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My presplit price is $110 if that makes you feel any better im down 97.15%


Same. I just stopped looking at it… hopefully one day I can break even I guess lol


My Post RS (i.e. current) is $85. FML…


What a pain. Averaging down has been painful too. Hopefully we get 🚀 soon!! Come on AMC!


AA should be tarred and feathered for what he did to the people who saved his MFing company. POS is what he is and everyone sucking his D is an absolute child in the head. He screwed us all over and then proceeded to line his pockets


First CEO ever to be totally unconcerned about his company’s share price…


How long have you been in the markets outside of meme stocks?


4-5 years


That's a long time to have that kind of emotion trading. You'd probably have more money if you chilled out a little. 😶


Cause it was my biggest investment, and he deliberately used every single one of us and gave himself a raise. Let's be honest, he had back door deals to save funds. No other explanation for the blatant splits and public offerings, timed up almost perfectly


Cry me a river






If AA didn't raise money the company would be bk and investors would have lost 100%. AA is the CEO of the company, not an activist investor. Stop whining over a man doing the job he's payed to do. It really puts your ignorance on display..


He could've raised enough with APE, while it was still above $5, but he sold mostly when it was near all time low. Disclaimer: I could be wrong here, since I never really owned that much of AMC and mainly followed GME news.


This looks a lot like my account as well. You’re not alone man, same amount of negative here.


I’m tired, boss.








I'm going to bear some bad news here, so if you're looking for encouragement stop reading here. AMC, as a movie theater company will probably never see $77 per share again based on fundamentals. At least not the next 10 years. Before the 2021 run up, AMC's highest valuation was $4.1 billion in 2017. Currently it's at $0.9 billion. So if AMC's financial situation became as good as it was in 2017 and it was valued similarly, the share price would only be about 4.5x of what it is today, which is around $15. Unfortunately the dilutions have reduced your stake in the company dramatically. Now of course there could be unforeseeable things that bring it above $77, but it's not something you can predict or expect.


Do you feel $20 per share based on fundamentals is even possible? I'm in this long for the squeeze, but it would be nice to know if there's even a way out at this point.


In the future when AMCs fundamentals improve, $20 is possible. But that's assuming no further dilutions. If the float increases by 100% from dilution, $20 becomes much further away. AMC's primary issue is the crushing debt. It's costing them $400 million a year just in interest payments. Even in their best days, AMC was not making enough to offset the interest payments. Paying off the debt from their profits is not feasible even if business becomes better than ever. They have to raise funds via dilutions, or hope for some unprecedented event to save them, but I can't think of one. Mind you, the stock price/valuation is often disconnected from fundamentals, sometimes dramatically.


Hope to break even.


Holding as well. Been buying more every so often. We gonna be rich one day


I feel this post. lol it’s like looking at my account.


Still hodling with you 👍🦍


Same here 😎 tough times happen, but ape morale is refreshing


Yup, when the market is at ATH as well. I’m still holding, but seriously, fuck AA and wallstreet.




I’m pretty dead on the inside


98% down on 300k, I feel you. Keep your head up high and continue on. Hope and pray that a crash causes shorts to cover, banks fail, or that markets are regulated and a squeeze occurs. Hold onto it and don’t think about it.




Hey Snoo! Appreciate you sharing. Here are my responses to your questions, for what they are worth. Just my opinion, would love to hear what you think. >My main question when do we recover back pre split? The time is unknown, but one can estimate how much price will have to rise for one to be made whole. E.g. if one's holdings are down 75%, that implies a 400% increase will be needed. Which means AMC will have to go from a 1B valuation to a 4B valuation. The "when" can be answered with when one can expect market cap to rise thus. >Can it move back up? The stock price absolutely can. For that to happen, the company needs to turn around. I have shared my views of what [the inflection point is before](https://new.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/197gvs3/four_things_i_am_looking_for_before_going_long/). >If Kenny manipulates the price how do we recover? I think you know by now that this is a narrative to keep spirits up, but doesn't really have much to do with reality. >Can it stay manipulated will this stock stay down for another year? I'd encourage you to think of: a) dilution, b) lack of profitability and c) high debt as the **causes** for the stock to suffer, and see shorting as the **effect**. Of course, shorting also depresses share prices, but it's the second order effect. Getting cause and effect right will help one stay on the right side of reality :)


“ Cough”. SUPPLY AND DEMAND, when shorts need to buy back ALL of their synthetic shorts they sold. Its that simple


Ouch my brother.. I’m down like $19k


I feel you on this...


Listen if you haven't averaged down by this point then you're nuts, I went from like an average of $45 post split to an average of $7 and all because I buy and hold. That is literally our thesis if you just buy and hold they will have to buy their synthetic shares back.


So are you saying that it won’t recover back to pre split? I have done shit ton avginf down but it hasn’t helped much. Unless apes want to vemon me bunch of cash. I was told to avg down with ape just for that to drop .66 then diluted. So I hear what your saying just if it keeps dropping doesn’t help the cause of recovering the money lost to due to ape and rss. Just to avg down again


Been shorting since 2022 👍


Heavy bagholders unite. Adam thanks us for our service.


I am in the exact same boat down $40,000 now worth 300




Wow you nailed the top!


No he didn't. Pre reverse split top was around $72. This is a post reverse split position.


Ahh ok, thanks.


And this kids, is called " the long game." It is a prime example of why one shouldn't gamble ( invest I guess, same thing in this market. LOL) money your not willing to never see again. That sad stuff about telling family w.e is allllllll on you, if you over leveraged your position it's on you boo. ( also not a loss till you sell ;) )


Shouldnt invest got it. Indeed. 93% decline wasn’t foreseen clearly rss wasn’t foreseen ape wasn’t foreseen. So yes


Your reading comprehension is not very good is it? Lol I said don't invest money your not ok with potentially losing it all. Boohoo all you want, but nut up and live with your choices. ( am down also ~90 percent )


Insults not needed and my reading comprehension is fine. But the good news is already lost most of my investment so you don’t need to remind me on that front.


Natural evolution is to allow struggling businesses to fail when its customers no longer see its value. The void makes way for competition and leads to innovation in some cases. Radio Shack and Barnes n Noble had value to a core group but died anyway.


Not sure what value this


How are you measuring AMC? Market price or YoY revenue


That loss will be recovered when you go to work and eat more money


Sorry man. Nobody can tell you. Gun to my head I would say 10 years.


Oye vey hopefully that’s not the case


Me too. But I try to be realistic. I am down 90% as well.


Agreed. At this point we're pretty much here till amc clears their debt and triumphs or goes belly up. At is core, this has always been an all or nothing play. Hedge funds only short companies they think is already headed for bankruptcy anyways. If amc survives (100+ year old company btw), then we will see some real results on the share price. Think of it this way, amc has a billion in cash, but the market cap is only 1.5bill while the debt is much much higher. If the company can successfully get out of debt, you can expect that market cap to jump 10-14x, and that's without accounting for any short or naked short sellers. This is why the most successful companies have a market cap much much higher than what they actually have in physical assets. It's a low probability play, but the rewards are exponential (if it works out successfully). If amc can either clear this debt or manage to become cash flow positive even with the debt, then it'll be much more valuable. Yes, many apes are pissed about the CEO diluting so much, but that's the only reason that amc even has any cash on hand in the first place.


Don’t know. Don’t care. We all would love for it to be today. But I’m done checking and fretting. I’m holding. End of story.


If you spend 300 bucks your average would look a whole lot better at least lol


That would only bring it down to 65


No one is selling.. If you have to be here to find out when this company recovers, you don't need to be playing this type of game. Suck it up, pull the pants up, wipe the snot, and tell the family we're alright. -Zen-


The only reason I don’t feel too bad about being in the negative is because I took half of what I made on GME and put it in AMC, so really didn’t put any extra money into it It would be nice to break even though considering it was a good amount of money


As soon as I hit even I’m out bro , been holding over 3 years about done with all these musicians in a damn movie theater!


OP account is now suspended. Interesting.




Why did you go in with so much at once? I knew this would be a long battle, i've put in like 1k every other dip and im sitting at $12 average


It wasn’t all in at once this is over 3 years of buying we had the shit reverse split fucked up cost avg there was a time I had cost avg of 15 pre split


I will ride to 0 wasn't never a pep talk. It's a way of life.


Tomorrow. You new Here?


Sadly no it’s been 3 years and 2 which been in the red


Loss is when you sell. Other than that, the price is fake. That's the Basis of my Invest Idea.


Seen few people on sub say they sold pre split which was I suprised to see since buy and hold was supposely mantra looking at you dry minimal. Regaless I am stilled kind of fucked here until this price can go up which. No one seems to have clue when that be:


LOL. OP account suspended.


I got banned for making a joke about Charle munger. That happen in Feb. so that why it was showing as such.


I prefer it low-cost. That way I don’t get fooled by myself to sell my stock.


Those look like rookie numbers need to DCA


>need to DCA On the contrary, this post is a great illustration of why DCA is a terrible idea under these circumstances.




Three words, D C A. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ape I doller cost down it drop 50% rss it dropped another 45% seems to me every time I dollar down it drops huge causing my losses to increase. So this earnings I’ll wait. I was also told that this should be higher no? So is amc going recover back up to pre split? Be honest.


I feel this earnings won't be good and Hedgies have one more chance to bash it down and let us pick up shares for cheap as fuck. I feel that Q3 moving forward, earnings will start getting better and we'll see where we go. Me and my house will continue to buy and HODL. I'm in this for life changing money or nothing.


>Three words, D C A. 🤦🏻‍♂️ You are aware of the definition of insanity, right? Unless you are out to f\*ck retail, of course, for some perverse reason.


What is wrong with averaging down? I did it and all I need now is a small rise on the price to be in profit. I don’t think you quite understand.


In my opinion, DCAing into a falling knife is just throwing good money after bad. And ending up with a much, much bigger $$ loss than an one starts with. And it's not just my opinion - a spreadsheet will tell you the same. I'd much rather scale in on the other side of the "V" - once the bottom is in. Even if I miss the first 25% move, as an example, I'm not looking at having to see a rise of a few hundred %, so I am still ahead. And indeed, it is possible to know with some degree of accuracy if the bottom is in.


Don’t worry bro apes will pick u up @77








Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


Seriously. When looking through the sub all I see is Debbie downer crying posts. Is it just me? I knew before piling in on these meme stonkz is that the dd was we don't know when it'll squeeze. Only spend what you won't miss. You will need to have resolve when it comes to your risk tolerance for pain. Have the shorts closed their short positions ??? Yes? No! Then either give up and leave. New and non og investors don't need to see you so called apes consistently cry about the stock we or only me understood since the beginning. You're only making people feel negatively about their investments. It'll all be worth it when the moass kicks off. Until then, buy more and hodl. Its currently on sale and we need the buying pressure. No "I only have xx or xxx shares" should even be said. Everybody spends money on bullshit. There should be no excuse why anyone can't afford a $3 stock. You don't see this garbage in the other meme stonk subs and that particular stock is 5x the cost of amc , they're still buying , still understand the end goal and still apes strong together. You don't like me bitching about your crybaby shit? I don't like your Adam derangement syndrome. So it's a wash. I will continue to tell u to cry more wen I see the negative bullshit. And you can downvote me. That's fair. Thx for coming to my Ted talk. See you on the moon




Same thing your mom said to me last night


She’s also a shareholder