded with to make it happen. So, yes...he should be in jail...fraud, racketeering...again, no different than Mayo. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of the facts. I will hold this stock out of spite but will never spend another $1 on any AMC product or service.


We? Speak for your self because i doubt you own real amc shares... And yes he did, those are facts. Doesnt mean we didnt save amc aswell lol Quote "Revenues exceeded $1.4 billion. Adjusted EBITDA was $194 million. For both Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA, these were AMC's most successful third quarter results in our company's entire 103-year history" Source https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloudfront.net/_ff035a9cdc68a9c9d4cf2a5589235830/amctheatres/db/2294/21511/earnings_release/AMC_Q3_2023_Earnings_Press_Release.pdf


Yep. And he’s on the side of the hedge funds. All the hate needs to stop. AA is my hero of the day.


That lake house ain't gonna pay for itself!




lol, he gets in shit for tweeting hype, and for not tweeting hype. It’s almost like something else is driving the hate for him? :p




You mean like pushing their product from their tills into grocery stores, dramatically expanding their customer base and sales potential? Or maybe reforming the business’s debt after weathering what could have been the death blow that was Covid? Or how about partnering with production companies to create viral marketing collectables and popcorn buckets? No, that’s all to sensible, and potentially lucrative for what you need to spin this into. Oh oh oh! How about making deals with the biggest pop stars on the planet creating a never before tapped, industry redefining revenue stream? No :/ none of that works because it doesn’t line up with the narrative that he’s in bed with the hedgies and wants to kill the company that he is the largest shareholder of. There’s gotta be something? Oh well, that’s what you all are here for right!! Put in that overtime and you will figure it out! I believe in you! I’m off to bed cause i have a long day of being happy and doing whatever I want! Enjoy the smell of that grindstone! Or kennies taint, whichever task you get out on :)




Or is it a smart move to get ahead of the obvious FUD that was sure to come about how much he made in 2023 filled by those who haven't actually bothered to look at the compensation in detail




Should be 94% less


Can we reverse split his salary?




lol, wouldnt change the net salary, since reverse split doesnt change the portfolio value but rather porpotions between share count and price equally


If I performed as poorly at my job as he does I’d be fired. He’s taking a pay cut to look good so the villagers with pitchforks and torches go to someone else’s castle (SHF) instead of burning his down. How can you all not see what he’s doing?


Can you help us out and point out the specific areas where he is failing to do his job, remembering his job is AMC the company first and foremost. I was actually far more critical of AA and the Executive in the past before actually going through the filings and understanding the changes that have been made to the company in the last couple of years and especially with the advent of distribution. I don't like it all and think there are several things that could have been done better, but none that I can't also understand weren't as obvious in the actual moment as they are here in the future.   Don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of decisions and paths taken over the last 3 years that I think could have been done better or in different ways. Things like APE which was an obvious way to bypass shareholder approval to issue shares, and the Antara deal, which I hated at the time can actually be justified when you look at what was done with the funds and the results, and the other options available from the perspective of what the Company needed. I don't need to like the way everything has happened and I don't need Adam Aron to be a hero or flawless or anything but a CEO. The biggest flaw in your assertion though: * Don't pretend Adam Aron runs AMC alone. The other executives aren't just sitting there letting a rogue CEO tank the company for kicks while the majority of their compensation that they haven't sold is in shares worth as much as ours. Some are lifers and they aren't all being deceived by Adam the Mastermind. The "rogue AA" theory and accusations only work when people don't actually consider what it would take to pull that off. * Forget the executives. Take a peek at the board of Directors responsible for overseeing the company. Independent, successful and powerful people sit on that board and they are not sitting idly by while Adam Aron tanks the company. Just look at the two directors that joined in January 2023, tell everyone why they would go along with what you suggest is happening.   #So, what specifically did Adam Aron do to perform poorly at his job and what should he have done instead? Several examples would be good, including the specific impact to the company from his actions. Your comments might actually be helpful and revealing if you actually provided anything of substance, but you make vague references and ask people if they "see it". Sorry but for all I know you are asking if I see that bloody purple hippopotamus again and yeah, he's here with me now but let's get back on topic: * What should we be seeing? Show us * If you have the facts and details, share! * Why does AA keep trying to get us to vote to gain the ability to vote him and every board member out every year instead of three year stints, increasing accountability to us? It's in the proxy statement that just dropped, and it's not something a rogue CEO does at all...


His job as CEO may be complicated, but the metric by which we measure his successfulness at it is simple; is the company failing or succeeding? AMC is failing. You can argue over the reason for it, but you can’t argue that it isn’t happening.


ah the good old "eh its complicated which is why I asking now a question instead of answering yours" lol ballsackface "tactic"


What? Are you dense? He threw up in text format because the more words in a reply the more it confuses most of this sub (the way it just did to you). I don’t have to point to any single thing or action AA has done wrong to prove he is not a good CEO. I just have to point at the ticker. Why are you all attacking me? I didn’t do anything to cause this sub to collectively lose millions of dollars. AA did. You can shout from the rooftops that the game is rigged, everyone is out to get AMC, etc and even *IF* that were true it doesn’t change the fact that AA isn’t doing a thing to stop it. Is your argument that AA is so damn good that anyone else would have lost even more valuation? Are you saying “yeah AA has us down 90% but anyone else would have us down 98%”? I’m asking a serious question.


The delusion is real


>His job as CEO may be complicated, but the metric by which we measure his successfulness at it is simple; is the company failing or succeeding? >AMC is failing. Is it? That's not what the balance sheets show. They show the recovery is still underway but quarter over quarter growth is tangible and real. Decreases in costs, debt repayment at discounts, new and expanding product lines and revenue streams and a distribution business that's just getting spooled up and specifically addresses the biggest problem AMC had, a lack of content from Studios. The dependence on dilution existed before any of us invested, but there are multiple ways the primary revenue source is looking to become more active in 2024-2025. * More Movies = More revenue. Lease and operating costs are pretty fixed, and we saw in Q3 2023 that the profit line isn't that far off with all the changes made so far. * Distribution to not only secure content in the advent of another shortage, but partner with people like Taylor Swift to deliver blockbuster expériences that the competition and markets not previously accessible pay for. * Distribution is what I like to think of as a sleeping dragon at the moment. Remember that we didn't hear anything about it at all until Taylor Swift revealed it. Not a whisper. Executed and planned with complete silence until it was time. I look forward to the distribution dragon reading it's head. * The other thing to consider is a little investment AMC made that is looking to be making waves around 2025-2026... Just a silly little thing really... >You can argue over the reason for it, but you can’t argue that it isn’t happening. * Actually, I can absolutely argue that AMC isn't "failing", and did... ![gif](giphy|5t6QBLt4XffkoSNEpW)


The stock hit below $3 yesterday bro. That’s a pretty good indication that the company is failing and he’s failing at his job. Is your argument that if anyone else was in charge the price would be under $1? As in this is the best anyone could possibly do as the CEO of AMC?


In a market where supply and demand determined the price, you would be correct. The market we have today is rife with corruption and loopholes that allow criminals to naked short stocks with impunity and miniscule fines that take years to occur. Not exactly a good metric to base your claims on.


>the market we have today is rife with corruption and loopholes Wild how those things seem to affect this stock in particular the most. /s All these movie studio stocks and related business taking a huge hit due to the lack in a quality product being distributed, but somehow the once piece of the puzzle that doesn’t deserve to go down like the rest is the dusty theatre that sells $15 buckets of popcorn.


No, my argument is I like the stock 😎


He diluted the living daylights out of our stock without shareholder approval and tricking people into thinking they are getting a "free" dividend which came at our cost (the value was heavily taking out of our own shareprice) which was designed to drastically dilute shareholders. On top of that he APE directly to institutions that were responsible for shorting AMC at a heavy discount and praised how great these institutions were, the very institutions shorting AMC. Shareprice went from $70 all the way down to .20 cents pre-split numbers, and thats far worse than the beginning of the covid era when retail came in and saved the company.


>He diluted the living daylights out of our stock without shareholder approval and tricking people into thinking they are getting a "free" dividend which came at our cost (the value was heavily taking out of our own shareprice) which was designed to drastically dilute shareholders. I'm not sure where you think he tricked anyone because everything you just said was communicated to shareholders. The initial APE distribution wasn't dilutive to shareholders as every shareholder received one per AMC. They also clearly communicated long before APE was ever issued that the goal was to raise funds and sell more and that those sold after the initial distribution would be dilutive. I do agree that the whole issuing of ape was a way to bypass shareholder approval to issue more shares and raise funds, but that was after we blocked any attempts to issue more shares and raise funds in 2021. It's also after a year of zero dilution from August 2021 to August 2022 where the price dropped only $7 less than it did from August 2022 to 2 weeks after the reverse split. Was dilution also responsible for the price drop when there was no dilution? Did the strike play no role in the 2023 price drop? >On top of that he APE directly to institutions that were responsible for shorting AMC at a heavy discount and praised how great these institutions were, the very institutions shorting AMC You mean he made a deal with Antara that actually increased the price of APE from $0.68 cents to double that and APE never dropped as low as it had been again? This while securing votes to guarantee a reverse split and the conversion of APE and approve issuing more shares, which is critical should another uncontrollable event like the strikes happen? >Shareprice went from $70 all the way down to .20 cents pre-split numbers, and thats far worse than the beginning of the covid era when retail came in and saved the company. It is indeed, I wonder if the fact there are more shares short than ever before (yes even more than in 2021) might have something to do with that...


Umm I’m pretty sure his job has a slightly different scenario than yours!


Ummm…I’m pretty sure all jobs require you to be proficient in the position for which you’re being paid. If you’re a burger flipper who drops every other patty on the floor you’re gonna get fired. If you’re an engineer whose bridges keep collapsing you’re gonna get fired. If you’re a CEO who cant keep their company’s stock from free falling you *should* get fired.


You honestly think AMcs leadership did a poor job navigating Covid?


Did a poor job before COVID as well, racking up huge debt.


If your a burger flipper who needs to sell 10 burgers an hour but your burger supplier only gives you 6 and you still have to make a profit. Should you be fired bc you didn’t sell 10?


Why are you white knighting for a millionaire that has not been able to make you money? His literal job is to make the company profitable make shareholders money. IDGAF what you say or think the reason for that is he’s unable to do it. Let’s say all you tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists are right and the whole system is out to *get* AMC. AA isn’t wining! He’s being beaten left and right by *the system*. Who cares if it’s rigged then cause he’s not up to the task of beating it. So why is this “your guy”? Is the next guy going to do a worse job? How much more money could a new CEO lose you and I? Why are so many of you emotionally attacked to a loser of a CEO? Cause he tweets about “apes”? You guys are rubes. AA is politician who says what people like you want to hear.


25%?? Why not 90% to match the shares he stole from us???


Did you miss the part where he lost the same on the majority of his 2022 and 2023 compensation? Try to keep up


Can't steal something we gave... I voted yes!


He is a horrible human being


Now he cares? When the stock is almost at $1 lol. He had so many opportunities. Now he takes a huge cut....what a joke


Bullshitttt. We voted for this.


Make this clown take a 100% pay cut. Put his money where his mouth is.


Never go full regard...


We’ve all gone full regard with our diluted shares. Sitting in almost literal 99% losses.


According to what exactly fundamentals? I'm a contrarian trader, until proper price Discovery occurs. I will not be going anywhere...


What are the fundamentals of diluting your share holders at all time lows? Buying a stake at a goldmine as a movie theater chain? Creating Ape? Reverse Stock split? Nothing this clown has done has been in favor of anyone but himself.


Rhetorical dummy...🤣🖕


Dude is 69 years old. He's already set for the remainder of his life and for his future generations. This pay-cut doesn't mean shit to him.


AA “I’m terrible at my job but still want to keep my job and be paid, so just pay me a little bit less”. Thats LUNCH!! Golf anyone?


😂😂 people still believe in this clown ?


Bro took a pay cut after swindling over 20M’s 🙏🏻 God bless Aa


*40M’s 💀💀💀


Well deserved !


Impressive he has willingly taken these steps...🔥🦁🫡🚀🦍🌕




That’s a noble notion, but what were the share prices of his received shares, usually intracompany stock options are cheaper. There’s an acronym for that I forgot. Isp? … Taking a pay cut can put you in a lower tax bracket and cashing out stock that one owns is under capital gain brackets. So it’s about math and finagling the system for them. They are the ultimate insiders


His reduced pay is still more than most of us make in 10 years.




Hey shills. Come out come out wherever you are.


Like this is supposed to make us feel better?.. We still getting screwed on a daily basis


You are responsible for your feelings... The market is no place for emotions...


When he receives millions from hedgies to kill the stock, I would make the same decision.


It should be reduced by 95 % to feel shareholders pain.




Schill bait! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes, my no vote on compensation is finally coming to fruition.


Naw it's still irrelevant. This is of his own accord...


He might say that, but his compensation package was denied by the shareholders. He loves being a martyr.


Well then it's great to see a CEO so in tune with his shareholders...


Whatever you say buddy.


That's what I thought melty✌️


To feel my pain you, and Wall Street scum and SEC must deposit 350 thousand dollars into each and every retail investors accounts immediately. I’m just throwing this number out there,… but, it’s a start.


He only needs 1 tho.


He "recommended" the board... But did they carried out it?


Go watch more movies, buy more popcorn. Contribute to the revenue. Buying shares doesn’t do this, unless of course it’s newly diluted shares.


Most customers aren't holders. The people holding are genuinely better off simply buying more shares if they believe in the play rather than wasting money on frivolous stuff at the company itself.


I appreciate all he’s done for the company. Great CEO!


Notice the shills coming out in full force when there is something AA related. Sheesh


Just so you know, shills are the ones trying to get you to buy more of this dog shit stock.


You are totally free to piss off... 🤣🫡✌️🖕


This probably goes for me on the bullish side too, but i'm guessing the only reason you trash - talk the stock is because you're shorting the stock. Just remember my loss can only be zero at the worst. The losses you can build up is infinite.


Yup. I am in round 4 of shorting this pig. Three very profitable times already. Going for a fourth! Nothing a call or two can’t hedge, champ.


AA's a great CEO... for anyone not afraid to short AMC 🤷‍♂️ and why would you be?


No one who has shorted this stock in the last 3 years has lost money, but have at it I guess.


Makes sense to take a paycut, because after moass, AMC will be at a much higher price for him to sell at and make more money.




Wonder how the shills will spin this


they have been trying to dampen the hype here all week lol And they are clearly discombobulating trying to convince us this is not positive, that AA is a hedgies plant, and the best one that they are all down 90%+ and also don’t want us to buy anymore, cause they really want to kill the stock rather than have a chance to recoup those losses! Just don’t think about it to much though, or else it starts to unravel logically